The  Preliminary  Preamble

  and or Preparatory



Poetically and Metaphorically.

From Here On,  I Want To Consider This Website To Be

Of Michael, The Archangels Battle Of Fighting 

To  Defeat The  Devil's  Evil  By  Writing,

But keep in Mind  that Evil Warns  From Many Forms 

To  Be  Aware    Of  Its  Snare    Of  Robbing

Your Soul    From Your Control.


Forewarning, I’m Sorry if I Offended and or Hurt Your Feelings In Advanced Due To My Straightforwardness Thereof This Overdue, Yet Urgent Subject Matter, But I’m Only Trying to Save the Souls of Human Beings “Including, Maybe Yours” From This Outcome of the Same Truth, Reality and Surrender to its Tempter of the Fruit and or  – From That Same Damn Wicked Tree – That Won't Set  Free From the Clutches of that,  As Written, because A Soul a Day  Will Console Him  To Stay! 


The Poetry Of Thy Kingdom Come

Proudly,  May Think Of Yourself As The Smartest Person On Planet Earth, But Humbly, If Are Wise You’ll Not Need To Be Smart, Because Smart Can MisLead  From One Lie Into Another Lie Until  Die Leading  To Wondering Why?, – But If  Are Wise It Can Lead  Into  THY KINGDOM COME. – Where Thy Will Can And Will Be Done Here On Earth Just As It Is In HEAVEN. – In Other Words, Wisdom Is The Humble Way To Reach And Enter Into Thy KINGDOM COME  To Where Everything Will Be Fun For Thy Will To Be Done And That’s No Lie To Never Ever Have To Wonder Why That  Just Die?!.



So, Make No Mistake  That This Is My Battle Being Fought Between GOOD and Evil That First Began In HEAVEN In the War Against Lucifer GOD'S Traitorous Arch Enemy Better Known Today as Satan The, DevilUnder The Evil Soulless Spirit of Donald Trump and the Only Difference Between Donald Trump and Lucifer  Is That He Got Inherently, Incoherently, Un-IntelligentlyDumber than DumbStupiderSo, What Does That Say About All of His Victimized  Naïve, But Unabashed Stupid Ass Followers, ? Well, In Other Words, I Would have to say, Stupid-Moron-Mindless-Minions Wouldn't ? – As  Can See, That I Have No Respect Nor Forgiveness For Evil In People, NONE, Because They Willingly Choose To BeWhat They AreAs His Stupid Suckers →   Hell Bound – Where They'll Forever Be Found . Now, Tell Me That – This Isn't Stupid When They Could've Chosen The Gates Into HEAVEN    !


Remember, That It Was Lucifer's Fascination With The Wisdom and Beauty of Himself That Egotistically Went To His Head With the Arrogance and Pride that He Couldn't Hide  To Where He Could No Longer Worship His LOVING CREATOR, GOD, Who Was Good To Him, but With the Audacity To Be Worshiped Himself as GOD  That Only Belongs To The True, CREATOR of The Almighty GOD  Who Also CREATED the Universe of All That There Is, Was and Will Ever Be  that Has To Do With  and Me Throughout The Unmatched/Superlative to where  Through HIS Divine Science. – To Be Noted  Just The Way That Albert Einstein Once Quoted,However, Likewise, The Opposite Is True To Me   Hence, The More I Study GOD, Is The More I Believe In Albert Einstein's Science. – WellIt's Hard To Ignore Words  That Leads To and or Are Of The Same Thing  Backwards and Forwards That Gets To The Gest Of It  In The Way Duplicates Fits!



Again, Please Keep In Mind That It Was In HEAVEN When Lucifer First Started That War Of Evil In The First Place By Attempting a Coup To Overthrow GOD'S Sovereignty  Thus Convince All The Other Angels of GOD'S to Follow Him Instead of Their Almighty CREATOR of GOD  That He Once Worshiped  of Which He Shamefully Knew That GOD Created and Ranked Him Above and Beyond All the Other Angels  Yet, Again, Still Held His Devious Wicked Planning Of Deceptive Campaigns and Rallies to Promote Himself To Be Worshiped Insted. – Note; (Consider What Donald Trump Is Doing RIGHT NOW, TODAY! With His Unabashed Out And Out Wicked Lying and Deceiving Throughout His, Again Campaigns of Inherent Incoherent  Verbal Stupidity that Leaves  Scratching Your Head Full of Confusion To What He Was Incoherently Saying and Talking About  ?).  "Now let's see if I can do on this Asian trip as I did. Below Ha ha ha ha" → !


Oh Well, Come On, Think About It After All, It's Your Soul That He Controls, – But Hey, Not To Worry Because, There's Plenty Of Room, And Or Space In Hell  To Accommodate  To    With IT  ! –


Look, So That There Is No Misinterpretation,  I'm Not Comparing Donald Trump With Satan, The Devil  Not At All. – I'm Saying, That He Most Certainly IS Satan The Devil    On Every Single Level of Their own Evil!


Long Story Short. By the Time He Won Over a Third of Those Gullible Angels Over To His Side of Thinking. – He Got His Deceptive Wicked Ass Kicked Out of HEAVEN By GOD'S World War II's Gen Patton or MacArthur (So To Speak), Michael the Archangel. – AgainSatan Along With His Foolish Fallen Angels Got Cast Out With Him At The Same Time As Demons  To Do Their Wicked Planning of Havoc  (As The Bible Says), Right Here On Our Planet Earth. –


AgainLook, Donald Trump Is The Exact Identical Descriptive Image In Every Single Way of Lucifer Only Stupider As Anyone With The Common Sense of an Open Sound Track Mind Could Readily Detect and Find. – Sure, He and His Mindless Minions Might Have Won Their Fair Share of Wicked Battles In The Past, but They Are Most Certainly  Going To Lose The War That Lucifer Along With His Mindless Minions Started Hopefully "SOON"! Only This Time Get Their Wicked Asses Kicked Off Of Our Constrained and Controlled Planet Earth Into The Depths Of Hell  Fire  Then, Glory Glory Hallelujah, The Saints Will Go Marching On  The Freedom Of Our Newly Born, Planet Earth Just As It Is In HEAVEN!


Last But Not Least, NO SIR, YES SIR!  GOD'S Enemy Is Mine To Define Throughout My Essays, But Particularly With This One, → Warning,  Had Better Wake Up and Smell the Roses. – Before That Gate  That Awaits Behind You Closes! – To Be Done!                                                                                                       

Walkng in the Air


Rose Out from  the Dark - then into the Light Ensued My Flight

from the Stars at  Night --- back to  the Site --- of where You

 will Find  ---- where My Heart will be   ---- as an Disciple 

 of "God" and as to be the Devil's Dreaded Enemy.

 I am Here for You where Everything is True 

 All You need to Do -- is to Seek and You 

   Shall Find your Heart  -  that is True 

  Within You with Insight Right 

  Here On My "Website"



   Is an Accolade of Words 

   Associated with HonestyMorality,

   Nobility, Reliability, Veracity, Dependability,

   Dignity,  Honor,  Respect, Uprightness,   Principled,

   Truthfulness, Righteousness, RightnessAdmiration, Devotion

   Image and Reputation for what you   Stand For within

  the Dignity of what is Loyal,   Good,  Decent

   and True in Everything that You Do.

Without - You're in Doubt


Perhaps  an  Idle/Lazy   Naught  for Nothing


can Rather  be Revived  into  an Attainable Thought


for  Something  to  Bear  Fruit  into  an  Outcome  of  Wisdom  For


A Heart that is True will Think Things Through


with   a   Mindset   Focused   on  Principles

that are Motivated by God's.

                                                                                                                                                               – – – – – – – – – – – –


– – – – – – –


– – –





 I’m   Not   Religious  I’m  Indigenous  to  the  Behavior  of

My Savior Money is like a Cult of an Insult

To  the  Sincerity  of  my  Integrity

That I Say to You to

Be True.

  Yes, I am Rich Not 

Poor   in  Accord  with  My



But, Even So, You Know, an Upright Character is an Important Ingredient in any persons life. Character is the Guard of your Reputation and a Necessity for Success in Any Sphere of Life. Without it, Nations, Governments, Businesses, Churches, and Families Crumble and Fall into the Decay of Moral Disarray. However, Important as Character isIt'Parent is living up to its Integrity and mind yathat the word of Integrity Occurs Sixteen Times in the Bible, and is without a doubt one of the Most Important Words in the Scriptures. Can you Imagine of what Our World would be like Living Up to and with it's Honor and Respect throughout the Presence of Our Lives Wouldn't that be like an Enactor of a Major Factor of Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards Man? Yet, Biblically, We are the only Capable, but Unreliable Living Species on our Planet Earth that Disobeys and Mocks the Meaning of it  due to the Gluttony of Our Lame Brians Selfish Gain.  – 

John MacArthur:

Why Does GOD Allow So Much Suffering and Evil?



Look, Im sorry, but it Is what it Is  just as it has Always Been as We've Caved In On Sin and So – with No Excuse – for Our Immoral Abuse The Blame is on our Chosen Shame, Ought the Honey    But the Root of this DISCUSSION is to stop_corruption.jpg


The thing is as simply put to get to the Root of the Principles that are True will Always be True to  So, if Abstain from the Integrity from which GOD GivesHIS True Principles to Live by HIS Works of Decency to Do GOOD  over to the Sin-ciple Unprinciples that the Devil Givesto Do His Works of Evil    thenLive for and by the  Devils  Code  –  that will Never Unfold Over to be on the Level  –  to be True to NEVER



You know, as Ludicrous as its been, it has been an Exasperation of my Imagination for me to Untangle All of the Bojangles of Connections to my Imperfections of Qualifications that Haunts the Nobility of my Dignity to Perform in the Norm of the Integrity of My Character, but Poetically Speaking, the Only Conclusion without Pity that Likens to the Lucidity in me, is that > GOD > has Indeed Chosen me to Write what I Write Enlight of my Website, because HE Knows my Heart to be True In Lou forand for Me to Succeed  in Sheding Light on what is Right as forto Heed whatShould Read before it’s Too Late for to Escape from the Ignorance of the Bait – of being Among the Lying Tongue to your Fate to Hell's Gate that GOD Exceedingly Hates forto Ignore – This Battle of War between GOOD and Evil Fought with the Devil forto Defeat His Control Over Your Soul  So that the Victory Can be Yours with Open Doors as Forever GivenInto the Garden of Heaven. – Observe, that the Writing Has Been All Along on Your Wall As to the Rise or Fall of it Allto Choose to Win or Lose! Oh Well, It's Still Either Heaven or Hell. Your Choice?


I've Done my Part to Try to Reach the Wisdom of your Heart

As Designed, Composed and Written by Me

 Donald  Johnson



  Caution,are about to Enter Into the No Lie Zone – "Where The Truth Matters". So, for a better Understanding before I get Started, Id like to Introduce myself to give a Little Heads Up of an Insight to What, How, and the Reason Why that  May Think is for the Goofy Way I Think Write  and If So – then Believe me, Youre Going To Need It, as I'm not an Learned Writer as You'll See Per se – So, I Poetically Compose, Punctuate and Sculpture Words that Rhyme in Sentences that I Design to be Different and Unique forto Hopefully Seek and to Miraculously Remember with the Foresight to Think. – In other words, It's not your Typical Reading and Writing that a Scholar would be Used To. – Take a Song for Instances. – The Lyrics Usually Rhymes in Tune with It's Message and Its Message in Harmony with It's Music and as the Music Flows So Goes the Message for a Song to Belong to the Memory of a Tune to Remember Beyond the Moment in Time of a Calendar by Design.


  Essentially, The Fact of the Act; as to Set the Record Straight from the Beginning as of the Now and or the Late A Rhyme without a Reason Is a Reason without a Rhyme and to me that is a Crime thats Not Mine to Entwine  As Youll Find in All of the Sightings of my Writings and thats the Poetry in Motion to my Devotion to this Website that Doth or Doth Not Take Sides and or Discriminate between what is RIGHT from Wrong that has to do with what is GOOD from Bad to Evil of Thinking Behavior  Against my Savior, JESUS CHRIST. – The Fact is is that It Doth Not Lie Against the Truth  as did the Assassin of John Wilkes Booth Nor Does it Matter to WhoAre Near or Far, – or WhereAre from Smart or Dumb, and or Even if  are Rich or Poor. – Because, In the End, This Website will Not Ignore the Fact over the Act that is True Lincoln said As Do I  that if the Shoe Fits the Fact then the Act Doth Fit the Idiot with no Apology Rendered from Me  for GOD"S Long Departed Enemy of the DEVIL – of and from the BEFORE, AFTER and the PRESENT as of the NOW  that's Been Contaminating  the Spreading  of that EVIL FOUL  that  Pervades Societies  Best just as an Assassin would Murder an Unsuspecting Guest! – Only TRUE Believers Can See The Signs - YouTube


  Look, I Don’t Seek to Hide from My Feelings Inside  So Why Should I Play Hide and Seek from My Belief to be what is True on the Outside with the Most Important Things In My Life?After all, A Heart that Hides means that there is Nothing Inside  Everyone likes to talk about the Things that they Love and Believe in the most, but not Everyone Wants to Verbally Hear about it RIGHT? So thats Why I Write it So thatcan Decide it, But know this, that youll Never be Able to Seek the Truth for Yourself if you Don't Know what the Truth is? Common Sense with Logic is a key Factor forto Read andwere Given a Brain to Think with So, NOW, Use It  For  Your  Best  Interest      Without  Playing  a   Peekaboo  Child's  Game  of,   Hide  and  Seek,  but  to Grow Up to Seek as a Winner for your Soul to Reap – from being a Sinner


  To Expound upon the Checks and Balances between what is Right from Wrong Doing and Thinking. – We as Human Beings with a Heart, Mind and Soul have GOOD, Bad and With the Potential of Doing Evil in ALL of Us – that Began with the Fall of Adam and Eves Temptation by that Sleazy-Sneaky-Sly-Snaky in that Tree in the Garden of what I Call, Temptation  where (Genesis 3:1-3) GOD Commanded Adam and Eve NOT to EAT of that Tree of the Knowledge of GOOD and Evil – Notice, that GOD Didnt Mention Anything about the Bad – (Continue to Read on to Know Why) So our Battles Are Not Fought Between One Another's Beliefs in as much as it is Through, Political Parties, Religions and or ANY OTHER Dissensions Between One Anothers Disagreeable Intentions. – Indeed, it is about GOOD and Evil in all of We, the Human Species Soul of Their Actions of Behavior Whereas, GOOD Battles Evil between the Ongoing War of GOD versus HIS Nemesis of the Devil that keeps us Battling between one anothers Views as Being the Devil’s Ongoing Ignorant Fools. – Like the Fallen Angels were in  HEAVEN     to the same Hissy Sound of the Devil    So Beware of the Bate of that Sly Wily Snake  that  would  Allure to His Hell's Gate – Where There can Be No Escape.


  Indeed, if I were to Tellthat Ive Always Had a Guardian Angel Protecting, Teaching and Guiding me throughout my Life just as I'm being Guided in Writing this Website in using my own thoughts from the Feelings of my Heart to put it Together  Then most of  would not believe in me, yet, this is exactly what Im Tellingto be True and Again, by all means I am not an Educated Writer as  can see ; So please dont expect me to put all the Dots in the Right Slots, but in the Wrong Spots to be Spot OnBut to Guide me through to what I am Trying to Say and Do without being Pointless to the Subject Matter with the Correct Spelling of Words that God Knows that I will Ultimately Find and use Correctly. – Sort of like a Four Year Old Child Learning How to Read Words in Sentences such as, "I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus Outside the Clauset", or "Well, I'll be Doggon that that Doggone Mouse Ate My Would Be Cookie", – or "To get their Thrill, Jack and Jill Ran up the Hill to pick Red Berries and to Fetch a Pail of Water All for Harry Potter", and or "My Doggie Spot was Chasing Tini Tot Cats up the Tree – So They Could Pee Onand Me", and or "Mary had a Little Lamb and its Fleece was Black as Snow,   but  Everywhere  that Damb Lamb would Go   Just  like  my  Doggie  Spot  Took

His Shot  that Damb Grass just Would Not Grow."!


  Again, Unfortunately, MOST People will Not Want to Believe in Me, because Believing is the Relieving the Lifestyles of the Comfortable who Doesn't Want to Know, Hear and or Read the Truth in the WAY I Present in My Writings  ESPECIALY Those who Think they Know Me Personally– So, Please be Aware that this Website Isn't being Written just to makeRich, Happy, Sappy and Pleased It is being Written to make  Timely, SAVVY, Wise and Relieved  Against the Evil of Within  Fought with the Devil to Win  So be Healthy and Wise and Stay Away from those Alluring Sleazy Lies  that would Test the Integrity of the Character of Who  Are, because  are what Follow and Don’t Want to Follow the Ailing of those Evil Lies, because the Lying Tongue is One of the 12 Major Abominations that GOD Hates the most in All of Us as a Human Species with a Soul. – There are 12 Major Abominations that GOD Hates the Most in Regards to Sin.

  Again to Reiterate in Simple Terms, We were ALL Born with a GOOD, Bad and with the Potential of an Evil Seed to breed and the Devil’s Diabolical Goal is to Rob Your Soul Like His Remote Control Toy to Enjoy and it is my Goal to Warn Your Soul to makeAware of the Devil's Snare to Deceive Thee,There.

  You Know, the Trouble with We, the Human Species with a Free Will to Choose Our Own Way of Direction  Is that We Tend to Get Lost where we can't See Through the Forest  Due to the Fruit of the Massive Trees that Leaves Us to be Blind through Temptation  So, Our Priorities get Lost and Confused in Which Way To Go  and So we Tend to Settle for the Meaningless Events of the Day – That Sways Us Far Away From Finding Our Way – to the Rather's of What Really Matters – to Our Settlement  of Finding JESUS as Our LORD and SAVIOR from Our Misguided Route of Bad Behavior. –

• FolksSadly to Say – I'm telling you that  with all Things Considered that JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY TO SAVE OUR DAY  Because to my Opinionis that the Devil has Taken Total Control over the Majority of the Integrity of our Souls of Behavior over our SAVIOR – And to that Extent, I really can't Imagine that HIS Coming Will Be Soon to JUDGE the Evil to Doom. – like No Other Time of the Completion of our Histories Prophecy!.

• Last but not Least, Truly, as to be Honest with, Most People that Ive Known Personally Particularly to the Extant with Family  Didnt, Doesnand Still Dont Understand the Likes of Me for Being Me, because, on Ill-Timed Inopportune Moments Ive Ended up Absentmindedly Saying whats on my Mind thats Often Been Misconstrued for being Uncommon and Unkind Leading me to Realize to a Extent that I Do Not Belong with People In General, because the General Court-Martial's Me for Being Me Oh Well So Be It, but so Not to be RudeI'll have to Conclude that You can Smirk, Laugh and or Grin all you want Behind My Back from what you Think I Lack in the Intellect of what I Write, but in the End,  Will Surely Lose and I Will Surely Win with what I Write Enlight of GOD’S Sight Against – There are 12 Major Abominations that GOD Hates the Most in Regards to Sin.  and thats Really all that Matters to Me as to get HIS Message to Thee In other words,to where Everything is Personally and Poetically Truebut Than, it doesn't take a Doctor's Degree for GOD to Agree with Me Amen!

 The Gospel of John | Full Movie | 




As  For  Me, 


l  Will Never Treat 


Jesus  The  Son  Of  God


As    Second   Place  To  A  Priority 


Designed, Composed and Written by, Me,




Donald Lee, Johnson


God’s Mathematics is Elementary my dear Watson



Warren Buffett 

Now to Begin, Look, I can't Think of a Better Way to Start the Genesis of my Website than to Say thatare about to Enter into the No Lie Zone where the Truth Matters. My name is Don L Johnson, and I, like the Cherub of Fiery Stones have a Wealth of Information to offer to, just for the Cost of an Open Mind with Wisdom of Kind to Realize it right here on this, my Website – Just aswill Find these Truths to be Self Evident Way Beyond the Academic Conjecture of Confusion into the Aspects of the Solution for the Architectural Design of the Universe wherewill Find it’s Creator, God of the Heavenly Host of His Son, Jesus Christ”, the Savior Who Excruciatingly Died on that Cross in the Worst Way for you to be Forgiven for Your Sins within the Integrity of Your Heart. – Just Ask and you Shall Receive the Best and Only Inoculation to be Forgiven for your Sins, to where your Life Truly Begins as to be True to Yourself, thus True to your SaviorJesus Christ, the Son of God. – Thy kingdom come


 You Know, Sometimes Long Sentences Conveys Short Stories of I Opening Open-Minded Revelations to the Understanding of Subject Matters without Any Breakup to Meaningful Sentences of its Importance – as of All of the Above and All of the Below and Further on Beyond for All You Should Know, but just keep in Mind that, my Main Goal is to Try to Save Your Soul from God'ArchEnemy of the Devil's Control   



• Sometimes a Little Rhyme with a Riddle can be Combined with a Fiddle when are Fiddling Around with the Sound that’s Only in Tune with Phony Buffoons that arent so Funny for being so Cunning by the Honey  Led to the Entrapment of the Five Fingers of Evil, 1-Money, 2-Power, 3-Greed, 4-Ignorance and 5-Hate  that Shakes Hands with the Devil Bait  andcan Bee  sure of that. Indeed, If not Aware Like This Bear, could be Among Those Whose been Stung by the Queen of the Hop that wont Stop from Stinging from Bumbling to Close to the 5 of Their Hive. So Metaphorically, as an Analogy of my Story is that – this is not about a Fable of a Bear, and  a Bee in a Log of a Tree Nesting Alone in the Cone of its Honey. – NO! This is about Poetic Justice – whereashave to Pay for that Honey with your own Money Instead of Lying, Cheating and or Stealing it – or does it take a Swarm of Honey-Bees Chasing and or too – Come-on, It doesn't take a Cartoon of a Buffoon – in order to  Get ItDoes It? – Nonetheless,can be Assured to the Fact of Reality – that there is Going to Be a Payday on Judgment Day for –ALL Who Purposely Doesn't Want To Get It  So Sayeth the Written Word in the BIBLE!  


 Can Bee Whatever Choose to Beebut can Bee Sure 

  that the BIBLE DOES NOT LIE and Neither do I – Look, I 

Might    Tell    a     LITTLE Fib     or   Two   every   Now   

 and   Then,   but Never out of Selfish Gain.  

As  Serious  as  it  is, this Website

  is   NOT    One    of   Them

Not One Word 


 Look, I'm not one of those Hypocritical False Prophets asking for your Money, because that would Indeed be the Ultimate Insult that would go Against the Love of what God stands for in Sacrificing His SonJesus Christ Who Severely Suffered and Died on that Cross that Day on Calvary to PAY for our Sins. – It Sickens me to Realize that there are so many of them Deceiving a Wealth of Money off of the Hearts, Mind and Souls of the Gullible. – and the Political Politicians (ALL) do exactly the Same Thing for the Same Reason like Leeches to BloodmoneyI'm just Saying, because it Really Pisses me off. – To me, there is Nothing Lower than what Belongs in a Sewer as these FoulPoor Examples – of what Integrity stands for as, DECENT GOOD Human Souls DoRepresentation without Heart – is Heart without Soul! – and a Heart without a Soul is to where Hell You should GoDLJ 

 So, to be more like a Cupid must Act Stupid, but Act Smart within the Virtue of your Heart that Reveals Love – not Hate for which is the Stupidest Mistake that you can Make – for God's Take – DLJ

 So, does God Hate? well, you bet your Bottom Dollar that He does – It might seem a little Contrary, that God, who is of Love can also Hate. Yet, that is exactly what the Bible says is TrueGod is Love (1John 4:8), and God Hate's (Hosea 9:15). God'is Love – He always does what's best for others – and He Hate's what is Contrary to His Nature – Just as He Hate's what is Contrary to His Love.   

 To Begin from Within, the Ultimate Sins are from within the 5 fingers of Evil that Shakes Hands with the Devil for Money, Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate within the Unethical World of Wealth, Politics and False Profits for the Rich and the Wealthy – That's not Healthy with 7 Others of Deceit to Defeat that God Hates most as in the #1–The Proud, ArrogantHaughty Eyes with a Cocky Mouth, #2–The Lying Tongue Among the Old and Young, #3–Violence against the Innocent and or Hands that Shed Innocent Blood, #4–Evil Planning as in the Heart that Devises Wicked Plans, #5–Feet that are Swift and or Quick in Running To Do Evil, #6–A False Witness Who Speaketh Lies as in the Hypocricy and Duplicity of  False Prophets – and Last but Not Least, – #7–One Who Sows Discord Among Brethren – In other words, as in You and Me to Become Enemies. –

 Look, I must say that everyone of these Dreadful Sins Describes Donald Trump to a "T" – I mean, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! and the only one that Matches Lucifer, is Donald Trump who got much Stupider as Satan, the Devil – So what does that say about His Followers as Mindless Minions in doing His Havoc of Dirty Deeds? I'm just Conveying what I'm Saying Through Common Sense – that Makes Sense. – Read it in the Bible! 

• Indeed, to put it Bluntly – if your Heart is True, then Reading will be Believing – what The Bible says that He and His Demon Followers were Cast Out of Heaven to Earth – to do Havoc on it – So Who and Where Are They? Particularly as of Lately – Come on, it only takes a Brain the Size of a Marble to Figure out what Trump is all about. – The Story of Lucifer is the Same Story of Trump. 


• As corny as it may sound, this may be a little Harshly Put in Language Begotten with Insult and Disrespect, but the way I see it, when All is Said and Done without Thought and Fear of None - It’s what Condition my Condition would be Detrimentally to my future – that I Would Consider Considerably in Weighing in the Worth of my Honor and Dignity to be More Valuable than a Resort of a Never Ending Vacation in Hell where there are No Air Conditioners. – To my Estimation, Its not a Hell-of-a Place to Go that I would Consider a-do to be Cool enough to Dare let alone to Bear! – DLJ



– – –


That said with


All Things Considered,


I Contend that Donald Trump


is Indeed Satan, the Devil – that Once was


Lucifer,  There is Absolutely 


No Doubt in my Mind


about that and




   Who Follow will  be Swallowed into

  the Pits of Hell

    And  Can  Bet  your  Bottom Bippies  on that  Jack!,

_22trup  is satan_-_paradise_lost_in_washington_dc22_2019.pdf


Lastly, I'd like to finish off this segment by saying that there Have been many Unruly Naysayers who have gotten Covid 19 as well as Family and Friend and Wished that they would have gotten Their shot only to be too late to wait for the damage to arrive On their time. Many have suffered in Died because of their Negative attitude Towards the obvious.


Well, the same goes for the caveat of what I'm trying to get through to you that Jesus could be here any time soon as of today, tomorrow, next month and or even next year, any way you look at it – All the signs points to our time – if you're to late To escape, Well, it's because you shook hands with the devil Who took Control over your Soul – And the only way that you can released is by Jesus Christ – John 3.3 except a man be born again He can never enter the kingdom of God. There you go, I've done the best I could to get through to the Ascension of your Attention to Disappoint the Devil's Intention – to keep your Mind Going – as Busy as His Bee!


It Won't Be long Before He gets His Ass Kicked –

All at Once and Once and for All of Eternity –

as the Lord is the only one that can and will do it.




Nicolas Copernicus


If Only of LateFor Heavens Sake


  First and foremost, and above all else, I want you to know that – I Owe my All to Write this Website to the Man Upstairs who was always there with my Guardian Angel During my Times of Hopeless Despair throughout the Strife in my Life – So my Faith is Absolute – Just as Absolute is to my Faith in God, Jesus and or my Guardian Angel – But Absolutely not in People!

 Look, if you Truly Believe in God within your Heart – as I do, then you will be Openly able to Relate to that Subject Matter in Ordinary Conversations without the Awkwardness and or the Self-Consciousness of being Tagged as a Religious Fanatic and or what some call a Jesus freak, so to speak – on either side of the Dialogue. Understanding is Believing – and Believing – is Belonging to Subject Matters – Thereof – that Matter – to Subjects of Seriousness from the Heart – Such is my Open Faith in my Lord – without Ignorantly being Advertised as Unjustifiably Stigmatized. in case you don't know what a true Jesus freak is really all about – Well, it is of a Freak who follows Freaky False Prophets – Who Profits from Preaching from the Devil's Deception to Steal Control over Unwitting Souls. 

• Look, My Interpretation of a Freak is of an Abnormality of a Fiend, Fanatic and or Enthusiast Mutant – a Distortion of the Human Soul that’s out of control of it’s faculties to think Intelligently! in other words, Jesus has nothing to do with it "PERIOD" for a Freak is a Freaken Freak of a Masquerade of a Trick or Treat – that doesn't know how to Retreat – from a Misrepresentation of Truth and Reality – just as an Algorithm is to the Embarrassment to the Functionality of the Human Brain to Think Properly.

 There is Nothing Awkward in the way I Openly Relate to God. – In person, I don’t Forcefully Preach it and nor do I Normally Hide it in Ordinary Conversations of Relevance, But on the other hand – on my Website, I do Practice what I Preach – then Teach what I Practice – within Things that are True – from Me to You – without any Contact – in the Sightings of my Writings. it's a Philosophical Question – Whereas, – I Write it – then you Decide it – It's your Choice.

 NO WAY! – but True as it is, It's a Miracle of How I Survived by Staying Alive to Tell my Story – Just as I know that I've Cheated Death at least Seven Times that I know of, but Alaguzam here I still Am to be able to Tell it – through Writing it – right here, on my Website – in Lieu of of Everything of being True. – Keep in Mind that – An Open Mind can Lead to Believing. While a Closed Mind can be easily Led to Deceiving. 


 This Website is for the Good People with Good Hearts who Doesn’t Know their Mistake of being Deceived into Following the Great Deceiver who have Already Deceived a Third of All the Angels that were Cast Out of Heaven as Demons to here on Earth to do the Devil’s Deeds of Havoc on it. The Devil’s Main Goal – is to Defeat God by Stealing our Soul over to His Control. Like I’ve already said, that I consider my Website as Powerful Words of the Archangel of Michael's to Defeat the Devil's Deceit – by making you Conscious to be Aware and Pay Close and Particular Attention to His Trickery of Temptation for His Victory to Be over Thee,  Again, keep in mind that  are whatFollow, thus, if follow Evil – then to be Evil – that’s of the Devil and the Devil is God's Hated Arch Enemy. There is No Room for Good and Evil in your Life, because it’ll be a Constant Battle thatcan’t Win, where you’ll Continue to Sin – against Jesus Christ, who Died to defeat it that Terrible Unbearable Day on the Cross. The Question Is – is not Quiz – in what Should Choose to do – to Save Your Soul – from the Deceit of the Devil’s Control – to get through – to Your Heart of the Matter – that Is what Matters! 

  Said, It doesn’t matter, I don’t Call the Equipment – I Equip the Called – Write it in the way, you’ll do Best, and I’ll Help to Guide you through the Rest. – And that’s what I’ve been doing ever since I Unenthusiastically Started this Website – approximately 20 years ago. – And so – You know, during that Early Period of Time, Albert Einstein had a Famous Quote that came to me that said, “An Education is what Remains after one has Forgotten Everything that He has Learned in School” Well, that is Factually True, because I was a Ninth Grade Dropout, Not by Choice But, through the Survival of my Fittest – So with the Genius of Albert Einstein’s Encouragement in Mind. – I then Realized that the only thing that really Mattered that I Learned in School that was Vitally True was Reading and Writing and Learning Mathematically of what 2 and 2 is For – in Every Sense of my Biographical Lifelong Score and I’m still Learning – Class + by Class + by Class + by Class = 4 + So you see – I Do know my Score – of what my Life – is Really For – as to Forevermore – Knock on your Door – Just as Poet – would Know It – for me to Score it. 


 Picture this, that 1 Picture Can Paint a 1000 Words while the Sound of Music can Culm your Nerves that Gathers to Subject Matters. That said, Notably, and to a Great Extent or Degree of Me, as (Being a Lone Loner Owner) to what and all that I Write and Stand for just as a Person of  So, as the saying goes,  and that's Exactly what I'm going to do Hopefully for You and Me to Be in Harmony with one anothers Thought Process .


 That said, for future reference, I'd like for you to be a little more Au fait with Knowing a bit More about me and what I stand for in Contrast to a Would be Opposition of Falsehoods that Could Lead to Contradictions Unproven only to be Proven with More Logic, Evidence, Precision and or Justification of, in or through my Writings to Be and Feel True to.


• So too get to the Heart of the Matter – This, My Website is not Affiliated nor Asssociated with ANY and ALL of the so-called!, Political Parties, Cult, and or Worldwide Religions of Congregational Worshipers that Influences my Behavior of Decisions of how I Think. "Not a Narea one" As I Belong to Me, Myself and I that I Deeply Consider Wise to what I Write – that has to do with the Integrity of standing by and or Up for what is Right from Wrong and Good from Bad Thinking and Doing Between the Wisdom or Ignorance of your Choosing that has to do with  in the Ongoing Battle between God and the Devil of which will be Repeated Often throughout the Sightings of my Writings that has to do with all the things that God Hates the Most within our Chosen Souls. I say Souls, because that is the difference between us and other Species on Planet Earth – including, but not Excluding from it's Evolution of Natural Selection into the Perfect Perfection of We, the Human Species being Formed into God's Image with the Soul Purpose of Living a Life through the Integrity of doing what is Right from Wrong and Good from Bad Thinking upon Choosing then Doing – not for the Devil's Deeds, but for the Love of God's willful Needs to keep us from Sinning and the Devil from Winning the Battles of Evil – as will be Described throughout my Website more than Once, Twice, and or Three times not Maybe, but always with the intention of Integrity Thinking. No, Lionel Richie was Right to the Song of His Plight, but God will Return the Love Forever Fold – to be Forever Told.   


• That said, – So to Begin from Within, – Please be Aware that This Website is Not going to be about a Matter of, – Who We Are Near Or Far – nor – Where We’re From Smart or Dumb, – and or – Furthermore – even if We're  Rich Or Poor, – but for Heaven’s Sake – This Website will be About and or For – Your SOUL Purpose  of not being Fruitful  for Evil – if only to being Fruitful  for the Devil by the Choices you Make – Towards that Ultimate Mistake – of Climbing that TaintedInfected, Poison, Tree  that Ain't Free for the Picking – Let Alone Eating  to where You’ve Chosen your Fate Towards Hells  Gates of Regret. 


 Well, this Websites Only Purpose is to get through to  to Think Wisely and to Warn You to be True – if its Possible To Do – for Your Own Sake – Towards God's Invite – through Heavens Gate's  of Delight – instead of being Upset over a Betted Regret of a Mindset that's Led to a Loss with the Cost by Way of One Hell of a Price to Pay on  !  


 So, not to seem Heartless, like I said, my Mindset is to make you Think by Saying – Woe tofor being such a Fool, because in the End – You never Win – Especially when You're Gambling with your Life – as it is, instead of what should be – for a Jackpot of a Happy-Thankful-Destiny,  But, keep in mind that, 


And So my Enlightened Friends – I Say "The Hell With ItWhy be kept in the Dark? Just Reject that Needless Regret then You'll be Set to Focuse your Sight on God's Light of Forgiveness  So unto to this End I Say Amen – 

 Last Chance, for you Mindless Minions, did you not Get It?  or are you a little Dense – to what You've just Read – that Hence Makes Nothing – but Sense – to Anyone with a Heart of – Common Sense? – Oh Well

         Galilee Galileo  

  Nonetheless it's Decisively Best – that you Take Your Time to,  

Realize, that the Choices'make

 is  what  Determines  Your  Fate

 As the  Parallel to Either



 Doesn't  Flow

 from the Brain Down.

 It   Flows  from  the  Heart  Up

 Otherwise, You'll never know what's

 Up, because Everything will be

 Upside Down from the 

Bloody  Bloody



 As Written in the Philosophy of me

but Unfortunately for me the.

 more I study people, the

more I love my dog

   Who Fully Understands me for   me, for who I am Supposed to be.

  Don Lee, Johnson 

    三寸天堂 Three Inches of Heaven


If I had my Rather’s

The Confined Mind Result of Cult

it's a bunch of Hocus-Pocus – not to Learn to Focus



The Poetry From Me,

Donald Lee, Johnson

Tis to Be - or to - Blind to See - " That is the Question " - that is to be Said in the Mirror of the Archives of Our Lives - Well, Time will Tell when we will Gel with Either Heaven or Hell - by the Choices We Make - that will Determine - " At Last " - of Our Fate, - but Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Light - to where We Will Be Able to See Through Both Day and By Night the Imperfection of Our Daunting Reflection that Mirrors the Image of our Actions of being Wise or Dumb - that We so Need to Wake Up From - to See the Perfection of God's Reflection All we have to do - is to Lighten up - and Turn on His Light into Our Sight! - It's as easy as Switching the Switch in Our  Brain from being In Vain of the Mind Control that's been over your Soul - Otherwise, You'll Never Ever be able to See Through the Light that is so Bright for being the Best, of what is GoodDecent and True forthrough the Outcome of Wisdom - "As  To Get It",So, Get With it - To It - and Do It! - Said, Understanding is Knowing and Knowing is Going into the Right Direction with Said Perfection! - 

Okay, Come what May for  May Go To and Fro, but for Heavens Sake - Your Fates at Stake - Down Hither and Yon - so Turnaround from Heading Down into the Abyss of being Hell Bound where You'll Forever and Ever be Found  - and so - Unto this End - I'll Say - Goodbye and Amen!! 


Designed, Composed and Written by me,

Donald Lee, Johnson



I Practice what I Preach -


then Teach what I Practice - within Things that are True

- from Me To.



This is something that As a Rule - We Never Think About that should be of the Utmost Interest to our Thought Process and that is that You were Born as a Special Individual of God's Creation that Houses your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul and when your Heart Expires - so too does your Soul Retire from that House (Body) - you called your Home - where at Critical Times - you Left it all Alone, Empty and Behind - in Lieu of God's Point and View - Indeed, Priorities are Wise - if theyre not Disguised and Compromised of Full Lies. So keep in Mind to Not Be - Tongue-tied - Left Behind  - when Your Soul has Gone - to Marching On?



Truly, it is Inconceivable for Me to Believe as a Rule that most so-called  Ordinary Normal People Doesn't Get It nor Care about the Integrity of Truth “as in the Way Things Really Are True to Life”? - In other words, and or in either case, in Observance of Society as it Seems to Be Logically to Me - I have Observed that most of Society Doesn't Feel Comfortable Speaking within a Mindset of Truth and Reality that All Things have a Beginning and Ending - Starting from the Tree of Knowledge of the Root to the Fruit - Where Sin first Began - that Should Not have been Eaten - from the Garden of Eden - and so the Battle Begins Between Good and Evil - that Continues on - Right to This Very Day - in this Ongoing War - between God and the Devil through People of ALL WALKS of LIFE. 

Story of Lucifer


Because of the Significance of this Statement, I'm going to Repeat it Often Throughout Future Essays that Implies to it - Just as I Write it - and that is that - Even at Their Age of Four or Five in a Kindergartens  Math of Adding and Subtracting - they can Readily know what We Grown-ups have a Hard Time Learning - and that is if you Subtract the Letter D from the Devil's Name - it will answer to the Word of Evil - and if you take the Vowel of the Letter o and Add it to God's Name - it will answer to the Word of Good - and so it is Obvious that there is a Battle Going on between Good and Evil that's being Fought in a War between God and the Devil, Makes Sense?


That said, this Website Does Not Conform nor Forgive Evil - as a Norm of Any Way Shape or Form - and there is No-Notta an Excuse of an - in Between - for are either on God's  Side or the  Devil's - So - Which one DIDCHOOSE of what God Already Knows of  ?


Additionally, you will Find that - I dont Write in an Ordinary Text - in the Way you would Read in a So Called  Ordinary Manner of Wording - as my Lame-Brain Doesn’t Function in Conjunction that Way, but if you are Truly Looking for the Truth - then You Will Indeed - Figure It Out - What it’s All About of How to Read it as Poetically Written - with Scores and Scores of Metaphors - Comparable to Parables that Rhymes with the Times - In-Lieu of a New Attention for your Comprehension - to the Subject Matter that Doesn’t Flatter, but Does Matter to the Success of Your Thought Process - of Interpretation - into God's Perception.


And so as a little Insight to the Plight of My Fight as to Further Expound Upon  - No Matter Whether its your Majesty or Modesty - it’s still an Uneducated Guess to how youll Choose to Think of and or about me Knowledgeably from here on with Words that Matter to me - As I am not a Pulitzer Writer, but what I do Write - Is Right According to the Truth - The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth from my Heart - so Help me God, but It’s still up to you to Decipher it - According to your so called Intellect - That said, you’ll either Get it or you Won’t - So, What Will be - Will be - Makes no Difference to me - Said, Humbly - So from here on - I’ve Gone On to Writing More - that you May or May Not  Superciliously Persist to Ignore.


Yet, there has Never been a Place for me with People that I could Count on to be there when the Time Comes to Cover my Back - NEVER EVER - Not even Family that I Have Never had to Feel Wanted and Loved Ive even Felt Jealous over a Families Unconditional Love theyve had for their family pet, Cat and or a Dog - of which I've Understandably Felt Myself - But through the Course of Time, I Also Realize that I have Had a Guardian Angel by my Side All Along Guiding and Protecting me to Safety throughout my Life by Events that can't be "other words", to be Explained. again, I know that there is not a would be family member that believes in me Personally of what I Write, because they don't believe in me equally to Their Education seeing that I'm only a Dropout Ninth Grader, Thus the - Acronym P.H.O.N.E., and the Analogy of The Farmer In The Sell, - The Seven Steps towards Achievement, - Media, - and Achievement,


But I Have Always Been the Prof., Not the Derivative of the Highest Degree, because You Are How You Think and Perform in what you Do - Not in what you have learned in School! - That Said, as Per se "Albert Einstein, the Genius" put it in one His Famous "Quotes, - "An Education is what Remains after one has Forgot Everything that He Has Learned in School" - that said Again, Knowing is Believing and Believing is Accepting - what has been Proven to be True!. 


Any more than - at my Age of 76 - as an Idiom, I already Know that - Ive been “Deep Sixed” as an Nobody to Believe in - Meaning of a Slang for: Rejection, Unwanted, Discarded, Dismissed, Being Tossed Overboard, Tossed out - as a Burden, Nuisance, Liability, Inconvenience, Worry of an Unwanted Problem that Nobody Else wants to Contend with through the Heart and Love of Humankind and the Ignorance of Worth - and Yes, I Know that I Deserved Better, but that's Not to Be for Me - All I Know is that from the Time that I first Came Into This Cruel World - I;ll be Meaninglessly Leaving it - Oh well, in the End Ill also know that Ill be - Looking Down on it - for the Answers as to Know Why it was I – that was Needlessly Here – that is unless God is using me as His Tool to get Through to You, before its too Late for You to Escape from Hells Gate.



And So Now YOU Should Know and Realize "Yourself" that I haven't a Reason or Purpose to Fool You into Believing what I Write and Say through Words that DO Matter - At-least that Matters to ME - and as you can See - their is No WAY to Contact Me Personally - IS There? - So Why Should I Lie To You? - If You Are indeed - A Good Person - Then You Will Get It and Again, that's all that Really Truly Matters to Me. - Please Keep in Mind that I am not Asking for the Deceptive Greed of Money - that Negates the Integrity of what I Say and Do or Write - as in a Shameless False Prophet - for Profit.



So as for Me Being a Loner and all - Nobody Controls Me and My Way of Thinking that has to do with the Society of Religions, Politics and or any other would be Persuasive Social Uprisings of todays said Academic Conjecture of Confusion - Especially of the Conclusion of the following Links that Shamefully Stinks - about Evil in the Norm of its Truest Form.


US  Capitol  Secured  Four  Dead  after  Rioters  Stormed  the 

Halls of Congress to Block Biden's Win - done by the

Evil Skunk  of  the  Devil,  Donald Trump


Meet The Press Broadcast (Full) – January 10, 2020 -

Trump, Republicans Insight Crowd before Mob Store Capital

These Three House Republican Help Plan US Capital Attack


Look, I don't care Whoare to whetherare a Republican or not, but if are -have to know that they are Bought and Paid for by the Wealthy of the Rich - at your Expense and that makes them Untrustworthy Hypocrites to their Oath to Represent Your Foolish Best Interest - You know, I was once a Diehard Republican Myself until I got Wise to their DisguiseTo me, there is No Excuse for the Misuse of Foolish Thinking - As to Following those who would take Advantage ofand Yours. There is No Debate when I say that I am Strictly on the side of Integrity Thinking between what I Know to be Right from Wrong and Good from Bad to say the Least of Evil Thinking to be Had!


As well as  False Prophets of Religions and or Mindless Minions of Cult Like Radical Dissensions of Enemies of God and to what Integrity is all about. - Again and IndeedAs a Loner, I Belong to Me, Myself and I that Belongs to my Faith in God, the Father of Jesus Christ of which is my Lord and Savior - PERIOD! - and as being Grateful - I will Repeat this Often throughout my Website as the most Valuable Asset that I've Ever Owned! But, you know, Im not Perfect in any Way, Shape or Form either - I am simply a Sinner just like Adam and Eve - were in Their Time of Weaknessbut one of the things that really Bothers me most in a persons Ignorance - is when they Profess to be a Quote  Unquote Good Christian without Their Brain Attached to Their Thought Process by Blindly Following Evil Practices of the Hypocrisy of Propagating Religions and or Politicians of False Prophets Alike - which Goes way Beyond being of an ordinary Sinner - as they've Joined Forces Abetting with the Ultimate Enemy of God in His War between Good verses Evil Fought Against the Devil, Donald Trump! 



 White Evangelicals made a Deal with the Devil -

now what?





So No-Matter What-Ever  may Read or Think of me PersonallyImplicitly, Objectionably, Agreeably, Disrespectfully, and or Preferably Sublimely - Whether it be Lot or just a Little Bit - You’ll still be able to take it to the Bank and Cash It, because Integrity is the Same as being Attached to my Name - by simply Tellingthe Truth - the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth - so help me God-  - but more Importantly,



This Website isnt just about - Who We Are Near or Far - nor Where We’re From Smart or Dumb and or - if Your - Rich or Poor, in God's Eyes - Well, to be sure, We are only as Good as what our Integrity Stands to Be. - We are simply Autonomous Personalities - Who Live Our Live's by Choice, of being Right or Wrong, Good or Bad and or Evil to be Had on the same Level with the Devil  - into the Archives of our Lives and We will be Judged as Such - that Way - Per se. - Again, it's simply our Choice For the Same Reason that God- didn'Create us to Play Games with Mechanical Brains  .


Look, from here on

No one is Allowed to Destroy

 Their Lives on this, My Website, because

 it's My Solemn Duty to Savefrom Yourselves,

The following is for the Obstinate Recalcitrant of Lessons 

 to be Learned --- from their Failure to Discern the

Difference between  and the 

----- The Jeremiah Factor -----







 Look,  anyone  with  Common  Sense 

can Add 2 + 2 to be True to the Factor 

in this Ongoing War - between God and the Devil - 

Just ask Donald Trump who Doesn’t Even Know His ABCs, 

Yet, Still Lies and  Deceives among  Thieves 

TE= Even the Learning of a Pre-Kendergardens  Skill of a Four, Five or Six Year Old's Math of Adding+ and Subtracting- Letters of the Alphabet Can Alien with the One and only Simplest Answer such as the Letter D by Subtracting- it from the Devil’  Name of the SameAnswering= to the Word of "Evil" - then if you take the Vowel of the Letter O and Add+ it to God's-Name the Answer= will then be to the Word of Good, therefore, it only Makes Sense to a Pre-Kendergardens Skill of Learning - that there must be a Battle  Going on Between Good and Evil as being Fought through a War  Between God  and His- Nemesis Foe whereas the Devil  Goes - Oh-WellNo-Matter - What-Ever Your Learning Skills may be, It Still Doesn't Matter, because In the End God- will Win this Evil War Forever More - So, Right or Wrong - Which Side areOn!  - Because the Harsh Facts are that,

 can only Jell with Either,




The Categorical study between Good, Bad and Evil


1: - In Biblical Terms, Bad is the Broadest and Simplest Term: Not Good in any Manner of Degree when Falling into the Depths of the Devil’s  Temptation - Indeed, Good and Partly Bad Can be a Double-Edged/Two-Edged Sword; In other words, The Phrase is a situation with as many Bad Qualities or of Facts as in the Good Ones - as in taking the Good with the Bad.


2: Indeed - Sometimes theres more Good than Bad in a Person. In other words, Taking the Good with the Bad where Evil can be Had into an Unhappy State of Affairs where Things Go Wrong from Bad to Worse - Giving a Fault Sense of Reality where Mistake can be Had into going Bad.


3: - Originally Answered: What is the Difference between Good and Bad? Good is that which Maximizes Pleasure and Minimizes Pain for the most people. Bad are those things that are Further away from that, usually advancing a Selfish Cause at the Expense of Others.


4: - Evil is usually perceived as the Dualistic Antagonistic Opposite of Good, in which Good should Prevail and Evil should Fail to Defeat. ... Evil, in a general context, is the Absence or Opposite of that which is described as being Good.



5: - Evil applies to that which Violates or Leads to the Violation of Moral Law: Evil Practices. Ill now Appears Mainly in Certain Fixed Expressions, with a Milder Implication than that in Evil: Ill willIll-Natured. Wicked Implies Willful and Determined Doing of what is very Wrong - of a Wicked Plan or Planning.


In other words and in Simple Terms,


Evil is of Lucifer and Lucifer is of Satan and Satan is


of the Devil and the Devil is of Donald Trump - Sodon't be Stumped.



Wonder Why the Unthinkable just Happened in Washington DC

  Well the Same Thing Happened in  Heaven” see


when  Donald Trump  was  as  Lucifer Can Be,  


and with 87% Approval of

the Republican Party



 Lucifer  Devil




    Designed, Composed and Written by Me, 


  Don Lee Johnson



Francis    Bacon



Again, as to Elaborate on the Do’s and Whys of my Archive - As I've Grown Older - I've pretty much become a Loner throughout my Whole Inner-Most-Life - In fact, Ive been a total Failure of not Comfortably Fitting in Equally into Society Socially - Because of a Psychological Impairment Stemming from my Childhood Memoirs of Old that has never been Told of which caused it, but as the saying goes, “Ive took my Licks all the Way to my Now Age of 76, yet the Heart of the Matter - is that - My Tick-Tock Clock still Keeps on Ticking”, but Time is no Longer on my side because its Steadily Winding Down for me to meet the Ground - So there is no Time for me to Waste, but to make Haste to get Through tooof whatshould Do - to Save Your Soul from the Devil' Control.


As for me Indeed, I call myself a Christ-ian - because I Am - So it's Not a Matter of where I go to where there Maybe People that I Do or Do Not Know Personally, But this, my Website is not for me to Discourage Integrity Minded People to Where Ever they Should Go - But to Encourage Hearts and Minds to be there - True to Themselves with their Relationship to or with Jesus Christ then He Will Know that Your Heart is True and Pure to Him and Not to Those Godless - Hypocritical-Power/Hungry-Greedy-Deceitful-Charlottans Below, 


  It doesn’t make Anyone a Christ-ian by going to the Illusory Theatrics of 20 False Prophets of 2020 - YouTube” - “Joel Osteen House: Photos of His Shocking Houston Home! (”-  - - - The Trump Prophecy and the Evangelical Vote | Renegade Cut ↔


Any more than it does by going to a Movie Theater - make you a Movie Star - If Things are Not Factually True - then No matter how Inspiring things Are or Appear to Be - they will give a False Sense of Reasoning as to the Heart of Christianity's Believing, but Not through the Vanity of Deceiving - So keep in Mind that - Evil Feeds - Greedy Seeds - to where Money Profits - through False Prophetsthat Empties - the Gullibles Pockets  Televangelists Keep in Mind, that Churches - Do Not Pay Taxes - Because Taxes Repays through the Poles and the Poles Conveys to the Republicans


Last Week Tonight with, John Oliver HBO ↔


I would say that what Really bothers me the most about these two photos are  where they Couldn't Hardly Wait for Donald Trump Signing the Tax Cuts for the already Over Profited (Please excuse my French) Rich Son-of-a-Bitchion Gluttonous Wealthy 1% Percenter’s and the Rotten Potatoes of the Republican Aficionados - Please take Notice of the Satisfied Happy Smiles on their Heartless Dishonorable Traitorous Faces - Now, with that in Mind,  Please Think about the Tragedy of what's Happening today with the Coronavirus that is Literally Killing and Completely Wiping out Complete Familys from their Livelihood of Lifeline through No Fault of Their Own - of the Things that are Essential for Their Living Expenses - as in the Embarrassment of their Job loss, Paying their Bills, Rent and or their House Payment, Utilities and yes, even Buying Food on Time to Meet Their Deadline! - for their Table to Eat  -  - while these Heartless Good for Nothing Rotten Poor Excuses for what Humanity has to offer - Clapping their Hands for a Job Well Done for the Rich - That has Profited over a $1 Trillion Dollars since the Signing of their Tax Cuts - I mean Common, Look, I'm sorry that Im not acting very Christian like by Getting upset and Swearing as such but, Doesn’t this really Piss you off TOO? - In Good Faith - they were Elected to Represent We the People's best Interest - Then they have the Gull to Fall Prey to the Devil's Best Interest of, P.G.I.H. (Power, Greed, Ignorance and HateThrough the Devil's Bait of,  while they Act Unhappily Disgruntled and Move like a Turtle - when it comes down to Signing for a Bill to Help the S.O.S. - of the Needy Distress -


So Get load of this, Ted Cruz/Republican Caught Red-Handed In Corrupt Deal - And you can bet your bottom dollar that this is the main reason why the Republican Party Signed that Tax Cut Bill for the Rich - Hypocrisy in Motion - To their Devotion!


Look, I said it Once and I'll Say it Again and Again and Over and Over  - thatare WhatFollow and So Whether - Good, Bad or Evil - What  FollowSimply Are


You know, I don't get why the Lower to the Middle Class of which are of the Majority of Voters who Reelect those Greedy Son-of-a-Bitches back into office for which They've Shamelessly Corrupted in the first place? Are there that many Recalcitrant Narrow-Minded Ignorant Stupid People who Love to Follow the Same Insane Pain for their Selfish Gain? - Heywon't have that Arrogant Cocky Attitude on   If You've been on the Wrong Side of History, because Evil is God's - Worst Enemy - Hear me! 


Look, I’m 76 years old - So it really doesn’t make that much of a Difference to me of what matters to my Futures History, but it Sure the Hell Does to your Kids and Grandchildren’s - by those who would Rob them of it and All because of the Loyalty one has Towards a Political Party of Thieves - and thats exactly what they are - Low Life - Low Class - Traitorous Greedy - that Cheats the Needy - Fact,  99% of their Time is Spent on 1% of their Crime where the Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer



You know, after these last Four Years of Corruption in the White House, I'm not sure whether our Country can ever Survive the Loss of the Integrity for which our Country once stood for as a World Leader of Democracy. Thanks to the Support of Donald Trump’s Chumps of Sedition as well as His Republican Parties Chumps of Addition.  


- The most Traitorous and Shameful Embarrassment to our Constitution -

- since our Founding Fathers Adopted it - are of Today's -

Traitorous Republican Party!


 Photo Pictures don't Lie, Political Leaders do


 All Things Considered, How could Anyone in their Right Mind not Believe that

 Donald Trump Isnt the Devil?  Hes been the Perfect Description.


The only Difference from Whence He was Lucifer is that

 He has Gotten Much More Stupider!




The Future is Under Our Power to Be

or Not to Be - This is the


Aging is not only the Future of Growing, but its the Process of

Learning and Knowing -- Where We’re Going -

 For its by the Choices We Make --- that Determines Our Fate”.

Don L. Johnson


The Primary Reason why I Created my Website is to Logically Prove that the Bibles Book of Genesis is the Source of our Existence - through the Almighty Creator of God - as Proven by the Genius of Science, Physics, Mathematics, Mechanics and Astronomy - as being Equated into the Common Sense of the Status Quo from the People Who Know such as (Sir Isaac Newton PRS and Albert Einstein who were both Widely Recognized as one of the most Influential Scientists of all Time and Key Figures of the Scientific Revolution and Many Many More Other Noted High Profile Colleague Believersand Oh yeah, Contrary to what You May have been Taught to Think and Believe - Some Others Include, Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawking - as Non-Atheists. -


If God Created the Universethen who Created God?


Just as Darwin put itI have Never Denied the Existence of God.  I think the Theory of Evolution is Fully Compatible with Faith in God. - Charles Darwin



Just as Stephen Hawking put it, The Big Bang Implies God,Science could Predict that the Universe must have had a Beginning, But it could Not Predict how the Universe should Begin; for that one would have to Appeal to God - Stephen Hawking 1988


Just as Carl Sagan put it, Science is not only Compatible with Spirituality, but it is the Profound Source of Spirituality - Carl Sagan



Just as Sir Isaac Newton PRS. Put it in one of His Famous QuotesAll Variety of Created Objects which Represent Order and Life in the Universe Could Happen only by the Willful Reasoning of its Original Creator, Whom I Call the 'Lord God.” - Sir Isaac Newton PRS.


Just as Albert Einstein put it in one of His Famous Quotes, Anyone who is Seriously Involved in their Pursuit of Science becomes Convinced that a Spirit is Manifest in the Laws of the Universe a Spirit vastly Superior to that of Man Kind and one in the face of which we with our Modest Powers must feel Humble.  In other words He was Referring to Himself as being Humbled. 


The Tongue and Cheek - Tongue Twister -


for You Mothers, Fathers, Brothers and Sister's 


                                                                                                     And children Alike that Knows their Rights


Humbly, as to know what you Should know - You don’t have to have the Mind of Albert Einstein to Follow your Senses; Even though this may sound a little Senseless to you, I Say that Id Rather Follow the Sense of Common Sense Rather than the Sense of Nonsense - Since its Senseless to Think in Any other Way - to have it Pay - in a Positive Way, because you Are what you Follow - of Each of Every Day - by Way of Choice!         


 If this Poetry Pertains to You then this Wisdom Remains to be True - 

But here's the Real Twister,

Hence, I say Unambiguously, That

the People who Reach an Obscured Fate of

and by the Sum of their Wis-Dumb ------ will Never

be able to Reach and Enter Into and Through

the  Gates  of  Thy  Kingdom  Come 


Don L. Johnson


 An Education is what Remains after One has Forgotten

Everything that One has Learned in School  


Albert Einstein


 Those who think Halfheartedly - will Never Believe in God,

but those who Really Think - Has to Believe in God 


Sir Isaac Newton PSR.


Again, all I Know is that God has Always Been there for Me - Throughout the Ups and Downs of my Life's History, Yet, still, the only Purpose and Reason that I can think of Why God Purposefully Allowed me to enter into this God Forsaken Troubled World - Is in Lieu of Maybe Reaching one, my Reader's - This I'll never know, but I Hope So - Otherwise I've been a Lonely Misfit to Fit into the Society of this World My Whole Life as a Wondering Question-?-MarkBut even So - all I know - is that it's all Within, 


 The Poetry of Me,

Donald Lee

-  Here is my Body - that Abodes my Soul -

- Here is my Heart ------ to where I'm in Control -

- My Heart Governs my Time - that Defines my Mind -

- To Write what I Write - both Day and by Night -

God is my Faith and Jesus is my Love -

- Because  He  Died  for  me -

- On  that  Day  of -

Calvary  -

-  But   even   so - I  do  Know -

that     No-one     Comes    to   the -

Father  except  through  the  Son for  -

- He  is  the  Key  where  thy will can be Done -

- as  to   Enter   Into   and   Through   the   Gates  of -

  Thy Kingdom Come     That isif you are Wise -


- not   DUMB to where   Hell     will be   Your  Outcome! -

     Your   Choice   




  How it all Began


 Look, I

 don't Proclaim to

 be a Professional Writer,

but what I do Proclaim is that I

Believe what I Write and Write what I

Believe to be the  Integrity of Truth  that You

can  Count  on  to  Believe  as  to  be  True.

To  me,  that  is  Worth  more  than  a

 Bunk of  Hooey Chewy Chop

  Suey  or  Phony    Baloney

   from a Bad Seed that 

 You  Shouldn't

   Eat  as  in,



 But, just Remember that - that Tree Ain't Free 

for the Fruit from it's Root --- For there

is a Price to Pay --- by Way of,

as to Feed and

Eat of it.!


"Besides, I can Assure You that - An Apple a Day - Won't keep the Devil Away"


One Can’t Force Another to Believe there is an Eternal Creator. - Neither can One Prove to that Person who the Creator might be… All they can do is Present the Idea from their Perspective of Whom they Believed Him to be… - Ultimately, it’s up to the Individual to make that Very Personal and Life-Changing Decision, for Themselves

We Cannot Teach People Anything; we can only Help Them Discover it Within Themselves.” Galileo Galilei

 All Truths are easy to Understand once they are Discovered; the point is to Discover them.” - Galileo Galilei” 

John 8:32; - and ye Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall make you Free

Genesis 1; 1 in the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth. -

How did the Universe Begin? How did Life Begin on Earth? These have been Humanitys most Important Questions through the Ages. In the Last Century, we have Learned more about Science and the Creation of the Universe than Everything Known before the Twentieth Century. What is more Notable is the Last Decade Has Opened New Discoveries Leading to New Theories that give us Unique Hypotheses about the Presence of God and the Nature of the Universe. This Website will give you that Insight on GodsCreation through the Commonsense of Bible Verses and a few Noted Famous People and Scientist Who Whole Hard-idly Believed inGod” - As in, - Albert Einsteins E=Mc2, - and YES=  Steven Hawking and Darwin, - Carl Sagan, - Sir Isaac Newton PRS., - Robert Boyle, - Francis Collins, - Johannes Kepler, - Francis Bacon, - Leonardo da Vinci, - Galileo Galilei, - Nicholas Copernicus, - Lord Kalvin, - Michael Faraday, - James Clark Maxwell, - William Harvey, - Paul Dirac, - Maria Mitchell, - Prof. Werner Archer, - Rosalin Franklin, - Prof. D.H.RBarton, - Maria Curry, - Euclid, - Max Planck, - Srinivasa Raminujan, - Charles Hard Townes, - Isidor Isaac Rabi, - Michio Kaku, - Abraham Lincolnand George Washington, etc. etcetc. etcetcetcetcetcetc.



who is seriously

involved in their pursuit

of Science - becomes Convinced

that a Spirit is Manifestin in the Laws of

Universe - A Spirit Vastly Superior to Mankind 

and one in the face of which We with our

Modest Powers must feel Humble

Albert Einstein 



So what Say You?  –  Does Any of this make Any


 Sense To You Well, – it sure Does to Me, 


Because the Truth Will set you Free!


Design, Composed and Written by,

Don Lee Johnson



   For Future Reference:   

 The  Right  Music  is  my  Bliss,

 but with the Wrong Doctrine I Dismiss.

That said, Music is About- the Inside Out of

what is Felt from the Out Side in.

What I Hear in my Ears is

what  Fills  my  Eyes

Full  of  Tears.

 Don Lee Johnson





Genesis Factor 


" Follow  youFollow  me" 



 " The Universe is so Vast and Wide and so too are the Mass of its Stars Inside " by, 

D L. Johnson


"Telstar" New improved Stereo remix from 1962

By, The Tornatos


 "Songs of the UniverseMusic by,

Dietrich von Oppeln Bronikowski



"A Star Danced" by

David Wahler



"A Sky Full of Stars" by,



One Voice Children's Choir ?v=nomxXk6Q1rk

" Music

Orchestrates our

Thoughts into one Single

Denominator called Harmony and

Harmony Harmonizes with Contentment

 and Contentment  Harmonizes  with  Being  Happy

  and Being Happy is Being in Tune with Love instead of Hate

    Music Soothes our Hearts and Souls from the Stress

     of our Highs and Lows - of the Day by Day

     Come what  Mays - in Life”. These

     are Good Reasons Why

        I Love my Music - in the way it Loves me -

       It puts me in Touch - with an Inner Sense of Sensibility -

       As to be able to Write what I Write in Simple Language of Sensitivity -

    Understanding is Believing - just as Believing is Understanding -

    I don't need to be a Meadowlark as to Sing my Song - from my Heart -

     It sets the Tone for what you may Hear in one Ear -

    as to the Message -- you May Hold Dear -- in the other Ear -

            So, No matter --- What Ever --- Forever --- my Way -    
    It will be for the "Lord" of my Lyrics to the -

  Music  that  my  Heart  Feels  to  Play "







Besides, when the Integrity of a True Story has been Told -

then the Sound of the Music will never get Old -

 Don Lee Johnson


  Joanie Madden-Pinehurst


Going There


    By, Davol

Triumphant Quartet – official Lyric video   






-Could You Imagine Living in a World of  -


-  HopeTrust, Peace and Harmony-


-Consider Integrity Thinking-












  - If you don't have Integrity -


       - You won't  have Honor - If  you don't  have Honor -


    - You  won't  have  Loyalty -


         And if you don't have Loyalty - you will be a Traitor -


      - to everything Decent and True -


      - could this Pertain to -












    Wisdom  is  Knowing  the Right Path to take -


Integrity is  Taking  it -



 Speak   with  Honesty -



                              Think with Sincerity -



                                 Act  with Integrity 


then  God  can use You  


 too to Help Imaginations come True !






Note: "there is a Book, (referring to the Bible) Worth all other Books which were ever Printed, (Patric Henry yet it is the(#1 Hardest Book to Read and Understand, because of the way it was Written by the Composer of that Period of Time.


So, from here onPlease  keep  that in Mind while you are Continuing on to Reading Mine of our Peril  of  Time Sure, there will be those of you who won’t get it, but if your Heart is True then I Promise You that You Surely will,


Look , "God  didn't Create Us  with Mechanical  Brains, because

He wants us to be able to Choose Right  from  Wrong Thinking

 to the Rhythm of  each Beat   of  our  Hearts into Minds  

that  have   the Integrity    of   Feeling Things that

are Good Sincere , Decent and  True

that have to do with Me and or 







Composed,  Written    and  Designed  by 


Me,   Don  Lee.   Johnson











    TRUE   FROM   ME   TO




  THE  FINAL  STRAW  ----  IS  TO  GET  A  BRAIN  -----  THAT  AIN'T  LAME  -

  JUST   LIKE   ------------  THIS   GUY  ------------  KNEW   WHY-




JUST   LIKE   THIS   SCARCROW ------------ THAT   WE   ALL   KNOW -

  WHO   WENT   OFF   TO   SEE-------- THE   WIZART  THAT -





    Were off to see the Wizard song

 Somewhere over the rainbow song

Full Sound Trake

Movie Clips                       



 “  My Brain is Filled Full of Stuff that My Heart Fed it

of  which I will Attempt  to  Feed to You

However, keep in Mind that the Heart of the Matter is

Lessons Learned from Learned Lessons

are  Discered  from  the  Heart  

 By,  Don L.   Johnson


  Knowledge is Everything - if the Brain can Absorb and or Learn from it - in the Right Way.

    With  Wisdom that is True ------------ Hopefully to be  With You. 

You  cannot  Exchange your  Brain and  or  Mind  - as to  Wisely  Think  Smart

Unless it is Sincerely Compatible to be Knowledgeable  - Within and or from Your Hear t  


By, Don L.  Johnson



 Sir Isaac Newton PRS was an English Mathematician, Physicist, Astronomer, Theologian, and author

who is Widely Recognised as one of the most Influential Scientists of All Time,

and a Key Figure in the Scientific Revolution."




But, who is God?



Think of this Essay  as the Lyrics ~ to this Beautiful Instrumental Song of,

Spiritus ~ by,  David Wahler 

 https:// www. Su_U_opC_9Q


To  me,

 indeed, He is the

Inspirational Guidance that

Orchestrates my Thoughts  into the 

Symphony   of who  He Is and  Stands For

as Written throughout My Website 

of  the  Timeless  Truths,

God is in Lieu of Every thing

that   is   Good,  Decent  and  True.

He is Our Father and   Son the Same as One.

He is our Father and Son of "Thy Kingdom Come"

He i the   Alpha and  Omega of    Everything    that  is   True to

Everything   that   He  Is,   Was and  Will   Forever Be.

God is the Devine-Mind-Master-Crafter

   of  all  that  we  See of   His Creativity,    

 He Created the Earth for the Soul of our Birth.

 He is    the   Creator, Designer and  Ruler of  the Universe.

 He  is Our Day in the Light --- as well as of Our Stars at Night.

 He is the Man  of Our Moon -------- with the Music  from Brigadoon.

 He is  the Forest  of Trees  that Cleans the Air that we Breath.

 He is the Wind of our Breeze ----- with the Love that He Leaves.

 He is the Air that's Invisible to See , yet the Miracle that we Need to Breath.

 He   is the Rain of Our Thirst ----- as   well as the  Sun of Our Warmth .

 He  is Here There ,  Every/where and Every/Place at Once.

 He is the Sun -Shine of  My Mind with My Thought that He has Taught.

 He is All/Knowing ,   All/Seeing,  All/Being and Sagaciously Wise.

  He  is  simply  Our Father  of   and   from  Heaven’s  Paradise.

            He is Judgment Day ------------ Come What May.   

              He   is  our   Salvation - when  there  was   None.  

      Simply Because,   He  gave   us   His  Son,   

   Jesus  Christ   as  been  Done.

       for  Thy  Kingdom  Come, 

       But  for Heavens Sake 

       don't  be  to  Late.

       Hear  Me !


                For the Choice You make --- will Determine your Fate          


      “ For those  who have  Lost their  Way Amid  Place in Time -

                          Seize  the  Moment    if   it   should   Return  to  Thine -               

          For  Time/Place  is  a  Dimension  of  Space/Time -

          Make Haste for there is no Time to Waste


                            Designed, Written & Composed 

           by,  Don L. Johnson


             Gladiator -  Passion of Christ

          Now We are Free



               Even a Five year old Child - gets the Gist of it!


               5-year old Ryann Crosby with Her Cool Dad

                            Peace in Christ -             

                  A Million Dreams ------



On  the Right Side of  History  and On  the Wrong Side  of  History

Look, Does   Common sense,   Science,   Physics and the  Universe Equate to God?

Just as  Energy  is to  the Equivalence  of  Mass  in  Albert Einstein's famous

Formula of E=Mc2 - So too does "God" Equate to the Same Thing

So, you can bet your bottom dollar that He is the Equation

and if Your Brain Ain’t Lame from Whence it Came

and use your Commonsense that Makes Sense

Instead of being Dense with Nonsense

then you too will Equate to the Same Dang Thing

and with an Open Mind - I’m going to Prove it to 

Right Here on thisMy Website!







  The only thing Worse than being Blind - is having Sitebut No Vision

by, Helen Keller



 Look , I may not be an Astrophysicist , but I do know how to

Converse in my own Universe - as would be within

  my  Integrity about things  that are  True

  from me  to you as well as  all

 of  these   Famous


          do .          


" Science without Religion is LameReligion without Science is Blind "

 “ I want to know how God  CreatedthisWorld.
I am not interested in this or that Phenomenon, in theSpectrumof this or
. I want to Know
His Thoughts; the rest are details

 Albert Einstein





Stehen Hawking


Stephen Hawking was a Professed Atheist who has stated that He is "Not Religious in the Normal Sense" and He has been said to Believed that "The Universe was Governed by the Laws of Science. But then againHe Counterintuitively,  went on to say that The Laws may have been Decreed by God, but God does not Intervene to Break the Laws"?? - 


That said, I think that one could describe him as being more like a depressed atheist just as I may have been under the same condition – – – think about it.


Stephen Hawking onGod




Robert Boyle                                                                       Johannes Kepler                                                               Francis Bacon


Leonardo da Vinci  

"I have offended God and mankind because my work didn't reach the quality it should have"


    Galileo Galilei                                                            Nicholas Copernicus                                                            Lord Kelvin -

                                                                                                                                                                                      Irish-Scottish mathematical physicist and engineer  


                                               Michael Faraday                                                   James Clark Maxwell                                                



William Harvey

English physician who was the first to recognize the full circulation of the blood in the human body and to provide experiments and arguments to support this idea.


                          Paul Dirac                           

Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was an English Theoretical Physicist who is regarded as one of the most Significant Physicists of the 20th century.

Dirac made Fundamental Contributions to the early development of both Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Electrodynamics




Euclid, was a Greek Mathematician, who was often referred to as the "Founder and or the Father of Geometry".


                                                                                                                                                              Srinivasa Ramanujan 

Srinivasa Ramanujan FRS ( ; listen (help· info); Born December 22, 1887 – April 26, 1920) -

 Srinivasa Ramanujan was a Self-Taught Mathematical Genius. who lived during the British Rule in India.

He made extraordinary contributions to Mathematical Analysis, Number theory, Infinite Series and Continued Fractions.

He was Awarded the BA Degree by Research of the Cambridge University and Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London in February 1918.

Despite his lack of Formal Education and a Short Lifespan he left behind over 4000 Original Theorems of mostly identities and equations). 

(Theorem) a general proposition not self-evident, but proved by a chain of reasoning, established by means of Accepted Truths.

Image result for max planck quotes about God

 Charles Hard Townes 

Charles Hard Townes was an American Physicist and Inventor of the MASER.

(/ˈmeɪzər/, an acronym for  Microwave Amplification  by  Stimulated Emission  of  Radiation)

Townes worked on the theory and application of the MASER, for which he obtained the fundamental patent,

and other work in Quantum Electronics associated with both MASER and Laser Devices. "


Isidor Isaac Rabi

Isidor was an American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1944 for his discovery of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,
which is used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
He was also one of the first scientists in the United States to work on the Cavity Magnetron,
which is used in Microwave Radar and Microwave Ovens.


          Abraham Lincoln                                  George Washington                             George Washington     


Don L. Johnson

God isn't as Concerned with our Summations of Equations or Assertions of Interpretations Untrue!

in  as  much  as  He  does   in  Getting  to  Know  Him   in  Light  of  what's  Right  that  is True

to   Who  He  is   and  Stands  for  especially,   as  not   being  Complicated Common

Denominator  is a  Shared Belief  and  a  Shared  Believe  is  Believing  in  the  Same

 Thing that  is True within the   Integrity  and  Wisdom  between  Me  and You,

     T E -   E = M = C 2 = " Theory of Everything" = God  

   Where  Beautiful Music by all means Orchestrates its  Strings











Michio Kaku -- is a Theoretical Physicist who was largely Inspired by his non-fictional Hero of -- Albert Einstein.

The day Einstein died, Michio's Teacher told his class that the Great Physicist had died before Completing His Biggest Discovery of a "Theory of Everything".

Michio was Fascinated by this Story and became Determined to Understand what this Incomplete Theory 

was all about and so goes his on going Quest for the Rest 2019.


A 'Smash' Hit -  Using Physics

 By the time Michio got to High School, he had a well-established his Passion for Physics.

For the Science Fair, Michio Constructed a Adam Smasher  in his Garage.

  It was made of 400 Pounds of Srcap Metal, 22 Miles of Copper Wire, and Generated a Magnetic Field 20,000 times than that of Earth's.


      This ambitious project got him a spot at the National Science Fair.

     There, it caught the attention of Nuclear Physicist Edward Teller that earned Michio a full-ride to Harvard University.

Michio Kaku 

Does God Exist?? Michio Kaku Responds!!&view=detail&mid=A933F64199AEE376EB39A933F64199AEE376EB39&FORM=VIRE


Michio Kaku's aswer on "Is there Life After Death?",


Darwin's Theory of Evolution 


I Have Never Denied the Existence of GodI Think the Theory of Evolution is Fully Compatible with Faith in GodI also Think that the Greatest Argument For The Existence of God is the Impossibility of  Demonstrating and Understanding that the Immense Universe - Sub Line, - Meaning - All Inspiring, Magnificent, Beautiful and or Heavenly - Above All Measure and man were the Result of Chance.”


However, Darwin still Believed that God was the Ultimate Lawgiver, and later Recollected that at the Time He  was Convinced of the Existence of God  as a First Cause - He Deserved to be called a Theist.




 Carl Sagan



Ultimately, when it really comes down to it.  Any and All Serious Minded Physicist Know and Realize both Philosophically and Scientifically that there has to be a Divine Mind and or Hand Behind it All. Anything Other can Never Discover GodSo beWise just like all these Wise Guys.



God's Design ------- out of  His ------- Space and Time -------  E 

--- Space/Time or Time or Place -- there is no Place -- in our Time -- to Waste ---

 --- The Choices we Make -Determines our Fate - but often - Half-Heardedly too Late ---  


No one can Read the Gospel without Feeling the Actual Presence of Jesus, 

Because His Personality Pulsates and Every Word

No Myths is Filed with such Life.

 Albert Einstein


T EXEinstein = E = MC2 Energy = Mass the speed of Light  = 186,000,288 m/p/s into Space/Time 

= 671 million m/p/h = to realize that our Place/Time = the Flight through the Dark of Night

 = into the Spark of Light = of Gods Sight = of all We See = throughout Eternity = 



  The Relevance of Time, By God s own Design


The only thing Worse than being Blind- is having Site but No Vision,

by,Helen Keller




-  Dear   -

  Friends,  Foes 

 and or Status Quo's,

 My name is Don L. Johnson 

 and  I want to Welcome you into my 

 World  of  Space/Time and Place of Rhyme

where You are about to enter  into the No Lie Zone

where the  Truth will set you free that is if  your Mind will

let it be  from a Lull of a much needed wake-up call into your own

Space/Time and Place. My is the Hardrive of my Thinking

just as my  is to my Website. This Website is an Unyielding Enemy of the

Dark  side of Evil, But a  Patriotic Friend  into the Light of Good and the

Lettero is another Letter added to  God's  Name of the Same

  for which He stands for with His battle against -- the  

Dark side of Evil better known as the Devil --

----------------- Let me be Perfectly Clear  -----------------

The Rule of Thumb -for the Ignorant and Dumb  

---- Believe, Ask  and You Shall Receive   ----

 ------ Deep out of Visual Sight! ------







  If your Hearts not Right-  your Brain will Follow -

 -------------- Don L . Johnson --------------







You know what? no matter how Dark the Matter is in-Light of what I Write, I know that there will be a Few of You who will choose to be Deaf and Blind to my Mind of Thinking, but no matter how you See it, when it comes down to it, Life is really all about Personal Character Adjustments within our Lifes Experience and our Purpose is to Live and Learn and Learn to Discern of what is Right over Wrong Thinking, but, the End Result, will Ultimately Depend on our Heart's being True and Right and if their not - we will never see the Light into God's Sight,




“The Rule of Thumb”


As Done from the book of   Genesis  from the Beginning to End

Is that there is  Good and Bad    Living in Each one of us in Our world “today”

And “The Rule of Dumb” is the dividing line between “Bad and Evil” in the Devilsworld

Therefore, as Chosen, it only takes that Dumb Outcome to Rule you as of the Devils Fool End


Written and Composed by,

Don L. Johnson  




   “Simply put, a Brain without Integrity 

    Is a Heart without a Soul  under the Devil's in Control

Written and Composed by,

Don L . Johnson


As a footnote Folks,

from  whence  the Eve of the Atom

Conceived Adam and Eve and I no longer See and

Witness so much Evil, Pain and Suffering

right here where we live on our

Planet Earth - Then   I’ll no longer Believe

   that we are living inHell here on the Devils Turf  


Lookyou don't have to believe me-

 Just, asked those who are Suffering in it Right Now !

  As long as we are Living within our own Bodie and Souls -

Then We, too - will Sooner or Later - Experience

and Feel - how  then  it Goes If anything

other  than  toLord  willing ,

To Save Our Souls !


Come on - Come on - if you still don't Believe me,

Just ask Adam and Eve   who were first Tricked and  Decieved

from the Fruit of that Tree -  That to this very DayAffects You and Me

and that is why and where the old saying comes from that says,

-------------   " The Devil Made Me Do It   ------------











Since then as for We Women and Men ain't   

none - not even one ---- of us Perfect without Sin  and

 that is Why we Live with and Where Pain and Suffering 1st began!








Well, that's it folks ! -  From here on, 

 I'll Write it and  you  Decide it -  in your own Mind of,







                                         Michael Jackson - Heal The World                                 


Designed , Composed  and Written  by ,

Don L . Johnson



Let the  Sun beat down upon my face,

Stars  to fill my Dream I am a Traveler of both Time and Space,


Oh I've been Flying a mama, there ain't no Denyin

Oh , Pilot  of the  Storm  who leaves no trace,

like thoughts inside  a Dream heed the path that led me to that Place,


" Led Zeppelin "

The Greatest Band EVER!

Jimmy Page, John Bonham, John Paul Jones&Robert Plant







" Oh, let the  Sun  beat down upon your Mind - then  You'll Find that it is your Timeto Shine"

Train of Thought

God's   Grand Scheme of Things





In the beginning, as opposed to the  Big bang theory -   I say,  don’t  worry, Because with God You  Get the Biggest bang for your Buck,  Since the Buck  Started out from a Singularity point Toiled into the Cosmos Created  by God ...  Science without God  would be like a Heart without a Soul of Emptiness into Darkness for God is the Light whoCreated theDayandNight.



Composed, Written  and  Designed  by,

Don  L..  Johnson



" We the Souls  of Human Beings

were of the Unclean Spirits of the  Fallen Angels

who fought alongside Lucifer"


Link, " The Souls of We, The Human Beings are of The, Fallen Angels who fought alongside Lucifer "



Link,  Famous scientists who believed in




Let 's Play Home Run



God is the Architect, Designer, Builder and the Creator of


  all existing Matter in Space as a whole of the Cosmos  better known


as the Universe of Unmeasurable Time and Space or E =mc without end.



God built the House of our Universe, thus the Universe Houses our Planet Earth, Houses Earth Houses ....We the Human Species and Wethe Human Species ... Houses our Souls ... That's what you call a four base Home Run, but your Game Can't be Won unless you can enter into and through the Home of,


No offense but where are you going to be if or when those Trumpets calls ?


Designed, Written and Composed by,

  Don L. Johnson 



There is no other way to put it!



That, at times, Good people do Bad things

just as Bad people do Good things,

but when Bad people do Evil things

 That's when they Fly with the Devil’s   Wings 

 to where and what - His Angels of Demons  brings, 

 See what's happening as of Late  --- as to the Destruction 

of what  Evil  does through - Power - Greed Ignorance and Hate!




" From Star Stuff - FormedUs fromDust 


Into this Space/Time and Place -


So, as of the Matter - that Truly Matters 


-We were first Conceived -


- From the Eve of the Atom - Into Adam and Eve -


Arose our  Tree of Thought - from the Fall We've Brought  

But, Even So ---- You have to Know ---- that the Devil 's in Control

- of the Details --- of our Foolish Souls --- as from the Trick -

of His Treat ----------- unto our ----------- ChosenDefeat

So beware that this Earth is the Devil's Turf.



Composed, Written and Designed by,

Don L. Johnson



Common - common ....... the reason is due to .......  Power , Greed, Ignorance and Hate

so why do we capitulate  ...  to the devils tools ... as His active fools - Huah





   How could anyone deny that there is a Devil

especially, when we see and witness so much Peer Evil

Can you describe the following --- any better?

                      And if it's not Pure Evil --- what would you call it?



Life under the ISIS caliphate

The Week  Staff 

Link →



News World Middle East


Life under Isis: the everyday reality of living in the Islamic 


with its seventh century laws, very modern methods

and merciless violence! 


Link →




Where is your Heart and Soul

Do you know?



December 30, 2016 - by, Don L Johnson

This I do know that

 you can’t Evade”, is that, if you know your cards and have checked your deck - A Spade is a Spade - for all the lies of liars that all have made - From the Past to your Present - they are all deemed unpleasant - In other words, simply put, it is what it is - without a Quandary of a Quiz - you can’t Win, because you’re Guilty as Sin and the End Result will be your Fault. – Let’s see, what God say about it? - Truthful lips will be established forever, but a Lying tongue is only for a moment (Prov. 12:19)


11. Liars will perish.



You destroy those who speak falsehood;

the Lord abhors the man of bloodshed and deceit (Psalm 5:6).

A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who tells lies will perish (Prov. 19:9).



You destroy those who speak falsehood;


the Lord abhors the man of bloodshed and deceit (Psalm 5:6).


A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who tells lies will perish (Prov. 19:9).


But for the cowardly and unbelieving and Abominable and Murderers and Immoral Persons and Sorcerers and Idolaters and All Liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death (Revelation 21:8).


A Dozen Reasons God Hates Lying & Liars

June 27, 2011 – by, Paul Tautges

Deception, in one form or another, is a regular part of many people’s lives in our world today. However, much to the church’s shame, many Christians continue to give in to the temptation to Lie their way through life as well. What does God think of this? Proverbs 6:19 includes on the list of things that God Hates, “a false witness who utters Lies.” Why does God HateLying? And why does He not only HateLying, but Liars as well? The Bible provides many reasons. Here are twelve of them -



Celtic woman -O, America!



YesAmerica is calling, but Deserves the Very-Very-Best

not the Very Very Worst of Evil to Dijest!  

Don’t just Believe, but take Heed

to the Terrifying Things

Taking place


Consider the Oligarch of Putin: He owns and controls all of Russia’s Military, Media, people and Wealth and if he is challenged, he simply assassinates them - just like “Hitler” and neither of “Stalin” in their period of time… Putin, here tell, is probably the richest guy on the planet earth and he did it through his evil practices… Donald Trump is nothing, but one of Putin’s “Small- Time Minion-aided Back-Door Stooges that he Uses and Abuses to his benefit” - Donald Trump has openly made it a point according to his way of thinking - that Putin is more like his idol who is doing things right and that “We, the American people” should respect and appreciate.…


Keep in mind that a dictator’s first act of duty is to take control over the Media like Putin did, however, Putin didn’t have our Democratic System to Deal with - as Donald Trump is beginning to humble and realize Through the - Hard Lessons - Battled - Due To His - “Fake Pretense”… Donald Trump is who we is as an Egotistical, Greedy, Megalomaniac, Mendacious-Lowlife that cheats his hired workers and children out of their pay, let alone the collaboration with this guy that Looks, Acts, and Performs just like a (Heartless - Cold Blooded - Bloodsucking-Vampire) of which I call, (Happy Vampy) that Thirstily says  to his Ignorant, Naïve, Alacritous Victims before he Sucks them Dry!


I mean, give me a break, How stupid can we get what we can't even know the difference between what is right over wrong thinking - Involving good over bad to evil practices in the way of doing things, or do We?  Come on, it is obvious, whose side Donald Trump is on, because he openly hasn't hidden it as being on the side of Putin! 


So what type of a president do you think that Donald Trump will make? - Better yet, what type of president has he been sense he’s been in office? Well, thanks to you, loyal surrogates of his - besides being on the side of one of our worst enemies ever of Vladimir Putin, let’s see - while you go on to read about all the terrifying things that Trump has done so far  through the link provided

well, all I have to say is that, being a loyal to Donald Trump is not being loyal to your integrity, let alone your country, because Donald Trump is loyal to either! Donald Trump is only loyal to the evil he represents and always has been. He Sold His Soul over to the Devils Control while being groomed as a child by his dad - like he is Now doing to his 10 year old son …


I’ve always said that if your “Heart and Soul” isn’t Right, then your “Minds of Control” won’t be Neither and Donald Trump is lacking Either, because, simply put, the Devils got them…  



Oddly enough,  somewhat Like,  Tweedle-Lee-Dee-Twitter-He-Do... Donald Trump  is an established Goofball-Oddball of an Covert-Misogynist, Soulless- Megalomaniac, Narcissistic-Egomaniac and a Compulsive  Pathological-Liarwho will Shamefully go to any length and or Expense to defend His  Inherent- Corrupt-Manner of Behaviors He is the Embodiment of what - Evil Stands for - in all of its Forms of Horror Glory, 


His lack All of - Common-sense - versus - his Nonsense

Judiciousness - versus - his Recklessness

Right - versus - his Overwhelming Wrongs

 • Loyalty to Country - versus - his Turncoat Betrayal Covertly

Intelligence - versus - his Ignorance and Stupidness

Warm-bloodedness - versus - his cold-bloodedness

• And Moral Ethics and or Integrity -

verses his Deviousness and Wickedness - Etc. Etc!


T EX = Equates  2 Seven 7 = Lacking -o of = Heaven


More importantly, he parallels the Battle between Good and Evil... You see, to beginGod’s adversary was with Lucifer, the Morning Star-Son of the Dawn cast out of Heaven as the Fallen Archangel, commonly known - as Satan the Devil - and so, the battle goes on - until the Devils Gone Evil only Wins - when Man Follows in Sin


For better Perception - as Paralleled - With The Fall Of Man, please Click on the Links Below and then with an Open Mind you should Visualize to Know and Realize the Truth - as it is - in this Chilling Unsettling State of Affairs of this Strange, but -  Ominous-Very-Scary - World We Live in - as of Today,



It is written,


you can’t change the Course of a Demon


any-more than you can through the Horror of the Antichrist -


Neither or is for sale,

because the Devil is in the Detail.


Just Consider - how his Deceitful Characterdefeated 17 other Contenders - with each being more qualified than he - as to select our President Elect, yet, he Ludicrously Won - By the Senselessly Dumb ... If he is not the Antichrist - then he would most certainly be his Equal When Characters Match - they are Simply Attached - b eing that they are one of the Same - with Equal Evil to Blame... 


Power and Greed - is of the - Devil's Creed 

Just as Ignorance and Hate - is the Mate- for the Devil Bait.


In my own Words and Opinion, Donald Trump

is nothing Less than a

Manipulating-Srewball-Imbasaw Lying,

 Piece of Sack of Shit!

and Why?



Deep-Deep Shit of World Trouble


The art of bull shit








----------------- ------------------------------------------



God Bless America ----- Celine Dion in concert ----- America,

A tribute to the Heroes Memory of September 11, 2003







OAmerica”, it is so amazing to me that weas your people” have been so Ungratefully Bad to and for you throughout the Inequity of our History, yet, True To Whom You Are as I do Trust! - You, “O, America” still stayed Good and True to all of us That is why I Ask and Pray with all of my Heart, Soul and Love as I do with God that He would Bless you NOW and forever More - just as you have Done for all of us As for me,  “O, America”  -  you are my  Home Sweet Home  of which I am so Grateful!



A man had a Dream and was talking with God. He said, “What is a Million Years like to you?”God replies, “Million Years is but a Minute to me.” The man then asked, “God, what is a Million Dollars to you? God Replied, “Million Dollars is like one Penny to Me.” The man then thought he would be clever, and he asked God, “God, can I borrow a Penny?”God then replied, “Sure, give me a Minute.” - So Money itself is nothing to God just like TimeBut look at the metaphoric examples - in the Bible.

If you Steal a Penny, you are just as Guilty as though you Stoled a Nickel

and if you Stoled a Nickel --- it’s the same Crime --- as though you Stoled a Dime

In other words -

if even for a Dollar More

God Knows your Heart and He your Score -

whether you're  Rich or Poor...

Don L. Johnson


Now here's the Deal It's not the Amount of Money that you Steal - inasmuch, as it is with the Intent of what you've Meant from within your Heart - Because, ( Greed is Greed and Sin is SinIn Lieu of God's View ... Look, there is no such thing as Passports, Money and or a Con-Artist Like people of → (donald trumpgetting to and Through Heavens Gate --- but through to Hell where there is no Escape! ... You've got to ask yourself, is donald trump the antichrist?


Contrary to the mindless ideology of terrorist thinking - such as their “God being great”... There is only One True God and I can assure you that He Hates Evil Doers …  Such is to be aware of their tricky snare - as to participate within the Devils Caliphate of wearing black with cowardly covered faces… Just remember that this isn’t Halloween, but the Devils Trick - lest you’ll be His Treat


Verse 4-5. see Psalms on "Psalms 26;4" verse 5. I have Hated the congregation of Evil Doers. A severe sentence, but not too severe. A man who does not Hate Evil terribly, does not Love Good Heartedly. Man, as men, we must always Love,  for they are our neighbors', and therefore to be Love as ourselves; but Evil Doers, such as, are Traitors to the Great King, and no Loyal subject can Love traitors. What God Hates we must also Hate.




James 1:14-15

But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to Love the Truth and so be Saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not Believe the Truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Psalm 135:15-18

The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; they have eyes, but do not see; they have ears, but do not hear, nor is there any breath in their mouths. Those who make them become like them, so do all who trust in them!

John 14:9-10

Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know Me, Philip? Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show Us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own authority, but the Father who dwells in Me does His works.

1 Corinthians 8:5-6

For although there may be so-called gods in Heaven or on Earth—as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”— yet for us there is One God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and One Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.

John 14:6

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me


John 3:5 context


3Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see that kingdom of God.



There is no debate between the separation of Church and State

but none when it  comes d own to their Membership with 

Power,  Greed,  Ignorance and Hate!




 You will find out the facts to the matter - a s your reading on, 






I am neither nor a member of any one of the (7.5 billion) Link  Religions of Convenience Groups that's been Ignorantly Manipulated and Taught without personalThought … Sure, there are 7.5 billion religions, but, one isn't any better than the otherIf their Hearts   aren't right ... with brains  in flight


Please answer me this, if money is said to be the root of all evil  ... then why in the heck do famous preachers of Christ crave and beg for it the most? Huuum, I wonder  could it be for their lavish Lifestyles? ... Check out Joel Osteen's $10.5 million mansion   → Joel Austin's second mansion and his many Ferraris   His $5 million private jet   No problem, because where there is 2000 or 30,000 of you come together in my name    just one more dollar from each of you then I'll  be able to buy another million  d ollar  plus  house do it for Jesus ...   .   It's beyond my intelligence of how people can be so Doggone Steadfast Gullible. Like the saying goes,  Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. 


Joel Osteen and his likeness are nothing more than Slick Charlatans  exploiting naïve p eople  for profit  as to get  Their-Fair-Share of the Root to the Loot , but  . Oh ye ah, you don't believe it? well, just check this out → Lifestyles of the Tele-evangelists  "Fleecing of the Flock" by, Carol Brooks Link 



Matthew 7:15-16 

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. There end will correspond to their deeds.



Evangelic-Tele-evangelist: Pertaining to or in keeping with the gospel and its teachings in the Protestant  churches that stress the importance of personalexperience of Guilt for  Sin, and of reconciliation to God  through Christ As a rule ... the Evangelicals go hand and hand with the Republicans ... as do theRepublicans with the Wealthy ... as do theWealthy with the Tea Partiers ... back to full circle with the  Teleevangelist ... And  what was once  God's  Money  Now p laying Ring around the Root of the Loot   Joyfully singing our pockets are Full and we're Cozy.



NO! ... It's about high time for good and decent people of Common-sense to stand up and start offending people with the truth, because there are no Den  of  Thieves like there are in America’s government and churches today.



With that said, OK, you Know it all Condescending Intellectual Skeptics, you don’t have to believe in God  and or  Jesus  as I do. You were born with a free will to think and choose for yourself of what you want to believe ... After all, you're not answerable will to me.  Your Cognitive is your Prerogative is your choice to rejoice, but, no matter howrver you cut it, everything that God stands for, like, Right from Wrong, Good from Bad and Love from Hate are what you can equate into a happier, safer and honorable life with honor and purpose. You can’t say that with the opposite of which equates to evil, that is, unless you're in the role of the devils control?

 Composed, Written and Designed by,

Don L. Johnson




The  damnation  of  temptation  is  that

A corrupt brain - uses the devil - To play his game 

While a corrupt Heart uses the Pulpit to do the Shame thing.

So which one is the most ........Immoral........ Disloyal and or Corrupt

as symbolic of the Lord’s name.... the brain or the shame? So!  

when using the pulpit ... there is nothing worse than the 

shame of the thing of Abusing the Lord’s name.




By, Don L. Johnson




Pope: ... God will judge you


Vatican City - Pope Franciswarned the rich and powerful on Tuesday May 13, 2015 that God will judge them on whether they fed the poor and cared for the earth , his latest exhortation on the environment ahead of his eagerly-awaited encyclical on climate change and its effects on the world's most vulnerable.


Francis delivered the warning during a mass for the Vatican's caritas internationalist charity.


In his homily, Francis said the planet has enough food to feed the world, but "it seems that there is a lack of willingness to share it with everyone.



I  don't  believe  in  Any  "chosen religion" ,

but I do believe in the Integrity of

Pope Francis's Heart

 Don Johnson




Oh.... to begin .... into within .... So that you know .... that it is certainly so .... that

“ The colorof the rhymes ... highlight their colorfueffects ... of my designs

What I seek .... is to be unique .... of the best .... from all the rest

 It's the Insight of my website creative for your delight



“ My delight is that ... The Stars at Night ... reflect their ... Glistening Light ... yet 

We fail to see that it's ... God's ... Grand Making of ... His  ... Majestic Universe ... up and into Sight”







To  be  Enlightened  without  being Frightened,


keep in mind and you might find that my website is to prove;


Logically that God and Science are one  of the same ....... Just as the


devil of defiance uses people to do  his evil to blame. What matters is that I believe


in God , because God believes in me ... Just as I feel it is True that He


tries to do with you.Unto this end it will depend on what one does or who


  never was  meant  to  Seriously  understand   the insight  of  me and   or


    my     website. Sometimes the  "Truth" won't  set you  Free,


   because   you  either  "Believe"  or   you  don't  and  


   when  you  don't  you  won't    ever  want  to 



     Know  the  Truth  as it "Truly"Is .


    The Question is within the


    Choice  of  to  be


     or not to





        Don L. Johnson





The Preamble of Proof

Over Troubled



Welcome; ......You are about to enter into the no Lie Zone whereas I calls them as

I sees them on things that are  True  from  Me to You at your own Peril

So  ... if your Heart is too Weak  for You to step up and Seek

ThenYour Mind will Fail ........ Because it's too Frail.




The Search for Truth  and Knowledge

is one of the finest attributes of man though often

it is most loudly voiced by those who Strive for it the Least


Albert Einstein


But remember that aDenier of Proof ... begets a Liar of Truth

For you will never Believe ......... what you can Perceive

If you are indeed Blind .... within your Mind


Don Johnson



First and foremost ... for those who know or don't know me personally. Even though my website is aboutMotivational Integrity Thinking, that doesn’t mean that I am a celebratedMotivational Speaker ... as I have a phobia of a people complex ... especially going through embarrassing hoops with larger groups. Anyway,as being aSelf-Conscious Person ...I am not able toFocusVerballyon what I'm able to write Serenely, No problem with one-on-one, but on stage,  "forget about it", because it's been a thing that I've had to Detrimentally contend with my entire life of expressing my talents and it's too bad, because a lot of Narcissistic Noted Motivational Speakers need to be Motivated by me in what should  be Genuinely  - instead of what's done Deviously Profitably

Consequently, it's been said that I have two Manifestations of Behaviors that are opposite to one another ... That being one of Superior and the other of Inferior as both being noticeable at times ... Link → Biographical Memoir which explains Me, Myself and I of the Misunderstood of Why ...


The thing that I know for sure is that Everything that I do ... I put my full Heart into it and that has caused problems for me of relating with people, simply because, whether right or wrong ... I haven't been able to D iscreetly Hide My Feelings ... Which in many cases, has made me an Unfavorable Outlaw on the Dead or Alive  wanted posters... Even though - "No-one can Measure a Man's Heart from the Outside" - (The Poetry of EmotionBut can with His Character... I know, because I've been Measured that way - Many many times - Without any consideration of the Sincerity from my Heart! ... Ending up with a negative ending of being - So Sad - to Bad - But,that's the way it  is - in showbiz!


Simply said, in order to Correct and Make a Wrong Right and Fair ...  Hearts have to be Reachable and ... Minds have to be Teachable     In order to be Achievable..



(Proverbs 18:15 ESV)

An Intelligent Heart acquires Knowledge, and the Ear of theWise seeks Knowledge.

I Humbly agree thatI am not a Sophisticated Professorwith aDegreeinPhilosophyandI don't consider myselfto bea Satisfactual Intellectual of Sociology either nor canIBoast of being with theHuffingtonorWashington Post...


But what I can Decree ... is thatI will alwaysBe Meof what You Read from what I Write ...  in Lightof what'sRight ... and do itwithout the Sins of  Shenanigans. Anyway, to get to the Heart of the Matter ... As with me ...You should also .


However, when telling the truth - as it really is ... It has a Intimidating Tendency to put people in anUncomfortable Tiz ... to where they don’t want to face it (as a test of knowledge) of an unnecessary quiz, because the truth hurts and where the truth hurts ... you simply stay away, because you feel that there is no gain in that sort of pain to comfortably remain ... And so... goodbye Joe ... you gotta go ... back to your comfortable ... status quo ... That's no jive when you're wanted dead or alive!


Metaphorically, in order toaccurately know and keep up with Time ... one has to know what makes people Tick and with theWrong Timing ... I have a tendency to Tick people off which is not a good thing toWatch Especially when Time keeps running on away from you ... ha ha.


No, I know that I won't be Liked , Loved , Admired, Desired, Adjulated and or evenCongratulated for my writings as  being  a Straightforward Shooter of the Truthby the Truth and nothing but the Truth as should beWritten ... No Matter What of My Conduct ... For I am strong to the Finish  without needing me Spinach ... So help me God!


Consequently  Judged  for  being Mentally Abusive ... For Some that are so Dumb without Excuses   ... p articularly of those Condescending- In-vain- Lamebrain's of or with Proud Exaggerations of themselves ...lacking Creative Imaginationswho can't, don't or won't get it for the sake of what's Right over what's Seriously GoneWrong in and or with ourWorld Today as follows,



The following is just One of the many Ensuing Examples


of how ... Stupid is ... of what Stupid does


without Conscientious T hinking


Into Consequences.




Replenish the Earth and Subdue it ............. That’s what God said!


But instead, what are we doing to it? Well  ! after Subduing it 


we're not only Deminishing it, We are Demolishing it




Genesis 1:28


Be fruitful, and multiply, and


Replenish the Earth, and Subdue it”.




In the time of Christ,


Humans numbered between 200 and 300 million


By the mid-19th century, we had reached 1.5 billion people.


Today, 2015, we are at 7.5 billion on track to reaching to reaching -


9.6 billion by the year 2050


With 2.5 Billion dumb bunnies of and from


China 1.357 billion (2013) and India 1.252 billion (2013) alone.



To give you an accurate comparison of our own country ... Well, at the end of our civil war of 1860, according to our U.S. Census, there were 31,443,321 people in our country. Today 2015 we have expanded to 324,595,939 ... Which shows that Both China and India has over a billion more people than our country ... This is Absolutely Ludicrous ... And guess what? Our corporate CEOs support them with Outsourcing their manufacturing to themTalk about Carbon Dioxide Emissions without regulations contributing to Global Warming ... You have to put the Blame on the Same! Oh well, No matter ... as long as the profit keeps rolling in as Greedy as their sin ... just ask the Koch brothers ... Isn't that great o f the greediest ass holes of America's CEO ? ... Are you starting to get what I mean by Inconsiderate Dumb Bunny Lamebrains -Under the Devils influence Judgment day, Reincarnation, Retribution and ... Oh yes, that's when they will pay on Fry-day !


As dumb bunnies,


I think maybe we've over


subdued it don't you?  I know,


the truth hurts ..... but what even hurts


worse  is  not  telling  you  where  your  pain  is!


Sadly ... we are an ungrateful wasteful


species that takes life for granted


that's  in  deep  trouble  with


Global warming that we,


the human species




No offense, but we are all guilty as sin!





In regards to the Link below ............. California's Population of not paying any attention to heeding all of the on going warning signs of their Impending Drought and still not willing to cut back on their usage ... In fact, increased their consumption.


(CNNThe Golden State could soon refer to California's  Hugh l awns.

Gov. Jerry Brown on Wednesday, imposed mandatory water restrictions for the first time on residents, businesses and farms ordering cities and towns in the drought ravaged state to reduce usage by 25%. "We're in a new error, Brown said. "The idea of your nice little green grass getting lots of water every day, that's going to be a Thing of the past. And What about their house to house swimming pools in just about every neighborhood? What about the Countless Hotels? What about the numerous golf course? etc. etc.

Friends! This isn't the beginning ... This is Just a part of their ongoing winningIf we keep letting the status quo - sow their profits into the air of Global Warming with our government officials in their pockets ... The whole world will become a California ... While these Koch heads find their way to theirmansions to water their multi-acreage lawns and fill theirswimming pools ... Leaving the rest of the world dry, because these guys are Low Life Greedy Bastards who only care about payback campaign funds From Kock-A-Kola's ... Hobby lobby ... Kemosabi ... and the like, but keep in mind that you are not the Lone Ranger, but instead in who pays these Greedy Crooked Hombres !


 Link,  a-way-of-life-in-california-drought.html 

Look, in Eyes of God, the most Valuable Asset of One's Character is there Self-made Integrity and it is Eternally Priceless ......... And the people who don't get it are either Dumb Beyond Imagination, or they simply don't believe in God !



Luke 8:17   "For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light". In other words, as for me, everything will come into light and be evident as you read on ... that is ... if you can take it! ... For knowing the difference between makes the difference of which way we've gone.


However, right now, I think that the most important thing that I would like you to know about me is that - other than that of ..."God’s" ... that there is no other influence in my life of how I feel  and think about the Seriousness of the stuff that I write about - as conveyed to you - that is, except for the Ignorance of the (Guilty as SinWrongdoers) that take advantage of everything Good and Decent in the world that God created for us without appreciation - out of Power, Greed, Ignorance, and Hate ... In this screwed up world ... as of Late ... Like never before in the History of Mankind ... as in no other Date ... or past in Time.


Our very existence is occupied and wrapped up in our own amount of  " Time of Space" wherever our Place and we've got a short amount of Time to get it right before being Converted into the Relativity of  " Space Time"



The Spoils of War of Gas and Oil



APNewsBreak: US says Gulf oil spill could last 100 years 



Compare the Exxon Valdez and BP oil spills


NASA Maps Beach Tar from California Oil Pipeline Spill




The Gas and Oil Industry has and still are literally doing more Harm to our Planet than any and all the wars put together throughout history, including the nuclear bombs of Japan's Nagasaki and Hiroshima in World War II.


In succession, as anUndeclaredWar that was Naught for Bought with the Gas and Oil Industriesmain motive of where Greed begets Power … As opposed to the Declared Wars that was Sought then Fought where Power begets Greed with Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin, etc. ... Both started out with Power and or Greed, but ends up with the same results … of and from Evil.


Again, the only difference are their motives of where and how they first began and end … only one is never ending … That being the Heartless Greedy Oil and Gas Industry’s continued … Hell-bent Domination for profit … of Abomination and Desolation, Consumption, Destruction and Pillaging of our Planets Natural Resources, as they were …, Thus automatically giving them the Powerto do as they will of anything in their way, including owning the Integrity of Congress and the Supreme Court JusticesMoney is Power and Power is Money that Begets Greed and Ends with Evil.


With that said, you've got to ask yourself ...Why the hell is NASA and SpaceAgencies ... with billions of dollars ... so hell-bent for man to land on Mars ...When it is uninhabitable? That being, No Food and NoWater and NoWay to get it? Except for drinking their own Pee and maybe Cannibalizing themselves ... Like what was done to and or on our Planet Earth ... Come on, it's not like they can call out for a delivered pizza...


Composed, Written and Designed by,

Don L. Johnson



I am neither a member or an Affiliate of any Political Party Line meaning a - (Republi-Sham, Demo-Crap and or have a Taste for Tainted Tea )  In noWay! do I Say! that either Party ... is for Me ... As to Determine my Destiny, but still, it doesn't matter when the of Evil has already been opened  for all of us through not just curiosity, but more like our own doings of pure ignorants and stupidity!

  Image result for Pandora's box

Sen. James Inhofe

holding conclusive proof global warming is fake
with his idiotic snowball theory

Juvenile delinquent




Folks, t his is really scary stuff coming out of a setting Republican Sen. 

This is a classic example of what I've been talking about due to

the Republican Party's Juvenile delinquency Mindset.

Juvenile delinquents




By, Dan Mitchell


If this sounds like sleaze, that’s because it is. It’s a story about how the political class has created a system that loots the American public and enables the well-connected to skim a good share of the booty.


I explained in a previous post that some of the most despicable people in Washington are Republicans, but this story gives me an opportunity to elaborate.


What happens is that idealistic people come to Washington to work for Congress (also, because they get elected to Congress) they earn good salaries, considerably above the average for the US economy.


But if they want to make big money - and if they have weak morals and an absence of character, they are drawn to the lobbying community. Believing is linking, check out these links ... about these Sneaky Sleazy Rotten Finks ↓



Getting rich while serving in Congress isn’t proof of corruption,

but it stinks to high heaven by,


 Dan Mitchell





Washington’s revolving door of legal corruption by,


Dan Mitchell




As you can see, our government is so corrupted from the top down (President, VPThe  Speaker of the HouseCongress and The Supreme Court
Black or White ... Red or Blue ... It doesn't matter, when
you've become rotten ... through and through, Simply

because of the Influence of the Money Changers

Whereas only God can straighten out Just

as He Cleansed His temple  In,




Of which I feel to be Poetic Justice,

But in the true sense of the

Meaning is that



Poetic justice

Is the reincarnation of

What goes around ... comes back around

In other words, as food for thought, for all sleaze balls,

 The crap you've dished out in your time will be the crap you'll come 

back to eat in God’s time ... as Poetic Justice!

Don L. Johnson



I’ll tell you true,

that since your birth here on earth

 You’ve been living in hell from whence you fell ...

Don’t  believe  it?  Well,  j ust

Ask those who have been suffering and

tormented with pain in it .


Ask those veterans of war who fought in hell and came back as amputees,

and or disfigured and to say the least, a fidelity.


Ask those who’s been tortured,


Ask those who’s been mentally traumatized,


Ask Stephen Hawking and the like,


Ask the victims of Russia, Al Qaeda and Isis and their like,


Ask those who were born into extreme poverty

where there is very little food and drinkable water and in sweltering heat,

while “The Circle of Fortune” continues to be wealthy and cozy.


And OH Yes, The lake of fire

Ask those who have been severely burned and live to feel it

and to say the least of the guy that Isis burned alive and what about 

the furnaces of the millions of Holocaust victims etc etc.


As long as our soul inhabits  our body … Our body will continue to play its role.

As long as our body continues its roleOur body will remain to feel its pain


There  are  so  many  ways  to  feel  it

if even in the back, foot, head and or a toothache,

For, Pain is Pain and remains the same! Think about it…

While pondering the role of your soul in this world and into the after?


Composed, Written and Designed by,

Don L. Johnson



The Farmer of Our Soul



With the Exception of the Devil’s Deception … As Human Beings with a Soul … We were All Born with a Good and or Bad Seed to Grow and Heed, but We Choose which one we want to Sow … for after all, we are, “The Farmer of our Soul



As for me … I Pray … Each Day …that My Good Won’t Stray Away … And Each … Day I Pray … that My Bad … will Lose its Way.



But from Adam and Eve, we’ve all been Deceived and why? Because His Apple a Day doesn’t keep Him Away


But, Even though we are “The Farmers of Our Souls Sometimes we do Lose our way from day-to-day Where we Surf ... the Earth ... on theDevils Turf.


Composed, Written and Designed by,

Don L. Johnson




As for the Circle of the Den of Thieves, Jesus  got so upset   when  He went into the temple of Jerusalem and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves; and to say the least, it wasn't a lavish Temple either - King James Bible ...Mark 11:15. .... . With this said - as you have read - you can’t say that I didn’t warn you - up front - about my facetious unpleasant attitude of the insulting way I present things. But the last time I looked into a mirror, I have  yet to noticed  any halo hanging over my head, but hopefully I will after I'm dead.


Again, I can only say this, that never before in the history of mankind - Going back to the history of Alexander the Great's days - have we, as a Civilization gotten to the point of world destruction of our planet earth.We are Literally destroying our planet through our garbage of Poisonous Hazardous Waste, such as polyvinyl chloride, also known as PVC or vinyl plastics, glass jars and bottles and an Abundance Chemicals and Oil that is being dumped into our Oceans ... To say the least, the constant threat of nuclear enrichment of or from second and third world rogue countries Such as, North Korea, Iran, South Africa and Pakistan and the like. 


Hell ! even Putin is getting emboldened with his power resetting the stage back to the Cold War days


Hitler's Nazis were demons all right, but Al Qaeda and Isis and the like are demons straight out of hell taking orders directly from the devil himself ... with a religion as a default. 


No, I'm not one to predict God's  coming, but we are living on top of the volcano that's about to erupt and all of us are sitting on top of it. Again, at the turn of the century Midway into the 19th century ... we had 1 1/2 billion people living on a planet Earth. Today we have 7 1/2 billion, contending with the modern-day problems such as the before mentioned ... You do the math and tell me what you Foresee and Think ... For our Futures Youth! It sure doesn't look promising.


I can tell you true, due to our Careless Usages of our Natural Resources Including our mostVital Drinking Water, I predict that a gallon of Gasoline will be Cheaper than a Gallon of Water in our Grandchildren's Lifetime, because we take it for granted that there is a never ending supply of it and use it that way ...We are a society of a wasteful habit - with about everything that we shouldn't take for granted - that IS vital for our futures survival




Again,  website  isn’t...


meant for the frightened in


  asmuch as it is to be enlightend For


it is better to be awakened than it is to be


  shake-ned unto the truth ...... for our futures youth,


Thus ...... with that said, I practice what I


preach then teach what I practice


on  things .... that  are true


 from me ........ to you 


from  here  on













 The Heart of the matter was by the later,


Composed,Written and Designed


By, Don L.. Johnson


... As singed ... 











You can  discover your world in a universe so vast ... that your mind will be muddled while being puzzled ... with stars in space all over the place and little old you on your planet of blue that's been all along among thembut you have to open your eyes as to realize the immensity of the magic ... as to the awe of it all ... in lieu of your view.

But  suddenly as you can see ... out comes me ... out of ... MIT” ... and then its ......  with my log...... Then with an open-mind ... you can find where  you  belong from right or wrongYou learn to discern your place from spacebut hey ... if you can't find your way ... Just remember that "God , Creation and the Science of everything-are done as" - as to the Universe (So tooas in the same Verse are "God the Holy Spirit and (Jesus Christas the Trinity - Done as One " - as to the Outcome of where we came f rom ThusCome-what-may you can find your way ... That isif you choose ... not to lose...



Yet  of all kinds,



" Small is a number of people who see with their


eyes   and think  with their  mind"


Albert    Einstein 


















As for me " The more I study  " GOD " The more I believe inScience. "

" God the Father

Profile of  God the Father, the One True God and Creator of the Universe


Link ↔  http://ch ristianiy.about.

com/od/oldtestamentpeople /a/God-The-Father.htm





Part 1 & 2 and stay tuned ... while youtube


continues Jesus Christ Resurrection Scientific Proof!

Link →  





NBC Today show 

March 16, 15

'Return to Life':

How some children have memories of reincarnation





Medical mystery Matt Honson credits God with miracle





"Reminds me of my past experience with a 50 foot cliff -

only I was miraculously saved from the fall"




Biographical Memoir





Look, ...... the none Christian way of puting it  is   ...

that we all know that black holes feed on matter, but also the 

one  true   fact  of the  matter is that so goes for Greedy  assholes where


there is no debate where they feed of their Power,

Greed Ignorance and Hate’s devastating

impact over  what God  has done as

one  creation......... This is the

core of the insite of my

website's  view to

get through

to .



Don L.. Johnson





"Come-on, and Remember that " he" is just a goofy     dog with floppy ears - that's a little - dense of common sense" 





No offense, but   that doesn't try to use their – 

 But, how could they - when thinking So So   ?









Integrity Thinking of Bible verses

http://bible hub.comproverbs/11-3.htm



What do you think [Integrity] is all about?  It is a concept of Consistency of Actions, Values, Methods, Measures, Principles, Expectations, and Outcomes.


Who has it? [Integrity] is a personal choice, and Uncompromising and Predictable Consist Commitment to Honor, Moral, Ethical, Spiritual and Artistic Values and Principles.


Why have it? In ethics, [Integrity] is regarded as Honesty and Truthfulness or Accuracy of one's own Actions. Integrity stands in opposition of hypocrisy, and that judging with the owners of [Integrity] involves regarding internal consistency as a Virtue, is passed that parties holding within themselves apparently conflicting Values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs.


Where does it come from ? → Thy kingdom come ... thy will be done  ... on earth ... as it is given in heaven...   Links http://bi


To recap, [Integrity] is a personal choice, an Uncompromising and predictably consistent commitment to Honor, Moral, Ethical, Spiritual, Artistic Values and Principles.


The word [Integrity] from the Latin objective [Integer], whole, complete ... [Integrity] is the inner sense of wholeness deriving from the quality such as Honesty and Consistency of Character. 


As such, one may judge that others have [Integrity] to the extent that they act accordingly to the Values, Beliefs and Principles they claim to hold ... In other words



" [Integrity] is the opposite of bad thinking and bad thinking is the opposite of good thinking. 

Could you imagine what humanity would be like if we prioritized the meaning of  

"Integrity Thinking" ...  into our lives?  For one thing,  Congress would

be  driving  on  Main  Street  without  obstructions  while

Wall  Street  would  be  shut  down  for  repairs.

Look, a Heart without Integrity yields

a Lameb rain without Dignity"

Integrity  is  of   Respect

just as Respect is

of  Integrity,



Don L. Johnson




Wisdom  of  Truth Is Wisdom of Thought




Keep this inmind ..... that when you refuse tobelieve ..... that thedevilis real

 Then you will be .......... usedanddeceived…....... asoften as he'll feel


Beingcontent with your soul… is the devil’sintent to control

So,you had better beware… for thedevil isn’t fair



Just as ................ Wisdomof Naught ................. is withoutIntegrityof Thought


Then would IntegritybeSought …................. withoutWisdom of Thought?

But if Money has been Brought then Integrity can be Bought

With an intentional for a congressional Koch

And I don't get it So,why is it? For a lifetime 

 of greed and crime ............ isn't worth a dime on 

 borrowed time .................. especially at, on 

 or during their end-time with all for


Don L..Johnson


With that said of what you've  just read


You’ll have toConcede … the Truth as you Read


That  is ... if  willing


Composed, Written and Designed by,

Don L. Johnson




The Evolution of time



1 second of ourtime= 31, 536, 00 seconds x 525, 600 minutes x 8,760 hours x 365 days x 12 months = 1 year of ourtimex all about ourlifetime? = T EX = E mc2 ofEinstein’sspace-time = God T E X = - xf (t) dt = into” ↓ 



Einstein - birth of God's equation of = E mc

Link →


IfGod  equals eternity… How than can we accurately equate = withour time - back in time… from the Eve of theAtomtoAdamandEve… thebirdsand the beesand the coconut trees … thedinosaursand thescoresof all theother species galore… Butwhat’s all this    monkey business  all  about   --- ------- Could you be in doubt? ----------  Well! ---------- never fear and - -- ------- just Link right here → 5 Common Misconceptions about Darwin


King James Bible :

And the Lord Godformedman of the dust of the ground,

and breathed into his nostrils the breathoflife and manbecame a livingsoul.





And so, ..... I ask you, ..... what time ..... really - is it ?





Reference: Tis my, 


color-code of the Political Mode


Red - Republican ...  Blue - Democrat ... ClarityWhite - Independent ... LemonLime - TeaParty

Dark-Grey -  Get Rich  CEO's ... of the Mode ... Blackholes of Greedy Assholes 



My Eight categories of character makeup

Rather Angelic GoodRelatively good Not so good

BadReally badEvil



   Universe, solar system, galaxies and stars in
  comparison to our bodies neurons


Food for thought; consider that Our Earth is just a tiny planet in a vast Solar System … And our Solar System is just one member of a vast Milky Way galaxy with 200 to 400 billion stars.


Our Milky Way Galaxyis a huge city of stars, so big that even at the speed of light;it would take 100,000 years to cross it. All the stars in the night sky, including our sun, are just some of the residents of this galaxy… But how many galaxies are there in the entire Universe? The most current estimates guess is that there are 200 to 500 billion galaxies in the Universe,


Think about it … Then think about our place in space-time… How unique we are as the human species as being a part of it … If you think about it, you wouldn’t even be able to find us under the most powerful light microscope in comparison … yet here we are and here I am setting at my desk with my desktop computer writing about it … It is absolutely incredible … For me, there are no words that can describe the awe of it all in comparisons … As to the following sentence…


Consider that our human body is made up of trillions of cells. Cells of the nervous system, called nerve cells or neurons, are specialized to carry "messages" through an electrohemical process. The human brain has approximately 100 billion neuronsYou could say that the inside of our bodyin itselfis like a galaxy or planetary system of neurons … Unfortunately, including the Heartless Inhumane bodies of morons - like Isis of today and Hitler's Nazi's past alike etc.


Would you trade your eyes for a million dollars or more? How about your hearing, legs, arms and or hands? Let alone all the vital parts of the inside of your body - that we take for granted - until it breaks down on us. Isn’t it worth more money than what you could ever want to spend in your lifetime? 


Think carefully, if you truly believe that your body has a soulwould you trade it for any amount of money of or in your lifetime? The instant your body dies, your soul leaves it, and somewhere at that same instant a baby is born receiving a soulIt didn’t come from mom or dad. So, where did it come from? This is where I believe in reincarnation ... Point being, do you want to return? Now - this is where I believe in what goes around comes back around toand while we are still alive ... it is still our choice … The question is is in the … dispensation of temptation in the line of priorities… I’m just saying, Think about it.



I guess what I’m trying to say is that when money becomes our Godit warps our senses to where we lose control of our souls as of late to and through Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate ... the reason for treason whereas  ...


Unlike the majority of the Corporate CEOs who I consider  bad to very bad for our country and people who profit at our expense by outsourcing their manufacturing to other countries, mainly China  ... I consider the Koch brothers not only very bad, but cold blooded evil people Who has used their money to do irreparable damage to our government, planet and to  " We, the people's" best interest and did it blatantly through their power and greed   with a  shitty smile of  ... Like I got you! what can you do about it? 


Remember this - as you read on and click onto the links and you will see and understand what I'm talking about - as they are willing to destroy everything in their path for " profit profit profit" and that's still not enough!


Composed and Written by,


Don l. Johnson





It is said - thatmoneyis therootof allevil,

Not true, moneyis the fruit andhumansare therootthat pursues 

the evil from  of the loot ...

In other words, .





How politicians explain the effect 

of large campaign contributions on how they vote:

"Koch brothers have given about $50 million to think tanks

and members of Congress who have pushed for the pipeline to be built".




 Keystone XL Pipeline Could Yield $100 Billion For Koch Brothers

Facts and figures on the Keystone pipeline - Primarily owned by the Koch brothers




Mr. Lying Sleaze gag


We’re always happy to accept campaign contributions that lesson to lobbyists’ 

views; but in the end, we always vote solely on principle.” 

Our soul principle is: ‘we like money

 much better than





Mr. Obama, it is said that you have forgotten about the BP oil spill 


by being the biggest recipient of cash donations?




Sincerely, is this true? If it is, you aren't anymore tustworthy than your hypocritical predecessors.    



While the BP oil geyser pumps millions of gallons of petroleum into the Gulf of Mexico, Pres. Barack Obama and members of Congress may have to answer for the millions in campaign contributions they’ve taken from the oil and gas giant over the years.


BP and its employees have given more than 3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to Obama, according to the Center for responsive politics. Donations come from a mix of employees and the company’s political action committees … 2.8 9 million flowed to the campaigns from BP related-PACs and about 638,000 came from individuals.


On top of that, the oil giant has spent millions each year on lobbying - including 15.9 million last year alone - as it has tried to influence energy policy.


Again, the London-based company has consistently spent top dollar to influence legislative and regulatory activity in Washington, D.C.," according to the Center for Responsive Politics ... Link


BP, Exxon Mobil And the Coke brothers Keystone pipeline And the like that have you guys in the back of their pockets are literally destroying our planet's Future for our kids and grandchildren ... And make no mistake about it - for you are destroying it. By accepting their greedy money that started during the Reagan administration to the present ... Their greed have progressively gotten worse to the point of where It has become extremely scary for a kids and grandchildren's future. What's worse is that you guys could care less, because of the money that you receive for campaign contributions from these greedy rotten bastards - Where it has indeed become more important than your kids and grandchildren's future.


You guys are way be on shameless and poor examples to humanity ... God will have a special place for you and I can assure you that it definitely - won't be in heaven


Godcreated the very planet that you guy's and gal's are destroying, because of the Greed of money. Unless you people are very stupid, How could believe in God when you should realize that it was Godwho created our planet in the exact position inhis Universefor you to be able to survive in. Do you not understand about Jesus getting angry throwing a tantrum in the temple?


Matthew 21:12-13 ... New International Version (NIV)


Jesus at the Temple

12  Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13 “It is written,” He said to them, “My house will be called a house of prayer,” [a] but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’[b]


Point being, how much more so do you think that he feels about the planet that he created and did it on? If you people truly believed in God ... You should also realize that in the end that the devil and his demons and minions are going to get their ass's kicked! Dam It Anyway! You’ve heard the saying “The Lordgiveth and the Lordtaketh away” - It also says in Galatians 6:7 - "Do not be misled; God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.


Look ,God is not going to pat you on the back and say well done ... unless you have done well ... in His eyes.


Well, Then, - Wake up - and get your dam priorities straight! No matter what! It doesn't mean shit - if you are the president -  legislative branch of a government and or a trillionaire, because God is the realSupreme Justice ... and accordingly, all will see ... that justice it will be ... in the end ... on how deeptheir sin!





Mr. President Obama,

"You say too  BIG to  Fail, Hah

Then please explain what these links are all about ", 








Link mas-treasury-nominee-wall-stret-shill




Mr . Obama ,  despite your rhetoric attacks on Wall Street A study by the sunlight foundation's influence projects shows that you have received more money from Wall Street than any other politician over the past 20 years , including the worst traitor to  " we the people's trust -  from the former president " George W . Bush's" best interest for the Rich -   in the tune of Approximately 2.5 trillion per year after leaving office ... that we could really use in todays budget - As a result ,  Wall Street gets the math while we continue to get the shaft - thanks to you guys and primarily a Republican Congress (The letter 3 Rs stands for the Republicans as well as the Rich and Ravenousness) - who Begets the Rich! ... But, still, Hypocrisy observes no color ...  Disloyalty does ...  With that said, it should be much easier to understand the feelings of what's Appropriately said from  the following,


Pres.Obama'snew " Free Trade"


agreementswill mean theend ofU.S.sovereignty





If President Obama does have our best interests at heart, then why is hecontinuously signing disastrousfree tradeagreementsthe latest in secret that will only further cripple the U.S. economyandestablish a sort of global government system that will completely disregard our Constitution and sovereignty?





http://econom yincrisis.or/content/does-president-obama-really-have-our-best-interests-at-heart


http://econom yincrisis.or/content/who-is-really-benefiting-from-americas-failures






other than arranged ... By the deranged!





Like a snotty nosed kid, Mr. Obama sold out our world democracy

for his Disingenuous Hypocritical legacy.


Washington Post: A stronger US commitment to Ukraine will not guarantee success. But Mr. Obama's lukewarm support risks a catastrophic failure for the cause of Western democracy


Link  here


This guy is literally getting his ass kicked by three of our worst enemies. That being Russia, China and Iran, simply because they know he’s weak and can ... There is no doubt about it that he is being taken advantage of by the ha ha'.


Obama accepted the prize in Oslo on December 10, 2009. In a 36-minute speech, he discussed the tensions between war and peace and the idea of a "just war "[5]  saying, "perhaps the most profound issue surrounding my receipt of this prize is the fact that I am the Commander-in-Chief of the military of a nation in the midst of two wars."[6]


Obama is the fourth President of the United States  to have been awarded a Nobel Prize (after Theodore Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson and Jimmy Carter ,with Carter's honor happening after leaving office). 


And this is what we get in return for his legacy  While Obama Fiddles, the World Burns   Nice guys finish last and get their ass kicked!


It's amazing how he can smile will given us the shaft 

leaving us with a disastrous aftermath

What an inconsiderate

ass hole!




Now, to be fair, let’s recognize the good side of things that he has accomplished and got done ... whareas Bush had done none - in the wake of constant obstructions from the Congress of the Republican party since entering into his office for the last six years.



Unlike the one sided "Multi- Billionaire Rupert Murdoch's sleazia media ownership  of his  Leader of the pack of - Mr. Bill O'Lielly and his  misleads of fox -and-pox-of-obnoxious-murcocky-doc-blatant-lying-sleazy-jocks


But, see and hear the facts as they truly are through the Integrity of a fair and balanced media from - MSNBC's, 


The Ed Show 12/30/14

 Who putshisHeartintofightingfor " We, the Middle Class's" best interest,


Obamaeconomy soars in 2014


Republicans predicted President Obama’spolicies would wreck theeconomy. 2014 proved them wrong again. Ed Schultz and Rep. Jim McDermott discuss the biggest story of the year...




http://w w


Underneath, the Republicans really lie through their teeth

while they give you the   !





Don L. Johnson                                                                                                                                                  

Feb 19, 2015


The following is just another sleazy reason that recently took place at a Republi-shamdinner gathering hosted by Wisconsin's Republican Gov. Scott Walker of  which makes me despise what the Republi-sham Party stands for even more so - as to the following reason, 


The former New York mayor makes his remarks at a Scott Walker event.


NEW YORK — Rudy Giuliani went straight for the jugular Wednesday night during a private group dinner here featuring Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker by openly questioning whether President Barack Obama “loves America.”


The former New York mayor, speaking in front of the 2016 Republi-sham presidential contender and about 60 right-leaning business executives and conservative media types,directly challenged Obama’s patriotism, discussing what he called weak foreign policy decisions and questionable public remarks when confronting terrorists.


“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America,” Giuliani said during the dinner at the 21 Club, a former Prohibition-era speakeasy in midtown Manhattan Clown. “He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.  Look, this guy doesn't love anything, but !


Then the very next day he goes on to be interviewed by “multibillionaire Rupert Murdoch’s sleazia media with his fox-and-pox-of-obnoxious-murcocky-doch-flagrant-lying-jocks” about his - sleazy - low class - cheap shot and says that he didn’t mean to question Obama’s patriotism” How’s that forstupefaction goofy befuddlement ? How much goofier can you get?


NO! What he did - was what you would call a low class cheap shot without a single person in the room correcting him ! This is a perfect example of being as far away from Integrity as it is to the 9th of    that says  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” MeaningThis is a command against testifying against another person falsely. It is essentially a command against lying. Our pride causes us to blame others for our mistakes. That is lying. Even cheating the government of and by the people is lying. It’s just that as a complete blend of solidarity,  professionally the  Republ-shams are better at it than the fragmented-Demo-craps ... If that were not true - then there wouldn't be a divided - red or blue





Yet! How Quickly We Forget


About The Other Guy!





Attention !  ... You →  " Middle Class  of the Majority Mass  "Caution , Caveat, Warning and or Alert - lest you really get Hurt. Do you want another amBUSHer as a lamebrain for selfish-gain - coming out of the BUSH - to be able to BUSHwack - You Again ? ... Link → Come  Share the Terror


Well I prey that you don't   ... Lest you forget that  it was  " W." who closed thedooronSaddam Insaneand thenopenedthedoor for Isisto gainandscore   And now to consider hisBrother for another majorcrisistoignore ,  I don’t think so, because  "we surely don’t need another Brother’s Catastrophic Legacy into America’s History".

And NOW! consider that just two policies dating from the BUSH Administration - tax cuts and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - accounted for over a trillion dollars of the deficit in 2009 and will account for nearly $6 trillion in deficits in 2009 through 2019 (including associated debt-service costs of $1.4 trillion). 


And what about theTax cutsfor thewealthiest 5 % of Americans  cost the U.S.Treasury $11 .6 million every hour,according to the National Priorities Project. America’s top earners will get anaverage tax cut of$66,384in 2011,while thebottom 20 percentwill get anaverage cut of$107  ... A new report argues that theBUSH tax cuts actually cost Americans $6.6 trillionin personal income- more than enough to pay for every student loan ,car loanandcredit card debt in theU.S. ...   Pretty fair, right? These are the facts!


Therefore,   it is the  " Rich" that has been digging ourditch - all along - simply, because - of the Ignorance to discern and the lack of concern - as being a rum-dumb of a Goofy-outcome ... of which Begets the following,




Bad Seed  Begets  Greed  and then  Greed  Begets Power and then Power Begets  Money and then Money Begets  Greed and then Greed Begets Assholes of Corporate CEO’s and then Assholes  of  Corporate CEOs Begets Wall Street and then Wall Street Begets Banks and then Banks Begets Lobbyist and then Lobbyists  Begets today’s Corrupt-Dirty-Congressional Legislators and then today's Corrupt-Dirty-Congressional Legislators Begets their Preamble that is for, of and by ...  They the United States of Begets - in Order to form a more Imperfect Union, established by Injustice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty and Posterity to and for the Begets, do ordain and establish this Preamble of, by and for the -United States of Begets -   - that Forgets about     of by and for " We the People's."




What’s ludicrous? -is that the power is in the numbers and in this case - the numbers are on the side of the1%when there are98%of   "We, the People" ...  What the hell is going on here? Are we that goofy  or asloonyas bugs bunny as t oset backand berelaxedthroughhare powerofmoney?Oh well, as long as we fair - why should we care -when we can lounge aroundeating our carrwots enjoying our style of leisure-living as a middle-class-ignorant-rum-dumn-goofy-ass to the hare power of victorwy we gave to the - low-class - 1% Begetmass, that's kicking our ass ... Right?




 " No Offense = No Defense

Unless Guilty 

as  Sin"


Look, to set the records straight ... What this issue boils down to is that the  Hypocrisy  of a  person’s  Integrity   for which they portray  am solely on the side of Integrity exposing and then opposing their hypocrisy … especially when being reliably responsible for the  best interest of  those who Trustfully Elected them  instead of their  own  Disloyal best interest ... of which  is what is called a ... Judas Betraying Hypocrite!


With that said, I Distrust, Dislike and Disrespect the Demon-crap party for their Hypocrisy of what they say as being Distinguished with the Dignity of Integrity for which they portray that is only  Wisely   Discerned then  Respectfully   Earned through - Conduct, Actions,  Performance  and most importantly - Proper  Attitude  of Behavior ... Link → Acronym P.H.O.N.E.


On the other hand " I also" I Distrust, Dislike, Disrespect, but Despise those dirty damn Republi-sham's. T heir Integrity is not only compromised through their lies,  but they are paralized with a one track mind of hypocrisy ... that thinks as one ... with a brain of none, but revenge and hate ... to efect one's fate.  Link then Think → Amateur Hour and Link → ComeShare the Terror  


Without honor and pride ... this be their side ... where we've been denied ... They  openly forsake the Integrity of everything that is morally decent ... as of the past, recent and last ... of which they continue to ditch ... for the sake of the rich. This be truly - the Republi-sham platform - from whence they perform! 


 One cannotdenyafactfrom alie   unless one is a constitute of a hypocrite!

Well ! lier lier - pans on fire - nose as long - as a  telephone wire!





Look, as far as our Humpty   Dumpty goes … It is not only broken, but is shattered in so many pieces, spaces and places  that I can’t imagine any way in hell how we could ever put them back together again due to its  and sin. But what I do know is that God is going to clean house and douse the dirty louse  contaminating it ... and Yes →  ...  All things considered, it could be much sooner than later … Anyway, I really hope so! 



Meanwhile, do you want to do something about it? 


Do you support reducing the corrupting influence of money on our political system by prohibiting politicians from taking campaign money from the special interests they regulate; increasing transparency for campaign funding; empowering all voters through a tax rebate voucher to contribute to the candidates they support; prohibiting representatives and senior staff from lobbying activity for five years after they leave office; and placing limits on superPAC-campaign coordination ... like I do?



Well, there is a way by joining up today,

Join Us,


Link → We would love to have you help us! ...

Click here to visit Represent.Us’ volunteer sign up page!




9 Things the Wealthy Rich Don't Want You to Know About Taxes…



Link →




Look,being  wise is to  realize  - as not to compromise with our, 


We, the People’s welfare. Yes! We’ve been having our 


Regrets   over  the  evil  practices  of  these 


Greedy  Begets  ... haven't  we?




Again, what's really crazzy is


  that  there are  more of  us  than them,


but  stillthey  continue  to winWhich  goes  to 


proove thattheirmoneyismore powerfulthan ourBRAINS!




"A lack of thinking from common sense ... creates an irrational thinking for nonsense

for or in the Present, Past and or our Futures Progressive Tense "


Don L. Johnson




My view is to, 


Keep in mind that the gluttony for money is more important to and for the beholders or (Begets) future than it is for the welfare of our kids and grandchildren’s  ... Their only concern is a profit line and they are more than willing to harm and or even heartlesslydestroy everything good and decent in their path including our planet Earth as they are doing today in a major way.


As a rule Republicans won't acknowledge that global warming is for real - even though NASA and the 99% of all the other scientist says so ,  yet they still disregard the facts as they are ...  With a fragile mind  ... of the Devils kind ...  money truly is ... the root to his evil!




(Well,meet some of the Republicans in Congress who

don't believe climate change is real)

Link here 




What are the main man-made greenhouse gases?

Link here


Link →


Link →






People! Global warming is the #1 threat of 10 of the biggest threats to 

human existence - that we face today.



Link here








I would assuredly give the Republican Party credit where credit is due, but there are none to be given when it comes down to the credit worthy actions involving the Integrity and Loyalty to “we the people” and to our planet Earth’s best interest as the oppose to the dismay that they so display, for the gluttony of profit for the wealthy and rich ... No matter what the cost at the expense of everything good and decent our planet has to offer - including but not excluding the ignorance of mind through “we, the humankind” of stupiditythat.


As being an (ClarityWhite - Independent) ... Please excuse my french when I say that, (as a rule) the Blue will be a little more favorable and or true to you … Well, atleast the lessor of the two evils ... That is - unless the (Red or Blueis led by a (Dark-Grey - Get Rich  CEO of the Mode of a Blackhole Greedy Asshole) or a  Rich son-of-a-bitch  of a  loner lobbyist donor looking for a fat payback … For instance, The Koch brothers and the like  As you’ll find behind the Keystone pipeline as being diligently promoted by the Republi-sham Party-line …Why? Just read onfrom whence you've gone, 



Look, our number one enemy isn’t from Russia, Iran, Al Qaeda nor the militant group of Isis … It is from our own country of greedy billionaires who control Congress primarily the Republi-sham party … There is no doubt of where, what and who they stand for … And anybody that doesn’t get it - is a contributor to the cause of global warming such as the Koch brothers and the like



Corrupt John Boehner invested in oil companies then pushed Keystone XL



  How much Dirty Energy Money have your Politicians accepted?




Example, now that the Republican Party have taken over the Senate too … The first thing on their agenda is the Keystone pipeline to get past through Congress and WHY? ... Because of the following links,



The money behind the Keystone XL pipeline


Keystone XL Pipeline Could Yield $100 Billion for Koch Brothers






What You Need to Know About the Keystone XL Pipeline 2/04/need-to-know-about-keytone-xl-pipeline/




Despite the shutdown, the  price of bakken crude was little changed 

on the Martin Luther King holiday.


One traitor in Calgary said he did not expect the outrage to have a significant impact on differentials as a pipeline is not a major conduit for crude in the area. 


This spill is the second in the river and his recent years. In 2011, Exxon Mobile corp’s 40,000 bpd silvertip pipeline in Montana ruptured underneath the river, releasing more than 1000 barrels of crude and costing the company about $135 million to clean up.


Notice - that there was no concern nor apologies whatsoever - for the health of our Commonwealth what they have done to the environment - in this article ... It was and still is all about their ... profit and cost ... of what they felt was lost






Breaking news, the year 2014 ranks as Earth’s warmest since 1880, according to two separate analysts by NASA and the national oceanic and at atmospheric administration (NOAA) scientists…









As of Late with hisBait don’t you Know that the devil takes Control ...

when hisMoney can buy a Soul? - with that said, the Scope of no Hope is with Koch






But, to be fair - there is GoodNews to bear - as to,

"Pope Francis Issueing a Blistering Rebuke of Vatican Bureaucracy" 



Put the Blame on Shame


Finally, as to " refresh my faith" there is refreshing news to be heard from one genuine leader of " Integrity Thinking" regarding the hypocrisy of bureaucracy that should include the Integrity of the  " United States of America’s"  Legislative body of cheater leaders - as well!



As being long overdue from a Pope, Pope Francis issued a blistering indictment of the Vatican bureaucracy - accusing the Cardinals, Bishops and Priests who serve Him of using their Vatican careers to grab power and wealth, of living "hypocritical" double lives and forgetting that they're supposed to be joyful men of God ...





Keep in mind that I am referring to the following 2015 generation of families





Sen. Elizabeth Warren Become a fan


America without a Middle Class

Link →







The High Cost of Being Poor (and How to Vanquish It)

A true to life inspiring story



The high cost of being poor (Facts)







By, Michael Linden 

Assault on the Middle Class


House Republican Budget Plan Targets Everyone but the Rich


Link →






Put theBlameonShame



They say that it wasn’t the liar

who started the fire

that burned Congress down.

Well, that's the story that went around

But here's the real low-down

Whereas you put the Blame on Shame, boy

So , that you put the Blame on Shame


Where they get their Kicks from their Dirty O ld Tricks,

but no one can endeavor to live forever ... NO! ... Not EvenOne!

from what they've shamefully done  .........   all the while of having their fun ...


Well, hell-fire, come whatmay, there will be a.


LINK King James Bible


And than again,  I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle,

than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.



.... Figuratively speaking, ....



has  no meaning  or  value  unless  practiced,

therefore how can one be honest with others if in fact

0ne can not be honest with themselvesMight that be one of the

main reasons and or problems that we face today with our world leaders?

 Well! my website is to bring light to this dark matter of ass holes from black holes

made visible into sight as enlighten by straight-forward pragmatic,

 unadulterated, down-to-Earth, unpretentious observation

viewpoints  by  design  as  such  as  mine  to  define.


Don L. Johnson





 Link then Think


If one could abide to set aside any or all prejudice of politics and religion of influencing a one-sided decision then the brain could remain free and open minded enough to think for itself in effect of its health



Soregardless of what one was led to think of what is True … through a religion or red or blue  You might find of the kind  that it was you … who didn’t know or learn the Truth … the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth  to set you free … for the Truth to be


The links are to help you think   "Freely" Not only philosophically, but logically ... on subject matters that should matter to you  that you will find that are True And so, if your heart is warm to pump it’s blood of thinking … Then your brain would remain born to comp a flood of linking  into the Truth  from the lies ...  to make you wise.  


On the other hand, if your heart is cold and you lead a pump of thinking Then your brain will remain fold Into a dump of shrinking From the truth For the sake of lies  That isn’t wise  That will end Henceforth To your demise.


Composed, Written and Designed by,

Don L. Johnson




Quotes ... of Words of Wisdom


Albert Einstein among the greatest scientists of all timeHe was also a man of profound thought and deeply humane feelings …  His collected quotes and essays offer a fascinating and moving look at one of the twentieth century's leading minds.


A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for usrestricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.  …   Link  Albert Einstein

On the other hand ... if a brain has no heart or the heart has no brain ... wouldn’t it appear as though to be an untamed lamebrain? ... and if sowouldn't you know that it couldn't think through a mind that you couldn’t find on a scale that couldn't prevail CoherentlyIf indeed that brain impedes to be heartless wouldn’t it appear to be thoughtless of compassion for all living creatures ... of the whole of nature ...with all its splendor of beauty and features” Don L. Johnson 
So think about it ... As it is frightening and true … that this Link should be enlightening for you → The Power of Money and Profit for Life . 




In different ways for the awareness of your insight ... I will stress this for

the fairness throughout my website .......... because my aim will

  always be to continue through to enlighten ...... . 


But, keep in mind that even though you may disagree idealistically of what I write.

 Still, no matter what,  your enemy will never be me.


Being locked in a prism blocks the spectrums key points of vision.

I’m here to set you free so that you may focus your sight in on the colors of daylight” 


Don L. Johnson




The pen is mightier than the sword


Means a person can cause people to change their opinions

(e.g., to fight a warand  on  a  large  scale  whereas  a  sword  can only   

change a person’s opinion by force and then often only results in the person's death.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

You can get so overly consumed with worldly matters that only matters to money that

you lose control over your souls functional reasoning powers. 

Don L. Johnson

Education is what remains after one has forgotten

everything he's learned in school

Albert Einstein






Thought without reasoning ... for no matter what reason ... is reasoning for naught


It is not the bewilderment of magic that discredits logic in as much as it is to the

imagination of the imaginable that makes dreams to come true possible


Don L. Johnson


Your trace from outer-space as to know your inner-place ... As when you wish upon a star ... makes no difference who or where you arebecause you were out there among the stars and now you are right here  ... where you are ... as to the lyrics to this song ... where you belongFor your wish came truebecause that star was and still is youFrom the eve of the atom ... To Adam and Eve ... This I knowbecause ... I do so believe ... Buteven so ... so does Pinocchio



and  that's  no  lie Well !

maybe a little tiny

one ... Who







we can

believe in the

temptation of how an

apple could deceive Adam

and Eve from birth here on earth.

Why than couldn't we believe in the eve

of evolution as to the fusion of the atomGod

created the universe then out of the universe

He created we ...We are all made from

enough of ...God's ... star stuff 

into the Heavenly wonder

of life.That is with the

exception to the


of who controls

our Souls”  Is it we or  from

 the  foot-steps  left  behind  from  the

disobedience of Adam and EveWith that

saidwho   said  that  an  apple  day

keeps  the  doctor   away But

what  about  the  devils

temptation of  


where come 

what maywe have

been held to





Composed andWritten by,


Don L.. Johnson












 • Eternallythere is no debate - as of control - that God is love - for a gainful soul - Whereas

Religions will fall apart - as the bait - to become a part - of a shameful hate.



• And, Soin this case if  the brain remains to be lame - as being insane -


then you know that the blame - is from the - Devils domain.



Likewise if the mind appears to be too weak - 

then it can fall prey - consigned for whom, why or what the Devil seeks. 



Lookit’s as simple as this!


Regarding  the  rubble  of  all  the  trouble,


If  the  condition  is  a  mission  from  a  religion,  then  the


 religion is a decision for a division  that is headed for a hell of a collision



Hencein this case


the reply of a collision -  would be from


religious mindless minions - harboring evil twisted  opinions.



Composed and Written by,


Don l. Johnson






Isn't a religion

for lowly dopes  in as

much as  He  is  for  the  scope 

of  our  only hope as well as  bowing or

kneeling  won’t help your  heeling  any more

than setting on a  pew  that you think will make you

new  for  God isn’t a notion of motion for

symbols and or ritual proceedings  in  as

 much as He is to the  emotion  of 

devotion combind with your

mind  and   that   part

within  your







 Look,  if our hearts are right  We won’t need a compass enlight …  

of guiding us through to our bearing of sight.



For  God is here and God is there. God is Love and space from everywhereSeek and you shall find that is unless you are blind. So let not your Heart ” bestow trouble for your life to go as a struggle ... For we are all made of " God's star stuff ... from the  dust ... Henceforth " His breath" for life ... in our inner place ... from His awesome outer space.



Again, we are of what stars are made of  ...  But we are also unique among all of God's creations, having both a material body and an immaterial soul/spirit - Link here to → What does it mean that humanity is made in the image of God ?


And it can't be over emphasized that the difference is in the material body from the dust of God's Star stuff and an immaterial soul and spirit  (by choice) of whose got control over our hearts and souls ... As a  personal  fundamental  question  ... is it We ... or is it He  →   who controls our Vulnerable souls ... Not to mention ... if we could just pay  this  attention ...  OhWellour time  will tell  of who's been right or wrong ... all along ...  to where  we chose  to  belong.




Lookpersonallyas being upfront and honest with what I have said through my writingsI want to make this perfectly clear that I am  not a religious fanatical fool who tries to push what I believe on anyone who reads my stuff.  In fact I am a loner who doesn’t belong to ANY religious sect ... to say the least in being brain washed and manipulated like a mindless minion  ... Furthermore, I am not a socializer who likes being arou

nd people especially large groups (as in church groups) that I don’t know let alone understand ... And to that extentit makes no difference to me of what anyone chooses to believe ... Everyone has their own life to live ... and I say live it and ...




I write what I write, because I can’t help it? All I know and feel is that without a doubt that  God took care of me to the heart of my destiny - from the time I came into this screwed up world of people ... Link  Biographical Memoir... 


My website is not only for the victims of people, but for whatever good people can get out of it and then - maybe - just maybe ... for what its worth ... to be able to help others here on earth ... and if they can't see it ... Well, I guess, so be it ... as you can't open a door ... if it is locked ... anymore than you can ... with a heart that is blocked.


Inherent of human frailty -  Greed breeds Power and Power breeds Greed- just as -Ignorance breeds Hate and Hate breeds Ignorance...  It's the entrapment of our soul... for the soul purpose of  awareness   to constantly combat against ... Otherwise, absence of a locksmithit's the KEY purpose ... whereas the devil wins ... over our foolish sins.



However, with my open door , you will never catch a lie in what you read from me; because my heart dictates what I write ... My heart owes  God much more than what I could ever write! ... And believe me; I could never follow any other way of thinking other than what my heart feels about God ... 


Look, it's as simple as this - as to pass it along - that I am the enemy of God's enemy - The crusader against God's invader and or hater of what is right from wrong to were evil belongs".


Individually , as being subjected to this subject matter  ... Perceive,  Con ceive  and or  Recieve  ... It doesn't matter to me of what you choose to Believe  ... It's not the Rhymes of Mind,  but the Kind we Find  ... from the choice we make ... of our way of take  ... on subjects we gather  ...  that we find that matters within the line of  God's space-time.




Relevantly speaking,


Historians, philosophers, and Politicians often use the word "evil" to describe the Evil-Power-Hungry-Greedy Nazi Regime.[350] Many European countries have criminalised both the promotion of Nazism and Holocaust denial.[351] … Hitler's role has been described as "the main author of a war leaving over 50 million dead and millions more grieving their lost ones".[346] The total number of civilians killed during the Second World War was an unprecedented development in the history of warfare.[349] Yet, long before - when “We the United States of America” new and saw Hitler’s progressive ambitions ruthlessly forging ahead against our allies. We stood by and did nothing until we absolutely had to out of defense. As a result, by the end of 1941 German forces and there European allies occupied most of Europe and North Africa before we got involved … As a result, we were caught with a much longer, larger, harder, vicious War that was fought. Link here → Hitler’s Legacy


Equally evil was "Joseph  Stalin" was responsible for 50 to 60 million lives, but the question is,


Link → Hitler vs. Stalin: Who Was Worse? by Timothy Snyder ...

Link → http://ww w.nybook.c om/articles/archive/2011/mar/10/hitler-vs-stalin-who-killed-more/

Link →






Unlike the ambitions of the power-hungry-greedy Bums of and from any fashion past and present ... ISIS is the worst of the lot as being Crazy-Religious-Fanatical-Coward-Mongery-Terrorists-Scums with the fashion for non-compassion to all of humanity. Their fashion is wearing sissified black and white dresses veiled to hide the traces of their ugly-cowardly-faces. But, hey, that's in lieu of what cowards do. They simply don't operate with a full load of a sane brain, because there's not much to retain? 


Metaphorically; No pun intended, but, how can we have Fun - under the light of the Sun - if there is None - when opposed to the dark matter - of what ISIS have Done - under the might of their Fun? ... For in this case, what has been Done - cannot be Undone ... But can be maimed and or at the least be contained.


Compared to these insane-inhumane cowardly-scums, Saddam Hussein looked both sane and humane ... He was harmless in comparison. Our war with him was unnecessary and wrong as history proves, because Saddam kept everything in check, but where we failed is when stupidity prevailed as congress tailed after W. exhaled the lies that Congress denies - henceforth, the rest is history - when we got nailed in the worst way - right to this very day - with ISIS - because of it!


As a result, this became a war of attrition unlike none other in the history of mankind, because it is a war between good and extreme evil through a demonic religion. Out of the compassion, if ever there were or was a cause to get involved militarily - this! Without a doubt - would be Humanely it.


We haven't a choice, because we cannot afford to set on the side lines and know and watch what is going on to innocent people that could realistically become " We, the people" in the foreseeable future ... NO! as to the doom into our living-room and or bed-room ... We've got to extinguish them where they are just like we do to the more respectful, yet less Threatening, Dangerous, Destructive  cockroaches ... before they find their way - HERE - that will become the catacombs - of our homes. 


Again, as to recap ... for the sake of compassion - the world cannot afford to do what needs to be done to get rid of this scum, because if we fail - evil will prevail … not just there, but everywhere ... Simply, because, it's their thing of unity - of what they do - to you or to - no matter who!


Look, this was my - caveat - for - heads up ... not off

So, don't be a rinky-dink, but think ... OK?

just kidding, about the rinky-dink

But not the thing about

the  think,  so





God: Isn't what  He wasn't and wasn't what  He  isn't ... for the most part ... w ithin  all of the (7.5 billion) → Link here → Religions of Convenience mindless minions  of mankind  that you find  ignorantly and  foolishly  causing all the grief ... by  competing with one anothers belief...   


Look! it’s as simple as this!


Regarding  the  rubble  of  all  the  troubles ,


If  the  condition  is  a  mission  from  a  religion then  the


religion is a decision for a division  -  that is headed for a hell of a collision


Hence, in this case, 


the reply of a collision  would be from


religious mindless minions  harboring evil twisted opinions .

Yes! it's no wonder why we have so many  highjacked  distorted versions of  religious blunders ...from what's right ... to what's gone wrong ... for so long ...  Yes, small is the numberdue to thelarger the blunder ...  in all kinds  ...  of  religious  minds  ...  who think with and by their behinds ... 


God:  Isn't a religion ... inasmuch as  He  is of  the vision of what is,

was and always will be to the reality of creation .



God: Is also the finality of justice for the 

future of what's going to be for 

our  childrensdestiny




Isn't a religion  of contenders for hypocritical 

pretenders who uses God's  name in vain for selfish Gain.





Isn't a religion ... inasmuch as being of the vision of what is, 

was and always will be that we can see in any fashion known as compassion.





Isn't a religion of convenience ...

inasmuch as Heis for His patience towards lenience.



Isn't a fool for a foolish duel...

inasmuch as He  is for the duel against a...

ghoulish fool,  especially with the ken of practicing sin. 




   Link here 








The Devils Deed      of  Corporate Greed   


Look, I realize that my website will most assuredly be intimidating to those souls under the devils control of his delight, but if the shoe fits, but still slips  Maybe then that’s when ... the stride from who's fault  will walk ... into the direction ... with the rights election.


Look as being nonpartisanI am neither red or blue  as I’ve got my own view  and the same goes with a religion as I have got my own vision  of what is right over wrong  to where I belong  as expressed to you ...where my vision is true ... and I stick by the little guy who get hurt... by the big guy of greedy dirt ... enlight of the devils delight  from the fools of the devils tool as follows,



As to understand, you’ll find that most of my essays addresses the evil side of man where we've lost our souls over to the devil control   whereas the devil wins  ... where evil begins with the Republi-shams  and worst of all, is this smooth talking Demo-crap-ic Hypocrite of betrayal to the people  as Bought and paid for by Check out this YouTube "The Obama Deception HQ Full length version" Link  https://ww w.youtubecom/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw and you tell me of what you see and think of what stinks ... about his" to big to fail" with using our tax of bail out money. 



Repeat, againlike God said in the bibles book of... Matthew 19:23-24 ... Then Jesus said to Hisdisciples, “Truly I tell youit is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven ... Again tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” ...For you can't deny and hide ...that lie inside ...that enacts the facts ... that would be true to you ...  especially with God! ... Because of the power of money   As money buys the soul for the sole purpose of owning control, That is, until we are dead instead of thinking ahead and with that said … Other than biologically. Who are we? Can we conceive to believe that we all have a soul and if so ... It would seem as though most of us would want to know of who, why, where and what its goal is all about. Right? … But, Oh No, Not So, Just follow the money   and you’ll find the honey  that stole that soul  with all that greedy dough, Nonethelessthe only thing worse than just money; is the hypocrisy and gluttony of it! It's not the Money; it's the Honey  where you'll find the bumbling bee  that stings thee.


The thing that really bothers me about all of this is that ... if there is 2% gluttony of the rich of the upper class as opposed to 98% of the lower to the declining survivability of the middle class ... how than does the 2% keep winning and having control over the House? Are there that many gullible dumb people or voters ... if you will ... that would sacrifice their livelihoods of a humble pursuit of happiness to the arrogant of the 2% unconscious thieves promoted by a benefactor of a disingenuous party line?  No! They just don't get it except for our money. Simply put, whether red or blue this involves YOU ... I say that, because the2% doesn't equate with or to our constitutional's pursuit of happiness's fate, thus would be long gone by now ... probably at one of their tea parties.


I don't think that all of the Democraps are innocent either, meaning the phony corporate hypocrites, but at least for the most part, the Democratic platform is for (we, the people's) best interest. Otherwise, it would be of our total demise.


It's really sad that the rich are able to use the power of their money to infiltrate and buy their way into government through a dirty congress that was once known written for its people. I'm almost seventy years old ... which means my candle is getting dimmer by the day, but I really am sad for the future of these United States of America's younger generation of people due to the aftermath of getting the shaft from the path of the gluttonous greedy rich in digging our countries ditch through a ... honor-less sold out unconscious congress putting themselves first while they quench their thirst for corporate  that supplies the honey.




These poor excuses of human a species are conscious-less, If we have a dollar they would satisfied to take 98%of it and do it with pride  Their only concern is the gluttony of Higher profit, wages and bonuses at our expense. You see, except for our money, they just don’t get it living in a world that we can vaguely fantasize in.


There is nothing wrong with money, because money can do good as well, but it is the unconscious gluttony of hurting people especially of the declining middle class in trying to survive their jive. Oh well, what the hell ... With all said ... I'll just quiz your head and ask you,



Who’s your daddy ?

Money corrupts  the brain  .....,,,,. when the heart is to blame

The  devil takes control ......,,,,,.. when the devil wins over our soul

The  devil shackles the body  ....,,,,.. every time the body becomes naughty 

Every  time  one  sins  through  Power ,  Greed,  Ignorance  and  Hate 

That’s  when the devil wins with no escape. Sowho’s your daddy?

To know what to  fear you ..,,,,..should Click right here to,


Link  → “ The Root of all Evil ”





 In my view,


there is a saying that says,


 "He who pays the piper ...... plays the tune"


So in this casei t's with the orchestration of Corporate America's


Congress ... where evil wins ... with their ... souls of sins.


This is your preview to view of what they  do,


 as for me ...... to enlighten you in 


lieu  of being their fool. 




But,  keep  in   mind   of  not  being   ignorantly  colored  blind!

because  .....  being  Red   or  Blue   doesn't  really  matter

when  as  a  rule  they  both   screw  you,  because

Without   Integrity  you  can  forget  about 

loyalty  as  to  being   traitors  to  the 

....." We, the voters trust" .....








with   the  tea  for two 

with what the republi-sham's do to

take advantage of the middle class of me and you.



As a rule, the Republican party tends to be greedier people with a voracious appetite of latitude

While, the Tea partiers tend to be selfish people with a heartless attitude.


Look, I used to be a closed minded ignorant Republican

until I got wise and realized from using my wit that my future couldn't afford it.

We live and learn to discern of what is right from what is wrong with the insight to where we belong. 



There has always been an element of truth to the old saw,

The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer,”

but that gap is becoming increasingly pronounced in modern America.


Anyone looking out for those left behind?

Why not the Republican Party ?


If  you  ask  if  I  believe  in  Heaven  or  Hell... Well  hell bells,

All  I 've got to say is that on   there will be Hell to pay or   Heaven someday… 

and it is our choice to choose which way …... For our SOUL to pay ...... for our SOLE purpose of giving

As inherent of our living  It is our choice to choose which side we're on  between wright or wrong where we belong.




When people are the root of the loot    then evil is the loot from the root 

And here's the deal ... that deep inside ... We know that the devil is real ... For when we lose control

i s when he buys our soul ...  As to the trick of his treat to the power and  money...

to  our  defeat  a nd  then  that  is  when  there’ll  be  Hell to   pay   on...


 better known as FRY -day .

Play no   Pay latter

it's your gamble to



Look, believe what you will, but it  isn't 

The fact of the matter ... of what you should perceive  of me,

inasmuch, as it is to T he matter of fact ... of the truths you should believe



When people are the root of the loot    then evil is the loot from the root


Don L. Johnson






The GOP's  " Largest Sugar daddy'sDrinking  Tea 

and knowing the Quiddity of Their Integrity 

Why would They Stop  when They've

Got   the  Top  of  the  Cream

of  Their  Crop?





Link  then Think  Koch Brothers Are The Largest Land Owners Of Canada’s and The Koch Brothers-Keystone XL Filthy Oil Connection;


To obtain an assured favorable response from people,

it is better to offer them something for their stomachs instead of their brains.”

Albert Einstein


Here's one for you, President Bush’s June 2001 declaration that he had looked  into   Russia’s Vladimir Putineyes and “was able to get a sense of his soul”  


On the other hand, I got a look   into Putin's eyes  and saw nothing but lies and got an acute sense to know that not only he, but both were my foe 



Look If God  and or Jesus  hate sin and evil ... and Satan is the author who embodies it  then certainly we are justified to  hate what God  hates...


Makes sense to me, how about you Howeverthere are the few who would truly understand that it is  "We, the Human species"  that are both  the cause and the  caveat  of what's gone wrong for solong  to and with each other,  our planet and to all the other speciesa still alive in trying to survive the Irresponsibility-ness of →  "We, the inhuman species
The caveat is that there is a good and bad side in every  "human soulof the species that we should know”,  simply because we were born that way from the devils sway in the garden Eden where the devil was feed-in ... the attribute of his fruit ... to the trick of his treat ... from the trade ...  that he made ... as a tool ... to trick a fool ... such as me and you ... And every since from that past tense...  all went wrong ... from the bait of the fruit ... of that snake ... from that date ... we can relate that there hasn’t been ONE ... NO! not one of us ... that hasn't nor doesn’t do bad things at times and most of the time we don’t even realize it or simply do it out of a bad habit, ... but there is a distinct difference between what is bad from what is good and what is wrong from what is right…  as opposed to what is bad from what is evil ... unto the devils delight …  So as of late we have to fight against  the devils might of  Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate ... as long been  our undue fate, ...  For the network of the devil's tools at work, So please,   
But,    Criminently!  ...   if it Rhymes,
it's because  ... it's  in line ...  with the crimes!


Within the Confined  of my Mind  revealing  

the  Evil  way beyond the  Devils Vine 




..... .....





God:  Isn't areligionofinequityany more than  He  is to the ignorance of stupidityespecially involving his enemy of the dev  . No No! there will be No  paradise for such as  martyrs being rewarded for doing thedevil'sdeeds.  No, No, No, No - not even one - let alone 72 virgins allowed as of late entering into and or past heaven's gate. No No! Not without God's permission ... Other than intellectually disabled idiots like these evil perpetrators - I ask youwhat do you suppose God's decision would be? ... But, of course, it takes an idiot not to know - doesn't it?


Religious idiots of Islam martyrdom are the retarders of their cause  of their Islamic laws, Because dumb does of what  dumb is as to mindless minions with distorted  opinions ... from what's  right  in  God's sight ... to what's gone wrong with humanities garbage to  where the devil belongs...




The Following Images Are Extremely Graphic

Persecution Is The Real Ordeal

And Getting Fearless!


Look, take a good look see  how pure  Evil  a soul gets with a Religion that Ruthlessly, Brutally, Mercilessly, Callously and or H eartlessly  - Persecutes, Slaughters, Massacres, Slays,  Murders  and or Annihilate  another's - that is MainlyPerpetrated on (Christianity)  → Link http://www.di gitaljournalcom/news/religion/op-ed-the-darkest-season-a-christian-winter-in-the-middle-east/article/381535 


Again, the photos are horrifically graphic -

as being inhumanly true.




 Talk about evil, check this out


child recruits! 





Speaking through experience, 







A child is photographedWaiting to be killed by militants...

ISIS Uses these images to terrorize others and to glorify their spree of terror ...

Just as they do with all of their photos ,





Isis militantannounceshismarriage to a terrified his seven -year-old...  Look at his face !

If ever a head needed to be removed- this one is it!





As you can see - as being un-human ...  Evil does what the Devil is  through  his disciples ... that aren't just stupid ... But  hell bound ...  demonic cupids ... doing the devils deeds !


With pleasure, n ever in the history of humankind have there ever been such evil to this degree practiced on humankind . As far as a character goes, these low life Zealot Aficionados  make the Naxis look somewhat human,  .


Personally, if   the power to be - would be left to me   " General George S. Patton" is the way I would think and be ... 




As victims  ... there are good and bad and evil to be had  ... here on earth ... from the devil's work It makes no difference whether you are black  or white ... yellow or brown … What is your intention and what is your plight ... of each day or each night?… Is it good or bad or is it evil we fight … On the devils turf … here on earth?


Likewise, it makes no difference of what country we're from  "either-whether" North, East,South or West … What is our intentions and what is our quests Where it is hell bound all aroundGod keeps track of evils affect ... on the good ... or the bad... as to connect.  


Look all around you, because without human souls ... We couldn't have the seeds of evil ... as of late ... to germinate ... into the most damaging infestation of ... Power - Greed - Ignorance and Hate ... as to exterminate.


It is undeniable that evil exists and it is undeniable, but more desirable that Good exist (even if we are bad at times) ... right? So, to be on the level ... you can't believe in evil without believing in the devil ... it doesn't equate ... Likewise, you can't believe in the devil without believing in God , because there is a distinct difference between Good and evil ... as there is no Good in thedevilWHATSOEVER, Simply, because the devil is no Good PERIOD


If you care ... you had better bewarebecause 

the  is deviously not fare... for the control over your soul ... So always

remember that  fame is being the master at his game and  aim will always be after !





I will say it again and again; that I don’t believe in God because of the bible any more than I do of the divisions of all of the religionsof books written by man. I believe in God for many personal reasons of what I consider to be of my heart of  commonsense with c onsciousness ... as you’ll realize throughout the heart of my writings ...  And or Link here → Biographical Memoir


And So , I want you to know that I don’t want you to think of me as a manic religious fanatic with a one track kind of mind, because I really hate and despise what religion has done through the ignorance and nonsense of man ... every sense we began ... throughout the religious crimes of mankind. I simply write about God, because need to know why ... I continue to testify.


I also want to emphasize that every word that I write about ...God ... is the only hope that we've gotfor our planet and each other as a human species survival, Because, only God  knows of how unappreciative and  irresponsible that we are and have been throughout our poor excuses as caretakers  to  and  or  with  everything that  ...He ... blessed us with!  Our planet would have been much better off with the Prehistoric Humans even with monkeys than  "  We, the  over educated failures with masters of disasters  degrees". 


For a starting point of going back as far as whenGod commanded Moses to go toEgypt and deliver his fellow Hebrews from the bondage of the ruling pharaoh of Egypt. Never in the history of mankind since has events taken place that equals theCrimes of man-kind of what Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate has done (worldwide) as an all in one entity through the bondage of evil … including all of the Crimes, Destruction and Atrocities of today’s ways that you find of mankind.Unlike the  complete domination through   greed of  the Roman empires geographic period of time using horse and chariots of war.Our period of time over all of humankind ... is of the greed of the oil industry’s control over all that we know ... as of the total survival of our planet earth ... the place of our birth!


You say, so what, who cares about the The Roman Empire's days or period of time. I say, that never in the history of time has mankind been so confined to such helplessness ... to what the power of money ... can control over the human soul ... due to the gluttony of corruptive money ... The Roman Empire fell because of it ... Destroying everything in its wake that was decent and good that you'll  still find in bondage of mankind of today.  


Godgave Moses  The 10  Commandments for us, humankind  to live by, but greed has its own commandments for us to tend and give by. It hasn't changed ... except for the defiance to science  to be able to destroy everything that we know and understand of the technological technology of all of the elements  to the survival of our time of all of mankind.




Link  here → A climate for change: The country’s sinking debate over global warming and  Link here → UN Says CO2 Pollution Levels at Annual Record High




Human Blood approximately(2 gallons) is abodily fluidthat delivers necessary substances such asnutrientsandoxygento thecellsand transportsmetabolic wasteproducts away from those same cells... Link ... http://en.w ikipedia.og/wiki/Blood ... As you can surmis   - it's th  stuff that keeps us alive - and so is our planet Earth - as to survive! This is elementary  - my dear Watson... 

Similarity, What do you think will eventually happen to our planet Earth with Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing? And it's all for the Greed of profit! Politicians are cheap, especially by a dozen or more ... just enough to make us poor ... or by and by - until we're sure to die  - Prematurely sooner than Normally later ...
Link  here thenThink



                       The startling  increase in earthquakes across U.S.A. is


"almost certainly man-made"


                                          And Link  here Oil Companies Rip off Customers



Lets see what the Lord has to say about this in the following scriptures,



 Psalms 18 :7 - Then the earth reeled and rocketed,

the foundations also of the mountains trembled and quaked,  because he was angered. 


Psalms 60 :2  - You have made the land quake; You have torn it open: 

Repair its breaches, for totters 


Isaiah 24:19-The Earth is utterly broken, The Earth is split apart, 

The Earth is violently shaken


I saiah24:20 - The earth staggers like a drunken man, It's sways like a Hut, It's transgressions lie heavily upon it, and it falls, and will not rise Again.


Second Timothy 3:1-5 - But understand this, that in the last days there will come Times of difficulty. for people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, Slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, Swollen with Conceit, lovers of Pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of Godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.


Second Corinthians 4:4 -  In their case the God of the world has blinded the

Minds of the unbelievers, 

To keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ

Who is the image of God 


Isaiah 21:6 - You will be visited by the Lord of host With thunder And with Earthquakes And great noise, 

With whirlwind and tempest, and the flame of a Devouring fire.


Matthew 24:42 - Therefore, stay awake, 

For you do not know what day the Lord is coming




Look, if  w e’ve truly believed in God ... then how could we have been so unduly deceived by he who got  There is only two ways to behave and that is to be enslaved or to be saved by one or the other, brother ... It's our choice until the end of our days.

  It was an easy choice for me, because I'm more  concerned  over my destiny ... rather  than money  . Don't forget how madJesus was with the money changers of the “cleansing of the temple” 



As will be with me ...  Thither/yon … to you too … We can deceive our self …  as to keep our wealth, But the loan of something …  means we own nothing … For it isn’t a quiz    to what time is … as to live our lives  for the things we can’t take … to heaven’s gate ...   .


Don L. Johnson




If interested in the narrative … It occurs near the end of the synoptic Gospels at, Link → Matthew21:12 46, Mark 11:15,Mark 11:17,Luke 19:45-48  ... and Mark 11:15 –19, Matthew 21:12 – 17, 21: 23-27 and Luke 19:45 – 48, 2o:1 – 8) and near the start in the Gospel  of John (at John 2: 13 – 16)...


Some Christians  think  that  this  is  the  only  account  of Jesus using  physical  force  in  any  of  the  GospelsBut  the  point  is, is  that  He  did  ... and  that's  the  Gospel...


That  was  then  and  this  is  Now ... You  had  better  believe  that  it's  Holy Cow  and  I  mean  that  ... It  should  be  ... as  soon  as  Now  ... That you should  ...  get  wise  and  ... Bow  ... To the truth ...  to this matter!

 Remember, that the  devil'stool of  hiskind ... can make a foolof  your mind  ” 
No offense, but ...Could it be True  ...   that  he  did  it  with? 


And as would be ... He's done it with me

Many times  ...  with my crimes 

as lessens discerned from

lessens  learned

of course.




In order to win a war ...We need not t o focus in on the tragedy of it ... in as much as on the strategy of whom or whyWebattle it.  In other words, my belief is that each and everysoul of or in each and every one of us, as a human species ... whether it be  of a he or a she ... is inhabited by a fallen angel's spirit ... as  given to humanity... as a living choice to rise ... from the devil's  demise ... to the flight into Godslight ...again ... back to Him... to where we, first began ... as his angels of delight ...  It  is within this I trust ... that  God  so loved his angels ... just as he does with us ... But he needs to know that our hearts are right with  ... Him ... in order for us enter ... back into his light again. 


Now! No one thatI have ever known or heard of ... has ever touched on this point of view, but it only makes sense tome of why there is so much evil ( that no one can deny ) as we're living in its lies. 


No! this war is really between God and the devil  ... and the battle is between ... we, the human specie's  souls? ...  Link  then Think → The Truth to the Matter is the Matter of the Facts   And Link here → U.S. military casualties and the costs of war: Iraq, Afghanistan and post-9/11 conflicts


We have a free will to pick either or ... or from the one wechooseto ignore, but keep in mind that the battle will never be fare, because God wants our Hearts while the devil ... as being dirty and evil ... doesn't care ... just as long as ... he has the control ... over our souls ... For his amusement, He's got a lot of tricks to his trade from his tool-box arcade ... You don't believe it? Well, just ask Bill Maher and the like to their atheistic plight ... It's part of their ... mantra of comedic joke line. Other than that, I like the guy, because he's pretty much on ... in line with my way of thinking. But he is sure screwed up with the Lord  ... For his sake, I hope He'll  see the light ... instead of the endless night. 


You know! I used to love watchingand L  ... that is, until they did a mockery skit onJesusChristand that was when my love turned into hate ... of which is my personal take  ... Let's put it like this and that is, if I believed in you in as much as I do in whatJesus Christdid for me  ... ThenMy Heartwould  feel and do the same ... Wouldn't you  want that kind of ... behind the back ... Loyalty ... from someone you love and trust


No!I go as far as tokick assin any way I know how to do ... of which you may think is hypocritical to what the bible says, but it is something of which ... I personally will have to answer for ... whenmy time comes ... for ... I do not forgive  Especially ... with hypocrites of high profiles of trusted positions ... that usesGods name for fame out of selfish gain.


And just like people are to the extreme of  evil  with the  devil , I also believe for what it’s worth, that hell  ... is right here … where we live … here on earth … And if it weren’t true then there wouldn’t be so much pain and sufferin  unto the same extreme degree. Unto this endA  true reward of happiness ... doesn’t come from what you can afford … it only comes from the accord of the Lord Anything less ... can or will never be blessed ... into heavenly happiness.


Now you may think that you are above it all , because you know it all through a university of degree, but hey! That’s your worldly prerogative of a foolish down fall, because that is the tragedy of the devil’s strategy as to trap you as his fool. Againas to his control over your soul!


Again, remember that the tools of  his game will always be the same as a dirty trick and or of  his dirty treat to the ignorance of your defeat ... It's either good or bad ... don't make it sad ... where you've been had ... as endowed with power ... through the need ... out of his tool box of ... greed.


Look, o n the Auspicious Lighter sideof the song track, there is a song by Frank Sinatra called Link   → Young at Heart   with a verse that goes like this, “fairly tails can come true and it could happen to you if you’re young at heart and on the Ominous Darker side of the track, “fairly tails can come true and it could happen to you if you’re dumb at heart, in other words, 

     Just remember this ... as you've hung on to read on...

     through the words of my song ... Yes, it should be music  to your ears...

       if it clears your fears  from a f airy tales where you were blind from once upon your time.  

    But, you don't want that dam boogeyman from hell to get-yah do-yah?   Well

     fairy  tails  could  come  true  ... and  it ... could  happen to you if you won't

    choose what you know you should do ....What is real or not is how

      you feel of what you've got .... but even so .... you  have to  

    know that something has to go .... but dammed if you

    do and dammed if you don't All I know 

    is  that  you  can't say  you  won't

    Remember that Time 

    is only Relative

    if   you  can

     make  it  on  Time,

I just wonder how many of

 a rich man would turn beggar if he

knew that his sudden life depended on it?

Also remember that gamblers never win ... in the

 end as they  go on  to  lose  ... what  they  foolishly  choose.


 Speaking for the middle class ...  I will  agree toquit picking on the rich...

and the powerful .... If they will agree to quit picking our pockets...

 for  greedy  higher profits ... Does this sound fair enough?

Look ... t here  is  nothing  wrong  with  being  rich 

It's the greed that isn't  fair that is wrong

 Link here Bonus column: Living day by day on minimum wage

But it'sOK  for them to profit it!

Our  loss  is  their  best  interest

through  profit  of  gain.

making  us  lame






Composed,Written and Designed

By,  Don L. Johnson

As  Signed



To whom

this may concern, ,

if you have any negative feelings

towards me or what I’ve written, then please refer to

the following scriptures and you’ll find that my fixation is a rightful

justification as to the following scriptures of relevance

to what I write  while reviewing my site.


There are literally 7.5 billion religious conceptions of God and I suppose that I could find a certain percentage of parts of or in every one of them that corresponds with my way of thinking. Nevertheless, I haven’t the time, energy and or patients to research every explanation point to their religious conception ... fanatic or otherwise


The only Literal sense to my belief is that my God doesn’t come from a so calledQuote conception) of a perception that ultimately leads to a deception of religion ... My God comes from my Heart that involves a Philosophical character by the name of Jesus Christ …  Jesus is the only factor that equates my universe whereas harmony became one of the same since inception ... for without him I’d be lost in space without a trace of explanations to rationalize for the whys in life between good and evil  especially from the conception of religious people.


As for me I am not a systematic religious fanatic or simply a person who likes to congregate socially and get involved emotionally with people of the same. In fact,I am not a comfortable socializer that's able to mingle aloud and fit into any crowd ofpeople of any social gathering of the sort. Even though I've been successful in my prior endeavors,I would have been much happier with my pursuit alone with my rather's ... Life is what it is ... of how we make it ... or ... it is what it is ... of how we can take it ... Sometimes shit happens that we can't do anything about ... It ain't right and it ain't wrong ... Life just goes on to where we choose to belong


Again, I am not a socializing greater who says How are you or What’s happening with people thatI barely know or for that matter even want to know with unethical people of greed ... especially politicians who I could care less about except to oust them out of office if they're not representing the peoples best interest first!  


The following are a couple of scriptures that I whole hard-idly believe in that pretty much ... says it all ... who've got gall ... that amount  to what I  write about ... as follows,

(Matthew 19:24) ... And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God) 
Proverbs 6:16-19 ... These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among  brethren...
Example, the way they do with red and blue ... to ultimately ... be able to ...  screw you ... as their fool ... but, Hey ! like a masochist - is topain... just be insane and follow the habitual cheater of the leader of the pact and that's the fact ... that you've more than likely ... have been doing  - all along  ... Simply , because ... you just can't find that sign ... that lets you know ... that you've been ... colored blind ... And so, if the shoes fits ... Its due to you that We, the People have beenscrewed ... by that foolish part in you  Now! if you feel offended ... that's a sure sign ... that you've been guilty as sin as     ;
But even so,  the following are notes of quotes ... that only the  wise can possibly surmise 

“  It is easier to denature plutonium ... than to denature the evil spirit of man  .

Albert Einstein


“  As, we have to look at facts ... in order to understand the acts

that We, as a human species portray of today .

Don Johnson




Whatever you think or do, it is imperative to understand that the Oil Industry is literally destroying our planet Earth, because they just don't care about anything other than their profit of which is Unconscionable GREED at its Evil worst for future generations  and equations involving life as we know it! ... Link then Think Big Oil not only believes in global warming — they’ll profit from it  and Link  →  For Future Generations Lyrics


Look , We are on a fast track of a runaway train destine for a doom of derailment in the direction of a no return and nobody seems to be concerned enough to stop it , especially governments of attainment . But the question is who was the abductor of the conductor who commandeered the locomotive engineer? And worse of all , who the hell was in the middle of the thicket who bought all the tickets to keep it right back on track between stops ? It is my understanding that the color of red was the sign for stopping not for singing the blues It’s a sure sign as to being colored blind or simply with a brainless mind that you can’t find enlight of his plight. 


If we believe the story of   God's  glory  of  creation  then you should know…

it’s the devil at workwhere his evil has hurt everything Good

in our lives where he could ……… For where there is Good

There is bad …… but with evil …… we can be had

So .... b e careful....of the People...

who choose to be evil that's on the level with the devil.

Remember, thatGood of God ... as  God is of Good ...

Our battle isn’t just in Seattle …Insight Website MIT could be for thee.


It’s either

Good Heart ...     ... Bad Heart

 Question is, which part?


As not to elude from my prelude: ........ is t o begin from within as I've always been a token
for being out-spoken  .........  from that part of my heart …...... instead from my head
provoking anger ... from what I've said ... of lyrics of song ... unto my by gone. 
Twas the riddle of mine .... that rhymes .... with the crimes .... of my time.
......................... So no excuse ....... would be abuse.........................


.......................... from here on ... lets stay ..........................


............................ loose and  have ............................


.............................. a truce ..............................


............................ ok ............................


  Look ...... I  am  a  believer  not  a  


  deceiver, but even so, I want  


  you to know that I am


       no better than     


  ... you ...









   Don L. Johnson:    


   Oh  Yes  I  confess  that  I  practice  what  I  preach      

then teach what I practice .... within things that are true .... from me to you

 in light of what I write ...... here on my website ...... yet, who am I  

this guy of why ... I’m just a speck combined  into space-time.




 The Constant-nation of Succession: ...

Imagination Begets Education and Education Begets Information as the conclusive clarification

Don Johnson



Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity which describes the fundamental interaction of

gravitation as a result of x+y+z+T = spacetime being curved by matter and energy.



Other than Albert Einstein’s unforgettable equation of - e = mc2

The Einstein field equation (EFE) may be written in the following form,



( x1, x2, x3 ) = ( ct x, y, z )   or    ( x1, x2, x3, x4 ) = ( x, y, z, ict )



First and foremost to this equation is the captivation that God is of Love as Love is of God as above all factions without fractions that’s foregone from here on. Thus, to the square root to Albert Einstein's Intellectual equation that God and E = MC2 of Science and Technology of the Universe Equates as Being ≜ equal to or one of the same and to this end, His Imagination Wins whereas Knowledge begins as to His Imagination = to His Satisfaction or

T EX = Ff 2 te = it = G io La io G = aa f w f ff ho = T2t  2AE = Ie  t = Ga E = MC2 o S a To t U = E aB = e2 o 1 ots a2te H IWw Kb a2 HI = 2HS o






As of Late to Equate minus the Query of a Theory of mine,


to an Actual ... Factual faith combined ... as follows,


T E =  Ao L 2  E - mt QoaT  =om 2a  A =   F f C af


At this point of space /time of mine , there's no need for curves in my life, however it does take a little  gravitational pull of fundamental interactions with subject matters such as mine to define enlightened to vision of what I've written, but you don't have to be energized at2 the speed of light 186,000,282 (mps) miles per second  as a matter of a pretty expensive speeding ticket to get here either. Just slow down and believe that you can ... so that you too can understand the gravity of the matter in order to get it together ...  TEX =AtpoSom   tN nfcimlhid aGp iwsmsam2d2voIwbydh2be=at2SoLaaMoapest2ghe=js abt yc st y2cut GotMio2  git





Education isn't about... the  Follyof Naught...

          in as much ... as it ought ... to the Wisdom of Thought”       




Link   →  I am the captain of my soul ... and  the master of my ship  



However, not everyone is readily able to  board  their ship ... as time equips their mind ... that would be capable ... to find as to process it ... Sountil then ... those who can't, don’t or won't  for whatever the reason ... Their souls will  sustain to be hollow ... as they maintain ... to follow their ship ... as to boarding it ...


So, as to construe to you ... as to be enlightened and true ... For those who have a good heart and a good soul ... that doesn't really know ... that they've lost control ... over their souls ... This is my duty of leader-ship with the soul purpose to be able to guide, direct and or point those ship-less-souls ... into the right direction ... to be able to  find their connection ... to where they can board their own ship ... "like I eventually did" ... as growing up ... from a kid ...


It’s Mind over Matter that Matters to Me about Human Dignity of being able to take control  of  being  the  Captain of their Soul ... into the Master of their ship ... 


The subject is characteristically up-close and personal that can’t be Learned unless Discerned . So, in order to Deal with it … one has to Feel with it … and it all starts ... from within the Integrity ... of ones Heart. 


This is Knowledge that you can't, don't or won’t find in a College or Academic of your choice  because there’s no Source for a Course offered , but as for, “Albert Einstein’s quote of  "Wisdom of Thought" ... that says”,


Education is what remains after one has forgotten

everything he has learned in school


Albert Einstein


Only  one  who  devotes  himself  to  a

 cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true

master .  For this reason mastery demands all of a person


It becomes readily clear that what ... "Einstein" ... said and meant was that

Education is not for the Folly of Naught .................... But for the Wisdom of Thought...

that is not for what you deny and misuse ................ through the doesn't Matters...

but for what you can apply and use ............... through what Truly Matters ...

in the .... Rathers .... of your everyday .... Gathers .... In other words...

without all the  academic  " to-do-hullabaloo"  that goes with it...




Analogy tautologically, as to seek "wisdom" so towhy waste your time on traveling from point A to point Z ... Alphabetically ... when all you need to do is to get from point A to point B as of your destiny?  For haste makes waste and waste makes want and want makes strife all through its short time life! Although, "Albert Einstein" felt like he wasted his time on mandatory academic  subject matters that didn't directly relate to the physics of what he could equate to the stars above with his love for the universe.  As a result, it was hisimagination of  mind to where he would find his legacy and   vindication of his mathematical equation of  E = MC 2 = energy = mass sq at the speed of light




Written and Designed by,


Don L. Johnson







Link   Proverbs 23:7 (New King James Version) - Bible Gateway


So as the thinketh into the same direction of its    of is to his destiny


Link Proper-Verbs 7: 11 - 44     


If only the Brain ... could hang with the Heart ... from the very start ...  then that section of connection = B2 Hwt= H od


into the Heart of direction ... would be to fuel the Brain ... from whence it came ... sustainable to win the game...


For  the  Heart  of  the  Matter  is  that ...........Blood  is  thicker ........... than  water  to  the  Brain........


It’s a matter of fact and as simple as that, but if the brain could only realize how vital the Heart is to its survival...


then maybe ... just maybe ... it could prioritize itself ... into the Heart ... at best ... to give the brain a rest



B2 Hwt= Hot= M  



Written and Designed by,


Don L. Johnson





“Lyrics of destiny” ....... I’ve got mine to define, but right or wrong this is your lyrics to your song to choose where you should belong …..... So if you are  in gear  and  not to  fear then  Link right here,   Lyrics of destiny”     to find  out what my  lyrics are  all about  to the “Rhyme  for Treason” as Explained to the Reason.



Well,  as  to  be  viewed  in  lieu  of  my  attitude ... subject  prelude  ... is  to  know   where  to  go  ... so to  arrive  to where  you  drive the best through GPS ...  destination  ...  (website)  ...  from   where  the   directions  originated, thus  the   four  intersections  of   (W)   to   whom,   why,   when  and   the  origin to  where   it   comes  from  ...  better known  as,   me  you   see  ...  so, oh,


Yes ... at best  so as   to rest  for I had  to get this

off   of   my   chest   and   out   of   my   way

 so  as  I  may  confidently  say,  Hey!











you are about to  


transpose A into the no  


lie zone that's ∝ proportional to the 


√ a square  root  of  your thought and reasoning


process  whereas ∞ ≈ a  x+y+z+T continuum of space-time


as   2 E = mc x2 relatively Equating Asthe sum of GOD + science


Asof ≜ ≈ the  same As2 the (principal) square root  to GOD  without variation. 


The relevance  between the photos and writings throughout my essays  will correlate a more  


meaningful  purpose  through a  show and  tell correlation,  thereby  tapping  into


your   imagination  of  a  reasoning  process  for  the  truth  beyond  lies 


"The  will  of and  for  "Understanding will  be of  the utmost 


essence  for  the truth of what you'll read here on my


 website and it can never be achieved with


with  or  by  a  closed  mind"













Furthermore , as a preamble, "Imagination is Vision into the Future. It is the Essence of Intelligence, but like a Palindrome, Intelligence without Wisdom is Wisdom without Intelligence  to be able to Plan your Work than to Work your Plan according to the Ambitions behind your Goals in Mind. So if you won’t Evaluate, How can you Deliberate... To Learn is to Comprehend and to know is to Understand ... Thus ... then, Knowledge of what was becomes the Reality of what Knowledge is as of the Present  ... If it were not so, we wouldn't have Evolved Intellectually ...  as if of a Wiz ... instead of a Quiz in a state of a Dizzy Tizzy Dissolution of a confusion about what is or isn't to be of how you feel to be real.



Here's a good example, does it take an Imagination,Quiz or a Question to Decipher what you are as a human species and or to identify the extant of past and present homo-sapiens?


The truth to the matter is to keep this in mind of human kind that the Neanderthals didn't have an Education when inspired by fire ... Today we have the most common source of heat generated by an electric or gas stove,  furnace, radiant, or even one of   "them thar" infrared LED's to be able to warm you and me etc. ... Can you Imagine that?



There are the believers of the evolution of human kindby design and there are the believers of the Intelligentdesign of the universe including the genesisof our kind as believed by Einstein.



If we were in flight at the speed of light, we would have a 186,000,288 miles per second or about 671 million miles per hour to realize that time is as time was to primitive time quicker than a blink of an eye by Intelligent Design. This is not theory, but fact. Or is my Imagination playing havoc with me again … Evolution is Not the Whole Story”  Link  → ...



But , there is one positive thing that we all know for sure is that there is good and there is evil in this world, so where does it come from ... if not to use our Intellectual thinking  to  decipher that it had to come from the fruit of the tree of Adam and Eve?   ... And so ... like the saying goes ... "We can't trust a snake in the grass" ... especially when we know that it is trying to ... bite our ass!


Moreover ... evolution is no solution to try to explain the Status quo of the Human soul … It’s like trying to explain which came first the chicken or the egg? ... or as a preposition ... get a leg ... up on the matter ... still in a tizz to the latter.



This is true to you that our bodies are made out of Star Stuff ... Link We are Stardust  that ultimately returns back to the dust to the just of it ... when it’s out lived it's mass, but this is also true to you that our Souls is the Immortal essence of our being visible only to God ... also the Creator of the Star Stuff  ... Link “Why we’re all made out of stardust” of the same from whence we came.  



No matter, in either case , we have now the capability to be able to approach and solve complex problems with solutions through the Intellect of an inherent ratiocinated reasoning process from what was once taken for granted as an unscientific illusion of a mindless confusion of ignorance ... Look, no offence, but with all things considered, this makes sense to me ... as to Albert Einstein's  way of thinking ... as follows, 



   “ That deep emotional conviction

of the presence of a superior reasoning power,

which is revealed in the  incomprehensible universe,  

forms my idea of  God



Science without religion is lame ... religion with out science is blind

Albert Einstein


Don L. Johnson


















By now, I’m sure that you are lead to scratching your head while


being contrived into mystified of what was said from what you've thus read




 .. .....................................................................

















 For indeed Of what you read …Of me personally so too it is true Of me tautologically often in  


A metaphorical representation  Thought without reasoning  is wisdom for naught


Shallow as it is  lost in a quiz  in light Of what I write   analytically


So keep this in mind as you might find some sense Of my sanity


...... Psychologically ...... Scientifically ...... Conclusively ......


......... As of ......... from here on on” ........






























Keep in Mind … that all of the Rhymes of Mine are of My Own Design and

 not of Einstein's to help Develop a Logical Thought Process and Develop Senses for

 the Ability to Retrieve Information to make Valued Decisions through Logical Conclusions





And  Yes,  People  tend  to  remember  Rhymes  more  often  than  not.
















 Albert Einstein: ... "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them"



With all of the objects in the universe  the human brain is the most complex. There are literally as many neurons (sometimes turned into morons) running around in our brain as there are of the two to fourhundred billion stars in our own Milky Way Galaxy.


Man's creation was God supreme act of physical creation who laid the foundations of the Earthand whoforms the spirit of the soul of man from within him. The spirit of man is unique. No animal has it.    This spirit was given to our first ancestors, Adam and Eve. It is what makes us unique from the animal kingdom dating back from the Prehistoric period of time where there are no written records from human-kind and, yes, to certain parts of the Darwinian Theory, but it's not a theory when I say that I believe in Creationism ... So  Keep in mind that compared to our time that  God  defines space-time of what, when, where and how things happens ... in God's Time for God is of Space/Time.



AGAIN, the dividing factor of this equation ... is of our "SOUL" ... for the sole purpose ... from whence it came ... to it's faithfulness to God ... forever we proclaim.  


Think of dark matter in pulling things together, Well, the human spirit works in conjunction with the physical brain in tying or binding things together from the very beginning, because of the unique human spirit placed within him, had consciousness, intelligence, and all these"mysteries" of modern science!



Thus , to be able to think, digest, equate as to spiritually relate to reasoning things out sensibly beyond all other species;   Unfortunately, as in dark energy, we let the dark matter of the status quo, use, abuse and control our souls which is by definition; m&m's or (mindless minions)  with outer space moron opinions of garbage-space-junk-debris ... just to fool you and me ... as to start to pull and push us apart ... and should fear it ... from the human spirit ... tis the network ... of the devils work ... or better known ... as into the saying of ... the devil made me do it ... but in reality ... twas the choice by trade ... that we've made.



Look, I don't know of any other way to put it without possibly being offensive with my comments, but even though it rhymes... Commonsense is not the same as nonsense ... meaning we don't have to be a religious fanatic in order to figure out without a doubt of what the world we live in is  all about! ... or do we? ... As a matter of fact,  commit to memory of and about the either or neuron/moron factor in concurrence with the physical brain activity in conjunction with the two different meanings of commonsense and or nonsense  of thinking ... So don't be a dink and use your neurons to logically think with wisdom of what's happening today and constructively do something about it or you'll no longer have democracy ... as Albert Einstein put it, because ... 





As one of history's most brilliant and intellectual men, Albert Einstein was famous for his theories and scientific discovery's ... He was a man who was never satisfied with what he had done and viewed his achievements as mere stepping stones to the next achievement...


While he was definitely successful in his scientific work, He was also a good and decent man of "Integrity Thinking" and practiced what he preached with meaningful words of wisdom spoken from the Integrity of his heart. He genuinely believed what he said and said what he believed as he knew to be true to construe to you and the whole world as would be with his Integrity ... Albert Einstein was also a very patient and understanding listener as he made others feel important and loved... 


blatant bold faced  lie wasn’t a  part of  Albert Einstein’s practiced vocabulary PERIOD! But, beneficially and for the greater good of humanities’ sake … he did tell little white lies” from time to time … for the sake of Peace and harmony and not hurting feelings … In that respect, he was and still is guilty in the history books of compassion of which is very much lacking in today’s societal history with the gluttonous money bags of Carnegie’s blarney of which you will find that I have NO Respect nor Compassion for what so ever within the sightings of my writing’s … right here on my Website … as I despise hypocritical liars who cheat people out of their livelihoods … no matter whether red or blue … I still do… Because a liar is aliar … as of a thoughtless denier to "we, the people's"  trust!



     Here is some m  ace fr one of the world's greatest thinke  

I am absolutely convinced that no wealth in the world can help humanity forward, not even in the hands of the most devoted worker in this cause. The example of great and pure personages is the only thing that can lead us to find ideas and noble deeds. Money only appeals to selfishness and always irresistibly tempts its owner to abuse it. Can anyone imagine Moses, Jesus and or Gandhi with the MoneyBags of Carnegie”? ...   So saith ... Albert Einstein.


Let's see what the Bible says about the matter ... REF: Matthew 19:24 ... Then saith Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto thee, that a rich man shall hardly enter the kingdom of Heaven. And again I say unto thee, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.


Yes, Albert Einstein makes a good point of which I think is relevant to what Moses, Jesus , Gandhi and other influential people that are not revered for their wealth, but for their actions in life. Money certainly does tempt people to abuse it, butAlbert Einstein’s Heart, Integrity, Intelligence and  Commonsense knew that the key to resisting temptation was to realize that  Money wasn’t the most important factor ... to the matter ... of the strife ... in life ... Now, I ask you, was he not right? ... !


For indeed , His vision was in his decision into his after life or

T EX   Gt2 H  I t B wG

( God the Equation equals to His   Infinity to be with God).


Unequivocally, Albert Einstein was his own man of a thought-reasoning-process. He was not only scholarly brilliant , Intellectually Wise but,more importantly - as I am try-an to be, He was a Humble Person of Good Character and with his Integrity attached he Practiced what he Preached and Taught as he Teach-ed (taught ) the Truth against the dough of the status quo of Greedy Arrogance or better known as Lowlife  Dishonest Corrupt Hypocritical Deceitful Heartless Uncaring - Power- Hungry God -less Money-Sucking Hazards of Lying Vampire’s - as in Dylan Ratigan’s book titled - .




"What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that we can
comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking
person with a feeling of humility. This is a genuinely divine spiritual
religious feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism."



First and foremost as his host, “Albert Einstein” is my idol of everything that I respect in a compassionate human being. He was a kind hearted humble decent man with caring feelings for humanity. Even though he was in the high ranks of stature in the world, he did not use or abuse his “status quo” to his advantage to hurt and or exploit others out of a selfish gain unto his name as his most successful achievement = B = H2tm = Brain equals Heart to the matter.


Second and foremost as of his host. No matter what his genius and or beliefs were of “Albert Einstein” It was secondary to which he was as a noble character instead of a double-dealer-swindler phony boloney. To that extent, he will forever be the model for  me  to hold  him in the highest regard as in an association with my website and he will be respected, revered, referred and  referenced  often  throughout  my website with His quotes of wisdom, ... as follows,




Albert Einstein: ... "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them"  


( Signs hanging in Albert Einstein’s

office at Princeton )


Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole

strength and soul can be a true master. For this

reason mastery demands all of a person


And so that’s the way the money goes so pop goes my web -site


The world is a dangerous place to live;

not  because  of  the  people  who  are  evil,  but,

because of the people who don't do anything about it 


Not me as will be in light of what I wright here on my website


The only source of knowledge is experience


Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character


The Constant-nation of Succession: ...

Imagination Begets Education and Education Begets Information as the conclusive clarification


Don L.. Johnson



The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination


Albert Einstein



Knowledge of what is does not open the door directly to what should be


Not everything that counts can be counted and not
that can be counted counts


Small is the number of people who see with
their eyes and think with their minds


He who has never been deceived by a lie

does not know the meaning of bliss.”


Politics is for the present, but an equation is for eternity


Logic will get you from A to B Imagination will take you everywhere


Education is what remains after one has forgotten
everything he learned in school

"Albert Einstein"


"Well , as for me, I agree with the (pointlessness) of it as

I’ve lived my life except for the absolute fundamentals of  my heart of

caring, reading, writing and arithmetic as taught and inspired then begot to

 desired in me by the cast unto the very last caring teachers of and from my dire past".

There is an old adage that describes the feelings within my heart and it goes like this,  

In life you will find that there is a purpose for everyone you meet.


Some will test you,

Some will use you

And some will teach you,

But most important are the ones,

Who bring out the best in you?

Respect you and accept you for who you are.

Those are the ones worth keeping around.




 So, if this date is clearly true ...  would this sincerely relate to you?

   Romans... 12: 9  Love must be sincere.Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.


But,even though you really could doesn't mean you sincerely would.

For anything less without bliss.


Written by, Don L. Johnson




"Albert Einstein" - Quotes - Religion




We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages . The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how . It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books , but doesn't know what it is That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God We see a universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws, but only dimly understand these laws. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that moves the constellations. - Albert Einstein


I want to know how God created this world.
I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or
that element
. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details


What really interests me is whether God could have created the

world any differently in other words , whether the demand for

logical simplicity  leaves any room for freedom at all


No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence
Jesus ”. His personality pulsates in every word .
No myths are filed with such life


God who reveals Himself in harmony of all that exist


It is only to the individual that a soul is given


One becomes a deeply religious nonbeliever ,
but it is clear from the original that it is definitely not I ”.


   That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a  superior reasoning power,  

which is revealed in the  incomprehensible universe,

forms my idea of   God


Strenuous intellectual work and

the study of   God's   Nature are the Angels

that will  lead me through  all  the  troubles  of  this

life with consolation, strength and uncompromising rigor.”


Science without religion is lame ; religion without science is blind.”


True religion is real living ; … living with all one's soul ,
with all one's goodness and righteousness


When the solution is simple , God is answering


I have deep faith that the principle of the universe

will be beautiful and simple,"   



Quantum mechanics is very impressive

But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing

The theory yields a lot, but it hardly brings us any closer to the secret of the Old One .

In any case , I am convinced thatGod doesn't play dice.



And neither do Iwhen it comes to playing gameswith my afterlife




Contrary  to all  of  the  would be Agnostic-bolonians of  twisted Historians” out  there ... It would be well  to  know  that “Albert Einstein” couldn’t have been a total agnostic of God in the way some may say of  him  or  he  wouldn’t  have had  so many contradicted positive quotes  in the  reverse  to the negative pertaining to his belief in God as God being the creator of the universe of E = MC Energy = Mass sq.  at the speed of light.


Please forgive my language but, I don’t believe in God because of a hypocrite behind a pulpit preaching against what they practice nor do I in a class listening to a disingenuous ass as I’ve naively trusted, followed of the lowest of my past To me, there is nothing lower than a person who uses God's name out of selfish gain ... NOTHING ! And I don’t believe in every word that I read in the Bible either as the Bible was written into books by man some inspired by God and some not ... just as some were retired to be and from the Bible ...


Look, I don’t believe in God because of Bible ... I believe in the Bible because of God that is in certain scriptures pertaining to God or Jesus's own words ... like in the book of Genesis – as in the beginning ... the book of John ... as in the reason for living ... unto the revelation of the ending Just as God and the universe are as  Jesus and God as being one of the same as to proclaim.


Look, the fact is that ... I would still believe in the messages from these books ... even if they weren’t such books to be found in the Bible. In fact, I would feel that found in the Bible. In fact, I would feel that the Bible wouldn’t make sense. In fact, I would feel that the Bible wouldn’t make sense without them as in being incomplete. There has to be a revelation of the beginning and the reason for living and the ending of every novel especially factual.


To define my website design is to know that Einstein is the idle of mine, but the God/Jusus is divine to my websites design … nonetheless, both are a part of the expressions from my heart that you need to read as of the inspirational feed … that is of the gospel truth. NO! we ALL know ... that the Devil exists by how his evil persists  on a unprecedented vast scale for us to fail ... All I know, is that there is no denying it ... unless we are lying to ourselves about it in the wake of Ignorance.


Just as I know that it appears as though the devil has complete control over the sins of our souls … I also believe that SOON God will be bound to come down and kick the living shit out of him and his disciples of demons  ... so that we can be free of his control over our souls ... thus to win ... from the temptation of sin ...  Again, You ask me how and why I know it is true ... so to pass on to you ... WELL ... for you to think things through ... for what is truly true ... is for you to Link  into the #1 + #3 and #2 = and if you do ... you will seriously know ... according too, 


“Jesus is returning soon”

#1 Link  →

#3 Link  →


How Does Archangel Michael Fight Satan During the End Times

  #2 Link  → -Does-Archangel-Michael-Fight-Satan-During-The-End-Times.htm


He Who Laughs Last ... Laughs Best Meaning?



The sentence 'He who laughs last laughs best' is a proverb.

It  means   that   when  a   person   does   something   to  humiliate  you,

the tables may turn at the end and you will be in control of the situation.

In this case, they who believed ... Against they who deceived

in God we trust!














“That  Alluring  Tree”

A Lie is still a Lie of the one we

deny and it is the one that should be

understood to the degree of what sets us 

free  from that alluring tree - The  only person

who  never lied  till  he  died was  Jesus

 on the cross for you and me to  set

  us free from that Evil Tree.

    Written by, Don Johnson









"T he Fall of Man is When Evil Began"

(Genesis 3:1-24)



God’s original plan for man was that man not have the“Knowledge” of evilby engaging in it ... Once you engage and enter into a specific sin you now have the “Knowledge” of it. That is why death resulted when Adam and Eve ate of the Fruit off  the Forbidden Tree.


This is the gist of a thought provoking "True Story" of the best you'll find of "Albert Einstein" of what you shouldn’t forget... Link  → Does evil exist ? of what you should Love . Well at least I think you will ... that is if you can calculate what you equate = T EX = A2 T eo E x2 wtd = B o4 TEo = 1oTsA2 U2t G + W T wk2B 4wy sys = ott Dc  ... So don’t you quit and use your wit then you’ll begin to take in this“Equation” ...   just as long as you hang on and stay awake to equate ... before it's too late.




The Constant-nation of Succession: ...


Imagination Begets Education and Education Begets Information as the conclusive clarification

Written by, Don L.Johnson





Make noMistakeFor our Souls are at Stake

It's either Good Seed or Bad Seed - Which one do we Choose to Breed

The Choice we make -will be for Our Soul to Take"

Written by,   DonL.Johnson




 "There is one thing that we can Wisely Trust within all of Us

and that is while Life goes on - We can Learn -from what is Right from Wrong 

as to Comprehend - our Journeys End".

Written byDon L. Johnson



" Instead within our head ...  we choose our fate ... due to the devil's bait ... so we blind our eyes... 

to find the lies ... so we can't see ... what's in that tree ... even though ... before we know...

that we've sold our soul ... over to the devils control              

Written by, Don L. Johnson  


 " For as the devil is equated to evil ... so too is his controlover people"   

Written by, DonL. Johnson


"The  snake  within  the  heart  poisons  the  brain  spewing  venom  of  the

same from whence it came " ..... want positive physical proof


Okrecently this   Guy   received a Heart Transplant,


Yet  his  lame  brain  still  remained  the  same


as   still   hell   bent   with   no   repent!


 Written by, DonL. Johnson


" Simply put ... the devil on his level ... is when we live for him in sin ...  as his fool to take

...  into his tool of bait" ... So don't be his dink ... get wise and THINK!


Remember, his apple a day ... poisons our doctor away"


Written by, Don L. Johnson




Was a Polish mathematics astronomer