Consider that China is much worse than we were 50 years ago as far as our pollution of carbon co2 emissions goes. The most fundamental issue that I see here is the already horrendous damage China is and has done to the environment and atmosphere from years and years of air pollution with their carbon co2 emissions (revised) and that’s the story I’ve found … but here’s the real low-down … that you can put the blame on shame “Shams” … put the blame on Shame … revised excerpt from F “GILDA (1946) … A Columbia Picture … “Put the blame on Mame” … Rita Hayworth …(lyrics)…
Now consider that our (USA) population is merely at 311,591,917 and China’s is at 1,347,350,000 and India’s at 1,241,491,960 and growing when considering the photos as follows. If that doesn’t scare you, I really don’t know what will? I can tell you that the CEO’S of America’s Greed don’t care, as long as they fill their need and get their share!
Their LUST for MONEY is so-so bad that if every drop of blood in our bodies were to be a dollar bill, they would literally drain us dry with a voracious sigh of relief while licking the last drop of blood from their teethe of which they are now doing to our … helpless poor planet Earth! Now, think about it … while you’re judging my less reserved prim and proper language.
The dried up Yangtze River in southwest China's Chongqing
Three Gorges reservoir for irrigation and drinking
water. Photograph: STR/AFP/Getty.
Again, to grasp the reason why our unemployment got so high is to know how it rose then stop how it grows. In this case … it is and was the … shams of deceit … of how sneaky they cheat with their lies in disguise while … smoken with the bomb ass mugs of and with the cush of the Bush.
“We, the people’s” … foes and those who rose from the greedy CEO’s, thus the answer and the reason to why our unemployment got so high ... again smoken with the cush of the bush. (Urban dictionary of cush).
China’s got our manufacturing of our jobs and fastest economic growth … Experts feel that, if China can grow at the current rate … it could overtake the USA as the Largest Economy in the World … in the next 10 to 15 years … the USA is the largest consumer of stuff exported by China’s manufacturing … of which is being outsourced to them by the USAs patriotic souls of America’s CEO’s … that are … of the Greedy-rotten-assholes…
Yes, think Mitt Romney too who’s
Bain Capital vulture capital system voraciously guts companies for a profit, with the aim of profiting for himself … as well as massive tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations that are doing extraordinarily well as Americans lose their jobs to outsourcing to China.
The latest Oct 9, 2012 to be out sourced by Bain Capital is Sensata Technologies in Freeport, IL where 170 employees are losing and actually training the Chinese to take over their jobs to China. Romney may not be the CEO at this point, but he stands to profit BIG TIME with the deal … Well, so much for Romney getting tough on China … Just think of what he would have done as our president in a four year term which would have completely destroy the middle class.
Here’s another equation, Along with Japan, Oil exporters, Brazil and 30 other countries of Foreign holders of USA Treasury bill securities "The United States of America owes the People’s Republic of China more than US$ 1 Trillion in Debt and has to pay both Interest & Principal on the Same" All the while along with Russia, China remains our stanch enemy of democracy! … Does that make sense?
Furthermore, As of September 2012, debt held by the public was approximately $11.27 trillion or about 72% of GDP; intra-governmental holdings stood at $4.74 trillion, giving a combined total public debt of $16.02 trillion in July 2012, $5.3 trillion or approximately 48% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were China and Japan at just over $1.1 trillion each and the gist of it … belongs to, guess who? Well it’s you at 10.72%. … Of which Currency speculators say that it is mathematically impossible to pay back. In fact they say that Click here The Bankruptcy of the United States is Now Certain… And YOU want to follow and listen to … all of the Liars and deniers of it?
“We, the voters” have become a liability to ourselves, because of our lack of judgment and accountability to and with the liable/responsible better known for whom, well, it’s we, vote for!
What a joke and it’s on us … since we continue to select and reelect the same betrayers of players … that linger to play us … within a division of a party line … as a condition to toe their line … as their lapdog cats-paws of mindless-minions … to their distorted opinions … which brings me back to the same old adage of … how come … we’ve succumb … … to be so … plumb dumb … if even within a dog and a cats … natural instinct … to be able to … figure things out … what they’re all about … That is, except for their … trust in us … to survive … by staying alive … Just keep reading and you’ll begin to believing … the acts with all the facts … as to nothing bigger … to consider
The Letter D-for Demo-craps = Disappointing and the Letter R-for Republi-shams = Repulsive and the Letter C-for Con-gress = Conning us …… T EX = T L D-f D-c= Da t L R–f R-s = Ra TLC-f C = Cu so … which one … do you … choose to … listen to … for the least amount of Conning you … as dumb is … dumb does … out of dumbness?
… Further examples of relevance … 7 lakes and rivers that are drying up
Reservoirs along the river may never rise to previous levels. Utah's Lake Powell has a "bathtub ring" that rises at least 70 feet above the water.
Owens Lake
Until the beginning of the 1900s, Owens Lake in the eastern Sierra Nevada was a robust body of water up to 12 miles long and 8 miles wide with an average depth of 23 to 50 feet. In 1913, the waters that fed into Owens Lake were diverted by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) into the Los Angeles Aqueduct.
Water levels quickly dropped in Owens Lake until they reached current levels — mostly dried up. Today, Owens Lake is a shallow (just three feet deep), much-reduced shadow of its pre-diversion self. LADWP shallowly floods 27 square miles of dried-up lake bed to reduce the number of dust storms, which can cause respiratory problems for nearby residents.
How can this happen?
The U.S. Congress (Who we, the people …voted into office) has directed the Forest Service to clear-cut our National Forests on behalf of wealthy and powerful timber and paper corporations. These corporations have bought political influence with Congress to pass laws that liquidate our priceless public forests for private profit.
Besides forest fires due to draught or better known as GLOBAL WARMING, Our very survival depends on our forestation.
Forests, trees and plants are like carbon "sinks" that absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and turn it into oxygen. We need large expanses of forest to remove&n bsp;carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas contributing to global warming.
Deforestation means cutting down trees which directly affects the environment so that there will be less pure air or oxygen to breath as trees serve to clean air by taking in CO2 and releasing O2.
The effect of deforestation on environment can cause floods, fertility of the soil can be gone, there will be soil erosion, water cycle can be disturbed which results in drought and there will be disturbance in nature and there cannot be any shelter for any organisms.
Deforestation has much economic importance, but the bad effect is that…
1 ... It causes erosion.
2 ... It leads to loss or extinction of wild life.
3 ... It exposes the bush to burning.
4 ... It destroys the soil structure.
5 ... It contributes to global warming by removing the carbon sinks
(trees) … that absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.
The average U.S. temperature was 2 degrees above average in June, enough to produce 170 all-time high temperature records in U.S. cities; cap the 12 hottest months ever recorded and the hottest-ever first half of the year; abet wildfires that sent tens of thousands from their homes and scorched the second-greatest acreage ever recorded for the month (more than 1.3 million acres); and exacerbate the largest-ever recorded drought in the contiguous U.S, covering 56% of the land area.
This probably come as no surprise, but Federal scientists say that July was the hottest month ever recorded in the lower 48 states, breaking a record set during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s.
Every state in the nation experienced at least one record warm daily temperature. According to preliminary data, there were 15,272 warm temperature records broken (7,755 daytime records, 7,517 nighttime records). Hundreds of locations across the country broke their all-time records. There were 21 instances of the nighttime temperatures being as warm, or warmer, than the existing record daytime temperature for a given date.
Those facts all consistent with global warming predictions by climate scientists, all come courtesy of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, the nation's foremost tracker of weather and climate.
Seeing is believing … as the photos above are of our current agenda of dilemma and the forecast isn’t looking much brighter … seeing that “we, the irresponsible human species” aren’t bright enough to realize … that … “we, the human species” … are the culprits of it!
As you can see the rivers are drying … and the land is crying for water … and it won’t be long when we do too … the bugs are feeding off the food we should be eating … the dryer the land the more fire we have withstand … and every year has progressively gotten worse.
So like my friend says, “Global Warming is so bad that it makes him sad” and why? Simply, because of the complacent stupidity of not caring enough to do anything about it … No, we let the rich … continue to dig our ditch to the hitch of con-gress while they progress to address … their own best interest.
In general, you may ask why … I shy away … from groups of people who love to socialize. Well; look at the facts of what we irresponsibly do to each other and to our poor planet Earth with the rest of God’s species that inhabit it! Yes, we are so-so dumb … as an irresponsible species that it’s pathetic!
We are the only species that sin, kill, destroy and hurt all of God’s species out of Power, Greed, Ignorance, hate … and often for the plain fun, pleasure and the sport of it.
YES - I’m on the level - when I say there is a devil - especially - when the devil - is in us! I pity any other planet if we were to ever land on it, because it would be an equation of a true invasion and we would be the … alien monsters … who would in time … destroy it. Now keep in mind that my website is written, meant and designed to defend what is good and to transcend over what is evil … In other words … no offence tended … because I’m only looking after and defending … the innocent downtrodden … with words … of, for and or with … wisdom. It’s the only way … that I can do my part … as being able to kick the ass of the seedy Greedy low class.
To put everything into prospective … thanks to the “congressional tax loopholes” of America’s CEO’s … their profits has never been greater and their goals has never been straighter … into their dreams as “we, the people” being the victims of their schemes.
Yes, their patriotism is never been greater in building and creating jobs and economies in foreign countries. But, hay, the profits have never been greater either, so something has to go - so why not the “People’s Republic of America, as a possession of China? … So, Say the Great-O “CEOs”.
Again, this is unlike any other time in the history of humankind whereas the vampires of Greed mercilessly bleed, feed and plunder God’s marvel-of-wonder of and from the birth of our planet Earth…
Yes, we were blessed … as to the guardian-care-takers of and for its health … with its once abundance of wealth … as to our health … and lifeline … of and from the beginning … to and from … ALL life’s … natural endings.
Now, if you are a believer in God as I am, what do you suppose God is thinking about We, the human species … as to the guardian-care-takers of trust … as to His gift to us out of His … Universe of Wonder … that we ungratefully plunder?
Now, with your commonsense, think about it, but take care and beware, that Vampires are cold-blooded-vicious-blood-thirsty-suckers F that only vant to bite you throat and bleed you dry … until you die … and what’s really worse is that … you can’t hide … from them sly-greedy-suckers of lying-thirsty-fuckers and neither can the innocents of our poor planet Earth … in echoing along to what belongs … to the rest God’s species.
Getting back to China, the thing that you have to consider is who’s to blame? Now, when you consider that almost everything that we buy today in the USA “once known for its manufacturing” … is now manufactured in China … once known for its bicycles? You have to ask yourself again of … How -Who - Why and What made it happen … if it were not to save time to profit a dime … So, Who do we blame for this Horrendous Crime to God’s Design … if it were not on the Shoulders … of “We, the Apathetic - Complacent - Blind-Mind … ignorant … Stupid-Dumb … Voter’s …
again ! Yes, look the other way, because it’s just another day, Right! Well, tell that to your grandchildren pilgrim!
Look, I wasn’t born yesterday! I know a tad of what’s good from bad and I know to hang on to what’s right from wrong … Simply put, I don’t trust ANY politician whether it be a Demo-crap or the Republi-sham, but this I know to NEVER condone … is that the Republi-shams are for the Rich and the Rich are for the Republi-shams that could care less in anything other than their own best interest … as they are conceived in taking advantage of … “We, the peoples” … pursuit of happiness … to bask in their own! As long as they can endure they’ll continue to conquer our pursuit of happiness over to theirs!
Remember! That I warned you upfront that I would be
tenaciously brutal upon the vampires of greed!
“The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.”
Albert Einstein
Yes! Ignorance is Blind
… but how long will we Find … that we’ve waited too Late
… to Escape from our Fate … caused by the … Greed … of our Time!
(Don: 7: 11-44)
Thanks to the stupidity of … “we, the voters” … of our time … the victims will have dearly paid
for our crime of the worst for not quenching his thirst! … Yes, the damage has been done
To satisfy none … but the greedy who had fun … from what he has recklessly done!
To all you evolutionists out there … and with all thinks considered … Let’s be honest with
one another … who’s more dangerous … the ape-monkey or the Man-dummy?
As to my personal opinion, it is so far beyond my imaginational reasoning power to be able to grasp with any sense of intelligence or reasoning power why ANYONE of the "middle class" would become a M&M "Mindless Minion" as to the following,
… Out of what spews …
… Out of Fox News …