The "Genesis " Factor
Genesis - Live At Wembley Stadium (1987) (Dvd Full) –
Can you Feel it?
To me, these Guys Have
the Spirit that Sinks my Spirit
into the Rhythm of Each Beat of my
Heart into Each Beat of the Sound of their
Music. They are the Sensation
of My Equation to what I
Feel to be Real,
but even
more so is the
Bible's Book of Genesis
as in the Beginning of Creation
did Orchestrate it under the Same Name
from Whence it Came that you can
Really Feel the Gospel of
what's Really Real
and True to
So, first and foremost,
In order to Understand me and my Logic,
You will first have to Understand Lucifer's Role in
God's Book of Genesis,
The Book of Genesis - New King James Version ?v= K0uyh2IH72w
"You Represent what you Follow
and what You Follow You Are of
Good, Bad or Evil of this Long
Lost World of what Once
was Ours as a People
taken Hostage by
"Sowing is Growing and Growing is Knowing
that the Choices we Make Cultivates our Fate
into the Knowledge of Harvests-Time of Growth"
-------------- Don Lee Johnson --------------
Welcome - My name is Don Lee Johnson, and I am a Writer of Essays with the Conviction of Writing the Truth about things that Really Matter that may Properly Help you to Think Wisely about your Futures Choices - that is, if you Truly Care about your Afterlife - then I Say tothat
had better Pay Close Attention to this Essay before it's too Late to Escape from the Clutches of the Devil's Control over your Soul - Just Remember the Fruit of that Tree that Deceived Adam & Eve!
As a Caveat Warning, I'm going to Repeat the Pertinence Throughout this Essay's Meaning - Over and Over and Again and Again - that, (Lucifer had His Followers to) - So as not to be His Fool this could Pertain to -'s/are-Demons-really-Fallen-Angels.html
Actually, the Matter of this Essay is Based on the On Going Battle between Good and Evil as being Played out in Real Time in the Remaining War between God and the Devil - There is No Denying it! The Characteristics between the Devil and Donald Trump are Extremely Uncanny -
In reality, this may very well be my Last Essay Especially, in Consideration of what you'll be Reading, that is (If you can take the Truth as it is) in this Daunting Essay. This is the reason why you'll find that it is on the very top of the list of Essays of my Website, because I think that it is the most Imperative Essay to Read out of the more than 220+ Essays that I've Written to be SERIOUSLY MINDFUL of!
That said, there are those of you who Live there Lives as if nothing is Wrong - when in Fact Everything is Wrong when it comes down to the Conscience of Choosing Right from Wrong and Good from Bad Thinking and Doing. "We, the Human Species" tend to Unconsciously Disregard the Truth as it really is, because of our Lifestyle of Contentment - I mean, why Rock the Boat when it's Conveniently not Sinking - Right? Well, this Essay is about the Wisdom of Thinking Right that Reveals the Truth as it really is in the Eyes of the Lord. It's either Right or Wrong - When it comes down to the Idiom Saying of it's "Neither Here Nor There" But You'll Find that I Care - that is - If I Know and or Believe that You Do Too - from the Change of Your Heart into Right from Wrong and Good from Bad Thinking - If I can Save just One Single Soul from the Clutches of the Devil's Control - Then I Have Done my Job Correctly and the Devil Loses before one Chooses Him. You see, I have Absolutely NO Compassion nor Respect for Evil Thinking as this Essay will Obviously/Disrespectfully Point Out - Simply because Evil comes from the Devil - God's of Worst Enemy!.
A Believer and a Deceiver not only fits in with a Rhyme, but more importantly, it Combines with the Signs of the End Times that very well could be a Forewarning of a SOON to be Arrival of Judgement Day - as will be the Main Topic and or Matter throughout this Essay. These Writings are not Primarily for those of whom Understand the Truth with Acceptance, but for those - who are Undecided - with the Wisdom - of an Open Mind - for Choosing the Truth over Lies and or Misrepresentation's of it - To me, there is nothing More Hypocritical than a Person who Pretends and or Portrays Themselves to be something they're not, especially in the eyes of the Lord. In other words, going to a Church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a Movie Theater make you Movie Star. If the Integrity of your Heart isn't Right - then Neither are you.
I am not Referring to Good and Decent Hearts when I say that - I am not a Religious Fanatic that belongs to anyone of a Hypocritically Controlled Religion or an Cult as in the likes of the Evangelicals who's Ministers the Worship Money and Idles etc. → Religions of Convenience - I strictly Belong to myself whereas my Brain Belongs to my Heart that Belongs Solely to Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior - And with the Utmost Integrity of Representing, Conducting and always Expressing myself as such - in All that you Read - as the Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth - So Help me God.
Anyone who Honestly knows me in Person - Knows that I do NOT Preach nor Pressure people into believing the way I do, but as you can See and Read, I do not Hide from it either! - I can't Emphasize this enough - that Everything and or All that I Write - is Designed, Written and Composed by Me - from my HEART and my HEART only without any Influence " What-So-Ever" from Outside Sources! - I try to set the Example for people to THINK WISELY from their HEART on THEIR OWN! And No-matter whether at the age of 2 or 92 → and often as a Mnemonic by Design - You will Find that I Use Lots and Lots of (Idioms of Poetry that Defines each Time with my Words of Rhymes) as to Help Improve the Memory Capacity) to be able to (Learn and Comprehend) the Truth en-light of All that you Read. So I Say - Please, do not get me Confused in Any other Way - Thanks.
The following really Pisses me off, but the Rhymes will Fit the Crimes to the Matter at hand - of what You Read from what I've Written. Regardless, the Fact to the Matter is that from here on - I know that I have Done My Part to Write it in the way it should be Plainly Understood - And for
Ignorant-Nonbeliever-Apoplectic-Hatemongers who Eagerly and Willfully Follow the Evil of Donald Trump - Here's an Idiom from Me to
- "Not One Bit - Do I Give a Shit" - what Happens to
.!. Because when
Follow Evil -
too are Evil - There can be NO EXCUSE, BECAUSE
Chose it! - I would Highly Recommend that Each and EVERY one of
who are Reading this as to - Take the Time to Read the Bible and the Constitution in Full of our Founding Fathers of the United States of America - then ask yourself if
are a Believer or an Nonbeliever of it - and if
are Not - Then, Frankly,
need to get the Hell out of our Country and Head Towards Putin's Gate. As for me, I DO NOT LIKE nor RESPECT TRAITOR'S.!. The Truth really Hurts when
Hear or Read it - doesn't it!
The Anatomy of my Enemy are - Shilly-Shally-Dilly-Dally-Doodles who won't use Their Noodles - Never-the-less - You'll either Get It orWon't - Not My Problem from here on, but Yours - by Way of "Judgment Day" - and so
have been Painstakingly Warned .!. - But If
can take the Truth "READ ON" - Because it will get into the Full Details of the Facts, God, Vision, Wisdom, Integrity, Logic, Physics and Science behind it.
To Begin, as a Caveat/Forewarning, this Essay is Not very Kind or Flattering to those who are not Deserving of God's Respect as in the Devil's own of Immoral Characters of Disgrace as in the following Essay The Devil’s Goal is to Rob Our Soul
who Blatantly Follow the Same Shame. "So as the Truth to the Matter Prevails" - It's Not a Matter of being Rich or Poor - of Whom We Are - Near or Far - and or - Where We’re From - Smart or Dumb that Determines the Outcome of How we Think about the Color of a Flag , Political Party - and or the Color of Our Skin that makes us Sin of Black, White, Red or Blue or any other Color we are or Choose -
Furthermore, it’s Not the Matter of one a Gazillion Hypocritical-Faithless-Religions-of-False-Prophet↔ReligionsofConvenience Abusing the Lord's Name, "God" for Evil, Hate, Money, Fame, Shame for the Hypocrisy of Selfish Gain as been Routinely Demonstrated by Ignorant-Hate-Mongering Endorsers of Evil - Who Promotes the Devil's Own for Power and Greed to Succeed!
You see, the Fact to the Matter Is Quite Clear Here - The Devil's main Goal is to Take Control over Unsuspecting Souls by way of Attracting Fools Towards "His 5 Tools of Bait" of Money, Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate - towards their Fate Amid Hell's Gate where there can NEVER-EVER be an Escape! - Especially when the Rhymes Fits Their Crimes.
So, accordingly, this is simply all about Good , Bad and Evil in People where it is much Easier for a Bad Person to turn Evil than it is for a Good Person to Turn Bad. That being, there is a Thin Dividing Line between Good and Bad called the Conscience - and believe me , we’ve all Crossed over that Thin Line many-many Times - even if without Realizing it. Example, what We Think in our Hearts and Minds - We’ve Committed it Already if not Doing It. There is no Halo over any of our Heads , Most Certainly Not Mine, But it is our Conscience that make the Difference in our Thinking by making us Feel Guilty. Thus Returning us Right Back over that Thin Line to where God Resides. To expound, Do you really think that Adam and Eve failed God because of Hunger and or Greed? Remember they were in the Garden of Eden at the time where everything was there’s for their Enjoyment only to Fall Prey to the Devils Deceitful "Bait" - even after God told them in Person to Stay Away from that Line of that Evil TREE. But they couldn’t even do that! - Thus to our Perpetual Sentence to take the Caveat Heed of that Same Evil Tree. Because of the Importance of Your Mind of Thinking - I’m going to Repeat this Again as Written in this Link - "The Devil’s Goal is to Rob Our Soul" Only More In Detail - starting out with this sentence of, "To Begin"
So , be Aware and Cautious as to Remember that - that Evil Tree Ain’t Free for Anyone to Dine upon the Root of its Fruit/Loot - If you don’t believe it - Again, Remember how Adam and Eve got Deceived by its Tasty Temptation! Subsequently, Even so - All I know - is whichever the Root - It sure has left a Bad Taste in my Mind to Ingest let alone Digest , No Matter, that Tree Ain’t Free for Anyone's Poisonous Taste buds!
In simple Kindergarten Alphabetical Mathematics of Adding and Subtracting - if you Substract the Letter D from the Devil’s name - it will then Equate to Evil - and if you add the Vowel of the Letter 0 to God Name - then it Equates Together with Good - therefore - the Battle is between Good and Evil - and the War is between God and Satan the Devil - And it all started out in Heaven with Lucifer’s attempted Coup, because Lucifer became so Impressed with His own Beauty, Intelligence, Power, and Position that He Held - He began to Desire for Himself the Honor and Glory that Belonged Alone to God . This Pride Led to His Banishment as Satin the Devil from Heaven along with His Fallen Angels Expelled as Demon's who Followed Him. Again, - Indeed, Satan was Defeated in the War in Heaven against Michael and His Angels as it Continues on until He is Forever Gone into the Lake of Fire from here on Earth to Eternity in →
Again, the Devil, also referred to as Satan, is best known as the nemesis of Good People everywhere on the Earth Wreaking Havoc and Fighting against the Forces of Good. God Banished the Devil and His Demon's out of Heaven with such Power ... that it's likely the Devil's Influence is here to stay, and He will Continue to until His Eventual Defeat here on Earth too.
Now! The question is, Which Side AreOn?
Its ether Heaven or Hell, because
The Choice you Make ----- Determines your Fate.
in Consideration that
"You Represent What You Follow"
as of the present.
Synopsis: When I See and Witness all the Signs from our Crimes that Rhymes with the End Times - then I can’t help to Believe that that Time is Near if not Here - We are no Longer Capable of Governing Ourselves let alone our Planet that God so Lovingly Gave Us to Responsibly Govern Over - Folks, this is not an Exaggeration when I say that - We are in a World of Hurt and - I'm Afraid to say that We Are Beyond Repair! It’s like being on an Event-Horizon of a Runaway Train that can’t be Stopped Headed right straight for a Torn out Bridge or a Canoe without a Paddle Headed right straight to Niagara Falls. People, these are the Signs of our Time that's not Exaggerated’, but it's the Truth of the Self-Inflicted Catastrophic Signs of our Times! - Since we’ve so Ignorantly Wasted it. There has never been a period in our Livelong History that can Accurately Describe the Ominous Time that We're Living in.
The Corona-Virus is a new Sign to Heed and I don't need to tell you how Devastatingly Serious it is, but there are Good and Bad things about it - the Bad part is the "Global Pandemic Infectious Disease of Sickness" that it brings - Spreading like our Planets on-going Wildfires, but the Good part is the Hiatus of not being able to Pollute our Skies with Carbon Dioxide that Creates Greenhouse Gases from the Transportation of all of our Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Second, were not Readily Able to take another Cruise Ship that Dumps all of their/our Garbage that we were being Entertained with by being Dumped into the Ocean like I've seen them do - on a Cruise Ship that I Unaware-idly Took. - This is the Reason and or Why you See Garbage Floating on top of Water in the Middle of the Ocean! These Ass-holes are Literally using our Oceans as a Dumping Ground!
it is also Good that the Corona-Virus is making us all think about our Futures Health, but it's too bad that it takes something so Serious as to get our Attention. Just another Sign to keep in Mind of our Time. OK, Doubt all you want, but Hey, what are you going to Say During - Judgment Day?
REASON WHY, because
of these two Evil
The 1st Fact is,
The Republican Party has Blatantly
Betrayed "We, the People" of our Constitution
to become Loyal to Putin's Trump as
Continuously Demonstrated.
Donald Trump has Literally Deregulated All of the Regulations that Do Harm to our Planets Atmosphere - Including all of the MANY MANY others that should have been Regulated that are Hurtful to our Constitutions of "We the People's" Best Interest only to Fall Prey to Selfish-Gain better known as Power-Hungry-Greedy-Profit-Mongers as of or in the photo above! In short, if He's Reelected - He will literally Destroy our Constitution as has been Written by our For-Father's, Thus Good-bye to the U.S. of A. as we once Knew it.and Hello -
in other words,
The 2nd Fact is,
The Republicans have given up
the Integrity of their Party and Souls to
become Banana Republic-ans under the Devil's Control
Evil Monarch,
A Morally Proper Honest Desent Guy, Right?
Well, G OD Doesn't See It Like That,
Especially When The Devil's In The Full Details!
Trump's letter to Pelosi is Sick and Evil
Opinion by Paul Begala
Updated 9:51 PM ET, Wed December 18, 2019
The letter is ,Trump's governing Philosophy Distilled. He is a Wannabe Autocrat, who has made his goal Clear: to remake America as He has remade the Republican Party -- turning a Once-Proud, strong party into a Gaggle of Sycophantic Lickspittles. His Rage for Speaker Pelosi is Boundless because She Stands up to Him. His Letter is a Window not into a Troubled Psyche, but Something much Worse.
Allies who shed blood alongside Americans are scorned. Dictators and Strongmen are coddled. Putin is praised. All in a day's work for Mr. Trump.
And as the saying goes, The Enemy of my Enemy -
is my Friend - as In - ,
In fact, the way I see it is that the - White Supremacist, Evangelicals, Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen, Trump-ions with His Obedient Republicans standing together as Proven to be One of the Same Shame of Selfish Gain Evil Enemy of God and Democracies Hallowed Ground that Authentic, Genuine, Loyal, Integrity-Minded, True, Good and Decent Americans Shed Their Blood for Their Countries Best Interest of -
The Poetry of Facts are of the Following Acts,
Again, Remember,
that it is Ignorance and Hate that allows
Power and Greed to Succeed
Again, I can't Emphasize this enough that - Lucifer had His Followers To and They were
Cast out of Heaven as Demon's - to Do Havoc - Here on Earth
Oh, So say that
don't believe it
Well Read Rum-Dumb Numb-Brain, because
are what
and Donald Trump
is Evil !
Bob Woodward’s "FEAR: Trump in The White House"
Psychiatrist on the Essential Emptiness of Pres. Donald Trump -
"The Last Word MSNBC"
Language Expert: Donald Trump's Way Of Speaking Is 'Oddly Adolescent'
The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Ron Perlman Talks President Donald Trump Speech Patterns
| AM Joy | MSNBC
Fallout from Donald Trump's P***ygate Scandal:
The Daily Show
Don Splaining | The Daily Show
PROOF: The World is Laughing at Donald Trump
The Daily Show Donsplaining | The Daily Show
In the Foxhole of Assholes Vol 1 | The Daily Show
In the Foxhole of Assholes Vol. 2 | The Daily Show
Jordan Klepper vs. Trump Supporters
The Divinity of Donald Trump: The Daily Show
Look, I just want to Remind you -
of the Five Fingers that Still Lingers where,
Lucifer - had - His - Followers - to?
The Bible says
that they were Kicked
out of Heaven as Demons to
do Havoc on His People right here
on our Planet Earth – So who and where
the Hell are they - if it's not what
I've been Writing about?
It is said
that Actions Speak Louder than Words,
but not without Verbs.
The Origin and Fall of the Devil
"All things considered, my personal opinion is that,
Donald Trump has a Heart of a Rock and the Mind/Brain of a Marble and (SOUL) to are
His Mindless-Minions with Their Chosen Opinions to be one of His Fools
from the Devil's (Donald Trump) Tools of Bait a Derivative
of, Money Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate
as being Headed Right Straight
to Hell's Gate"
Don Lee Johnson
Yo People, you had better Liston up and
pay Attention, because Jesus Christ said that
HeGod is Coming and that of that Day or Hour Knoweth
no man not even the Angels in Heaven, but the Father only!
Up Too
November 5, 2018
The Complete Listing (So Far): Atrocities 1-546
by Ben Parker, Stephanie Steinbrecher, and Kelsey Ronan
To be read before the midterms. Commit to vote here.
– Sexual Misconduct & Harassment
– White Supremacy
– Public Statements / Tweets
– Collusion with Russia & Obstruction of Justice
– Trump Staff /Administration
– Trump Family Business Dealings
– Policy
– Environment
Evanglicals Love Donald Trump for many reasons,
But one of them is Especially Terrifying
End Times - Stephanie Mencimer
Jan 23, 20
It is Ignorance and Hate
that Allows Power and Greed to Succeed.
Fact! There is more than one Antichrist, but only One Devil
And the Parallels between Trump's and Lucifer's
Character's are Extremely Uncanny
only Donald Trumps
is Worse.
Remember, that it was Lucifer's Pride, Conceit and Arrogance,
that Eventually Led to His Narcissistic Failure
No matter who you Choose
God Doesn't Lose.
And That's Poetry in Motion
Lastly Folks, there can be no Excuses,
because if you do Follow Evil then you too are Evil
Just like Satan’s Followers turned (Demons) Cast out of Heaven.
Excuse my French, ----- but this Rhyme Truly fits their Crime,
"Trumpion Bear Dummies', Where do you suppose all of
that Money that He's been Enriching the Rich's
Son-of-a-Bitches of essentially Himself
will come from by Robbing Peter
to Pay Paul? in other words
our Deficit. You Dumb
Doodle use your
Noodle - It's
all you want, but
is on it's Way and for those who are Guilty
there will be Hell to Pay!
Oh, one more thing - there is Nobody nor Nothing
that out Ranks "God's" Position, because
He is the One and only Way for
Way to Judgement Day!
In conclusion --- It Doesn't Matter Whom You Are --- Near or Far
nor Where You Are From - Smart or Dumb, but
If You've Done the Crime - You'll just Have to Pay the Full Fine on
Payday - and so - if you are Guilty as Sin, the Devil
will Win Full Control over your Soul
It's one Hell-of-a-Choice that
Should be Burned into
the Mind !
Look, I don’t know what more I can do to Prove to you through the Integrity of my Writings of the reason why our world has Gone Wrong for So Long in Light of the Absence of God.
Again, even the Kindergartens Math of Adding+ and Subtracting- can figure it out by Subtracting the Letter D from the Devil’s name Corresponding= too Evil and Adding+ the Vowel of the Letter O to God’s name corresponding= too Good - Therefore, Obviously, the Battle is between Good and Evil and the War is between God and the Devil - just as the book of Genesis explained it so well - and we are the Hearts and Souls by Choice on which Side you Choose to be on. It’s as simple as that! If you don’t get it by know, then you’ve Flunked a Kindergartners simple Math - Destined for a Failed Education through the Wisdom of Truth.
Again, to put it Bluntly, I've said it before and I’ll say it Again
that it is your Ass - Not Mine to Define - by Way
of Judgment Day! for You are what
you Choose to Follow!
it was Lucifer's Pride,
Conceit and Arrogance, that
Eventually Led to His Narcissistic Failure.
No Matter which way you Choose.
God Doesn't Lose.
And to End ”,
To be mindful, it is important to repeat this - that It doesn't matter whether rich or
poor – who you are near or far – nor where you're from smart or dumb
Again, Indeed, it is Ignorance and Hate that Allows Money, Power and Greed to Succeed
Designed, Composed & Written by me,
“ Don Lee Johnson ”