The Devil's Goal - is to Control
Your Soul
On Judgment Day: - for your Soul Purpose of Wisdom - I’m going to Repeat this Again as Written in " The Genesis Factor" Only More In Detail - Starting out with the sentence "of the Begin" - It's to be Mindful - that God Doesn't Judge us by - Whom we Are - Near or Far - or - Where We're From - Smart or Dumb - and or - whether Your - Rich or Poor - about the Color of a Flag, Political Party and or the Color of our Skin that makes us Sin, but even worse are the Deceitful Gazillions of Religions of False Profits that Uses the Lord's Name for Evil Purposes of Deceit, Wealth, Fame, Shame for Selfish-Gain - through the Devils Tools to Attract Fools to His Bait of Money, Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate - of the Five Fingers that still Lingers for the Devils Delight where We Consistently Fight against the Havoc and Harm to All of God’s Creation - in the way He has Done - All So Well - As He Proceeds - Again and Again with - His Relentless Evil Deeds !
LISTEN UP! - " The Wisdom to this Essay - is that Those Who Follow the Devil are on the Wrong Side of God - in this Battle between Good and Evil, because this War Will - SOON be Won with and By God - Just like it was with Lucifer's Fall from Heaven- Right Here on Earth - HEAR ME! "
Even in a kindergartens Mathematics of Adding and, Subtracting can Figure this out by Subtracting the Letter D from the Devil's Name that Equates to Evil - and then - when you take the Vowel of the Letter O and Add it to God’s Name - it then Equates to Good - Therefore, the Battle has to be between Good and Evil and the War has to be Between God and the Devil - Does this Make Any Sense to You, because it sure Does According to a kindergartens Math of Adding and Subtracting?
The Point is - It's about Good, Bad and Evil In People - Where It Is Much Easier for a Bad Person to Turn Evil - then it is for a Good Person to Turn Bad - that being, because there is a Thin Dividing Line Between Good and Bad call the Conscience and where there is a Conscience - there is Guilt - and where there is Guilt - there is the Realization that we've Done something Wrong if even within our Heart's and Mind's - NO We’ve All Crossed Over that Thin Line - Many Times - and have Done Bad Things In our Times of Weakness - and Crossed Back to Ask God for His Forgiveness. - Consider Adam and Eve in Their Time of Weakness - Especially after being Told by God Himself - Not to Cross over that Thin Line (So to speak) to Eat of the Fruit from that Evil Tree
, But even so - they still Failed Him - because of the Devils Convincing Deceit that Led them to their Defeat of God’s Instructions - So how much more so Could that Happen in or During Our Time of Weakness - Especially, as already being Weak by Nature with our Soul of Weakness
Again, All Good People have Crossed Over that Thin Line Many Times and have Done Bad things, but even so - There are None of us - No not one of us - Innocent of Sin - Most Certainly Not Me. My Conscious has Literally been Drained from Eating so many Apples off that same Tree and I have yet to to Wake-up and See or Find a Halo Hanging Over My Head When Looking Into a Mirror! But, Still My Conscience Never Lets Me Forget Why - and that - Will be Until I will Surely Die.
Look, the Parallel Difference between Thick and Thin - Is whether we Lose or Win - The Battle for Our Souls to Keep - Instead of the Devil's-Deceit - To Rob Our Souls - under His-Control - Thus the Reason Why to be Mindfully and on Gard - at all Times - Of and For the Truth - as to
Safely Survive - the Whole of Our Lives.
Again and Again, this Is Reason Why I Emphasize - Why You Should Pay Close Attention to the Way You Are Thinking, because it is the Devil’s Goal is to Control Your Soul while Not Even Realizing It. The Bad Person Doing Bad Things Doesn’t Care, because Chances are - the Devil’s Already got Control over Their Souls – Just like Donald Trump’s - Mindless-Minion-Trumpy-Bear-Followers who Say that they Don’t Care about His Evil Tactic Practices - as do the White Supremacist, Nazis, Ku-Klux-Klan’s-men, Trump-ions, Faults-Profit's of Pentecostal/Evangelicals as is the Majority of Republicans ↔ ALL Backing Donald Trump. Some Say that He is the Antichrist, but He isn't, because He is Actually the Just as His-Mindless-Minion-Followers have to be the Demons that were Cast out of Heaven with Him - Think About it -- Everything in Every Way - Matches with Lucifer’s-Character - Only I think that Trumps is Undeniable Worse - as an Evil-Undeveloped-Insane-Lamebrain of a Two-Year-Old-Retard - and that's a Complement to His-Character Read It In The Book Of GENESIS - The Origin and Fall of the Devil. - He Is Still the Same only more Dumber and Insane.
Again, Come to think of it, Nothing could be more Dumber then Lucifer Being that He was God's Chosen Angel, He wasn't Satisfied with Worshiping God, but wanted to be Worshiped Himself - Once a Beautiful, Powerful Angel of God - He Lost His Former Position in Heaven. Because His Heart became Proud on account of His Beauty that Corrupted His Wisdom Because of His Splendor - So God Cast Him out of Heaven down to Earth; and made Him a Spectacle Before King -----SEE, (
Simply put, and Satan is - Donald Trump and Trump is the Devil
- and the Devil - is on the Same Level that Rhymes with - Evil - There is Absolutely No Other Way to Explain Him with His on going Weird-Unnatural-Antic-Evil-Behavior. The thing is - is that - He Never Learned one Cotton Pit-kin Thing ever Since He, Lucifer was Thrown Out of Heaven down here on Earth To Do Havoc on us - only to get Dumber and Dumber as a Door-nail - and to say the least - that's a Compliment to Him! There is not one Single Good Word that Describes Donald Trump's Character, because Every Single Letter to a Word that comes Out of His Mouth - is Attached and or Tied to a Lie - I Mean EVERY SINGLE WORD! - I can't help to Hate Him for ALL the Havoc of Evil that He has Done and Still Doing - In the Name of His - Arrogant Narcissistic Evil Pride Over Humanity. In short, He's not a Very Nice Guy - In fact, He is an Awful-Awful Poor Example of the Human Species - His Personality Really Sucks and So Does His Nauseating Foulmouthed Voice and Facial Contortion that goes with it! - I'm only Telling it - as it is - through the Commonsense - of Truth.
Lucifer’s Follower: When Lucifer fell as Satan, He did not Fall Alone. Scripture Tells us that He Took One-Third of the Angels SEE, ( Considering that the Angelic Host Numbers more than 10,000 x 10,000 SEE, (, that is a Sizable Group. They account for the Fallen Angels, or Demons, that Now Do His Bidding. As a result, Satan is a Fallen, but Powerful, Spirit-Being with a Well-Organized Network of Demon Powers to Help Him Accomplish His Purposes. Those Purposes, According to JESUS, are to “Steal, Kill, and Destroy” SEE, (
That’s the Bad News. The Good News is that Two-Thirds of the Angels are on our side! As the Prophet Elisha said to His Servant, “Don’t be Afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them” SEE, (
Maybe this will Helpto Understand the Meaning of this Essay, Sometimes a Picture can Paint a 1000 Words - as in a Bad
Snake can Bite
into the Wrong Direction - so to Speak - Whereas the Good Snake
can Harmlessly Head
into the Right Direction Towards Heaven's Gate
where the Climate Never Gets Hot as in →
through Hell's
Gate but, the Climate Control will Always be Controlled Picture Perfect in Heavens
, but just in case
didn't get it, - Well, Hell Bells - it's all about
- It's simply Your Choice in the Direction
Choose to Go - Schmooze! After all
Ought to Know - Due the Safety - of Your Soul.
Designed, Composed and Written by, Me,
Don Lee. Johnson