f Convenience"
According to David Barrette et al, editor of the “World Christian Encyclopedia: A comparative survey of Churches and Religions ó AD 30 to 2,200,” There are approximately 24 Major Religions which are Subdivided into a total of 270 large Religious Groups, and many smaller ones. 36,000 separate Christian Denomination Groups have been identified in the world alone. “Over half of them are Independent Churches that are not interested in linking with the Big Denominations.” Most people in the world follow one of the Religions listed in the table below. Including the Name of the Religion and its Estimated Numerical Strength (both Absolute Numbers and as a Percentage of the World’s Population). There are Approximately 7 ½ billion People Conflicting with One Another’s Belief, Fueling Conflict with Decisions through Religions! ...
... ...
1. Christianity of 2.1 billion ó with approximately 36,000 separate denominations...
2. Islam of 1.3 billion...
3. Secular/irreligious/Agnostic/A 1.1 billion...
4. Hinduism 900 million...
5. Chinese traditional religion 394 million...
6. Buddhism 376 million...
7. Primal indigenous 300 million...
8. African traditional and diasporic 100 million...
9. Sikhism 23 million...
10. Juche 19 million...
11. Spiritism 15 million...
12. Judaism 14 million... 13. Baha Faith 7 million...
14. Confucianism 6.3 million...
15. Shinto 4 million...
16. Cao Dai 4 million...
17. Taoism 2.7 million...
18. Zoroastrianism 2.6 million...
19. Tenrikyo 2 million...
20. Neopagaism 1 million...
21. Unitarian Universrsalism 800,000...
22. Rastafarian Movement 600,000...
23. Wicca 500,000...
Many Religions want a Religion without God. It sounds Ludicrous, but it is a fact. The Human Race as a whole is really against God, this is the Clear Teaching of the Bible from cover to cover. We want to run our own lives with out God involved. We simply do not want to give up our Sins and serve our Creator. And yet, there are Times when we Feel Scared, or Uneasy and Insecure. At such Times we want a Religion that can take away the Fear of Death and give us some sort of Security beyond the grave. If Religions can be Devised which will do this and require very little from people, then they will always find Supporters. Such Religions are (Religions of Convenience).
Many such Religions Thrive by Selling Eternal Safety and Security
at Acceptable Low Prices. This is the Whole Point to
the Essay Writing of Religions 4 Ws.
Composed,Written and Designed by,
Don L.. Johnson