“ Given “ One Moment in Time ” of -
Jerry’s and Mine ”
Whitney Houston
“ One Moment In Time ”
Just as it was the first Time we met One Another as, Sister and Brother -
Given one Brief Moment in Time - that was Jerry's and Mine
TEX = Einstein = E = MC 2 Energy = Mass sq. at the Speed of Light = 186,000,288 m/p/s of
Space/Time = 671 million m/p/h = equated equally into Our Time and Place
relative to the Current Events that Matters to my Time. So no Matter
Forever = of this Picture we Share = Suspended in Time of
Jerry’s and Mine = Never to End for Family and
Friend where there is No Need for Speed,
because our Time has it's Speed Limits
-- equated to and or with --
-- Our Current Time --
-- and Places --
-- What Music Hears - through my Ears - is what Fills my Eyes - Full of Tears --
Introducing, My Favorite Singer
With a Heavenly Voice,
Hayley Westenra
by, Hayley Westenra
This Performance was Angelic
The Poppy Girls
“No Need to Say Goodbye”
What a Incredibly Talented → “Rhema” ← Heartwarming Girl She Is,
Unless the Heart --- can Wish Along --- This Song is --- Just a Song.
Beautiful Music and Lyrics ---- with a ---- Strong Beginning and Ending.
Scott Wesley Brown - Composer Writer - Piano Orchestra Original
of my favorite song - “I Wish You Jesus”
Guitar Rendition Sung through the Heart and Soul of, Don Lee. Johnson,
“I Wish You Jesus”
I View my Place in Time -- Just as as I Do of the Stars that Shine -- out in Space-Time
‘So, as I endeavor together My History ----- I also gather together My Biography.
For My Future has already beenWritten ----- if or when a Family is to be given.
As to Comprehend and Accept Me for Me ----- I know that Some Things
Sometimes just Aren’t Meant to Be, But, No Matter,Whatever,
Yon Hither and There - This Picture should Tie
Us Together and Forever To Share ---- For the Blood
of my Blood - is the Kin of My Kin - if or
when My own Family shall have Began,
Yet --- without Love and Respect there can be
no way to Connect --- For Time will Tell of what will
Be for Me within this Space /Time and Place of Mine
What is the Interconnect-Equation between
of an Afterthought
My Time Paradox
As Preordained,“It is what it is - From what it was - To what it will be - As I've Experienced at Times”, Thus, it isn't a matter of an override of Mind over Matter - Psychologically, inasmuch as Individual Attitudes towards Time Itself that are Learned through Life's Personal and Practical Experience, yet, collectively, Attitudes towards Time Influence Biographical Memoirs as well - such as Mine to Define, Thus, in this case, Only! I've come to the Conclusion that no matter how important I want something to be at Times ...Wishful Thinking isn't meant for me when it's irrelevant to the phenomenon of “Mind Over Matter” that I've Quite Often used over the years Successfully, but at Times - there just isn't a IntrinsicValue of or to Family Life and or an Individual Antidote of an Equation - To Override -What It Is To Be Wishfully - And So, my Freinds - Hither and Yon - Life Goes On - Until it's Gone into the Continuum of “The Time Paradox”. Ref: Temporal Paradox, Casual Loop and Grandfather Paradox within these following (Links) to make you Think
T EX = http://einstein.stanford.edu/content/relativity/q411.html
The Mind Bender of Thought,
is that, "No man can Climb a Mountain - so High - into the Ski without a
Method, Rope, Footing, Anchor and Without Fear of Climing it"
In other wards,
Down to Equal Footing --- of My Thought --- as to Climb --- is that,
You can’t Change what is --- Unless what is --- can be Changed
From what Was ---- Embedded ---- into the Continuum of
this Space-Time of Mine ---- In others, how can
I exspect others toUnderstand Me when I
can't even Understand the Irony of
Me? - It's just a Mountain
way to High to Climb
even though its
Mine, and
As a Passage
Through the Gravity of my Thought
Composed,Written and Designed from within the
Heart, Mind and Soul of,
Don L. Johnson
Metaphorically speaking, as to the Rules Were to the Game - Throughout my Years as an (Achiever), I guess you could say that I've been somewhat of an Un-characteristic Oddball of a team Player - compared to what others would have considered from their Rules of the Game - I get that, but then again - where others couldn't See, the Odds were always with me (Successfully) So, who's to be the Referee to this, “So Called, Quote Unquote” Ballgame to my Name? Besides, with the Help from the Man Upstairs - A Positive Mental Attitude has always been the latitude of a Successful Normalcy of Reality to me, but the Latitude isn't the Same after a Game Change - as to be Solved - with New Players involved - Besides, No-Matter - What-Ever - with the New Teammates to Win - My Heart has to Fit in - In other words, if your Heart is in it, your Mind will Win it - I've never been able to think of it - in any other way - right to this very Day …
No offense intended, but all I know is that - " If a Heart isn't Right - the Mind will Follow and Never see the Light of what's Right, because of a Lamebrain that's - Gone Wrong" …
Being Misunderstood is No Good for anybody, especially when it’s me - because of me! You see, I know me better than you do - well! at least, maybe, I'm beginning to… Nonetheless, it’s best that I try to explain it to you - the best I can do… I know that I am quite difficult to get to know and Comprehend - A task. I’ve been dealing with my whole life, but, I can tell you that I’ve had plenty of Distraught Conversations with me in the Mirror, but Argumentatively I've never Gotten a Straight Answer from me! Sometimes I let my Heart get in the way of my better Judgment - Thus, get Misjudged accordingly - Poor me… In other words, unlike Being Mindful, I Divulge things from the Sincerity of my Heart that meant well without thinking of the outcome of what I've said and sometimes it wasn't Cool as my wife can testify with embarrassment - and when she told me about it - sometimes it was Funny, but not to the Bunny… "Ask her about some of them the next time you see her" However, on a positive note, it was my Heart that made my past Customers Loyal to me - and So, The Moral to that Story is - What Integrity is to the Heart - the Mouth Ensues Success - Funny enough, my Customers Believed in me - just as much as I still do
through a Baby's View, but the Equation is to Convince you
True to my Life’s Story, it’s hard to Describe a Dream in Yester-Words of Yester-Years, but this Dream that I had in the early Adolescence of my Time and Place, I had again - In my Latter Years of a 72-year-old fart - It was Unbelievable to Explain as Untold the First Time, but Unforgettable to Remain to be Explained this Second Time around - where a Dream is but a Dream, unless you can Unfold it to the Significance of what it Means... Could it be that I maybe a Conceiver of a Dreamer? But, If so, why am I an Established Believer that Has always been an Achiever? This isn’t mind over matter, but, a Matter of Fact - to Enact the Fact - that is Truly True - to be Explained to You Just as Dreamers Do…
That Said - from my Head, I was Flying in the Dark of Night from Outer-Space towards a Distant Light of a different Time and Place into a World, I still call, “The Dome of Attraction - into the Light of my Fascination” I remember, as I Flew Nearer and Nearer to the Glow of that Light - But, Oh what a show of a Glimmering Site from the Darkness of Night from a Place called Outer-Space from whence I come from… As I approached the Glimmering Glow in a floating motion - as being on the outside - looking into what appeared to be “a Domed world (Without Color) of Loads of Bubbled Dwellings” I remember that there was nothing, but a beautiful Glimmering Glow of a Whitish-Blue, including what also appeared to be Silhouettes of People of the same Glow - Glimmering City to Show their Dwellings of Homes Under Separate Domes…
I also remember of what it appeared to be Corridors of Streets where I was Enthusiastically Mingling, Walking and Talking with them without the Perception of being one of them to fit in, but I knew that it was impossible, because I was still the Outsider With color - Looking into their Bubble Environments of a Different Time and Place - from whence I come - from Outer-Space… With that in Mind, Time is just an Illusion of Confusion without “God’s Scheme of Things, Because Space/Time is the ultimate Rhyme for God's own Design”…
Special Moments of “Space/Time” are of our “Time of Place” as to Endeavor to Remember, but, there are also Unpleasant Moments of Space/Time that are Unpleasantly Remembered in our Place in Time that aren’t, but meant to be Left Behind - that Influences Present Behaviors in a Negative Way - as to save the Day - where you Know the Lyrics to that Song - where you don’t Belong…
To whom this may concern, Maybe if you had Experienced the feelings of being Unwanted as a child where you felt like a Burden of Responsibility to take care of… Maybe you too would have the same Fear and Inferiority complex with mingling among large groups of people like I do, all because it was Embedded in your Head from your Heart to your Brain - as to React to the Same… I’ve always felt like an Alien in a world of mistakes, but as I grew older - I began to realize through common sense - Just as I am - through the Miracles Of My Life - God was there for me everywhere in my Time and Place from OuterSpace of Space/Time by God’s Design… The following link should help you to understand why I am who I am through the Love of God - Thank God Almighty - “for Guardian Angels”
Last but not least, I am not and never will be Ashamed of my Faith in the Lord, especially who stuck by me through thick and thin - Just as I am - Even in sin, but, again, it was God who brought out the best of me - not the Fellowship of man - as I am not a Socialite… I don’t push my Faith on anyone, but I don’t hide it either as my website proves…
The thing is, is that “I write it - while you - my readers Decides it - if or when they Need it” ... You can have faith that - My Heart is in the Right Place in this Space/Time of Mine… Unlike Tele-Evangelists and the like - my website, is by design “Non-For-Profit”… There is no contact information whatsoever to what I write… I cannot change a Person’s Heart. any-more than I can a Person's Brain… I can only Relate to how I Think from my Heart of what I Write, but No matter, whatever, the Truth will always Remain the Truth - as it is; even though it Hurts… Like the slogan to my once owned “Fitz Drycleaners” said, “If It's Fitz - Where It” - Well, with me can Bear It…
To conclude, Wisdom is Understanding things according to the way they are - not as " We Wish them to be " - To Know is to Understand and to Understand is and was my Plan - To Educate you to why I'm not your ordinary guy of Judgement to get to know and Understand the Complication of my Character where I've lost my confidence - Let alone as to grow within your Family ... However, the last two Wedding Receptions I Attended - I Indeed - started to Feel the Sense of Belonging - and it was a Good Feeling for me to Behold...
Tiz the Nobler of my Mindset to Suffer - as to Realize that I've had 73 years on the outside of Looking in to Reality - and Reality Hasn't been kind to me in regards to family - It's just an Image of What Is To Be - Or Not To Be - of which Refers to the Possession of my Question - That is yet to be Answered?
There! -------------------- To say the Least -------------------- I've Done said my Piece
Cause I've Done got my Stressed - off of my Chest - Glory hallelujah - I've Done said it to Ya -
Whether Right or Wrong -- I'll be Marching On -- From Whence I've Gone -- Back to where I Belong?
Love ya, Uncle Don