“Come on! It’s grade school mathematics, Marblehead”
With that said, we’ve all heard of a bucket of marbles, yes?
Well, let’s just say that you do and that there is a treasury of them
to bank on in keeping games in play to win another payday.
This is a hard one; If a CEO of manufacturing of marbles decides to set their game up outside of our circle of play (China, India and or Mexico today etc.) Our game has now been changed to … red rover red rover - our circle of
is all over! … Oh well, it was fun while it has lasted, but we’ve lost ... and they’ve won ... and that's how its done ... Now they get to play the same way ... with the game that we conceived ... by the rules ... we stood to believed, but what I’d like to know is who changed the RULES and REGULATIONS of the game … if it were not for,
. The thing is … is that they’ve gotten buckets
of marbles and never once played the game themselves … Well, at least not with the same rules and regulations that we played by as a kid in grade school.
OK, this may be a little bit harder of a question seeing that it will take a little concentration towards a mathematical equation to get it; OK, lets say if you were to draw a on the ground better known as the game of “ringsies” and you “the employee” are playing a game of marbles against your
and for the sake of a number … both of the players have (24) marbles with twelve in each two pockets to play the game ... the ring
has been drawn on the ground ... each player starts out with six and only one got their licks ... next, each player played with eight and only one won them straight ... next ... each player played the rest and only one came out best and so who won the contest? Answer: ... Wouldn't you know ... that it would be the CEO ... with their pockets full.
OK, let’s say that there are no marbles to be hold, since they were all sold … for higher profits right out of their pockets, Question; you want to get back into the game of the same, but there are no marbles to behold ... so you were told ... So what do you do ... play with pebbles and peas against marbles ... on your knees ... in the same circle of shame ... to the blame of the game ... that we all know ... was the GREEDY CEO?
Point being; if you’ve loved the game of marbles (jobs) that you’ve enjoyed playing and there aren’t any more to be found in your circle around … then how can you get back into the play of the game? ... In other words ... if you can’t reach the bucket … do you say fucket and get out of the game ... forever broke ... with no chance for hope?
The thing is, I never hear about the game itself with its rules “read” through the media, commentaries and especially the lack ... there of the clarity of the integrity of it all ... Instead, all we hear is the same-O same-O argument of who’s the blame instead of the unwinnable game itself.
Where is the democrats outrage?
Click here, ... _012b334d-6e3a-5467-9256-3065034ac289.html
8 conservative anti-poverty ideas that will make things so much worse:
Because getting rid of child labor laws is somehow supposed to fix the economy
FRIDAY, JAN 17, 2014 07:51 AM CST
Dave Johnson, Alternet
If there are no job’s that the middle or working class used to have in their circle of play because they were sent to China etc. Why in the hell would you blame the middle class worker who once had those jobs that they depended on for staying off of unemployment line?
No! The real problem is that those CEO’s that moved their manufacturing to other countries … moved into congress as well in their way of a payday for all who play by the rules of their game of shame … In other words it is and has been Congress to blame! It’s not ONLY marbles that these horribles have in their pockets or their pockets would or should be empty. Most certainly wouldn’t be Putten the blame on Mame either.
Bush signing the tax relief bill for the Wealthy
Participant’s, Republicans, Recipients,
Lobbyist to the Greediest!
Lest we forget! so too will we remember it?
Quote … Don L. Johnson
Wikipedia on Ask.com: … What about the heritage foundation concluding that the Bush tax cuts to the rich … add 3.3 trillion to the national dept., comprising 2.65 trillion in foregone tax revenue. Add another 2 trillion plus for the cost of the two wars he got us into to say the least of all the lives of American soldiers.
Financial cost: … The financial cost of the war has been more than £4.55 billion ($9 billion) to the UK, and over $845 billion to the U.S. government.
In March 2013, the total cost of the Iraq War was estimated to have been $1.7 trillion by the Watson Institute of International Studies at Brown University. Critics have argued that the total cost of the war to the U.S. economy is estimated to be from $3 trillion to $6 trillion, including interest rates, by 2053.
A CNN report noted that the United States-led interim government, the Coalition Provisional Authority lasting until 2004 in Iraq had lost $8.8 billion in the Development Fund for Iraq. In June 2011, it was reported by CBS News that six billion in neatly packaged blocks of $100 bills was literally air-lifted into Iraq by the George W. Bush administration, which flew it into Baghdad aboard C‑130 military cargo planes. In total, the Times says $12 billion in cash was flown into Iraq in 21 separate flights by May 2004, all of which has disappeared. An inspector general's report mentioned that "'Severe inefficiencies and poor management' by the Coalition Provisional Authority would leave no guarantee that the money was properly used", said Stuart W. Bowen, Jr., director of the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. "The CPA did not establish or implement sufficient managerial, financial and contractual controls to ensure that funds were used in a transparent manner." Bowen told the Times the missing money may represent "the largest theft of funds in national history." Keep in mind that we’ve been paying a tremendous amount of interest on this money borrowed from China.
Click here, http://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/reports/ir/ir_expense.htm
Now if you’ve got all your marbles together you should be able to figure out why they, primarily the … GOP “Greedy Obvious Pricks – partying with tasteless tea” are so concerned about "We, the People’s" ... Lifeline of entitlements ... If it were not for the irresponsible recklessness of these figures with interest being paid out ... there would be plenty of money as of ... "Today" ... to have done what's right to pay ... including our Integrity and Image!
Integrity Medley
Last! but not least … before I go … I just want you to know … that whether ... “black or white either day or night” ... that ... “Barack Obama” ... did Nothing extraordinary to deserve or earn the ... “Norwegian Noble Peace Prize” ... How could he have? As he was brand spanking new … for to be able to woo ... the committee members over … other than … “George W. Bush” ... to have been so bad that it was so destructively sad for the Observing of our world image … Yes! you can believe that … “His” … respect was so low … that they were happy to … see him go … and that my friend ... is a Debasement of an understatement! ... He set the template for future woes … as you can ... NOW! ... SEE! ... with the ... GOP!
Composed,Written and Designed by,
Don L. Johnson