Look, to elaborate, you say that I strictly pick on the Republi-sham party ... Well here is JUST a couple of prime examples of why I do ... First of all, I'm not of the empire of a vampire's lust for money of whom the Republi-shams represent and recently, the Senate just defeated a vital background check … The vote was 54- 46 , with supporters falling six votes short of the required 60- vote threshold and this doesn't even count for (high capacity" magazine clips) There were only 6 from the Demo-crapic party and the rest were of the Republi-sham party that voted it down in favour of the NRA … Do the math!
The thing is ... that there shouldn’t have been any question into an nogotiation WHATSOEVER with the INTEGRITY of passing the bill for the people’s safety of whom they're supposed to be representing … let along debating it.
This shows and proves a complete lack of respect and compassion for the fallen victims of the “NRA’s 54 pay days” ... Thus, the proof is in the PUTTING the profitsinto their
Unto the sensibility and language of anypeople,seed or creed,
Guns were formed to kill, while we were born to live!
But, which one will “ GOD” forgive?
Wr itten by, Don L. Johnson
Wheather demo-crap or Republi-sham REMEMBER THIS! ... that these poor excuses of a human species are rotten to the core and we should not ignore, but to set the score ... next time to be certain behind that election curtain That is, if you're not one of them-thar M&M - (Mindless Minions) with screwed up garbage opinions to their dominions to sensibly remember them by of how they lie!