"The Koch Brothers, The Godfathers of Greed"
As resourced into a world of the Dow Jones stock market of exchange for the gamble of a crash where they're still stocking their cash ... It is hard for me to believe that the greedy can continue to get away with robbing the needy their whole lives without the end result resulting in the ultimate price to be paid where they're priorities were made...
Metaphorically, biblically speaking, neither Numeral-Uno of eleven or seven will get you into heaven, especially if you were the one of twelve minus an inborn Judah ... against the etymology of God's word ...
Don L. Johnson
See, I told you that it I could be offensive with my language and sentences, but the way I see it, is that it won't be to the people that's being taken advantage of by these (Please forgive my language) of "rich son of a bitche greedy thieves! ← as rewritten to their (pursuit of happiness) by a corrupted congress
from the Integrity of the original →
once written on behalf of and for
"we, the people's"
Need I further illustrate? ... while with their self-centered self-worth cocky smile ... 50 billion dollars can buy an awful lot of democracy through "Koch-head - tea-lead" hypocrisy and their just fraction of all the action with the corruption of members of congress --- Oil and Gas-Fracturing the largest contributor to Global Warming, Insurance, Pharmaceutical, Banks, Corporate CEO"s and or of course Wall Street whom voraciously cheat you, me and our country with our whole dam economy etc. ...and on top of that ... they have the audacity to have robbed the poor to merrily merrily cover their score.
Congress is the ultimate deficit to our budget, because, they're like vampire freeloaders to it. They,ve sold their souls ... over to the devils control ... into thedevils domain ... where they still remain today in the worst way for "we, the people's" (pursuit of happiness) as taken over by theGodfathers of GREED along with it's TEA! Click here, Where did the devil come from? and here, Angels, Humans, Spirits and Souls
Unfortunately,"when you submit to be a part of the ... Tea over the G.O.P.
The etymology ... for the most part,
is to commit to be a part of a ... Greedy Obnoxious Prick"
Who doesn’t have a conscious for ... hard working ... honest people”
Don L. Johnson
Keep in mind that I am doing fine, but I am speaking out for the honest people who can’t climb the steeple of their (Pursuit of Happiness), because of the gluttonous dishonest people's (pursuit of happiness) and so I refuse to give a pass to an insatiable- voracious-greedy-ass and their m&m's of "mindless minions" with the same ... infectious opinions!
Also keep in mind ... as I'll repeat it ... again and again ... that I am neither a Republi-sham nor a Demo-crap, because they're both to blame for this mess of shame ... NOT THE PEOPLE! ... But it is the G.O.P's platform for which they stand against we, the people's pursuit of happiness that I am against ... as I am not someone of a masochistic mental disorder who obtains pleasure from suffering mental or physical pain, punishment or humiliation to this particular occasion of equation.
So, the truth be known is that no matter how you split the pie on federal spending, corruption is the biggest piece as to the deficit of it and the reason is due to congressional treason ... otherwise the pie is sufficiently portioned as to the proportion of spending. If we get rid of the greed ... there will be ample to feed ... from every piece of the pie ... and it's the commonsense that equateswhy.
How can one have so much money and to the gluttony of so much more of it at the expense of theneedy as of a vampire of the greedy, ... It's way beyond the comprehention of humanity thinking!
With all things considered ... I would have to say that ... (man is the tool while money is the rule of all evil with the devil at large as in charge) of our weakness.
In their case, they're way beyond being offended,because they just don't get it in living in a very different world than the prey of common-folk that they're taking advantageof. Like the saying goes,“There’s no honor among thieves” But to comprehend unto the end ... as a fate will have it --- "God" --- will set the records straight with all who live for Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate.
If you truly believe like I do as to begin from within the first sin of temptation ... It was man's lust that betrayed God's trust ... So here we are today living in the same way on the devil's turf here on Earth only much more of us for what its worth ... NOW ... you figure it out ... There is no science as of late to equate to the mad-hatter to this subject-matter ... It is what it is ... as it isn't a quiz.
Even though its not found in the bible, I do believe that our very souls are of the very fallen angels of rebellion given a chance to return to where they were with God's trust leaving the devil in the dust. Think about it, because it answers all of the unanswerable to answerable questions with logical answers concerning all the whys in the lives to the wise.
Never forget that "God" isn't a scientist ... for he is the science ... behind the destination ...
of all creation ... from whence we came ... ever since ... and sense his name.
And too whom we will eventually answer for our shame!
"In other words, pictures paints a thousand words,
for there is no excape from ones chosen fate
and, so, which door ... will we live for?
Quote by, Don L. Johnson
Composed,Written and Designed by,
Don L. Johnson