Will America Replay
The Fall of the Roman Empire?



Why is America like the Roman Empire, because it has garrisoned its troops all over the world? No, because Americans are like Romans.


Some are; some are like the Roman Senators of the fifth century, one of the most rapacious and ruthless ruling classes that ever held power. Think Mafia. For the amount of wealth: think billionaires today. Perhaps other Americans have begun to understand this: Obama's election would indicate that. However, the selfish class will fight hard to keep its privileges. Obama's election is no guarantee that they won't prevail in the end.


Roman Senators were selfish and self-absorbed, determined to hoard the huge wealth of the empire and determined to promote empire to enhance their wealth even further. The common people lost all power and were lucky if they had enough to eat (they were the humiliores, literally the humble, as opposed to the honest ores, the honored).

Our CEO's are well-connected, despite exceptions like Warren Buffett, may even style themselves after those fateful Senators, the ones who presided over, helped connive in, the Fall of Rome.


The Roman Empire fell because it was bankrupted by its leaders; well, look at the red ink now of Budget deficits, trade deficits, a huge national debt that has tripled since George W Bush took power. At least the deficits we're running now might prevent further economic catastrophe--if the bailout funds aren't all stolen by the high-fliers.


Does anyone remember when we were actually paying down the debt?


Both Romans and now Americans have had the misfortune of being ruled by a Selfish Class. Rome fell because of it. Will America replay the fall of Rome? GREED IS THE BUBBLE TO RUBBLE!


Addendum, to essays (Corporate Greed in America) (The Stock Market of choice into wise or lies)


Written and Designed by,

Don L. Johnson