
Evolutions Journey





The very slow cooling of liquid-rock material from beneath the earth's surface formed granite. Granite, rhyolite, and felsite are not homogenous, and cannot therefore be single crystals, but they are crystalline rocks. Each of the constituent minerals in these rocks is present in form of small, but homogeneous crystals. Those substances which solidified first during the rolling, cooling of the molten rock, exhibited their normal arrangement of shapes, patterns, designs and crystal faces. The specific gravity of granite ranges from 2.63 to 2.75. Its crushing strength is from 15,000 to 20,000 pounds per square inch. Granite has greater strength than sandstone, limestone, and marble, and is correspondingly more difficult to quarry. It is an important building stone, the best grades being extremely resistant to weathering. E.g. the earliest evolution forms of dinosaurs made their appearance in the Triassic era and lasted throughout Mesozoic era of relating to, or being the era of geologic history between the Paleozoic and Cenozoic and extending from about 245 million years to approximately 65 million years, long before us. These granite rocks  extend from over two billion years of history and will be here long after the human race is gone. So don’t take life for Granite.


Designed, Composed  and  Written  by,


Don  L..  Johnson