The Science of God’s Earth




as one of the same



Consider this, supposedly after the big bang theory, thus the creation of our planet Earth. Life started out with a slow change in the genetic code, then a form of life arose (autotrophs) which create its own food from the energy of the Sun. Photosynthesis is the name of the process by which autotrophs (self-feeders) convert water, carbon dioxide, and solar energy into sugars and oxygen. It probably took a billion years or so before oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere in significant amounts. If it weren’t for the photosynthesis activity of these early bacteria, Earth’s atmosphere would still be without oxygen and the appearance of all oxygen-dependent animals, including we human species, would never have occurred! The oxygen so characteristic of our atmosphere was almost all produced by plants (cyan-bacteria) or, more colloquially, blue-green algae. Thus, the present composition of the atmosphere is 77% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, with 2% traces of argon, carbon dioxide and water. The Earth’s atmosphere consists of multiple layers such as, the Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, and the Ionosphere and the ozone layers of our atmosphere absorb and blocks out the harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. However, unlike a greenhouse, planets do not have layers of glass over them! Instead molecules in the atmosphere called greenhouse gasses include water vapour, methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide which traps in the warmth of the sun, essential for


        Life as we know it here on Earth: everything around us is made of groups of atoms bonded together into packages called molecules. The atoms in a molecule are held together because they share or exchange electrons. Molecules are made from atoms of one or more elements. Some molecules are made of only one type of atom, For instance, two oxygen atoms bond together to form O2, the part of air that we need to breathe to survive. Other molecules are very large. Protein molecules, for example, often contain hundreds of atoms. Even large molecules are so small that you would not be able to see one molecule of a substance. But when thousands of molecules are together, they might look like the food you eat, the water you drink or even the computer screen you are reading from, depending on what types of molecules they are. Even if a pool ball is sitting still, the molecules within it are moving all the time. They may be too small to see, but molecules are always moving and they will move faster as temperature increases.


          Our north and south polar cap magnetic field which extends approximately 35,000 miles out from our Earth’s surface also blocks the dangerous particles that don’t hit the Earth’s surface because they are forced by the magnetic field to move around the Earth. Other higher energy particle radiation that could endanger life on Earth is also forced to drift around the Earth within two large donut-shaped regions called the radiation belts. Invisible magnetic fields are the reason that particle radiation moves in this  way.


In order to comprehend the correlation between Science and Earth, one has to have an inherent discernment for what Science is through God  within the Heart of thinking first; Science isn’t only about the Singularity of the Big Bang Theory or the Darwinism of the Evolution of man, but about the constant quest for learning, education and the realization for the Truth beyond the Science of hypothesis theory’s, but through the singularity of everything through the divinity of God.


First and foremost, within a Creative Imagination  for the Truth that is Wise way beyond Lies ...  knowledge  becomes Everything and Everything becomes Knowledge through the Reality of an Open Mind of Thinking. Thus enabling  the Spirit, Soul and or Essence of the Heart ... to Unearth, Admit and Acknowledge that "The Science of God's Earth" ... is of the Reliance of it's Birth ... that God and Science will forever Remain ... as one of the Same ... to our Universe and the Destination ... of all Creation ... without Exaggeration of unknown Theories to have to Hypothesis over ... Simply because, Conviction Cancels out ... the Addiction of ... Science Fiction ... Thinking!



Written and Designed by,


Don L. Johnson