The Alpha and Omega
Of Saga events of
Alpha; the 1st letter of the Greek alphabet A or beginning, Omega; the last letter of the alphabet Z or end, Saga; sweries of events: a complicated series of events or personal experiences streching over a considerable period of time, or a detailed account of such a series of events or experiences.
Everything has a timely beginning and end to a saga event as we perceive it. The question is how, where, when or why the events occurred? The Bible has its own interpretation while science has another. Many Christians have a problem with the idea that scientists have hypothesized the “Big Bang” theory as a conclusion without the deity of
God involved. Their theory postulates that there is a single event from which all time, space and matter springs; a ‘cosmic singularity’ or an instantaneous appearance from which everything in our universe evolves. For the most part, it seems that Christians have come to see this theory as a scientific explanation of our origin, as if the ‘big bang’ theory offers a comprehensive alternative to the creation story offered in the Book of Genesis. They may also see the ‘big bang’ as the first incremental step in a process of evolution; a natural sequence of events that requires no God or supernatural intervention.
Everything has a timely beginning and end to a saga event as we perceive it. The question is how, where, when or why the events occurred? The Bible has its own interpretation while science has another.
Many Christians have a problem with the idea that scientists have hypothesized the “Big Bang” theory as a conclusion without the deity of God involved. Their theory postulates that there is a single event from which all time, space and matter springs; a ‘cosmic singularity’ or an instantaneous appearance from which everything in our universe evolves. For the most part, it seems that Christians have come to see this theory as a scientific explanation of our origin, as if the ‘big bang’ theory offers a comprehensive alternative to the creation story offered in the Book of Genesis. They may also see the ‘big bang’ as the first incremental step in a process of evolution; a natural sequence of events that requires no God or supernatural intervention.
Science is not Theology neither is Theology a science. Any credible theological scholar will concur that the big bang theory is no proof either for or against Deity since "Theistic evolution" takes account for such theories without discrediting science.
The fact is, the Big Bang is referred to as a "theory" and belief in Deity is called "faith." Overly bigoted sectarian or church bashing posters might want to consider that the Bible is about faith, not science. Therefore no dichotomy exists between theology and science.
The debate here has nothing whatsoever to do with "opium of the masses". Posters that like to demonstrate have absolutely NO idea what they are talking about in this refined area of study. All Science is just a method of the Creator's (God's) creatures (man) studying God's creation (the universe).
How ridiculous to think that a Big Bang created anything. Almighty Science still cannot cure the common cold or create anything out of nothing. What man decided when, where, or to whom he would be born? What man decided when he would die? In fact, what man decides how intelligent, good-looking, tall/short or anything else he will be? Charles Darwin had initially studied to be an Anglican minister if researched correctly.
He gave that up and took a ship to some islands where he concocted his own explanation of how everything came about because he could not stand the idea that there really was a God that he would have to answer to on Judgment Day.
Leave it up to all the other atheists who want to think they are their own God to agree with the Demented Darwin thinking. I like the statement, "Darwin is dead and he's not coming back."
Wouldn’t it be logical to assume that if man’s highly intelligent brain designed the computer, then the human brain was also the product of design? It is much more complex than the most complicated computer built that explores our universe.
Who or what is the designer then? Design obviously implies a designer. To a Christian, the design we see all around us is totally consistent with the Bible’s explanation: see {essays} (Atom of Adam) (The Human Heart) “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1), and “For by him [Jesus Christ] were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him” (Colossians 1:16). “
The more statistically improbable a thing is, the less can we believe that it just happened by blind chance. Superficially the obvious alternative to chance is an Intelligent Designer. Again, refer to the {essays} section at the top of my home page.
Does “natural selection” produce design? Life is built on information. This information is contained in that molecule of heredity, DNA, which makes up the genes of an organism. Therefore, to argue that natural selection and mutations are the basic mechanisms of the evolutionary process, one must show that these processes produce the information responsible for the design that is evident in living things. See {essay} (Atom of Adam)
Anyone who understands basic biology recognizes, of course, as Darwin did, that natural selection is a logical process that one can observe. However, natural selection only operates on the information that is already contained in the genes. It does not produce new information.
Actually, this is consistent with the Bibles account of origins, in that God created distinct “kinds” of animal and plants, each to reproduce after its own kind. It is true that one can observe great variation in a “kind” and see the results of natural selection. For instance, wolves, coyotes and dingoes have developed over time as a result of natural selection operating on the information found in the genes of the wolf/dog “kind.” But the point is that the genes—does not produce new information. Information arises from non-information?
We have already shown that information cannot come from mutations, a so-called mechanism of evolution, but is there any other possible way information could arise from matter? Dr. Werner Gitt makes it very clear that one of the things we know for sure from science is that information cannot arise from disorder by chance.
As Albert Einstein put it in one of his quotations ... "The true sign of intelligence is not information, imagination". With that said, I would asume that he knew what he was talking about seeing that he was a genious. I explaned it in detail on the opening of my website"“Education isn't for the Folly of Naught, But for the Wisdom of Thought”
“A code system is always the result of a mental process (it requires an intelligent origin or inventor) It should be emphasized that matter as such is unable to generate any code. All experiences indicate that a thinking being voluntarily exercising his own free will, cognition, and creativity, is required. “There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to information, neither is any physical process or material phenomenon known that can do this.” “There is no known law of nature, no known process and no known sequence of events which can cause information to originate by itself in matter.”
The crux of the matter is this: If one accepts there is a God who created us, then we belong to God. If this God is the God of the Bible, He created us and thus has a right to set the rules by which we must live. More importantly, He also tells us in the Bible that we are in rebellion against Him, our Creator. Because of this rebellion (called sin), our physical bodies are sentenced to death; see {essay} (Summation/Epilogue) but we will live on forever, either with God, or without Him in a place of judgment. But the good news is that our creator provided a means of deliverance for our sin of rebellion, so that those who come to Him in faith and repentance for their sin can receive the forgiveness of a Holy God and spend forever with Him, See {essays} (Religions 4-Ws) and (John Chapter 3).
So who created God? By very definition, an Infinite Being has always existed—nobody created God. He is the Self-existing One—the great “I Am” of the Bible. He is outside of time—in fact, He created time. You might argue, “But that means I have to accept this by faith, because I can’t totally understand it.”We read in the book of Hebrews: What kind of faith is Christianity then? It is not blind faith as some think. In fact, it is the evolutionists who deny the Creator who have the blind faith.
"Keep in mind that ... God ... is the Science ... behind all Science ... that we study"
They have to believe in something (i.e. that information can arise from disorder by chance) which goes against real science. But Christ, through the Holy Spirit, actually opens the eyes of Christians so that they can see that their faith is real. The Christian faith is a logically defensible faith. This is why the Bible makes it very clear that anyone who does not believe in God is without excuse: “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).
In our everyday experience, just about everything seems to have a beginning. In fact, the laws of science show that even things which look the same through our lifetime, like the sun and other stars, are running down. The sun is using up its fuel at millions of tons each second. Since, therefore, it cannot last forever; it had to have a beginning. The same can be shown to be true for the entire universe.
So when Christians claim that the God of the Bible created the entire universe, some will ask what a logical question seems, namely “Where did God come from?”
The Bible makes it clear in many places that God is outside of time. He is eternal, with no beginning or end—He is infinite! He also knows all things, being infinitely intelligent. Is this logical? Can modern science allow for such a notion? And how could you recognize the evidence for an intelligent Creator?
Scientists get excited about finding stone tools in a cave because these speak of intelligence tool maker. They could not have designed themselves. Neither would anyone believe that the carved Presidents' heads on Mt. Rushmore were the product of millions of years of chance erosion. We can recognize design—the evidence of the out workings of imaginational-intelligence—in the man-made objects all around us. Similarly, in William Paley's famous argument, a
watch implies a watchmaker. Today, however, a large proportion of people, including many leading scientists, believe that all plants and animals, including the incredibly complex brains of imagination of people who make watches, motor cars, etc., were not designed by an intelligent God ... but rather came from an unintelligent evolutionary process. But is this a defensible position? See (The Human Brain)
Think about it for a minute, All science leans toward their own {essay} (The Hypothesis Theory), and the theory itself implies that there is a beginning to all space time and matter in our universe; a point of beginning is that really all that different from what the Bible teaches? If God did actually create our universe, isn’t it possible that we might look back at this creation event and see all the same evidence that we still see and attribute to the ‘big bang’? And just because we see evidence of an initial creation event, does this necessitate the ‘fact’ that evolution is the only natural consequence? Isn’t it possible that the cosmic singularity we see in the ‘big bang’ theory is, in fact, that moment of creation that is described in the Bible? God is a mathematician of a very high order and He used very advanced mathematics in constructing the universe. Science has proof without any certainty while creationists have certainty without any proof.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 21:6b “Everything important has a beginning and ending to it without God’s intervention”. “Life is --- as is --- as is life --- is without God --- is a life --- that is naught”.
Written by,
Don L. Johnson