Adam of Atom
Evolution’s Theory
What is an Atom? An Atom is a fundamental piece of Matter, (Matter is anything that can be Touched Physically). Everything in the Universe (Except Energy) is made of Matter, and so Everything in the Universe is Made of Atoms.
An Atom itself is Made Up of Three Tiny Kinds of Particles called Subatomic Particles: Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons. The Protons and Neutrons Make up the Canter of the Atom called the Nucleus and the Electrons Fly Around Above the Nucleus in a small ccloud.
What is an Ion? An Ion is a Charged Atom or Molecule. It is Charged because the number of Electrons does not equal the number of Protons in the Atom or Molecule. An Atom can Acquire a Positive Charge or a Negative Charge depending on whether the number of Electrons in the Atom is greater or less then the number of Protons in the Atom.
When an Atom is attracted to another Atom because, it has an equal number of Electrons and Protons; the Atom is called an Ion. If the Atom has more Electrons than Protons, it is a Negative Ion, or ANION. If it has more Protons than Electrons, it is a Positive Ion.
How does all this pertain to Adam? In the Beginning when God Created the Heavens and Earth it was done through Atoms. He then Said, “Let Us Make Man in Our Own Image, after Our Likeness,” and the Lord God Formed Man out of the Dust of the Earth Made from Devine Atoms, and he Breathed into His Nostrils the Breath of Life; and Man became a Living SOUL. So God Created Man in His Own Image; and He Created them Male and Female. God named the first man Adam; then later Adam called the Woman, Eve. God Said, “A Man shall leave his father and mother and cling to His wife: and they shall be as one Flesh ...
Keep in Mind that the FACTOR is in and of the SOUL of the ...
EQUATION ... NOT the ... OCCASION ... in or of the ... PERIOD of TIME ...
The Lord God also Planted a Garden in Eden, and out of the Ground He Made Everything bountifully beautiful to See and Eat. However, in the middle of the garden stood two Trees, the tree of life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Lord put Man in the Garden of Eden to Care for everything in it. Then the Lord Commanded, “You may Eat freely from every tree of the garden except for the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. You Must Never Eat from that Tree. In the Day that You Do, You Will Surely Die”. “God showed his Love to Adam and Eve, by giving them all they needed and more to enjoy life to its fullest. He also Gave Them the Ability to Make Choices and He gave these Ancestors of all Mankind an Opportunity to Use this Ability Wisely.
God wanted Adam and Eve to Show Their Respect by Obeying His Command, to Not Eat from that one Tree. Everything else was Theirs to enjoy freely living in peace and happiness in their beautiful paradise garden and (without a 40 hour work week to contend with) Adam and Eve needed to only Trust God’s Wisdom, and Respect His Authority over Them.
However, in the beautiful new garden inhabited by Adam and Eve, Satan appeared to Eve in the form of a Serpent. Now this Serpent was Craftier than any animal which the Lord God had made. And the Serpent said unto the woman, are you sure God said, “You must not Eat from this Tree and if you do you will Die? Then the Serpent said to the Woman, “you will not Die for God knows that in the day you Eat this Fruit, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as God’s, of knowing Good and Evil.” The Bible says Satan Is the Father of Lies, so of course He tried to Deceive the Woman, and he Lied to Her about God. So when the Woman saw that the Tree was Good for Food, that it was pleasant to look at, and that it could make Her wise, She Took the Fruit, and Ate it, and Gave it to Her Husband who was with Her; and He also, Ate of It. Instantly, their eyes were opened and their Spirits became Dead because they Trusted Their Own reasoning instead of the words of God, They Died Spiritually and Lost with the Lord. They should have been Grateful for Life and happy in their paradise garden but freedom to choose does not bring happiness when bad choices are made.
Long before God Created We, Humans Species, He also gave freedom of choice to the angels He Created. God desired Honor from these angels, who inhabited the Spirit Realm, just as He Desired Honor from Us.
Most angels did choose to follow God, and even today these angels worship the Lord and carry out his bidding, helping people in many ways. But other angels made a Bad Choice they Rejected God’s love, selecting instead Lucifer, the most beautiful angel as their leader.
Lucifer’s arrogance and pride caused Him to Lose the Honor Position above God’s Throne. Lucifer Fell from Heaven for His Rebellion, because he had Challenged God by saying in His Heart, “I will Elevate my throne Above the Stars of God: I will be like the Highest God.” Lucifer, known also in the Bible as the Devil or Satan, desires worship which only belongs to God people in order to obtain that worship, even Masquerading as a beautiful angel of light, but His Lies and His False Religions Cause Pain, Suffering and Destruction in Life as We now Know and should Realize from History’s Lessons. L- On G+ = Conflict!
Again, of Evolution’s Theory: an Atom itself is made up of Three Tiny kinds of Particles called Subatomic Particles; Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. The Protons and Neutrons make up the center of the Atom called the Nucleus. The Electrons carry a Negative charge while the Protons carry the Positive charge. An ION is a Charged Atom or Molecule. When an Atom is attracted to another Atom because it has an equal number of Electrons and Protons, the Atom is called an ION.
If the Atom has more Electrons than Protons, it is a Negative-ion, or ANION. If it has more Protons than Electrons, it is a Positive-ion. P- On N+ = ION!
In other words, our (Images) are the Nucleus center, of ION, that is made up of the Subatomic Particles of the Atom. In this case (Adam of Atom) We make the Decision of our Nucleus to Conclude the Positive and Negative side of the Ion (chosen path of life) In other words, Eve Made the Negative Decision in that garden that has Effected the Positive side of our Lives Right to This Very Day, yet, We Haven’t Comprehended this Parable as We can see from the Evil Influential Whisper of Lies Effecting our Negative-Decisions of Today Due To Influence of (Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate ... the Tool for the Fool ... of the Devils Bait) It’s Happening All Around Us, as We can Sadly, Testify. In retrospect, the degree of what Eve did, was minor in scope to the Negative side of Evil Decisions of Today!
The Devil Rules by His Tools of Evil ... in the Wake of ...
Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate and We, the People ... with our Human Scruples ...
are the Jewels of His Fools ... in the Wake ... of His Bait
Yet, still, Dog gone, what’s Going On?
As Dumb is ... Dumb does ... like a Dumb bug ... on a Rug!
Composed, Written and Designed by,
Don L. Johnson