So, "C’est la vie" With the Integrity of Me

"mon cheri" Clementine

• No Offense, but, Just as much as a Republicans Stability is Kamanhat Their Agenda Is All About These Days – I Am Also In Doubt of Their Ability to Think Straight with the Integrity of our GOD and Countries Best Interest In Mind – Instead of Their Power-Hungry, Greedy Traitorous Own – Involving GOOD Verses the Havoc of evil Thinking, Acting and Doing – In Pursuing the devil’s Best Interest.


• Look, this Website Isn't Being Written or Meant to Put Down the GOOD that's Sincerely Understood, but for the Bad That's Been Had By Their Chosen evil For The devil. – For GOD Knows Who  Are – As the True Liar and Deceiver – To the Mindless Minion of the Captive Believer! – Indeed, if  will – There is an Essay and or an Article, Titled, “trump is satan” – Composed and Written by Jeffrey R Wilson – Who Teaches in the Writing Program at the University of Harvard that  Should Take Heed And Wisely Read A.S.A.P. "Educationally" – it will give Invested Insight Into What's Right from Wrong – to Where Should Belong In Thinking. – In Other Words, from the Wis-Dumb of Being Dumb Into the Wisdom of Being Smart From Your Heart, Mind, and Soul of Being Mentally In Control of the Fact Simile Casualties of your Faculties,


Look, I’ll Repeat this Often as Necessary Relevant Throughout My Essays As Needed – That I Don’t Care Who Are Near Or Far – Or Where  Are From Smart Or Dumb – Nor, Do I If  Are Rich Or Poor, because Ultimately – You’ll Not Ignore the Facts As They Are Written With the Truth – The Whole Truth – and Nothing but the Truth – That Will "In The End" PREVAIL. – It's Not A Quiz – When It Truly Is – What It Is” – As History Can’t Be Changed. – So Help Us GOD


• The Fact Is That, –Don’t Know Me and I Don’t Know . – So Why Should We Pay Any Attention To One Another – Of What Is True – To What We Say Or Do? – This Is Kind of like a Quiz of a Question That I Can’t Answer About myself Invested Interest. – Like being an Alien – Mingling Around In a World Of Incompatibility of Trusting, Believing and the Impossible Of Understanding the Way Of People's Thinking, Doing and Pursuing – What's Right From Wrong, – From Where They've Gone – From The Integrity Of The Truth – So How Do I Long Gone Begin? – Because It's Been A Losing Win – For Me To Fit In – With People That I've Never Understood – From the Mechanics Under Their Hood! – The Fact Is, – Like a World Where I've Never Belonged. – I Haven't Had Very Much Luck Of Fitting In – From Where I've Been – By Not Getting To Know and Trust In People's Integrity To Except Me Personally For Who I Am, Think and Act – Sort Of Like Feeling Like An Alien From Another World. what


You know, From The Moment I Entered Into This Cruel World As a Child Already, Knew Through Intuition That Something Had Gone wrong   that Things Weren't Going To Be So Rosy For Me Disappointedly During The Growing Stages Of My Life, Because My Wish-ion From My Intuition Wouldn’t Come True When I've Thought They Were Due? – And To Start Out With,  Instead. – Well, No Matter How Hard I Prayed – I Got So Doggone Exhausted  From Being Defeated, I Finally Told Myself That,. – And I've Been Disappointed Every Sense, because nothing ever made sense to me of filling my destiny with harmony since the advent of people In my life – as I've been a total failure of not knowing that  For Me Compatibly – To Be Able To Fit In With Naturally – From The Begin – Unto This End, July 26, 2024, But What For? – I Mean, What Was I All About – In A World That I've Never Belonged.NO, We've Never Understood One Another To Be Able To Fit In With Each Other – Not Even As Family, Friend, Foe Or Ken - To This End. – I've Felt Like An Alien From Another World Of Comprehension – In Each Other's World Of Incompatibility. – Well,  That I Failed To Fit In With Naturally. – But Hey,  From Where We Roam – Or Continue For  To Make Me Moan – Home Alone – By Being Alienated? – like I said, as a little tot about three or four years old and said, , But I Was Just Kidding (get it). I Didn't Think Grown-Ups Would Ever Take Me So Seriously For So Long  Gone


I Have This Four-Legged – Little Bitty – Purr-ty Kitty – No, Not The Little Titty – Pretty Kitie – As The Joke – On Gunsmoke – That Keeps Matt Dillon Chill-en – With Love And Respect – That They Can Surely Expect – To Be A Pact – Forever Exact – That They Don't Have To Discover – From One Another. – Something I've Never Found – Anywhere Else Where – In My Live Long Life – Except Through The Angelic Endurance Of My Faithful Wife, Judy, For 42 years – Of Suffering. – I'm Not An Angel, But I Wholeheartedly Believe In Them – And Judy Could Very Well Be One Of Them – That Put Up With Me – Throughout My Wayward Destiny – Of Disappointments. – She Would Be The Only One To Tell You Of And Or About My Bad Attitude That I Have Towards People In General. – Indeed, I've Often Disappointedly Found That Most People Don't Even Know How To Spell The Word Integrity, – Let Alone – Know, Its Definition – That's Been My Personal Experience – With People That I've Foolishly Trusted – Throughout My Vulnerable Life Of Believing And Not Receiving Faith. – As a Result, I Am Not A Socialite Person Of Or To Society – As It Isn't Or Wasn't Meant For Me – Well, At Least Not To Fit Into This Failed World – Of Its Inhabitants – Indeed, I Feel A Lot Safer As Being A Loner – Instead Of A Foolish Want-er – That Doesn't Accept Me For Being Me – As My Destiny Directs Me.


Now ThatKnow A Little About My Feelings Towards People – I Really Don’t Like Reading and Writing – As a Pleasurable Pastime Of Mine. – In Fact, It Is Boring To Me – As a Waste Of My Time. – I Would Rather Unwind and Watch a Good Movie, But Subconsciously I Was  Inspired To Make This My Priority Of What I Must Do – For Some Of  That I’ll Never Get To Know Personally, But Even Though I Don’t Forgive – GOD'S SON, JESUS CHRIST Does – Just As my Website Gathers – Those Hearts, Minds and Souls – that Really Matters to JESUS CHRIST, Thankfully As My LORD and SAVIOR  that could very well be of yours to – if you ask him too. – As To Save Your Soul – From satan The devil, Under the A.K.A. (as known as) Or The Alias of, donald trump's Control. – he Is Arrogantly Confident, because he Knows That he Has his fallen angels Of demons Doing their Havoc of Working for him Gathering In his Dumb Souls Of Sleepy Sheep –  To Wickedly Control.


 Look, I’m just a Concerned Guy Who Doesn’t Lie about the Truths as They Are And Presented Me – and that’s all that my Conscience Wants from Me – That Pleases the Man Upstairs, JESUS CHRIST – Because It’s Been Never Enough – As I’ve Written This Stuff – If Even To My Worst Enemy – Knowing that JESUS Forgives, but Still, I Can’t, Don’t and or won't For People, Who Deliberately Choose To Do evil, – Particularly as a mindless minion For This Guy, donald trump, Of satan, The devil On Every Single Level Of his evil


• HERE ME! – Because the Only Difference Between lucifer and himdonald trump – Is That he's Gotten Much stupider In Sinand All he Wants From– is to Win . By Taking Control Over Your Foolish, But Careless Soul Into Sin Against GOD.



•  donald trump's Battle In The War with GOD Are Literally of the 12 Things that GOD Hates the Most In And Or About Our Human Souls that trump Controls. – And They Are, #1 – Haughty Eyes Of Pride And Arrogance Of Which Was The Jealousy That Got hislucifer's wicked ass Kicked Out Of HEAVEN In The First Place #2 – Those Who Are Among The Lying Tongue, #3 – Violence Of The Mind And Or The Hand That Shed Innocent Blood – as in the January 6, 2021  Insurrection on our Capital Building of Which Resulted in Deaths and $1.5 Million In Damages, #4 – Wicked Planning, #5 – Mind And Feet That Are Swift To Do Evil, #6 – False Witness, Prophets, Hypocrites, Liars And Believers Of Deceivers Out To Do Harm, #7 – Sowing Discord Among The Smart Ignorant And Dumb – With The Outcome Into The Bait Of The Five Fingers Of evil – Of Which Is #1 – Money, #2 – Power, #Three – Greed, #4 – Ignorance and #5 – Hate – to the Fate of a One-Way Ticket. – To Hell's Gate  Where Once In And Closed – There Can Never Ever and Ever – Be An Escape !


Does the Bible Talk about Evil Spirits/What

Does it Say about Them?

The Bible discusses evil spirits in many passages. Both the Old and New Testaments mention evil spirits, using a variety of terms for them, such as “demons,” “demonic spirits,” “impure spirits,” “unclean spirits,” “lying spirits,” or “deceiving spirits.” While the Bible doesn’t reveal the origin of evil spirits, it does make it clear that fallen angels are among them. Fallen angels, also known as demons, were originally created by God to be holy angels. But they fell away from relationships with God after one angel (known as Lucifer before the fall and Satan afterward) led them in a rebellion to try to grab God’s power for themselves (Isaiah 14:12-14). Most of the holy angels remained faithful to God (Revelation 5:11-12). But those angels who fell in the rebellion became corrupted by sin, so their natures are no longer good because they’re disconnected from God, who is the source of goodness.



Hey,  Had Better Wake Up And Smell The Roses Before That Door That Awaits Behind Closes – On Everything That  Enjoyed And Took For Granted In A Democracy That Stood For 215 Years Of Our Life, Liberty And Pursuit Of Happiness. – NOTE; That donald trump Recently Said In One Of his  Dumb, Stupid, Garbled, Illogical, Incoherent Speech Rallies that Said That  "he Didn't Care AboutAhis Mindless Minion, But That he Only Cared For To Come Vote" For him. – So, AreIndeed Going To Come Vote For him – As his Dumb Dope – Or Wisely Say Nope?


• Look, I'm Not Writing To  As A Democrat, Republican And Or Of the Hypocrisy of The Evangelicals and the Like That Literally Praises The Lord While Worshiping The, devil, donald trump – I'm Writing ToAs A Very Concerned American Citizen – That's Resides On GOD'S Side. 


• Make No Mistake, that the Main Battle Isn't About The Divisions of Politicians And Or Religions Where One Wins All The Competitive Decisions. – The  Cosmic Conflict Is Between GOOD Versus evil – In The Universal War – Behind All Wars Being Fought With GOD And The devil. – click Here On Video Titled, "War In Heaven" →


• NO! The Biggest Factor, To This Juvenile Narcissistic B Actor – Is That What he's Trying To Do With Our Country – Is To Turn It Into An Autocracy with his Wicked-Try of a Coup. – Just As he Already Tried In HEAVEN To Overthrow GOD'S KINGDOM COME From Being So Dumb, but Was Effortlessly Defeated When he Got his Haughty Ass Kicked Out Of HEAVEN – On My Birthday of 7, 11 – ha ha! 


• Lastly and Learnedly, I Used To Be a Diehard Devout Republican As Well, but as Time Turned Into Crime – The Price Got too High To Persuade Me to Stay and Sell My Soul Out Of My Control, because It’s Not For Sale At Any Price – As to Sway Me To Roll The Dice – Then Pay The Soulless Price – So, C’est la vie (French for “that’s the way it is”), Was and Will Forever Be – With the Integrity of Me – "mon cheri" (my darlen), Clementine.

Designed, Composed and Written by, Me,

Don Lee, Johnson