You Know, there are so many people out there in our World that Ignorantly Gamble against the Inevitable then Unexpectedly Lose Everything of Value – as in People Like, – Bill Maher and the Likes "who makes Fun of the LORD". – Well, I Don't Care – Who You Are Near or Far – Nor if You are Rich or Poor – or a Bum of whether you are Smart or Dumb. – the Messages Remains the Same – Where the Bible Tells us about Satan and His Lies and He is Very Real as in His Alias Name – Obviously Known as Donald Trump. – At the very beginning, He is Identified as the Evil Serpent in the Garden of Eden, Tempting Adam and Eve to do the one thing that GOD Commanded them Not To Do. The result brought Sin, Separation from GOD and Death Into this Combative World Controlled by the Devil. – Each Time the Devil is present in the Bible, so to is the Wickedness of His Sly Lies through His Web of Deceit. –
Come on, Evil has to Originate from Somewhere! – So Why Not Use the Logical Answer Already Written in the Bible – Called Lucifer of whom Got His Wicked Ass Kicked out of Heaven as Satan, the Devil better Known in Today's Society Under the Pure Evil Alias of Donald Trump – And if there is Evil so Prevalent and Destructive ALL Around us and is Rapidly Growing by the Second in this World of where Some Already Call Hell on Earth! – So, on the Opposant Side of the Argument – Why Not Believe in the GOOD, because that Is Unexaggeratedly Obvious Too as This World with All of Its Miraculous Marvels that Can't be Explained without a -Designer Maker Attached to it? -
Yes, Indeed, What about the Fresh Air that we Breath, The Clean Clear Water We Can Drink, The Food that We Can Grow on Fertile Ground to Eat, what about the Enchanted Forest with All the Beautiful Flowers and the Trees, Birds and the Bees and Animal’s to Galore of All Kinds of Species On Lush Green Hills and Dales with Lots of Stories to Tell and On and On and On - Enlight of the Day and the Night through the Summer, Spring and Fall of the Wonders of it All – All to make it Possible for Life to Exist – from a Distant Beautiful Bluish White Planet called Earth that We, the Human Species so Carelessly take for Granted in a Reckless Irresponsible Way.
It wasn’t always that way.
Satan used to be an Angel named Lucifer, but Rebelled against GOD and was cast out of Heaven, along with other Angels who Followed Him. JESUS described the event in (Luke 10:18), “I saw Satan Fall like Lightning from Heaven.” Since then, Satan and His Minions have been on a Mission to Destroy GOD’S Greatest Creation—Humanity.
JESUS said Satan comes only to “Steal, Kill and Destroy.” He’s even Known as “the Accuser.” There is nothing Cool or Laughable about Satan. The Havoc He Wreaks on this World is Seriously Deadly.
But no matter how much Evil and Chaos Satan Causes, there’s No Hope for Him. As this Spiritual War Wages, we already know the outcome. The Bible says Satan is Destined for Hell, and He wants to Draw people as Far from GOD as possible so they can Follow Him there.
You know, Hell is Real and it’s not a place ANYONE would want to go.
JESUS called Hell a Place of “Outer Darkness: there shall be Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth” (Matthew 25:30). In one of His Parables, JESUS told of a man who was in Hell, begging for someone to come and “Cool My Tongue,
because I am in Agony in this Fire ” (Luke 16:24).
JESUS, however, doesn’t want anyone to end up in Hell with Satan. In fact, HE Made a Way for us to Spend Eternity with HIM in Heaven a Place of Beauty
and Perfection where there is No Crying, Weepinng or Death or Pain.
But to be with JESUS, we must ask HIM to Forgive our Sins and be Part of Our Lives. Only HE Provides the Bridge from Us—Imperfect Sinners—to a Holy GOD because only HE Paid the Price for our Sins when HE Died on a Cross—then Overcame Death by Rising Again.
Today is the Perfect Time
to Learn about GOD’S Plan for your Life,
as opposed to Satan’s Plan.
Step 1 – GOD’S Purpose: Peace and Life
GOD Loves You and Wants you
To Experience Peace
And Eternal
The Bible says: "We have Peace with GOD through our,
LORD JESUS CHRIST." – Romans 5:1
"For GOD so Loved the world that HE gave HIS one and only SON, that Whoever Believes in HIM Should Not Perish but have Eternal Life." – John 3:16
"I [JESUS] have come that they may have Life, and that they may have it
more Abundantly." – John 10:10
What keeps Us from having the Life GOD planned for us? – Step 2 –
The Problem: Our Separation from GOD
GOD Created Us in HIS Image.
HE Gave us a Will and the Freedom of Choice;
We Choose to Disobey HIM and go our
own way—which is called Sin.
This Separates us
from GOD.
The Bible says: – "For all have Sinned and Fall Short of the
Glory of GOD." – Romans 3:23
"For the Wages of Sin is Death, but the Gift of GOD is Eternal Life in
JESUS CHRIST our LORD." – Romans 6:23
Our Choice to Sin Separates us from GOD.
People have tried many ways to bridge
this gap between themselves
And GOD.
The Bible Says: – "There is a way that Appears to be Right,
but in the end it Leads to Death." –
Proverbs 14:12
"But your Iniquities have separated you from your GOD; your Sins have Hidden
HIS Face from you, so that HE will Not Hear." – Isaiah 59:2
No Bridge Reaches GOD... Except One, Step 3 GOD’S Bridge:
The Cross JESUS CHRIST Died on the Cross and Rose
from the Grave. When HE did HE Paid the
Penalty for our Sin and Bridged the
Gap between Us and GOD.
The Bible says:
"For there is one GOD and one Mediator between GOD and Mankind, the Man, JESUS CHRIST." – 1 Timothy 2:5
"For CHRIST also Suffered once for Sins, the Righteous for the Unrighteous, to bring you to GOD." – 1 Peter 3:18
GOD has Provided the only way back to Him,
But You must make a Choice.
Step 4 – Our Response: Receive CHRIST – We must Trust and Receive
The Bible says:
"Yet to all who did Receive HIM, to those who Believed in HIS Name, HE Gave the Right to Become Children of GOD." – John 1:12
"If you Declare with your Mouth, 'JESUS is LORD,' and Believe in your Heart that GOD Raised HIM from the Dead, You Will Be Saved." – Romans 10:9
Which side are you on?
The side with CHRIST or without Him?
Here is how you can accept CHRIST Into Your Life:
- Admit your Need. (I Am a Sinner)
- Be willing to turn from your Sins. (Repent)
- Believe that JESUS CHRIST Died for you on the Cross and Rose from the Grave. (Be Saved By Faith)
- Through Prayer, Invite JESUS CHRIST
- to Control Your Life through the Holy Spirit.
- (Receive HIM as LORD and SAVIOR)
We Suggest a Prayer Like This One: – "Dear GOD, I Know I’m a Sinner, and I Ask for your Forgiveness. I Believe that JESUS CHRIST is Your SON. I believe that HE Died for my Sin and that YOU Raised HIM to Life. – I Want to Trust HIM As My SAVIOR and Follow HIM as LORD, from this day Forward. Guide My Life and Help Me to do your Will. I Pray this in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. Amen."
Billy Graham and me, Donald Lee, Johnson
Why Would GOD Create Satan?
Is there really a being called Satan?
Look, one of the Second most Hated things after – #1 - The, Haughty Eyes of the Proud Arrogant that GOD Hates the most in ALL of Us is the #2 - Lying Tongue, http://www.lookinguntojesus.net/things-the-lord-hates/ – then comes – #3 - Hands that Shed Innocent Blood through Violence, – #4 - a Heart that Devises Wicked Plans, – #5 - Feet that are Swift in Running to Evil, #6 - False Witness Who Speaks Lies – in other words, Relevant of today’s False Profits in Religion and Politics and – #7 - One Who Sows Discord Among Brethren – in other words, those who through Selfish Ambition, Conceit, Arrogance, or whatever Motive Seek to Destroy the Unity that Exists Among GOD’S people have made themselves subject of GOD’S Wrath.
Every-one of these things that GOD Hates the most is the Cupidity of the Epitome of what Donald Trump Stands For and Much Much More of what Evil is all about. – Indeed, He makes Lucifer Look less Stupider – so what does that say about His Followers ?
NO! – I’ve never known any Entity Representative of the Human Species – that’s been able to take Each and Every Single Letter of the Alphabet and Attach it to a Blatant Lie, – yet that is Exactly what Donald Trump Habitually does with Each and Every Single Word that comes out of His Foul-Nauseating-Arrogant-Lying Mouth.
If you can’t Figure out the Question by Now of what the Two and Two
is Really All About – then you’ll Only figure out that the
Simple Answer – was Simply for the
Score of the #Four.
Again, if you don't get it by Now – Then I say to you to go to Hell!
Do you Think that Donald Trump is Worth Following
Him there? Seriously, Get a Brain to Fit
so thatcan Logically Think
about it !
But, Keep in Mind that when Your Gambling with your Life in the Way
Choose, then it could be One Hell of a Bet that
even though are to
for the Gist of It!
Oh, Well Hells Bells ,
It is much Easier for to Hate Me than it is for
to Hate Hell
Gist, I tried my Best,
Designed, Composed and Written by Me,
Don Lee, Johnson