The Two Hands that Weigh in on the Judgment               between the GOOD and Bad in Them


•   I maintain that there are Two Hands to Weigh in on the Judgment between the GOOD and Bad in them. – The Hand that Contains the Bad can be Forgiven by, JESUS CHRIST'SSACRIFCIAL SUFFERING(The Suffering and Death of CHRIST on the Cross invited GOD the FATHER into the Situation of a Wounded Creation that needed Healing, and through the Blood that was offered up by HIS SON, He Provided the means for HIS Entire Creation to be Healed. Offering up HIS Suffering as a Prayer of Sacrifice is a most Selfless Act) for the Forgiveness of our Sins on that God-dammed Cross, ((Used as an Exclamation of Any Strong Feeling, esp. of Disgust or Irritation))  for those who Nailed HIM to it.


•   There is another Unseen Hidden Hand that Contains the Evil of Deceit in it. – And the Hand of Evil Can and Will Not Ever Be Forgiven for its Deceit, because it is Driven by the Devil to do His Havoc of Evil on Earth  between the War of GOD’S Ultimate Enemy Once known as Lucifer Who was Kicked out of HEAVEN as Satan, the Devil under the Present DayPseudonym of Donald Trump. – Just as He got Stupider than He Was Lucifer in HEAVEN He Held Campaign Rallies of a Coup to take over GOD’S Throne  by Convincing a Third of All of what once was GOD’S Angels in HEAVEN to Follow Him out of HEAVEN as Demons just as the BIBLE says, to Here on Earth to do His Dirty Work of Evil Deeds of Havoc on it! Just as Exactly How Donald Trump has Mimicked into Reality with His Present Day Mindless Minions Here on Earth! – Anyone who Doesnt Understand Who and What Donald Trump is – Doesnt Understand Who Lucifer was in the BIBLE  For its in the Same Place as Plain as the Nose on Your Face. – This Website is to Care for ALL to Bewareof not to be Ensnared in Donald Trump's Web    of Deceitbecause in the End it is His Plan to Bring  Down to Hell. – with Him


The Corruption in the World Demands It


•  Yes, it is True that I have had a Bad Experience with maintaining a GOOD Relationship with people in General, but it is Also True that the GOOD in Me "by far" Outweighs the Bad  and Anyone Who Looks Down and Judges Me for what they Consider to be of the Bad of my Character in Any Way, Shape or Form – I Wash my Hands fromas thoughare Contaminated with the Bad in a Supercilious Smugness of Your Own being of Character  Excuse my French, of Who Doesnt Know Their Ass from a Hole in the Ground  From Whence the Integrity of where Im Found  be it Good from Bad  Every Day  in the Genuine Way   Beyond Yours  for I’ve Earned the Respect To Be Me  and No One Else, but Me Respectfully, Express-fully, Confidently and Genuinely! – And if I were to take a guess, I would have to say that Know Who and What I'm Talking About  from the Smugness Latitude of your Misconcceived Attitude – about me.


Design, Composed and Written by, Me

Donald Lee, Johnson