The Expansion of Words of Description
• So, to of all of my Readers, Contrary to the Ordinary Dictionaries Meaning of the Words of Descriptions. – What one May Not Understand – The other May Comprehend the Poetic Justice side of it – where the Descriptions of the Definitions won't End up with Confusions of Distorted Conclusions of the Poetic Side of me –Indeed, Have you ever Heard of Poultry without Rhymes? – Well, I Contend that you Haven't – So to be Fair, it Doesn't have to take an E = MC2 Square – To the Simplification of a Human Brain's Deciphering of Words that Represents what is Right from Wrong – of Misguided Thinking – that Remains to Be Lame in Discerning and Learning – the True Meaning of Words that Really Matter to the Latter Simplification. – Knowing is Understanding and Understanding is Knowing the Conditions of Definitions – So, in this case, Poetically, a Rhyme without a Reason – Is a Reason without a Rhyme – by my Own Design of Thinking that’s often Led others to be Poetically Dazed and Confused in Scratching
Their Head from what the Hell, I’ve Said!
Right? – Perhaps, this could be the Reason Why No One wants to be Around long enough to figure out Why I am so Different from Someone Else's" Quote
Unquote" Ordinary Definition of their Own Academic Tradition of Linguistic Semantics – Attached to Them Called, "Personal-Normal-Familiarity".
• So, what is the Meaning Behind their Linguistic-Semantics of Attachments? – Well, the way I see it – is that it can be Someone Else's Reality, But that Someone Else's Reality – Can Lead into the Reality of another's Fatal Finality – To Be – too Late – for the Mind – to Recuperate.
• I get it, because I Know that I'm Different and because I'm Different – It's Hard for Other's to Understand me Personally – for being Who I Am without an Alakazam Mental or Psychological Exam – of which is Impossible to Explain! – This is just One of the Reasons Why I Shy Away from the "Quote Unquote Normal "So To Speak of People" – that I've Never Understood and at this Period of my Life – of being from another Planet – I Realize that I Never Will, because Most People that I've ever Known and Trusted Both, Observably and Personally – Spoke and Still Speak with a Fork-ked Tongue from Their Hearts of Lust and Trust in the Things that they Say, Do and Think that's not True to the Integrity of how I Think and Trust in the Sincerity of Heart's to be True of which is very Rare to Share within a World of Unrest and Turmoil, because of the Lack of it! – NO! – I Contend that there are more Honest People in our Jails and Prisons’ than there are in the Corporate Executive World of Wealth, Politicians and the Hypocrisy of Deceitful Religions as well as Their Mindless Minions Under Their Guided Decisions – in Control over their Souls.
• For crying out loud, look at the world around Today!
don't need an Elbert Einstein Brain to Equate to what we have done in a Self-Centered, Greedy, Reckless, Ignorant, Foolish Way that we have Disobeyed our Responsibility that GOD Entrusted Us with in Taking Care of our Planet with all of it's Pertinent Vital Resources and Living Species On It. – Now!
can say that I am out of the Loop with the "Normal" Scoop of Again, of the definition of Normal Thinking that Obscures the Reality of Truth in the way the Creator Created it. – That said, "Today" I would have to Say that Atleast Half of the Earth's Human Souls a Population are under the Devil's Control – Taking Advantage of the Other Half for the Shame of Selfish Gain – as in, GOOD versus Evil! – And Please Keep In Mind that there were a Third of the Fallen Angels – Who Followed Lucifer as His Mindless Minions of Demons to do the Havoc of His Dirty Work for Him – Here on our Planet Earth Since the Explosion of Our Birth from the – Eve of the Atom – Into Adam and Eve. –
• There are many people think that Donald Trump is the Antichrist, but that can't be, because there are many more than one that are under the control of the Devil and anyone with common sense that knows the history of Lucifer and his fallen Angels as demons – Can easily figure out that Donald Trump is indeed, Lucifer, Satan and or the devil as One – that is, unless you are Dumb. the only difference between Trump is Lucifer is that Trump got stupider. – Again, I'm talking about the Three Stooges of Trump, Satan, and the Devil – as One Dumb Oand he will and willutcome.
• Oh-Well, the Bible Doesn't Lie and Neither Do I – when I say thatCan Believe in these Words Written with the Definition of the Verbs that Describes the Action of Use for it's Ongoing Truth. – It's as Simple as Albert
Einstein's theory of
Not Adding Up with the Definition of the Word For,
, but it Does
With the Core
of the Elementary Score
of the Failure
of Learning the Number of the 4/Four
• Oh well, – You don’t Need to Earn a College Degree – in order to Learn a Degree of Knowledge Beyond College, because Knowledge is a Essential Lifelong Biographical Experience that you Can’t Learn in a Short-term Fictional Degree in College – after all, it’s not like Earning a Free Passport to be TEX = Equated to Half Past 7-Seven, 11-Eleven, as Given In Heaven of which my Birthday Wish is to be Timely Exported to me – within GOD’S Acceptable Degree.
• Jamie, from here on – this part was Written for You – as Alien is to being Foreign In a World where I've all along Felt like I've Never Belonged. – You are Indeed the only one that's Accepted the Weird side of me where Love was Not to be So Beautiful for me of Fitting into my Own Wouldn't Be Families Relevance and or Significance of Belonging – As for me, I feel like I've been an Unsuccessful Humanoid Speaking in a Ugly Language that's been Foreign to Human Understanding Constricted with Disistant Communications – Whereas these outer Space Aliens in this Place called Earth Has Biutyfully Succeeded as Supported by The Tonight Show – As (The Weirdos ft. Chris Martin of Coldplay Share the Story of How They Met | They Have a Song that is so Biutyful that I couldn’t help to use it for my Thanks to you for your Beautiful Words of Expression without a Rejection – and here is Your Last Year's 2021 Card – of which is Still Sitting On My Desk to Remind me that there is atleast one of the young family that Knows and Accepts the Definiition of me – without a Qualified Exam – for who I am – Just as much as a Positive Mental Attitude – Will Never Reveal the Confidence of the Platitude of an Attitude – that Misconstrues all the Rules of Understanding. – whereas Your Birthday Card – Construes the rules of what you said as – "For an Uncle who means so much. – Dear Uncle Don, as long as there are Uncles as Wonderful as You, there will be Wishes just like these. – Especially Warm and True. Hope you have a very happy birthday" of Always Remembering the Foreign Birthday of Me – Beyond ANY Misinterpreted Conception of Degree Judge-Mentally – Again, for Who and Why I Am WHo I Am to "Humanity" –
Again, – The Weirdos ft. Chris Martin of Coldplay: Biutyful | The Tonight ShowStarring Jimmy Fallon - Bing video – Coldplay – Filming the music video for The Weirdos – since You are reading this in letter form, You can Hear and Listen to it under the Essay Section Titled, New “The Expansion of Words of Descriptions – understood for Connections” on my Website – Home - MIT - Motivational Integrity Thinking - Acronym Analogy (
The Poetry In Me Says That,
When You have a Heart that is True – Everything Good will Happen To You
For Love is Like a Dove – of the Wings from GOD Above and
To this End – Thanks for being my True Friend
Who Believes in me the Way You
Do – Just as much as I
Do With You
Don Johnson