“ The Definition of Time -
as We Often Confuse it as a Time Paradox”
• Look, for Analytical Understanding, I’ve Always Thought that Time is Man’s Best Friend - That is - If It Is - Divinely Understood, as Being the most Valuable Asset that Man Can Ever Own if Spent Wisely, But Time as we can Understandably Know and Perceive it - by the Clock of Our - "Every-Way - Every-Day - Activities" - is Gauged by a Precise Instant, Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, or Year, Determined by the Clock or Calendar; Specif., the Present an Instant, Again, Determined by that Clock that keeps on Ticking while were Still Living - Just as it is Treasured not to Waist it. - So Time Cheated is Time Wasted and Time Wasted is Time Shorter According to the Tick Tock of Our Clock! - Each Time you Lose it to the User - that Abuser Gains it. - The Translation into Money is that - The Priority of Ignorance is that there is no Value in Money when there's no Time to Spend It - when there is No Time to Spend it - You are Most Likely to be Dead! - You can always Gain Money, at the Costly Expense of your Time that can't be Retrieved.
• Scientifically, On Nov 26, 2019· Physicists Define Time as the Progression of Events from the Past to the Present into the Future. Basically, if a System is Unchanging, it is Timeless. Time can be considered to be the Fourth Dimension of Reality, used to Describe Events in Three-Dimensional Space. It is not something we can See, Touch, or Taste, but we Can Measure its Passage.
• Until Einstein's Reinterpretation of the Physical Concepts Associated with Time and was Considered to be the Same Everywhere in the Universe, with All Observers Measuring the Same Time Interval for Any Event. Non-Relativistic Classical Mechanics - is based on this Newtonian Idea of Time.
• Einstein, in His Special Theory of Relativity, Postulated the Constancy and Finiteness of the Speed of Light for all Observers. He showed that this Hypothesis, together with a Reasonable Definition for what it Means… E = Mc 2 = God = TEX " Theory of Everything "
• From Wikipedia: “Time has long been an important Subject of study in Religion, Philosophy, and Science, but defining it in a manner applicable to all fields without Circularity has Consistently Eluded Scholars.”
• Essentially, Time has Two Uses. The First is to Measure How Long Something Takes and the Second is to Tell the Time of Day. However, Time also has a Third, important, use for Human Beings in that it Constitutes the Currency of a Value System.
• Every person or Culture has a Unique Value System and the Ranking of items on that System will Determine how much Time People or Cultures are willing to Invest in that item. So, if Religion is important to you and you are prepared to spend more Time on it, it will Rank Higher, and the same goes for Family, Work, or, in fact, anything that you Attach Value to. It appears that this holds True for all Consciousness in the known Universe.
• In much the same way that Gravity has a Relationship to everything that has Mass in the Known Universe, Time has a Relationship to everything that has Consciousness in the Known Universe.
• Any Conscious Mind Receives Inputs from its Senses and these Inputs are Assimilated by the Mind which then Determines whether a Specific Input indicates the need for a Change in your Value System or Constitution. This Change or Re-ordering may be Temporary or more Permanent, depending on whether your Brain Decides that any particular input is Beneficial or Detrimental to your Future Well-Being. In other words, it will Determine how that event will affect your experience of Time During your Lifetime and depending on what your Cultural or Religious Beliefs are, possibly also your Time in the Afterlife. This may cause you to Re-Prioritize your remaining Time and may possibly affect the ranking of the items in your Value System. In other words, it may Reorder your Value System (or Constitution), compelling you to take Appropriate Action. Taking Appropriate Action is Essential for Self Preservation and the Preservation of items in your Value System. That is Effectively what Every Conscious Mind Continually does - Prioritizing and Re-prioritizing your Time Depending on the Value of Your Circumstances.
• Time is the Currency of Life and the way you Spend it is Determined by your Current Value System. That System is Informed by your Cultural History and your Upbringing as well as your Historical and Current Experiences and or in Some Cases the Circumstances' of How and the Way We Entered Into this World - Ultimately, Time Defines Value - and Our Value - Defines our Character.
• The only things in Life that are Free, are your Time to Yourself; and anything Belonging to Someone else that - they give to you of their Own Free Will.
• The object in Life is to Spend your Tim as you See Fit, as long as you Do Not Force others to Invest their Time in you or in your Choices or in the Consequences of your Choices. You need to take Ownership of your Time and to be Accountable for the Choices You Make and the Consequence of those Choices, Including Offering Recourse to those that you have Forced to Invest Time in your Choices or the Consequences or Potential Consequences of your Choices.
• When you are Born all you have is Time. This Time is Given to you for Free by whatever you Choose to Believe. This Time is Useless to anyone but Yourself; it has No Value to Anyone Else but it does have Immeasurable Value to Yourself. It is your Life.
• When you were Conceived by your Parents, they used their Time to Create you. It was their Choice and No one Else’s and they need to take Responsibility for their Choices. Your parents take Responsibility for you until your Culture Deems you Capable of Taking Responsibility for your own Choices; in other words, until you Reach the Age of Consent. Your parents must Initiate the Process of Preparing you for Life On Your Own - Educating you if that is what their Culture Dictates. It is a Responsibility that they took on when they Created you. They are therefore Compelled to Invest Their Time in you Until you Reach an Age that your Culture Deems the Age of Consent - when Responsibility for your Actions is Transferred to .
• Again, During this Process Your Parents Instill Their Culture in you and Teach you to make your Time Valuable to others in your Community - if that is what their Culture Dictates. They start by Teaching you to Walk, to Talk and to Develop your Cognitive Skills. At some point you can start Educating Yourself by Learning more things, if that is what you want to do. It’s your Choice, it’s your Life. It only costs you Time - your Time, no one else’s, and your Time to yourself is Free. This process of Educating another Human Being makes that Human Being’s Time more Valuable to others. Subconsciously, your parents know this and that is why they get upset when you Waste your Time while you are Supposed to be Learning. The only way for you to make your Time more Valuable to others is to Invest More Time in yourself by Acquiring More Skills and Knowledge that will be Useful to Others in your Culture. They will then make use of you and Reward you. Unfortunately there are no Short Cuts. You Cannot Wish an Education on Yourself or your Children. Education takes Time.
• Fundamentally, the only Right that exists is the Right to Decide what you Spend your Time on. A Right Cannot be Created or Extinguished. A Right today is the Same as a Right Yesterday and a Right Tomorrow. Extrapolating this a bit, a Right Today is the Same as a Right Ten Thousand Years Ago or a Right in Ten Thousand Years’ Time…. Again, the Only Right you have is the Right to Decide what you Spend your Time on; anything else is a nice-to-have and needs to be Earned. The Definition of Injustice is when someone forces you to Spend Time on something you don’t want to do. For example, if other people litter and you have to take your Time to Pick up their Litter, then an Injustice has Occurred.
• Time Creates the Structure, and is the Currency of, a Value System or “Constitution”. It Defines Value and its Ownership is Absolute and Sacrosanct. When your Relationship with Time Ceases you have Essentially Passed On, Hopefully to a Happy Place.
• Because of the Nature of this Relationship - its Sanctity and Absoluteness - there is a Logic in there that I call the Logic of Time. It Defines Justice and Injustice. You will be very aware of whether you are Spending Time doing something that you Want to do or whether you are Spending Time doing something that you don’t want to do. This is Common to all Conscious Minds. It’s the Law of Nature. It is why a Viper will Bite you or a Bee Will Sting you. The Viper or the Bee Perceives you as possibly affecting its Time going forward. Any Conscious Mind is always in one of two states it is either doing what it wants to do or it is being forced to do something that it doesn’t want to do - its a Absolute Binary Logic that appears to be Applicable to Defining Justice, so Justice has the Ability to be Achieved using a Binary Logical Process.
• Again, The Object in Life is to Spend your Time as you See Fit. If you want to earn money you need to make your Time Valuable to others and the only way to do this is to Invest Time in Yourself to make your Time more Valuable to others. Others Will See a Benefit in your Time and offer you Money for your Time. If you want more money you will either need to find another person who will be willing to pay you more or you will need to Spend more Time on Yourself, Educating Yourself more, to make your Time more Valuable. You cannot force people to pay more than what they are willing to pay. After all, they have to use their money that they Earned by using their own Time to pay you. The money that you own Constitutes a Historical Record of the Value that others Attributed to your Time. Ownership of your Time is Absolute and Sacrosanct/Sacred, and so is anything that you trade it for. The Original Sin is Dictating the Value of another Person’s Time. It is the same as Slavery, Theft and Extortion. That is why you cannot Expropriate Land from someone who has Paid for that land. They Essentially Paid for it with their Time. Ownership of something is Absolute and Sacrosanct and to take anything Away from its Owner is to Place a Zero Value on that person’s Time. Again, If you want something, then you need to make your Time Valuable to others and Work for the thing that you Want. If you are offered an Alternative Procedure to Acquire the thing that you want by the Rightful Owner, then that is a Choice. But there are No Short Cuts.
• There appears to be a Universal Definition of Injustice - one that is Common to all who Possess Consciousness - based on the notion of Taking Away Someone’s Time. Using this Definition as a Point of Departure one can look at Creating a Constitution that Positions Time Centrally and that Affords Each Individual the Right to Determine the Value of His or Her own Time. Such a Constitution should be Acceptable to Everybody. It's called a Universal Common Law, or the Law of the Universe. In simple terms, it Dictates that you must always have a Choice in Life, for if you always Have a Choice in Life you will only have Yourself, your Parents and or Your Culture to Blame for where you Find Yourself in Life.
• So if an Injustice is Defined as being whenever a person is Forced to Spend Time doing something that He or She does not want to do, such a person should Naturally have Recourse. At present, the Default Recourse Available to anyone is through the Justice System or the Existing Courts and as we all know there are Fundamental Justice Issues with that System, but it’s there and it sort of works. I would suggest that another form of Recourse should be Available. That Recourse I call Universal Common Recourse. It’s Recourse through a Peer of your Choice, this may seem Illogical or Disjointed, but it’s Founded on the Basic Simple Principal of, if you Choose your Peer (Presiding Officer) and He Rules Against you, you must Accept that Ruling and Cannot Claim an Injustice has Occurred, so be Wise in your Choice. So with that Principal in Mind and the Fact that it Appears that the way it is Structured, it seems to be Incorruptible and just - It’s Everything you would want in a Justice System.
• However, So to Sum It Up - unto this Point of Time - I’ll say this - that although Intuitively Know and Understand what Time it is According to the Tick Tock of Your Every-Day Clock. It's because
can Rewind Your Mind on Time in View of Adjustment, but Time after Time
can’t See in Plain Sight - of where Time is Running Out - According to the Signs of the Times that is Imperatively Vital in View of what
Should Do - to Not be Left Behind - During these Discernible End of Times - So, for Heaven’s Sake - It’s Not to Late - Lest
Make Haste for there’s No Time to Waste.
• Time has its own way of Slipping through OUR Hands
of Time, but its still on OUR Side - Lest WE can Decisively Choose to Apply it WISELY! - For there is NO SUCH Thing as Time According to GOD'S Tick Tock of - “NO Clock ” - As Apposed to Your Hands - Again, where There's No Time to Waist - Due to the Shock of Your Clock that just Won't Work within Your Thoughtlessly Mismanaged Every-Day Network that Categorically Can't Tell Time!
• So the Point Being to what all this Essays Time that I Spent and Mentioned so much of - ( 112 Times ) - in Sentences throughout this Essay was all about - Is that - "What the Hell Time is it"? - According to Your Clock? - Answer; Its Time to Wake Up to Real Time - So that you can Watch Out for what's been Going on Wrong - According to GOD'S Devine Space/Time - So the Reality of Real Time - is that - For Now - The Battle between GOOD and Evil will Go On to be Strong through this War between GOD and the Devil -
And for
Stupid People, Even a kindergartners Math of Adding and Subtracting Can Figure that out - by Subtracting the D from the Devil's name Connecting it to Evil and Adding the Vowel of the Letter O to GOD'S Name Connecting to GOOD – So Clearly, the Battle is Between GOOD and Evil in the War between GOD and the Devil - It's as Simple as Knowing Your ABCs - that you
Learn In, From and Out of the Teachers School of kindergarten !
But that War will Soon End and be Done to Forever to be Won - In Line of GOD'S Time ! - You Know, all I've got to say - is that - if you've Fought on the Wrong Side - then
have made one Hell-of-a Mistake - where Time has No Meaning Nor Ending to where you'll be Descending into
Bound - where you'll Forever to be Found - and so, So be it - just as in the Way
have Earned to Deserve it!
Time 1st Began
When we first came into
this World and it will End when
We're Sure to Leave it and so Our Lives are
Dependent on it, but it also Depends on the
Value of how we Spend it through the
the Choices We Make that will
Determine our Fate.
Oh Well, It's
Lastly, there is no Doubt that
if you Didn't Get or Understand this Essay,
then you'll not Understand what “Time ” is Really All About
Especially, after it has been Written within the
Emphasis of or in it's Sentences
112 Times !
Unfortunately, for the most part,
Time has become a Nonfactor to the Reality of Truth into the Society of Humanity.
But, even so, as for me,
I Believe in “GOD” Way Beyond the Confine of Wasted Time.
Designed: Composed and Written by Me,
Donald Lee, Johnson