The Heart to the Matter
The Heart to the Matter is, Going to a Church on Sundays - doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a Movie Theater on Fun-days make you a Movie Star - The Difference between the Two - is that setting
in a Theater
for an Hour or Two is being Entertained by the Substance in the Title of a Movie, and or setting on a Church-pew
for an Hour or Two - In Vain of being Contained by - Listening to a Sermon being Preached to by a Slick Talking, Duplicitous, Low-Life, High-Trash, Low-Class, Jack-Ass of a Double-Dealing, Stealing - False Prophet Impersonating the Authenticity of Truth
- when in Fact - Their True Intention is for Meticulously Deceiving your Heart for to Profit from their Start , but then you Come Back Home Thinking that you've been Saved when in fact you were Bamboozled in a Theater of Theatrics by a Bad Actor just as Described above in the Leading Roll of the False Prophet as a Disgraceful Foe of Jesus.
Look, I’m not talking about the Reality of Good and Decent Ministers that Preach the Truth from their Heart's and Mind's of which - I Have Found that Are very Few and Far - that Aren't Aware of Ignorantly Following the Worship and Dangers of the Money Changers
as To Poetically Do what is Right - in Light of God's Sight .
The fact is, being Saved is a Personal Thing Between You and Jesus Christ and you can do it any time your Heart tells you to in the Comfort of your Home just as “I did” - But, hey, Just Ask and You Shall Receive without being Pressured, but Remember, just being a Good person - won’t get you into Heaven any more than a Bad person does - that’s the Reason Why Jesus Christ Died on the Cross as to Save Us from the Likes of the Devils Tools of False Prophets that Profit
from your Ignorance of Not Discerning the Truth from the Fiction of Their Deceit and the way they do it - is by Pressuring you to be Saved under The Roof of Control of Their Huge Mega Massive Fancy Elaborate Building's as is
that they call the Lord’s Church - keep in Mind that Jesus Taught Outdoors on the Top of a Hill or a Rock
to His people that He was Talking to and We All Know the Story of and about the Money Changers
in the Bible Don't We? - NO! He didn’t try to Impress Us with a BIG and Fancy Building, but to Bless US from His Heart and His One and Only Motive was and Still is to Reach the Sincerity of Ours.
Matthew 715 Wikipedia: - In the King James version of the Bible the text reads: Beware of False Prophets, which come to you in Sheep's of Clothing, but Inwardly they are Ravaging Wolves. - Matthew - - 7:15
Again, to make a long story shorter, all you have to do is to Listen to Your Heart's, Mind's, Believe then Ask and You Shall Receive - a New Beginning that Forgives Your Unwitting Sinning - to the Devil’s Defeat.
Definitively, I Despise those who would Take Advantage
of Unsuspecting Loving Hearts out of Selfish Gain
Designed, Composed and Written by Me,
Don Lee Johnson