Throughout Our History - There have been Wars and Rumors of Wars Fought in Battles were evil often Prevailed, but in the End - as a Rule - it was the Good that Won the Wars - Right now we are in the Battle of our Lives to save our very own Democracy from an Eccentric Evil Despot, (donald trump) with the Absolute Power of his Position to Change the Rules over to his Advantage as Currently being Demonstrated by, the Influential Idiocy of the Wrong Half - It's the Battle between Good and evil In the War with the devil, trump – and evil appears to be Winning with his Absolute Power to be able to Change the Rules over to his side. You can't win a battle without foot Soldier's! - In this case, Demons! Simply because, you are what you follow - and so - you follow what you Are - as Demon's of - Sleasy trump's - Better-known as, satan, the devil. - Satan the devil was Lucifer in Heaven - God's Chosen Angel of Beauty, His Bright and Morning Star - of which went to his head through his pride to be Worshiped as God - Lucifer had to Win over God's Angels to follow him in order to be Worshiped as God by being an Influential Con Artist that he was and Still Is - only More so - The Bible says a third of all the Angels were cast out with him, (Satan the devil) as demons - Don't believe it - well - Read it in the Bible's Book of Genesis - You will find that (donald trump) has all the Characteristics of who was once Lucifer - He Acts, Performs and Thinks just like him - He's got more Pride in himself than he than does for the (United States of America), He loves himself to be worshiped more than Life itself - This is the reason why he worships his base that he doesn't want to lose, Because they do worship him - The following is his own words - (I can go out in the middle of fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose one of my Base), - Because he can See what we can't Perceive of the Right-Half of the Full Spectrum of Truth - that he is in deed - satan the devil - In Disguise of his Scaly Snake Like Skin - The Next time you see a close-up of his face look at it – and ask yourself, can he Actuallybe that Same Snake in the Tree that did - Deceive Adam and Eve? Okay, to Summarize, He thinks that he's the King of Siam, as well as being Tough like a Lion, he loves to be Worshiped - Beyond the Norm of Humanity, and no matter what you think or Say - he is evil in every Conceivable Way - For his Actions Speak Louder than Words - And Last but not Least to Speak of this Beast - He still thinks he's God – the very reason why he got His Recalcitrant Ass Kicked out of Heaven– I mean, how much Stupider can you get? Oh well, we see it every Single time that he Speaks - You can put every Single Letter of the Alphabet into a Word and Attach it to one of his Sentences and it would be a Sentence Full of Deceit and Lies - Every Single Time that he Utters a Word Out from his Lying Tongue - of which Proves - that he Doesn't Know his ABCs. Yet, he's still got his Stupid Asses who Follow him - that will be Headed – Right Straight to Hell's Gate with him - of which leads me to think of – How much Stupider can they get or be?
Even a kindergartens Math of Adding and Subtracting can Quickly figure out what the Problem is with this guy - So, if you take the letter D away from his, the devil's name - it then equate to evil – then you Add the Vowel of the Letter O to God's name - it will then equate to Good - and so - the Battle is between Good and evil - and the War is between God and the devil. - Which side are on? - The Math Doesn't Lie - only - People Do!
The Poultry of Rhyme’s that Fits the Times
But the things that Concern and Fears me the most are the Misguided Mindless Minions of False Prophets in regards to Hypocritical Religions and Politicians with Lying Tongues then call themselves Good Christians, especially with the Politics of Idiots that follow the Nightmare of the trumpy bear Horror Documentary - Oh No! - It’s a Live, trump - I can't Bear it! Look at the Terror Behind the Fenced in Poor Little Girl Face - Who would've ever thought that this could ever happened here in the “ United States of Russia” , But who would've ever thought that we'd ever have an Idiotic evil Despot as a president either? - Thanks to the Lost Souls ↔
↔ of his Misguided Mindless Minions ↔ etc. etc. Who says that the, (Sleazy bear trump) can't Purchase Souls to do his Shameful Work
Please, take Heed in what you Read with an Open Mind to what is you'll Find as Written Here and to this following Link, - To help you Think In Regards to the
of the Evangelical Christians of Mindless Minions
, because it is quite Ironic that he, (donald trump) Believes in their False Preaching that he
is the Chosen One by God, However, they, (The Evangelicals) - are on the Right Track of Thought, but going in the Wrong Direction for Naught, because he is not the Chosen One - he Is in fact, “lucifer, the devil” Like he's got So MANY other SUCKERS Under his Spell of their Souls - the way he is Using the Evangelicals as his Tool to Attract and Con other Fools under his Control - Just as he did with his Mindless Minion Fallen Angels in Heaven - Cast out and down Here on our Planet Earth as demons to do their Havoc on it and Us - So (in Essence of the Fact) to be able to Resume lucifer’s Diabolical Pursuit for his Happiness and then Think about the Reality of my Writings Involving the “Sleaze” (donald trump’s) Corresponding Irrefutable Evil Behavior. and So they have to be Roaming around Somewhere Out there Among us Doing the Devils deeds, But Where - and When do they Strike to Do His Bidding on We, the Unsuspecting - and that includes the Unthinkable Diabolically, Liars, Thiever's, Cheater's, Deceiver's, Scarer's, Fearer's, Hurter's, killer's, Ravisher's, Destroyer's,
, Hiding Taxes, Separating Children from their Parents and Putting them into Cages like Prisoners of War - the (Sleaze trump camp) for Innocent Children →
Notice, 2 babies
one's got a Pacifier and the other a Baby Bottle in Their Poor Little Mouth's - Like Hitler's - Storm Troopers of Nazis, and or trump's Bace of - White Supremacists, Ku Klux Klan'sman and Republicans
this is Proof that Anyone of a Despot Architect such as,
can Orchestrate Cold Blooded hit Squad Malicious without Consciences to carry out such Havoc that only an evil mind can Deceive to Achieve.
There have been Evil Oppressors throughout all of the History of Mankind - Including,“Pontius Pilate was the fifth governor of the Roman Province of Judaea, serving under Emperor Tiberius from 26/27 to 36/37 CE. He is best known today for being the official who Presided over the Trial of Jesus and ordered His Crucifixion. Pilate's importance in modern Christianity is underscored by his prominent place in both the Apostles' and Nicene”, Julius Caesar, Attila the Hun, Napoleon, To the more current despots of, Mao Zedoneg, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Putin and Oh yes, the want-to-be Despot of the (Stupid Sleaze, donald trump).
A Despot is a Ruler who holds Absolute Power, typically one who Exercises it in a Cruel or Oppressive Way. Synonyms: Tyrant, Absolute Ruler, Totalitarian, Authoritarian, Autocrat, Oppressor, Autarchy and or a Monocrat. But before he can do that he's got to Destroy our Countries Constitution - of which he is long on his way of doing so - with the help of his Mindless Minions Demons.
Beware, You know, (The Sleaze, donald trump) is Stoking all of the Unrest in our Country that has to do with the Killings of Black Lives Matter - So that he can Deviously Maneuver his base of - White Supremacists, Nazis, Ku Klux Klansman with the backing of the Traitorous Republicans party. There is Nothing Beyond his devious Mind that he wouldn't use to further his Goals of holding onto to his Power of Control - NOTHING! Just as he and the Republican Party are NOW doing to and or with our Postal Service. - where (The Sleaze) is Trying to Privatize to save Money by Cheating their Employees out of their Benefits - to Benefit the Rich - and who do you think it benefits Most - Come on! - NO! when he Leaves The White House - he Will have Passed into Law Everything that he needed to Enhance his Bottom Line. -
(The United States Postal Service is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government - responsible for the providing Postal Service in the United States) -
Just as they're, (The Sleaze Trump and the Republican Party) are trying to do with our Social Programs - I'm telling you that if Sleazy Trump gets reelected by your vote then you can say Goodbye to your Social Programs, such as Healthcare, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid etc, Because that is what (The Sleaze) is Planning on doing right now while giving the Wealty another Massive Tax Break including his businesses - Notice the Smiles on Their Faces right after Signing the Bill. - Again, I'm sure that you've heard the news lately that he wants to give them another tax cut - by figuring out a Way of making us Pay for it through our Social Programs - After all, that Money has to come from somewhere - So, why not us - right? I think you get the gist of it. - The facts don't Lie - especially with this Guy, (The Sleaze). These guys have no Integrity whatsoever, because they've got a Cold-Blooded Heart - that Feeds off of the Blood of Money - The Vampire Way - During the Day - that would Be - from You and Me.
It won't make that much of a difference to me, because I'm 76 years old, but it sure to hell will with your Family and Friends and or loved ones Particularly with your kids and grandchildren's Lives - And there will be no Excuse when you've Ruined their Lives, because are the reason - By voting for him again - There is no doubt about it that, this Stupid Lying F---er is on the side of himself, Business and his family in Crime - The way his High Ranking (Ku Klux Klansman Bigoted dad) Taught him to be !
(Social programs in the United States are welfare programs designed to ensure that the basic needs of the American population are met. Federal and state welfare programs include cash assistance, healthcare and medical provisions, food assistance, housing subsidies, energy and utilities subsidies, education and childcare assistance, and subsidies and assistance for other basic services. Similar social welfare benefits are sometimes provided by the private sector either through policy mandates or on a voluntary basis. Employer-sponsored health insurance is an example of this).
To Benefit the Rich - This is what - As a Rule - the Republican Party is all about ! - You know, It's too Damn bad that there isn't a Robin Hood to Help to Make Things Right that has Gone Wrong for so long with the Greedy Cheating the Needy - I really can't understand how or Why a Poor or Middle-Class person Could, Would or Should Follow a Political Party that Completely Favors the Rich to Enhance Their Greedy Profit Line at We, the People's Expense - It's way beyond my Comprehension to believe that there are so many (Recalcitrant Stupid People) who doesn't Get or give a Shit by not using their Commonsense to Think - instead Playing Tiddlywink - that can't be Won - for NONE!
The fact is, if the sleaze thought he could get away with it - Like Hitler- he would in fact have all of Mexico peaple Exterminated just like he said he'd like to do with journalists - Donald Trump is a natural at evil tactics, because he is the Original source of it. (Satan, the Devil). Throughout the history of mankind – there has been Evil Despots and Donald Trump, The sleaze, Characterizes a piece of each and everyone of them - And God help us if he gets re-elect - say Goodbye to Our country's Constitution and hello to putin's Russia - the (Hitler Camp) for Innocent Children → , Promising the Unachievable, Betrayer/Traitor to God, Country, OURS? as well as We, the People, Who Occupy it and Everything else in between that has to do with their Diabolical Schemes of Havoc - as Written in the Bible - Again, to take Heed to Read it - in the Book of Genesis etc.. - if he, lucifer was that much of an Con Artist in Heaven - how much more so is he with the Frailty of We, the Unsuspecting Gullible Human Souls - of which he's Deviously after - as his Goal - here on Earth.
Just Use your Own Brain to Think with - Without the Influence - of the Unthinkable. - then you too - will be Able to Use your Own Common Sense - instead of Listening to another's Nonsense - So like the Bible Says - to be Aware of False Prophets & Profits - Especially those who Speak with a Deceitful Forket Tongue as in the (Sleazy trump Dumb) - One of God Parables that He Hates most - is a Lying Tongue - as I Vehemently Despise too - Again as in the likes of The Sleaze, donald trump - Who can't even put Together any Letter of the Alphabet to Form a Word - without Attaching it to a Habitual Lie - that can't be Denied! To put it mildly, in Vulgar Terms - Anything that Spews Out of his Mouth - I take it as a Bunch of Bullshit - just as he is of
NO - I Despise this Guy, Full Heartedly - with Everything Decent and True within me. All I can say is that if he is not the devil, lucifer
Then he is Equally Stupider - No one can Follow evil without Falling into evil Themselves - as the Fallen Angels from Heaven can Attest to - as“The Sleaze” put it - it is what it is - and that's because, he IS - WHO and WHAT he IS - as is the devil - So be it - as Written - in My Writing's, but remember that only the TRUTH Can set you Free - from that Original evil Tree in the Garden of Eden - that Deceived Adam and Eve and so as a Poet would Put It - That is - if you've Understood it - within My Writings - that are Truely True to -
donald trump proclaims himself ‘‘ the Chosen One’’,
After sharing a tweet declaring Him
‘‘The Second Coming and
King of Israel’’
Pay Particularly
close attention to this Article,
because it's quite ironict that he proclaims
himself to be GOD and that's the way he was in Heaven as Lucifer
On Aug. 21, 2019, U.S. President Donald Trump Articulated
a belief that he is, ‘‘The Chosen One,’’
the ‘‘King of Israel,’’
or the
‘‘Second Coming of
No! he is NOT the ‘‘Chosen One’’,
but is the ‘‘Chosen Dumb,’’
I mean really really
with his followers of the Same
In every Imaginable way , this guy, the “Sleazy Trump” Mimics the Devil's Persana to a T - It's in his face, Demeanor and his Behavior - The only thing Adnormal is the lacking of horns of which Would far Improve his, the sleazy looks. I mean who can bear his hair except for Idiocy of his
mindless minions . Otherwise he Personifies lucifer's Idiotic Recalcitrant Failures to be as God IS, WAS and ALWAYS will be Throughout Eternity - Again, lucifer is trump and trump is lucifer - whos only gotten much more Stupider - Since our Birth - to do his Havoc - here on Earth.
Stupid is as Stupid Does: Lucifer with His Mindless Minion’s - Got their Stupid Asses Kicked out of Heaven Fallen to Earth as Satan, the Devil and His Minions as Demons, because of Lucifer’s Pride to be as God - read it. It’s ALL in the Book of Genesis! With this Pertinent information, I can't help to believe that there is an Undeniable Parallel Between this Picture and the Fallen Angels who Followed Lucifer out of Heaven just as Stupid is as Stupid Does. Since You Are What You Follow with a Brain that is Hollow - And there is No Doubt whatsoever that this Guy is Unparalleled to the Ultimate Evil as Found in the Devil - Some say that He’s the Antichrist, However there are more than One Antichrist with Countless Demons, but there is only one Devil with Complete Control over their Actions of Evil and I believe that Donald Trump is He - otherwise, how could He have gotten away with all the Atrocities that He’s Committed Against Humanity, God's 10 Commandments and our Constitutional Amendments that He’s never Read - Supported by His Uncanny Mindless Minions. Again, See Picture above - If you pay Attention to the Facts you’ll see that He thinks that He is the Chosen one, Again, by His Own Words. Now how much Stupider can you get when you see in the picture that says thank you Lord Jesus, president Donald Trump - remember, Lucifer portrayed Himself to be God to His Fallen Demons who are here doing Havoc on us and believe me, they are doing a Good Job at it, especially Nowadays. Oh well, Lucifer’s Arrogance lost in Heaven Just as He is Eventually Going to LOSE Here on Earth!
Look, I don't belong to ANY Influential Political Party, Church or Religion that Determines my own Decisions, but My Body is my Church that Houses my Heart, Mind and Soul - where I am in Sole Control over my Decisions - of what is Right from Wrong and Good from Bad to Evil Thinking.
Throughout the History of our Country – there have been Wars and Rumors of Wars Fought in Battles were evil have Prevailed, but in the End it was the Good that Won those Wars - right now we are in the Absolute Battle between Good and evil in the War with the devil and the devil is Winning, because he has the Absolute Power to.
I'm Faithfully on the side of God and Jesus Christ as One From Thy Kingdom Come
Aganst the Revolution of Evil from lucifer, donald trump, satan and the devil are One of
God's Ultimate Enemy of Truth - just as this Essay is to Logically Provide the Proof !!!
Designed, composed and written by,
Don Lee Johnson