Just be Aware -
ThatAre what
To put it bluntly, Donald Trump to me, is a Nauseating Creep - if there ever was one! Just Listening to Him to His Voice makes me Extremely Nauseated - To where I could throw up Listening to Him too much. That is why I Mute the TV Every Time He comes on - And His Facial Expressions Matchs His Voice Gives me the Creeps Every Time, Yuck!
To put it Politely, Donald Trump has no Integrity What-So-Ever, He's a Mentally Disordered Madman of a Brazen Pathological Liar ,
He is a Disturbed Madman without Morals, Dignity, Honor, Loyalty,
He filed Bankruptcy for at least 5 Times ,
He's Cheated His Employees out of their Pay as well as his Hired Contractors, on top of that - The Biggest Hypocrite (Donald Trump) that this World has EVER known has Knowingly Hired Illegals from Mexico all the while He is Hypocritically Condemning them to be Steeling Amarican Jobs, Rapists, Drug Dealers Actually, All of the things that His Own Character is Capable of!,
He has Openly Bragged to be a Perverted Sex Groping Maniac ,
He's Extremely Reckless, Senseless, Irresponsible, Irrational, Draft Dodging Coward, a Xenophobic/Racist, a Megalomaniac, Narcissist, Autocratic Bully ,
He's Always been a Traitor to Us and our Countries Best Interest while at the Same Time of being a Friend to our Enemy!
To Say the Least, He is a Disgraceful Fool of an Embarrassment to our Country's Image - let alone Acting like a Low Class - Jack Ass - 3rd World Leader of which are much more Intelligent than He ,
To put it Bluntly on an Entitled Manner, He is a Pitiful - "Dumbbell-Stupid-as Hell" Poor Excuse of a Leader" that is Literally in Charge of our Futures Hopes and Dreams to be Successful as an American not Russian!
He's Hated by the Whole World to See and Witness in a very Inept Degree. In Short, He has made the Devil "Jealously Envious" of His Low-Class-Jack-Ass-Low-Life-Dirty-Rotten-Supercilious-Devious-Character - While looking into a Mirror of His Own Devilish Image!
A long list of policies Trump has UNDONE so far,
under-reported but SO important!
He is so Evil that he makes Nixon look like His Apprentice. Every Single Moment that He Remains President puts the whole world in Clear and Present Danger. The only difference between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler is Our System of Checks and Balances as in our Senate, Congress and the Constitution of the "United States of America" of which He is doing a Good job of Destoying - With the help of the Senate and the Support of His Base ?
Look, I know that there will be Lots of who will be Offened with Facing the Truth as it really is, but it can't be Understated enough to say that It doen't matter whether you are Near or Far - whether you are of your own Opinion as a Misguided Minion - No matter where you Go - or what you think you know - Life Isn't like a Bowl of Jelly where you get to Pick Your Favorite Color and enjoy it - Life's Problems isn't about the Color of Our Skin, Flag and or a Tainted Color of a Political-Party - Nor is it about False Profits of a Gazillion of Religions where they Deceitfully use God's Name for Selfish Gain.
No Sir!, Our Problems are all about - Good Bad and Evil in People - where it is much Easier for a Bad Person to Turn Evil than it is for a Good Person to Turn Bad - That being, there is an Open Border between Bad and Evil - whereas there is a Thin Line between Good and Bad called the Conscience.
Now: Thanks to Adam and Eves " Fateful Tree " We've all Inherited a Good and Bad Seed of Deed. Thus, We've all Unconsciously Crossed over that Line Back and Forth, but when We Consciously Cross Over and do Bad Deeds that's when We've been Satanically Had - by Willing-fully giving up our Conscience to where We Purposely Can or Cannot Distinguish what is Right from Wrong or Good from Bad Thinking into Evil Deeds by that Same Tree that Deceived Adam and Eve.
Come-on, you all know the History of that Story of the Devil's Glory - You either Believe it or you Don't. Are you a Gambler? - Well then, You had better Hope the HELL that You're NOT, because Judgment Day is on its Way to have its Say on Who will have to " Pay the Price" for their Roll of the Dice!
All I can say is that,
Anyone who Follows this Guy
is in Deep Deep Trouble with

And as you can See, Your Time is Running Out - just as
it was with Lucifer and His Mindless Minions
who got Thrown out of Heaven

Only The Truth Will Set You Free
Not The Devil
Truly, I can't think of one Good and Decent thing that I could say about this Guy without Telling a Lie, because, He Is the Lie that No One can Deny -
unless your Nose is Longer than a Telephone Wire!
The 5 Fingers of the Devils Bait are of
Money, Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate
as His Tools to Attract Willing Fools.
Designed, Writtin and Conposed by,
Don L . Johnson