Tachyon Theory


Tachyon Theory States that the Tachyon Universe Continually Creates, Sustains and Energizes the Physical Universe. Every Created Thing Owes Its Existence To The Expansion of the Tachyon Field. In this sense, it sounds like a religious description of the Creator, or the Creative Force.


Tachyon Theory is Holistic because it accepts the notion of Two Interdependent Universes which are actually Indivisible: the Visible, Sub-Light Speed Universe and an Invisible, Faster-Than-Light One. Tachyon Theory also Substantiates Omnipresence, a purely Metaphysical Concept. The Creator is Omnipresent (Simultaneously Existing Everywhere). Omnipresent Existence can only occur at Faster-Than-Light Speeds, since Slower-Than-Light Travel takes Time to Cross Space. Therefore, Omnipresence can only be an attribute of a Tachyon Universe where Time and Space Collapse and no longer exist.