Thy kingdom Come - Thy Will Be Done
On Earth - As It Is In Heaven
As this is a Given.
What they Refuse to Believe - They Abuse and Deceive
He ⇒ and the G.O.P. ⇒
Are on the Same Level - who Sold Their Souls - over to the Devil’s Control!
A Preamble of a Gamble that they Ignorantly Lose as they
Choose to be too Late for Heaven’s Gate.
Notice all the happy faces between Donald Trump and his cohorts of the Republican Party as they just screwed you into law. OH! you say that don't believe me, Well, you just wait, along with all the of the Ominous Damage that he has done with the stroke of his pen to Everything and Everyone (Worldwide) that has to do with the Welfare of "We, the people", Country and Planet and NOW! He has signed a Lucrative tax benefit for He, and His Family's best business interests Into law permanently. It sure pays to run your business out of the White House, Especially when you have the backing that is with your parties Best interest too.
How much more can a Low life be that is already Richer than Rich,
yet has the Audacity to steal more from the Poor,
Well, look no More, because here
are the Horrst of
Who Sold Their Souls - over to the Devil's Control
I can say without a Doubt that - He - is Definitely God's #1 Enemy, but
keep in Mind that Lucifer had His Obedient Followers too that
was Kicked out of Heaven with Him - as Demons!
Click Last Link of, Thy kingdom come
Look, there is a reason why a can of (Deluxe Mixed Nuts) says, less than 50% Peanuts on it - hmmmmm I wonder Why? Could it be that Metaphorically the Peanuts are Fed to us as (A Temporary Dollar Plus - Limited to Less than 15) compared to the Deluxe with a (Permanent Million Dollar Plus)? Think of it in this way that Mathematically - 1% should be less than 99% Right?, but it's ass backwards as far as Value goes? In other words, the 1% Equals more than the 99% Altogether as a Whole, but the Mathematics Doesn't Equate with the Answer - Not even Close, but not according to the Horest of Horrors!
Looking at Donald Trump's Face it's the Face of Greed, It's the Face of the Evil - Actually, it's in part the Face of or with the Devil Himself - No one has ever in the history of Humankind have gotten away with the Bad to Evil things that He has Done and He does it as a Moron without Shame to His Name - NO ONE! The Republican Party is also Party to the Same Crime and some Day (Hopefully Soon) will have to Pay the same Fine at the same Time
where They Can't Get Away - There will be no Sneaking into Heaven!
The Republican tax bill is an American Betrayal
By Ezra Klein@ezraklein Dec 18, 2017, 10:10am EST
The only way to defend tax reform is to lie about it by,
Trump says G.O.P. tax bill wouldn’t benefit him, but That’s not True, by,
Welcome to the Trump family swap by,
Eugene Robinson
There is No Excuse for their Abuse of Choosing Wrong over Right in Enlight of God’s Fight against Satan the Devil doing Evil - and there is No Debate where Ignorance and Hate - Forsakes what is Good over Bad - where Evil can be Had - by Following then Allowing - Power and Greed to Succeed - in doing Evil Deeds - while the Devil Leads.
For Heaven’s Sake, make no Mistake, that this Battle is between Good and Evil Wrought on by the Devil, but keep in mind, that many Battles have been Lost by the Soul of the Cost, but you can be Assured that, “this War will be Won” - by Thy kingdom Come - when - Thy Will Be Done - On Earth - As It Is In Heaven - Happens - We aren’t alone - as this is a Given! As God will Win the Ending Sin! →
Designed, Composed in Written by, me,
Don L Johnson