God is Time
And just as “we, the Human's Species” Conjured up Ours
He can End It!
Unfortunately, due to the Disobedient Events of the Garden of Eden, there is No! Not even one of us without Sin, because we were Born that Way. We were Born with a Good and Bad Seed in all of us, however, what our Limitation is to Temptation – Our Soul's are Tested by their Weakness. It is much easier for a Bad Person to Turn Evil, then it is for a Good Person to Turn Bad, Simply, because We were First Conceived to be Good – just as God Intended. To Emphasize, Our Souls are Meant for the Goodness within our Heart – that sets us Apart – from a Stupid-Lame-Brain – Following Evil.
It is so Depressing – where the Good is at the Mercy of an Everpresent and Increasing Amount of Bad to Evil in this Screwed Up World we live in “Today” – and it doesn’t take an Encyclopedia to Reference what’s going on without the use of what a little Common Sense tells us of the “Source” does it?
Look, I know that there are those of you who are Trapped within the Sin of the Devils Den, but all you have to do – is to Get Wise and Take Your Hands Off Your Eyes to Realize – All of His Lies – that Indeed, Suckered You Wrong – for so Long – Just tell Him – to go to Hell!
Make no Mistake, this is not a Myth, where you Plead the Fifth – You either believe or you don’t – there is no room for Error – when your Soul is the Bearer of Bad News where you Choose to Lose and I can assure you that “In the End” it will be (Game Over) with whoever played the Games Rules where there is Hell to Pay on
and there will be only one Winner and it’s not going to be the – Blatant-Deliberate–Idiotic-Sinner - who Follow God's Enemy – as follows,
Revelation 12:9 – And the Great Dragon was cast out, that Old Serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, : he was cast out into the earth, and his Angels (Minions) were cast out with him.,
Keep in mind that God isn’t Measured by our-Time, but a Space-Time Continuum of the Reality of all that there Is, Was and always will be of Events, Places, Moments in History, Actions as described in terms of their Location in Space-Time – So, in this regard, Time is Relatively Irrelevant to the Reality of our Time – where our Future Reflex’s Forward back in Time – God is Time and He can end it – according to the way – we know and created it!
Lastly, for you Evolutionists out there, We didn’t Evolve from a Fish to put on your Dish or a Humpty Dumpty of a Funky Monkey etc. – “We, the Human Species” were Created by God Born with a Soul – to Farm Good from Bad – where Evil has been Had – Furthermore, to reiterate, for Our Soul Purpose, God Doesn't Nor Hasn't – ever worked with Time Limits.
One Minute of Our Time – is Eternity to God
Designed, Composed and Written by,
Don Lee Johnson