Just so you know - a little more about, Me and Myself and I
I’m sure, by now, that you have realized that I’m not your tipical/average person and or writer, because I write within Long sentences withIdeological ParablesofMetaphors,Hyperboles,Idioms, Analogies,Proverb/Adages,Clichés,RhymesandDesigns with theRiddles of Mine, Colors, Irregular Punctuations, and more importantly,Musicand Photo-Pictures thathelp me toDescribeandExcelwith mypurpose of beingUniquely Trueto get myMessage Through- tomy readers-in lieu of an old- into anew way of thinking- from theLighter Way- into theBrighter Day...
Again, Like, “The wheel of fortune”, it’s sort of like putting anew Spinon my Subject– whereI put a link to make you think… and where I cancombine the reasons for my Rhymes…It’s the way my brain works, however →... As a result, I know that I tend to be hard to understand, but, I also know thatyou'll never understand what you can discover-by strictly judging the book by its cover, because,
from within it... But sometimes theTruth Hurtsand, OH Ya!how well I Know - through my own past experiences of it.
Even though I’ve made my fair share of mistakes throughout my life,I’ve Learned from them in a serious way enabling me to keep on theRight Track of Thinkingwithout being Intersected …As a result-from the time I was a little kid I’ve alwaysLearned,Knownand seen things that others couldn’t-as though I was on an autopilot of a safety controlled-trajectory that couldn’t be Derailed.I’m still on that same track of thinking…Hopefully my conductor will unload me at the right Time and Place of my Chosen Destination-into and through...
Interestingly,although I have theAbility to be able to Write what I Write that is Right within the Serenity of my Privacy behind my Desk where I can Pause for a Rest...I would totally disintegrate if I had to Recite what I Write as with the Confidence of a Motivational Speaker/Singer,becauseI have an Inferior Complex Stemming back from My Childhood Memories of expressing myself with Confidenceespecially with"Audiencesin front of Large Groups People" …I've Learned that you have to Know and Work with your Ability Accordingly in order to Achieve Peace and Tranquility Orderly.In other words,toBelieveis toAchieveand toDeceiveis toLeave... Life Goes On to where You Belong- In this Scheme of Things...
But,still,no one has EVER Defeated Me from Succeeding with my Personal Goals…In fact,I have persistently Stood Out as a"One of a Kind" in Exceling"Way Beyond My Goals" and did it Naturally without grandstanding.Ask the Ab-SoluteMutes of my past Associate Colleagues.I’m sure that theywill be enthusiastically waiting for your verification appearance…Nonetheless,aslong as my choo-choo train
rolls on...I will continue to address the things that haswrongfully derailed
from whatsgone wrong-for so long-from here on-and so I say-All aboard,beseeing you at the next Stop
for afurther Train of Thought...whereIntegrity can't be Bought...
All things considered, as a
Reincarnated TrainofThought that's Broughtyou to
"Thatsaid,please Trust me
when I say that I know what I'm talking about,
because,all the way through my Childhood Memories,
it continues to happened to me
right to this very day"
"What Music does to my Ears - is what fills my Eyes - full of Tears"
"I Dream a Dream" by, Susan Boyle,
With the Brains God gave us,
Dreams Do Come True If ...We Want and Will Them To
Experienced,Composed, Written and Designed by
Don L.Johnson