Unfortunately, from the Beauty
comes the Reality of Beast
If you are thinking of me as a Religious Fanatic - all I can say is that You've got it all Wrong - as on the contrary - I oppose and take a dim view on ANY and ALL of Corp. CEO's, Politicians and or Religions, Especially of those Hypocrites who uses the Lord's Name forSelfish-Gain Self-Ordained into Fame as to Divide, Hate and ...
Integrity and or Sincerity most certainly isn't found in a Religion, but in the Heart of a Chosen Decision - Nor does it in a Societal Power of a Cash Flow - Especially of Extravagant buildings appealing to Rash Religious Fans who Foolishly follow the Gluttony of Dirty Rotten, Power-hungry - Greedy Charlatans - Who take advantage and Prey upon the Sincerity of Good Heart's ... The Bible says in → “Matthew 7:15to Link → https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Matthew-7-15/ ”
To elaborate, as a rule, Religions tend to Naïvely or Insincerely worship Theologies in their own Rank, File and Way ... while Hypocrisy tends to worship the Power of Money Come What MayReligions of Convenience Now, think about it, am I not right?
Keep in mind that God doesn't want your Money and or Tital -
Indeed, all He really wants is the Love ofyour Heart!
No Matter Who, What or Where You Are - in Your Life -
If Your Heart - is or isn't - True, Good or Right - God already Knows It!
As for me, God is in my Heart, not in the Hypocrisy of a Charlatans Lavish Lifestyle of Mansions, Automobiles and their Image of Extravagant Church Building ... Keep in mind that → "Jesus" more often than not Taught in Outdoor Settings ...
Jesus went up to Jerusalem and found in the Temples those that Sold Oxen and Sheep, Doves, and the Changers of Money sitting and when He Overthrew the Tables and had made a Scorer each a small Cords to a Lash, then He Angrily Drove them all out of the Temple and He said to them, "It is written, 'My House shall be called a House of Prayer,' but you have made it a 'Den of Thieves.' → Matthew 21:12-17 ...New King James Version ... https://www.bible.com/bible/1/mat.21.12.kjv
Unfortunately, today, the word Hypocrite has become synonymous with Charlottes of Greedy Politicians and Clergyman with the same Ambitions...
It must be noted that Hypocrisy is not the same as taking a stand against Sin. For example, it is not Hypocrisy to Teach against Infidelity - Unless in Reality you Practice what you Teach … Likewise, with the Pretense of being one of the (Humble Shy of the Run of the Mill) to the (Lavish Lie on Top of the Hill) … In this case, these are what the Utmost Definition would be of the Hypocrisy of Democracy with the Consistency of Duplicity - into the life of Charlatans...
For the Wages of Sin isDeath; but the Gift ofGod is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord ... If only Adam and Eve had Understood and or Taken it Seriously?
As children of God, we are called to Strive for Holiness. We are to “Hate what is Evil” and “cling to what is Good”. We should never imply an Acceptance of Sin, especially in our own lives. All we do should be consistent with what We Believe and who we are in Christ. Play-acting is meant for the stage, not for real life...
Essentially, I don't believe in Religions that causes Conflicts of Divisions anymore than I do of their Distortions of Decisions lead to Deceptive Practices of Control - and I’m most certainly not of their Emphatic Antics of Religious Fanatics who Wishes to Teach those who can’t be Taught without their Open Mind of a Willful Thought…
No! I'm just a Guy with a Nightly Eye for Gazing into my Starry Sky - who Wishes to Lead Those of Lost Souls who Wish upon their Star to get to Know Who and Where they Are Among their own view of Starry Sky ... But the Universe is so Vast, Wide and Bright that we often Gaze Past our Star no matter how Far away they Are... But if our Wisdom Holds True - then our Own Wish will Come To - to where Our Star will Find Us and Guide Us into “God's Grand Scheme ofThings”
It is astoundingly
mind-boggling as to realize
that our Universe alone out of a Multiverse
has literally Trillions of Planets (like our own) circling
around multi-billions ofStars (Suns) out there with our own Planet
Earth out of eight circling around of what is uniquely favorable as a Life Force
given our Star that we take for granted, simply,because we can't
comprehend the magnitude of it - Anymore than we can while
reading this without the thought as for its Symbolic
Metaphor of the extreme means from whence we
were made of the = precise T EX - DNA
of our very Way = into Existence
The near fact about Quantum Mechanics
In the beginning, from the Eve of the Atom into Adam and Eve (To be Repeatedly Elaborated on) - we were first created out of Star-Stuff- from the Dust of the Earthto - Puff goes the Magic into our Birth and with that in mind - Keep in mind that God's Time is Timeless - just as He is to His Timing ... So remember this while calculating our Time into years... According to our Time, The Dinosaurs were here approximately 65,000 years ago - long before the Caveman and the Caveman was here long before T EX = (We human species = Human Souls) - and - "Human Souls" - are here to be Harassed by an Evil Jackass - whose only Goal is to Penetrate into our Souls - Solely for the purpose of the Evil of His Control... Just remember that Time is on our side - Until God ends it - So! Use it Wisely,
Any more than having a Choice in coming into this world as to begin,
It then becomes all about the Choices we make in getting through
and out of it to the end …… Our Soul Choice is Strictly Ours.
In the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth
It is estimated that there are more Stars than there are of each and every Single Smidgen of Sand on the Turf here on Earth, but here we are as less than a Smidgen of sand that you could never see beneath a microscope and or to say the least of our Hubble Telescope, yet as a human soul who were given the Responsibility as being the Caretakers, Trustees and or Stewardships since its inception of Taking Care of our Planet → Link ... (Genesis 1:1) http://biblia.com/bible/niv2011/Genesis%201.1%E2%80%932.15 - But what have we Done? We've been Recklessly Dumb as to have Ravaged, Pillaged, Poisoned and Abused our Planet as though it was strictly created for our own Profit and Amusement to its Destruction - due to Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate - of Corruption to this very Date → Link ... We're Destroying the Planet in Ways That Are Even Worse Than Global Warming → Seven Bible verses about taking care of our Earth → Link ... http://www.patheos.com/blogs/christiancrier/2015/06/23/top-7-bible-verses-about-taking-care-of-the-earth/ = as Inherent of the Bad Seed due to Adam and Eve = ... But, Shame Shame = as we're all to Blame ... for there's no Excuse ... for our Reckless Abuse ... on the Eve of Now ... from the Eve of Then...
How many planets are there in our solar system? ... There are Eight Planets in the Solar System: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The four inner Solar System Planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) fall under the category of terrestrial planets, while the outer four (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) are the gas and ice giants…
What is the closest planet to the Sun? ... The order of the Planets from the Sun is ... (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)…
How many solar systems are in our galaxy? ... So far, Astronomers have found more than 500 Solar Systems and are discovering new ones every year. Given how many they have found in our own neighborhood of the Milky Way Galaxy, Scientists estimate that there may be tens of billions of Solar Systems in our Galaxy, perhaps even as many as 100 billion…
How many Stars are there in our solar system? ... For many years Scientists have studied our own Solar System. But until the last few years, we knew of no other Solar Systems. This may seem surprising, as the Sun is one of about 200 billion Stars (or perhaps more) just in the Milky Way Galaxy alone…
How many Solar Systems could be in a galaxy? There are approximately 200 billion (200,000,000,000.) Suns in the Milky Way Galaxy which is only one of about 4000,000,000,000. Galaxies in the known UNIVERSE! It is presently believed that Solar Systems form around many Stars…
My website is Informatively Educational with Collaborating and or Corresponding Links to Verify My View Points ... It tells it like it is with complete Truth and Honesty in mind ... It fights for what is Right over Wrong Thinking and Practices ... It uses Common Sense of Thinking to reach and open People’s Hearts and Minds ... It uses Photo Pictures corresponding with my viewpoints as of the Show and Tell Story to be able to better Visualize them ... It puts God into the picture whenever encountering Evil Topics ... It puts the Complete Wisdom onto the Right Track of Thinking as a Choo-Choo Train to Success and ... It is Humorously Funny at times to make people Laugh while Thinking on brought up Subjects into Consciousness…
Combined with the Reasons for My Rhymes ... It’s like “The Wheel of Fortune”, where I’m able to put a New Spin on every Subject - as a New Link to make you Think…
You may think of me as being an overly serious person and I am, but we have a Quandary of a number of things that has serious implications gone wrong that affects the safety of our lives - let alone our futures youth… Look at the world around us “Today”… Things just aren’t right and getting worse in almost every Inconceivable Undesirable Categorical way that we take for granted as turning a blind eye on it, simply, because we don’t want to disrupt our Comfortable Lifestyles as it is, but, when will be enough is enough with this very Scary Stuff? That said, I’ll just give you just (ONE VERY SCARY) example in detail - as follows,
United Nations Conference on Climate Change Dec 12, 15 ... The conference negotiated the Paris Agreement, a global agreement on the reduction of Climate change, Even so, China is considered to be the biggest producer of emissions in the world, generating as much as 6,018 million tons of greenhouse gases a year. China raises alert level to its Highest as thick smog engulfs Beijing … Link http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/aqirecent3.htmlSee more photos of smog – Link … http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/30/asia/china-pollution-smog-alert/ ... China used to be known for their bicycles... That is, until our government gave to Corporate America’s Greedy CEOs Tax incentives to shift jobs and income overseas ... China is the largest benefactor, with no carbon dioxide regulations… So, all you have to do is "Trace the Money" and then you know who's at Fault over "Global Warming"... It's no wonder that voters are so Disgusted and Fed Up with the corruption born out of our government to the point of drastic measures of the following Clown such as the likes of "The Last Trumpet Call" of the Donald - Again! - Very Scary Stuff
Especially when he's for the Keystone pipeline ... Do you know what's even scarier? He's the best from all the rest of what's offered from either party ... That is, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, because of his fighting stance against corruption, but do you know what? as a rule, voters vote by their favorite color - even though being blinded - by it?
I'm not a Democrat or a Republican, but I have to say that it is the Republicans that disregard all of the warnings of Global warming and in fact, it was their party that voted down the clean air act... This is how powerful the Gluttonous oil Industry are in controlling the Decision-makers of Congress on on their behalf. Folks, I don't have to tell you with these greedy yahoos are doing to our planet on behalf of our children and grandchildren's future! Come-on, it doesn't take a Large Brain to be able to figure out a Small Problem Regarding our Common Sense ... Whether Red or Blue don't be there Fool! Keep in mind, that it was Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate that Destroyed the Roman Empire.
George W. Bush - Eradicated Saddam and Created a Vacuum of Instability - and Barack Obama took over with his inability to do what is morally right with his instability to fight… As a result, Trumps Muslim views of not being out of line: … http://www.rrstar.com/article/20151215/OPINION/151219785 has a lot to be said, and Obama knew it! The thing is, our war mongers went into that area (The Middle East) of the world unprepared for the results by the incompetence of both parties from the Republican and Democratic leaders alike of getting us into that Quagmire of Costly-Mess ... Now look what we’ve got by creating that vacuum ... As ISIS puts it → Armageddon ... Babylon Bible prophecy - Isis secrets revealed ↔ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhLTT85Ite8
https://www.kingja mesbibleonline.or/Matthew-24-36/
I know what the Bible says about the coming of theLord in Matthew 24:36 - “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” King James ... But as the days of Noe [were], so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the ... no [man]. How foolish then to be figuring out the Time of the Lord's coming.
But you really have to wonder what’s going on when you see the Mass Migrations of Migrant Refugees in the millions In the Middle East being run out of their own country, because of Pure Evil better known as ISIS in that part of the world where according to the Bible, the battle of Armageddon is supposed to take place...
For instance, consider this, just here in the United States alone - We’ve been experiencing extended stagnation of unusual Warm Weather Patterns and some in the upper 70s and 80s when it should be freezing Or close to it at this Period of Time ... and all over we’ve been having Mass Flooding going on ... And in Texas alone - there were 5 massive tornados in populated area's and at the same time - in other parts of Texas - there were Heavy Snowstorms going on ... And as a norm, Forest Fires near the California coast and all of these things happening at the same period time - when its supposed to be cold as in Winter Wonderland Weather ... As well as - Coupling that with the depletion and destroying of our Forests by the Wood Industry ... Global Warming due to Carbon Dioxide Imissions ... Polluting our Water by means of Franking ... Destroying our Oceans as in the BP and Exxon Valdez incidents by the Greedy Oil Industry ... All Out Of Control due to Human Recklessness of the Depletion of our Natural Resources ...
I have to say that there have never been the likeness of an ISIS Crisis in the History of Photosynthesis let alone Humankind … Comparatively Speaking, they make Hitler with his Nazis look like Saints ... The Dinosaur Tame ... and the Caveman with Souls of Geniuses … and even Donald Trump looking less Scarier! ... Seriously, I’m just saying that you have to wonder - what's Next - with this Alarming Text - Etc. - Etc. - Etc.?
Again, These guys (ISIS) are not only Pure Evil, but they are of the worst EVER in the Evolution of Life here on Earth into the Hells Pit of Soullessness … These guys are Insane with their Inhumane Unstable LameBrains of atrocities done in the name of their religion as in praising Allah (the Arabic word for their God) for the accomplishment of Evil for which they do and stand for… For these reasons alone ... EVERY Single God fearing nation of Stable Reasoning - should band together and send boots on the ground in every direction and Mercilessly Eradicate this Evil Disease of Cancer in the name of the One and only True “God of the Grand Scheme of Things”
However, Barrack Obama has only one thing on his mind when it comes down to the Middle East and that is his untarnished promise of a bootless legacy of the Middle East … no matter what the Humanity of cost is! Unfortunately, for the Decency of Humanity, Power in the wrong hands - leads to a coward as he stands - in Defending it ... Kowtowing and kissing Iran's Ass will be for which Obama's true Legacy will stand .
In short, George W. Bush began and got us into this Evil mess and in the name (Allah and or our Christian God) Should be our moral duty to end it! This is no longer a war of attritian, but a war between Good and Evil - Its a simple question, which one do we want to prevail?
You might say that I’m 71 years old - So why should I care about all of this stuff ... after all my candle is getting dimmer by the minute and like the lyric to Elton John's song says “I’m just a candle in the wind" So who am I - except for waiting to end … Well, I do care, simply, because it’s not RIGHT for Good People to get the Shaft and have to Hurt and Suffer because of Greedy bad People … and So, I fight back the best I can while I'm still Alive and Kicking - in the way I can get people’s attention as to get them onto the Right Track of Thinking, "Wisely" - through the Trajectory of my Website.
I’m sure, by now, that you have realized that I’m not your tipical/average person and or writer, because I write within Long sentences with Ideological Parables of Metaphors, Hyperboles, Idioms, Analogies, Proverb/Adages, Clichés, Rhymes and Designs with the Riddles of Mine, Colors, Irregular Punctuations, and more importantly, Photo-Pictures thatto help me Describe and Excel in my purpose of being uniquely true to get my message through - to my readers - in lieu of an old - into a new way of thinking - from the lighter way - into the brighter day...
Again, Like, “The wheel of fortune”, it’s sort of like putting a new Spin on my Subject – where I put a link to make you think … and where I can combine the reasons for my Rhymes… It’s the way my brain works, however → ... As a result, I know that I tend to be hard to understand, but, I also know that you'll never understand what you can discover - by strictly judging the book by its cover, because,
from within it... But sometimes the Truth Hurts and, OH Ya! how well I Know - through my own past experiences of it.
Even though I’ve made my fair share of mistakes throughout my life, I’ve learned from them in a serious way enabling me to keep on the right track of thinking without being Intersected … As a result - from the time I was a little kid I’ve always learned, known and seen things that others couldn’t - as though I was on an autopilot of a safety controlled-trajectory that couldn’t be derailed. I’m still on that same track of thinking … Hopefully my conductor will unload me at the right Time and Place of my Chosen Destination - into and through ...
Interestingly, although I have the Ability to be able to Write what I Write that is Right within the Serenity of my Privacy behind my Desk where I can Pause for a Rest ... I would totally disintegrate if I had to Recite what I Write as with the Confidence of a Motivational Speaker/Singer, because I have an Inferior Complex Stemming back from My Childhood Memories of expressing myself with Confidence especially with "Audiences in front of Large Groups People" … I've Learned that you have to Know and Work your Ability Accordingly in order to Achieve Peace and Tranquility Orderly. In other words, to Believe is to Achieve and to Deceive is to Leave ... Life Goes On to where You Belong - In this Scheme of Things...
But, still, no one has EVER Defeated Me from Succeeding with my Personal Goals… In fact, I have persistently Stood Out as a "One of a Kind" in Exceling “Way Beyond My Goals” and did it Naturally without grandstanding. Ask the Ab-Solute Mutes of my past Associate Colleagues. I’m sure that they will be enthusiastically waiting for your verification appearance… Nonetheless, as long as my choo-choo train
rolls on ... I will continue to address the things that has wrongfully derailed
from whats gone wrong - for so long - from here on - and so I say - All aboard, be seeing you at the next Stop
for a further Train of Thought ... where Integrity can't be Bought...
All things considered, as a
Reincarnated Train of Thought that's Brought you to
"That said, please trust me
when I say that I know what I'm talking about,
because, all the way through my childhood memories,
it continues to happened to me
right to this very day"
"I Dream a Dream" by, Susan Boyle ,
Dreams Do Come True If ... You Want and Will Them To
Experienced,Composed, Written and Designed by,
Don L. Johnson