"God's Grand Scheme of Things "
"On the contrary, the more I Studie "God" The more I Believe in Science
for all of my Thought is Brought from my Heart
to my Head for all of my Words to be Said "
Look, it’s as simple as this - as to get to the Gist - just as to be Bought for Your Food for Thought, But, your Appetite - must be Right - In order to Digest what is Taught - As there “Ain’t nobody can Force You to Think as I Do - if Your Heart isn’t Open and Sincerely True - Then Your Mind won't To - How can it be - if your Brain isn't Free - as being Closed - Mindlessly?” - "To Believe or not to Believe - is My Shakespearean Question?"
11, 44
Don Johnson,
"Whether considered
Smart, Wise or Dumb - It doesn't
matter from Whence it Comes From, because
the Truth will Remain the Same from the Given Outcome"
"For Nothing is Concealed that won't be Revealed,
and nothing Hidden that won't be made
known and come to Light" just as
It is within My Website
Luke ............ 8:17
As a prelude to my Biographical Memoir, just so that there won’t be any Misunderstanding and or Misinterpretation in regards to my Ongoing references to God ... It is important for you know that I am also referring to the Lord Jesus Christ - Also known as the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit - at the same time “as one entity” In “ God's Grand Scheme of Things ”
Also, as to set the record straight, I’m sure that some of you may sooner or later come to the conclusion that I may be somewhat of what you would call or think of as a Religious Freak or Fanatic or WHATEVER! due to my Ongoing references to God ... If so - again, it is important for you to know that "Personally" I owe God So So So much more than I could ever repay Him in just Words alone! ...
All I can say is that from the day My Heart and Soul came into this Unplaned World of mine - I became the Outsider Envious of the Insiders Families of belonging - where I've felt like I've been a Mistake of an Event that really wasn't Meant for a Birth here on Earth - Nontheless, where I still remain an Outsider, I couldn't have Survived - let alone Thrived (in it) without a Guardian Angel looking out after me with Guidance, Support and keeping me Safe, Healthy and Wise - Lest I Fail - just as I continue to Prevail up till now → 2016 in it... Miracles!!! ...
Well, Hells Bells! ... Forget about me!!!
I can tell you about "Grandiose Miracles" as of the following
No matter Who,
What, or Where you are,
I know that an Angel was Born to be
Everyone’s Angel Capturing the Hearts of Love
First and foremost, If You can Love and feel it
Your (Heart) will be Compelled to Play, Compose and or Sing it
And that is what Jackie does from Her Heart into Mine
Anything else (Wealth) is the Lesser of the Kind.
I am but a Soul in the Night that has Dreams of Flight
Like a Bird in the Wind - well - I too can Fly
And “Ride the Wind of my Freedom”
I to Know and Feel the Music
in the Air that Ties our Hearts together into
One Common Denominator of Heartfelt Beautiful
"What Music does to my Ears - is what fills my Eyes - full of Tears"
Age to Age - Really Doesn't Matter
When our Musicle Songs are young and Together - like two Birds of a Feather
from the Same Page No Matter what Age
To elaborate, consider the Inspirational Beauty that Emanates from "Jackie Evancho's Heavenly Voice" with Her Angelical Heart of Character to match ... Consider and Listen to the Duet with Her Brother, "Jacob"
of the Song of → (I See the Light) → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ6BGI9iGmQ As to Enlighten you on the Sincerity, Integrity and the Love of their Musically Talented Family Traits ... To me, Jackie is Nothing Less or Short of a Inspirational Musicle Genius in action sent from God above to touch the Hearts of Love and Joy into total Peace and Tranquility ... as does with the Music, Lyrics and the Meaning of Jackies uncle "Matthew Evancho's"
Beautiful Song, "To Believe" has touched Gods Heart - as will - forever Mine..."
Songs of Music
is the one and only
thing that I can think of
that Humanity has in common for
the Stability of the Good of our Character
and I'm sure that ... that part of us - is
the part that God Loves about
us the most, simply, because
Music touches the Heart
like Jackie's does
If only ALL of the "Souls" of
"Humanity" would have the Compassion"
"To Believe"
------------ see Matthew and Parents in video ------------
Written and Composed by and from "Matthew Evancho's Heart"
Thank You "Lord" for Your Love, Blessings and Miracles
"I Dream a Dream " by , Susan Boyle ,
With Mind over Matter into the Heart of the Latter ,
Dreams Do Come True ...If ...We Want and Will Them To
Experienced -Composed - Written and Designed by ,
Don L..Johnson