"The Souls of We, The Human Beings
are of The, Fallen Angels who fought alongside Lucifer"
Who doesn’t know the story of Lucifer and his fallen angels?
Everyone knows this profound pre-world history. The arrogant and selfish angel Lucifer recruited other angels in heaven to fight against God. He wanted to take the Lord’s place and rule the Heavens in his own selfish style. But Prince Michael and His army defeated these rebel angels. And they were all sentenced to death for their treason.
But God, with His infinite mercy, Love and Wisdom, decided not to execute them immediately. He gave them a stay; an extended stay on the prison planet Earth. It was created for them so that they could be taught to be Good again. All angels/souls submitted to becoming Adams and Eves, Human-animal bodies to prove they could be Good and Earn their right to enter Heaven again as God's beings/Angels. All of them agreed, except Lucifer.
Now, all Humans (fallen angels) are walking in the shadow of the death-sentence until Judgment Day, where each Soul will be judged on individual merits. Those who want to become Good again, by being obedient to the Laws of God, will earn their Pardon. Those wicked beings who mislead others; and who still side with Lucifer’s views will be first into the hell-fire after him. Lucifer still has his super human powers and can tempt, test and even reward humans with worldly treasures
and power. Remember, he offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world
if He would bow down to him. But Jesus, God’s Son, knew the Law and was the living Word of it. His mission was to demonstrate by example The Way a human-being must be (act, speak and believe) to go Home. He proved a Soul/Being inside a Human could be Good. And when He left, He left the Holy Spirit to guide Human-beings. This means each Soul had direct communication with Father which art in Heaven.
The Old Testament isn’t null and void through Jesus’ Crucifixion. He said to keep the Law, which is found in the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. Some things did change. For example, animal sacrifice turned into “self” sacrifice. He said that unless Human-beings chose be Born Again as their spirits, they could not enter Heaven again. Using the Holy Spirit, direct communication with Father, they could learn to crucify (control) their “selves”, through their spirits’ desire to be Good again.
A Soul needs to put His Spirit in Control of the cross he bears - His Human-animal body. If He extends His arms to the side, He can easily see the Cross He bears, the one He is trapped inside.
Unfortunately, most everyone wants to be an animal. They want to over indulge - eat more than their share; have more than their share; and hoard to themselves, instead of sharing with goodness. Each Human-being must crucify “self” and his “self-righteousness”. Self- righteousness is just Satanic Arrogance.
Human-beings must be keen to be Humble, Faithful and Loyal to God only. It’s their only way out of here. This prison planet is a finite world. Guardian Angels are around. They help guide Human-beings, but they also record every thought, word and action.
The BIBLE stands for Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. Some believe it’s fallible, just a book written by man and is full of mistakes and alterations. They choose to believe this lie, because it’s in the best interest of their Human. Satan’s biggest lie has been that people “are only Human, after all.” This belief allows Humans to do their will, not God’s Will.
Yes, the Evil Humans did alter the Bible to some degree. For instance, members of the Synagogue of Satan removed the Book of Enoch and Gospel of Thomas, because they revealed too much Truth and Insight into Human existence and the Purpose of Life. How could they control Humans if they knew the Truth? They certainly didn’t like losing control when Jesus preached the Truth. But the Truth is that the Bible is the Word and the Messages about being obedient, and not rebelling, are repeated over and over within its pages.
With what Human beings should know by now, those in the Synagogue of Satan should be shaking in their shoes. Instead they are laughing, because they have Deceived Everyone. They see everyone as an animal, but basically that’s what people choose to be.
The big question is why are Human Beings listening to their fellow prisoners and following their un-Godly laws, bad advice, and insanity?
Fallen angels have been given 6,000 years to learn to be Good by their own free choice, through a course of hundreds of Lifetimes. With the world in the state it’s in and the Synagogue of Satan in absolute control, do they need any more time?
As a Train of Thought, Think of it this way. The body is a vehicle; either God’s inner voice or Satan’s inner voice is Driving it. You have to choose who is Captain Or Engineer and discern if you are being guided by God or Satan, Good - - or Evil ... I know that it can be Dog-gone confusing at times, but try to Practice how to Know the Difference - Will ya?
Note: the Synagogue of Satan knows what works to control the masses: Fear. Turn fear into faith, return to the Law of God, and He will fight the battle.
The Heart of my Youth Will alway
be within the Wisdom of Truth
Don L. Johnson