Andrea Bocelli

and the Morman Tabernacle Choir

The Lords Prayer












 - But the Key to Thy KingdomCome,





Your Way



--- Beyond --- Thy Will  Be  Done,---

- But, For Pete's Sake - The Ultimate Mistake -

-- is toChoose to Late how to Enter Into --

-- and  Through  Heavens  Gate --

- Whereas in Hell there -

- Can or will be no -

---Escape ---






-Look, there is nobody that can deny that there isEvil -

-So why would you deny that there is the  Devil ? -

- and if there is the --- Devil ---Well then, -

- shouldn't  you  know  that  there  is  the, -


-Come-on, it’s just as simple as this -  from the Gist of this List, -

There is Good too Bad -------------- and Bad too Good -

But, beyond the Bad - you’ve been Had by the Devil - to do his Evil!- 

Look, I don’t Sugarcoat Sugar where people can say how Sweet it is -

when Foul equals Bad Taste ---- turned into the Devils Waste!-

Like it or not, that’s what you’ve got when the Rhyme fits theCrime!-


Which one hurts the most   The cheese or the trap?






-Composed,Written and Designed by,-

- Don L . Johnson -