The Mirror of my Thought
Technically speaking, our bodies are nothing more
than a Reflection of “Atom Molecules”
formed from the Divinity of
God’s Star Stuff. On the
Eve of the Atom into Adam and Eve
The form of God's Image was Born ...... WeWere
Born as a Male .......We were Born as a female .......We were
.......... Born with a Heart .........We were Born with a Brain .........
We Were Born with a Soul ......... to get to Know as it Grows
But ..... More importantly, ..... Remember this, that .....
God Created We in His Own Image just As
in His Own Image He Created We As
to be the landlord in control over the
Love of our (Souls) of what
we get to Relflect from
within the Mirror
of our respect
Composed, Written and Designed by,
Don L. Johnson
it is amazing to me ..... of how some people can see ..... their image in
a Mirror that’s Fraught ... when Reflecting their Thought,
Yet not see from the good that they Ought.
"To me, as to the
mirror of my thought,
There is a rhyme for every
word and word for every rhyme
that you can find on your own with the
right vision of wrought into its fruition of thought"
"If you have the reaction/effect of devotion/loyalty
for the emotion/feeling for affection/love
then your reflection/thought
will always be a good feel to be real,
but, on the other hand, if your Gestation/development of a
perception/assessment is from the connection/influence of a deception/dishonesty,
then the reaction/response will always be a reflection/thought
of a rejection/removal as a bad deal to feel".
Remember this when wrought
between your deep thought
Composed, Written and Designed by,
Don L. Johnson
Perhaps a relaxed Mirror that's Fraught ... will be able to Refresh my Hardrive of Thought ... In other words, it's better to Openly Progress rather then to Ambiguously Regress from the Comfort of my Mirror in Respect to Reflect a Positive View of My Image from Thought...
Mathematically, at times, as a Metaphoric Analogy, you might say that at times I dwell too much on the obstructions as opose to answering the Equations Mirrored as a Aftermath of Flunking my Math ... = T EX = M, #1 at, aa MA, #2y mst at I D tm otO ao tA tE = #3M aa A o FmM ...
I might appear to be dumb at times, → ← but I can assure you that I never read upside down - and that my Heart is Wise way beyond my years of experience that Defies Lies - But no-one throughout my history - has ever been able to solve the mystery of figuring me out, not even with the mind of an Albert Einstein - Again, as he put it, education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one has learned in school... Well, that is an understatement with me - seeing that I've never learned anything in school in the first place - It's a textbook example of why I am too complicated for the average person to understand, especially as I grow older at the age of 71
where as my life maybe pretty much done! But the following link is from the time I was young, The Background of My Downtown Playground ...
"God forbid" - that I should ever succumb to alzheimer disease in my aging process into the future and become completly cut off from my world of reality - like I've witnessed in others of my age category and younger ... ...
Seriously, I might as well give you the full lowdown of not wanting to be around people and that is that - as I've grown older - I've developed a tremor of shaking in my hands and it is embarrassing to think of people feeling empathy for me when eating together at the same table... Even if I'm sitting down in a restaurant - I'm always looking around to make sure that nobody is looking my way before I eat... I self-consciously fall apart and distruct with my shaking even more so, because I'm thinking of my tremor more so than I am with the grub, Bub...
In my case, the prehistoric caveman had better etiquette in their time of life when using their hands instead of with the impression of a white Tablecloth, tucked hanky, Rose, shiny new China and Silverware at hand. You might say that their table manners were more of a fair shake for them than me ... As you can see - despite of my plight - I still have a sense of humor about it, but it still doesn't put a blindfold over the eyes of the beholder looking in my direction that is subconsciously not humorous to me... It just is what it is - which keeps me in a Tizz...
I realize as I've grown older, that I've become more and more of an unsociable withdrawn old fart, but I can be sociable, but my experience with trust in people hasn't been a good one - But my faith in God and or Jesus has never been stronger either - as I grow older - as it is today ... as you can surmise by the feelings within all of my writings.
From the form of the day I was born ... I can't hide the fact that they stuck by me unconditionally through thick and thin for who I am Biographical Memoir and that is why I cannot deny the truth as I write it ... After all, God stuck by me whereas people haven't. Without Respect I am nobody ... and without God I am nothing PERIOD! ... But, this I do know, without compromise - that people will have to accept me for who I am - not for whom I'm not - or can't be - for people to see.
Again, I don't try to push my faith on anyone, but I don't hide it either ... just as I don't with anything or anyone else important that I'm excited over in my life ... You will find that there is no contact information on my website whatsoever, as my website is what it is for what you can get out of it without any further influence by me personally ... The choice is yours ... And the story is mine to define ... Everything that I write comes directly from my heart - as much - and nowhere else - as I am loner - without any other affiliation - as such.
Oh, and one more thing, you can't fit a large square into and or through a small round hole unless the whole is much larger than the square, in other words, I'm not a socializer - so I don't socially fit into a crowd, because I am a bad actor ... I can't smile unless there is something to sincerely smile about ... To elaborate, I just don't have that much to say to people, which makes me a lousy conversationalist. I am very bad at smalltalk in social situations ... unless it is with people that I feel comfortable around.
OK, to whom this may concern, with the exclusion of the Romans and the inclusion of Family, by William Shakespeare as taken from Act III, scene II. of “Friends, Family and Countrymen, lend me your ears” Well, how about yours? As for me, I don’t care about Rome's glory ... But to share my Home story of My Life Bestowed where I was born like a football that nobody wanted to receive, The Background of My Downtown Playground but to be deceived and passed about into a harmful route of receptions to partake from a Cruel and Ignorant-Careless-Mistake "where the good is oft interred with their bones" caught in my "Mirror of Thought" yet, notwithstanding - despite my struggle, I prematurely grew up into an adult at the age of 15 with just a 9th grade education into a self-made successful man who with the right attitude and choices "#1... with my Wife Judy" worked his ass off with the Heart of determination to be the best of the best at whatever I managed to overcome and had "indeed done". And I might add that it was done among the so called educated... However, when encountered, they got the real Education from me.
That said, as to set the records straight, I had the strategic advantage of an Alexander the Great and with the Heart, Fun and Determination of a Michael Jordan of bringing it Home from the feelings set in my Bones ... Don L. Johnson (Integrity Thinking) as of the Google of July, 11, 2015 1,335,000 hits with 528,000 actual active repeat readers Links → Achievement, Media, Music and Songs, Garden of Love, Biographical Memoir.
Sales Associates: I always knew that I wasn't liked by my peers because I really made them look bad on scoreboards of sales contests and or ledger of the profit line, however I also knew that deep inside that they respected me for it and for who I was and still am as a man of actions through Integrity Thinking. I actually composed and wrote how and why I did it through the following essays of approach as to follow let alone act upon from the Links of the following ... Links → Acronym P.H.O.N.E.→ The Farmer In The Sell and The Seven Steps towards Achievement
As a result I was approached by upper management to try to supervise and motivate my peers, but the harsh reality is that - how can you when they either didn't want, understand or think the way I did and still do. I mean, Come-on, as a metaphoric analogy, how can you teach a cat how to bark or a dog how to meow if it isn't in them?... It is what it is! So you see, it's just not probable, but totally impossible ... Believe me, when I say that I know what I'm talking about, because I tried that supervisory game many a day and it was a sad shame to play! Moreover, Aptitude "Attitude" is the Latitude of Gain to get to the top of your Game, You simply have to think the same in order to play the game right ... to get to that height.
But for those of near - who persevere to see their ego image in their mirror … why then can’t you see the mirror of your image in light of transparency without a reflection of haughty attitudes ... What one would call "quote unquote" a ... So-called, "classroom education" is an overkill of wasted time and information ... Einstein said it right when he said that "an education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he's learned in school"...
What He meant was being able to concentrate and develope ones talent Quickly, Wholly and Solely without Wasted Time and Money getting from ... point A ... then for a large fee ... to get to point Z ... for the $-haul of the letters for their made-up law ... While they play golf at our expense of a ripoff.
Anyway, "as a school of thought", anymore than it does to me - a Harvard degree doesn't mean shit to God. Again, as Albert Einstein put it, “an education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one has learned in school” Except for the exception to the rule that may include you ... But sometimes it enhances one's "egotistical, yet recalcitrant Character of Mind" that just doesn't get it when being mirrored of themselves ... ex. Trump that and those alike - Without "Integrity" you're nothing more than Shameful Chumps! But you know what, I would vote for Trump over all the other Established-hypocritical-egotistical - corporate Lumps.
In the year of 1885 - Albert Einstein started learning to play the violin, but what does that have to do with his accomplished theory of relatively? ... And NO NO NO! Albert Einstein was not involved with the ludicrous string theory - NO Sir, His equation of E = mc2 (Energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light - 186,000,288 miles per second) got it right! But more importantly - besides being a Genius ... ... Albert Einstein was also a Wise man of Integrity Thinking with Common Sense, Humble and a Decent Person of Good Character who stuck by and up for His Principles as they truly were regardless of what people thought of him ... and with that alone ... "I can say within a couple of seconds" that He has my Everlasting Respect.
Without being Misconstrued over the Devils Dues
Believing in God and or Jesus Chist as I do, I know that I’ve already been forgiven for the sins that I don’t forgive myself for - in light of my past … With the exception of Evil, judge not that you may be judged yourself … while kissing the innocence of your Mirror ... As human beings with mortal souls ... Whether miniscule or colossal everyone of us without exception has their own Unique-Weak-Imperfections of the images in their life to have to struggle and overcome ... And that includes ! Which means that we are all weak so to speak ... as with me → Ain't No halo Hanging over my head, but hopefully there will be after I'm dead - How about you?
Composed, Written and Designed by,
Don L. Johnson