The Spoils of War of Gas and Oil


The Gas and Oil Industry has and still are literally doing more Harm to our Planet than any and all the wars put together throughout history, including the nuclear bombs of Japan's Nagasaki and Hiroshima in World War II.


In succession, as anUndeclaredWar that was Naught for Bought with the Gas and Oil Industries main motive of where Greed begets Power … As opposed to the Declared Wars that was Sought then Fought where Power begets Greed with Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin, etc. ... Both started out with Power or Greed, but ends up with the same results … of and from Evil.


Again, the only difference are their motives of where and how they first began and end … only one is never ending … That being the Heartless Greedy Oil and Gas Industry’s continued … Hell-bent Domination for profit … of Abomination and Desolation, Destruction and Pillaging of our Planets Natural Resources, as they were …, Thus automatically giving them the Power to do as they will of anything in their way, including owning the Integrity of Congress and the Supreme Court JusticesMoney is Power and Power is Money that Begets Greed and Ends with Evil.


With that said, you've got to ask yourself ...Why the hell is NASA and Space Agencies ... with billions of dollars ... so hell-bent for man to land on Mars ...When it is uninhabitable? That being, No Food and NoWater and NoWay to get it? Except for drinking their own Pee and maybe Cannibalizing themselves ... Like what was done to and or on our Planet Earth ... Come on, I mean, it's not like they can call for carryout pizza.



Composed, Written and Designed by,

Don L. Johnson