"The Norm of the Republican Platform"
You know, I have to say that anybody who follows the Republican stance of way of thinking … Then they should really feel embarrassed … from being so foolishly naïve … That is unless they are already part of the 1% rich of which are of the 99% Republicans … Please pay particular attention to the photos) as they may convey to what I say as to reaching to your mind of commonsense ... I know what I am talking about, because I was once a Closed-Minded-Mindless-Minion to their misleading distored lying opinions myself ... until I began to realize that OUR future couldn’t afford it!
Here is just one urgent and imperative example, the oil industry will literally destroy our planet to maintain their same profit line at the expense of a very increasingly global warming greenhouse gas … Multi billionaires like the Koch brothers Of which much of the Koch's (David and Charles) comes from their operations: ... And if you have been paying particular attention to the Republican side of Congress ... You will find that it is they who primarily back them ... Along with their media of (fox-N-pox-of-obnoxious-mercockydoch-lying-jocks) who promote, support and distort the facts of and or to the truth … Hummm, I wonder Why? ...
Keep in mind that Rupert Murdoch is the owner of fox and a 83 your old multi billionaire ... as are the ruthless greedy Koch brother's! ... And Just like they deny the proof that Global Warming exits Link here to my view → Important facts about climate change and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_opinion_on_climate_change ...
The fact to the matter is that - do you really think that by listening to Fox news that you are getting the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth by their distorted views? Come on people, you can’t be that stupid! or are you? The truth is in the following, ... that are of the FACTS,... as are all the links - that they deny!
- Koch Pipeline Company LP:; owns and operates 4,000 miles of pipeline used to transport oil, natural gas liquids and chemicals
- Flint Hill Resources LP, that operates oil refineries in six states.
- Koch Fertilizer, LLC, owns or has interests in fertilizer plants the United States, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago and Italy.
- Matador Ranch in Texas
- Oil Speculation: Ranked among top 10 global commodities traders.
- Oil Sands: Kochs' Flint Hills Resources Canada LP already imports & refines 25% of Canada's oil sands and operates a crude oil terminal in Canada. Kochs
- stand to profit from increased tar sands flow.
Again, It's incredible that these guys and the like ... are nothing more than gluttonous greedy people who's sole purpose is for profit and they care less about anything else including ... what and who they hurt to gain then maintain their greedy profit line ... including our planet ... and every single living thing on it ... You would think that as you grow older ... you would get wiser and realize that ... that profit line will be left behind with their Integrity forever tarnished especially when entering → Link here → “The spoils of oil” as are the rest of the greedy spoil of oil destroyers → Exxon-Mobil, Conoco, Shell Oil and BP America ← of our planet. Keep in mind that they pretty much own and control our political leaders of Congress that are dependent on them for CASH! So when you follow red or blue … it’s the color of green that owns you, but in the end ... there are two doors of thought and one of them can't be bought.
The battle of my website is between the souls of the good, bad, evil and the victims ... and it is for the victims that my website was written for ... and hopefully, through the logic of commonsense be able to reach then teach what matters most ... into the right direction to God's open door too and through Heavens gate and to avoid the open door into hell
... where there is no excape ... Money buys Integrity ... unless Integrity denies money ... It all depends on character, but - the bible says that ... It is easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle ... than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God ... Link here → http://biblehub.com/mark/10-25.htm ... If I didn't read it - I would still believe it.
When I refer to a mindless minion … I’m referring to the middle class person who is blind to a party-line that doesn’t have any moral compassion in robbing them blind, because they were so kind to our political cheaters
Tipically, by having a great shot at getting elected by being aggressively great at raising funds from the wealthy … making us legislatively poorer … that is … in between just one of their long 5 or 6 week paid vacations they take every year that → "we, the people" have to pay for.
Here’s the typical norm that I’m talk about, this guy → as he embarks on a new career with Wall Street. When news broke that former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor landed a job at boutique investment bank Moelis & Co. and would be compensated to the tune of $3.4 million … While enjoying his lucrative retirement package that “we, the people” could only wish for. Doesn’t this outrage you … Well, it sure does me?
But hey, there are 1 to 2% that you’ll find of their kind … as opposed to the 98 to 99% combined to our kind … that means how the hell do they continue to stay in office in representing our interest ... transffered to the rich? ... Can you possably answer that question for me if it's not for the following photo illustration metaphors → .
What they do best is to add golden eggs to their nest? Come on, what do you expect, a golden egg
promised you of your own as to be coxed to condone the way they do of robing you
I for the life of me DO NOT GET IT! … Especially when it is so obvious … of EVERYTHING that the Republi-shams do is geared for the rich, because the rich have the money … that they ultimately get from you! Which brings me to this QUESTION of WHY do “you, of the middle class” so adamantly stick by a party line that's desighned to continually stick it to YOU … I mean BIG time … It is by far the 1% who enjoys the highest profit ever (thanks to GWB) Who’s Can pay for their fair share of supporting our government solvency instead of shamelessly taking advantage of it and our country for their profit line.
NO! these people are only American ... by name only ... and shouldn't be allowed into this country to do business ... unless outsoursing their manufacturing back to where products say "made in the USA" and transferring their money back into American banks.
There was a time when red and blue worked together on the same view for “we, the people’s” best interest and with Integrity they acted upon it. No more, as those days are long gone when their Integrity went wrong ...
as to grow with the CEO of today talk’s
They call us lazy, because they gave the CEO’s of America’s tax breaks and incentives to transfer American jobs to other countries. Now when we see or hear the saying of “Made in the USA” it’s like an American miracle. If you think that these greedy rotten bastards are looking out for your best interest … Well you are not only hurting yourself, but what our country stood for before the (red white and blue of corporate America) took over our Constitutions promis of "pursuit of Happiness" … This doesn’t have anything to do with certain people who ARE lazy and illegal aliens taking advantage of our entitlements. Why should the rich enjoy the highest profits EVER in American while “we, the middle class” get the short end of the stick by paying for it!
Now, I’m not referring to you when I say that “The Republican Party of political leaders” have no “Integrity” definition: honesty, principles, godliness, ethics, virtue, decency, honor, morality, goodness, scrupulousness, authenticity, truthfulness, reliability, uprightness, shame, dignity and humanity – whatsoever to their character … They stick together like crazy glue in everything they do of which is against you, their fool ... "Your pursuit of happiness" is in their pockets. No sir, it isn’t the, “what rattles my chain and sticks to my crawl” that bothers me most … in as much as it is to the lying thieves blaming their victims for what they do on a scale that only the rich can comprehend!
NO! It isn’t the meager of the not … in as much as it is … to the reaper of the crop … that’s got a lot … that inherits the Constitution of the USA.
“We, the People” of the "United States of America" in order to form a more
perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defense, promote the general
Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and
establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.
SECTION 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested
In a Congress of the United States, which shall consist
Of a Senate and House of Representatives.
As you can see of the powers to be of today’s Congress is legislatively vested in themselves,
For themselves and the secure of the Blessings of Liberty to themselves
Through the tranquility of the pros of the CEO’s
That is meant to please the thieves.
The Heart of the matter was by the later,
Composed, Written and Designed
By, Don L. Johnson
As singed.