

Before I Get Started,

I'd like to Think of this Song

as being mine during my Childhood into

My Adulthood Days, because it would be Exactly

the way of my Heart would be Singing it.

“Let There Be Peace on Earth”



ALL that You'll Need to Read  

 For   a    Seed   for  Thought

Where Wisdom is



Poetically, Educationally and Emotionally: As Being Wide Awake as of this Time and Date – I Will Humbly Confess to  that I Am Nothing More Than a Lowly Ninth Grade Dropout That's Without What School Was All About – So, that Is Why I have to Confess More or Less  In Order to Explain Why my Writings are Quite Different From Your Norm Whatever That Be? – Look, I Don't Have the Kind of Mind, as Einstein's Genius – Whereas You'll Have To Pick Your Brain and Not Be Lame – To What He Writes Like  of  and – What About the Bible's Genius of the  . – Come OnThey Are More Arduous to Read then Mine During Their Ardent Time – Whereas Will Find – That We Are All Of Our Own Signs of Our Times – Whereas, Mine Rhymes – To Figure Out – What I'm All About. 


 Know, Albert Einstein Has Some Famous Quotes Of His That Says That An,and Another that Says That An,  Well, HE Sure – Pegged Me Right – Enlight Of Being – Out Of My Mine – And Out Of Sight – To My Delight – To How And What I Write!



Oh Well,  For the  Most Part  –  At least I've  Learned  How  To  Spell  With  the  Help  and Tutoring of My Guardian Angel "Of Course", But Again, The Fact Is, Is That I Know That I'm Not Much of a  Educated Writer As Such, but What I Do Write – You'll Be Able to Take To the Bank and Cash It – and Pay for the Most Important Valuable Educated Lessons that You'll Ever Need to Read of which Happens To Be From Me – That Is, If Can Humble Yourself Enough to Pay Attention and Learn to Discern From the Wisdom of Truth of What I've Written – As I Continue to Write What I Write – Both Day and by Night – As To Clear My Mind – As It Comes To Me – At All Hours of My Time. –


Look, I'll just put it to  Straight – that I am down on people, because people have been down on me – Throughout my Life's History – And I'm talking about – From the Time I Entered Into this Godforsaken World of Mine – that Hasn't Been so Kind – with my Relationship with People, especially with the Nonexistence of Family Life – Oh Well – it's Way Too Late – to Equate with the Phrase of Time Will Tell, but I'm Telling  about all of this, because in Reality, I Hate Writing, but I'm being Compelled to do it for some of  to View – to Whoever and or Whereever  Are – Near or Far, because It's What GOD Wants Me To Do For . – NO, HE Waited Until I Retired before HE Sprung All of This On Me, the Dummy. – I'll Get More In Detail as I Continue on with my Dedicated Writings. – Again, As It Comes To Me. 


I Know  that  some of  My Essays Sentences  –  May Tend To Be A Little Longer then My Intent When Reiterating the Same Thing Already Written Elsewhere – And Some of May Even Say to be Quite Repetitive. – Answer, So  May Have To Take a Sedative – Then Set Back, Relax and Drink Your Beer While  Endure the Fear of What You'll Read From My Nutritious Planted Seed of "Food For Thought" that Won’t be for Naught – of a Waste of Time – of Yours or Mine. – Hey, Just Saying, Hopefully, You’ll Start Paying Attention to my Menu that Is Constantly Being Amended and Changed for That Tastier – "Food For Thought" – that Can’t Be Bought, but Well Worth It – If  Can Acquire the Taste For It. – Oh Well, Hopefully We'll Gel – About The Hell of a Choice Off the Menu That the Devil Caters  To and Through This NOW! 34 Count Convicted Felon Sentence Set For July 11 – My Birthday! – How Ironic – Seeing that No One Remembers me. – Not Even a Verbal Happy Birthday! on My Birthday – No One – Except for my NIECE-In-Law "JAMIE YOUNG" and my Wife's Eldest Sister "LOIS FORD" with a Loving Thoughtful Words Within My Birthday Card That They Religiously Send Me Every Year – That Fills My Heart With Cheers – To Keep As A ReminderThat I Matter Within Their !


But I couldn't have Wished for a Better Birthday Present then Donald Trump's Long Overdue  Hopefully  Orange Suit, but it doesn't matter because He's a Fellow of a Fallen Felon – Until GOD Sentences Him  Along With His Stupid-Devout-Mindless-Minions Being Locked Up Behind Hell's Gate Where They'll Never Ever Be Able To Escape Glory Glory Hallelujah  the Saints Went Marching On   To Where They All Belong In –   – As for me, and As  Can See I Do  Not  have  any  Compassion  and  or Forgiveness  for  People

Who Knowingly and Blatantly Follow the Poison of Evil  –  That

the Devil  FeedsThem!


But Hey, Judgment  Day Is On Its Way – For All The Guilty   and    1/One by 1/One – Will Have To Dearly Pay!  – After All,  SIN ISN'T FREE for the Taking.


I used to be a Devout Republican Back in the Reagan Days, but They've Sold Their Souls Over to the Devil's Control. So Now, It's Not About a Democrat versus Republican – It's About Good versus Evil, because Donald Trump, the Devil Controls Their Souls. – It Is So Embarrassing to Think that There Are that Many Stupid People In Our Country of the United States of America, – that Becomes Mindless Minions Under Donald Trump's Control. – To me, the Presidency of Our Country Will Never Ever Have the Same Respect as it Did Before Him. – it has literally Became a Hell-of-a Choice that Elected Him as our Pres. – the only difference from whence He was Lucifer in Heaven – is that he got much Stupider here on earth. – Otherwise, He's the Same Guy in Disguise of Satan, That Bait-en Would Be Souls Over To HIS  DEVILISH Control



NO! – I’ve Never Talked to GOD or my GUARDIAN ANGEL in Person, nor Have I Received a Yodel, Whisper in My Ear, Phone Call, Email, and or Modern Day Text Message etc. of Instructing Me of What to Do with My Life and Time – I’ve Just Instinctively Known what to do – and Done it with the Latitude – of a Positive Mental Attitude – to the Best of my Determined Ability – Just like I’ve Always Known What To Do Successfully with My Life to Counter the would be Failure of Strife. – Read My, Motivational Sales Tools Of and To Success. – GOD Knows that I Stick By My Principles of what I Truly Believe to be the Correct Way of Thinking that Produces Good, Honorable and Successful Results, Because I Believe What I Say – Then Say What I Believe – On Things That Are True – From Me To – The Way GOD Knows that I’ll Represent with HIM To. – Yes, I’ve Always Felt and Known that I’ve Had a Guardian Angel, Guiding and Protected Me From Harm – And Believe Me, I Wouldn’t Be Here Alive and Well – Today – If that Weren’t True – as You’ll Find the Many Miraculous Miracles of the Reasons Why – by Reading On. 



Most Importantly, there is Something Else that Is just Important Know – With Using Your Intellect of Common Sense and that is that – I'll be 80 years old on This July 11, 2024 – So My Candle. – So To Speak – Is Getting Dimmer – Than It Was When It Was Brighter – When My Mojo Was Fully Energized – To Light My Fire – Enough To Motivate My Desire – And My Desire – Is to Stay Younger and Higher in Numbers – than Those Who LAZILY Slumbers – To Indeed – Be the Best Of Success – In Whatever My Endeavor. – Acronym P.H.O.N.E., – The Farmer In The Sell, – The Seven Steps towards Achievement, – Achievement, – Media. – 



In Other Words, I’ve Earned My Way – to Whatever I Say – With the RESPECT I Deserve! – In Other Words, Nobody Kicks My Ass and Gets Away With It – Without Me Kicking Back – In an Equally Fair Fight – and I Refuse to LOSE. – And For  Dumb Fools Who Just Doesn’t Get It – It’s the Difference Between the Integrity of a Positive Mental Attitude and a Negative Laziness Of A Platitude. – And Those Were the Ones Who Disrespected Me The Most – Beneath Their Breath – Behind My Back. –


Okay, what I’m getting at is that I am Brighter Today than I was Yesterday With My Energy Intact . – Where my Thought is Still Fact, because you Either Have It or you Don’t. And My Age Doesn’t Have Anything To Do With It – Except Through Earned Experience – that Motivates My Mojo of Desire – Into My Candle Of Fire – to Stay Lit and Not to Quit –  My Mojo's Burning Desire. –


Look, Am I Making Sense – To Joe Biden’s Candle of Experience? Or Do I Have To Take You Back – To Learning Your ABC’s? – Because Even a Kindergarten Gets It. – This Isn’t a Campaign Between a Political Party and or a Presidential Candidate! – Make No Mistake that, This is a War Between GOOD and Evil and Donald Trump IS The DevilOn Every Single Level Of His Evil. – If  elect Him back into the presidency of the United States of America. –  Might As Well. – Bend Down And Put Your Head Between Your Legs And Kiss Your Ass Goodbye – To The Way  and Your Family Enjoy Your Freedom To Choose – Not Lose – Your Democracy – Only To Turn It Over To a Autocracy – That Donald Trump can Impersonate His Buddy Putin , and The Likes . – He’s Even Inspired By Hitler , etc. etc. etc. – SO!, For Crying Out Loud, Wake Up And Smell The Roses Before That Gate   That Awaits Behind  Closes!


To conclude, It Is Imperative For Me, To Reiterate This As Often As Necessarily Needed Throughout My Essays that there are of the Devil's Evil Tools of the, – #7/Seven – Absolute Things That GOD Hates The Most About The Things That We Do – #1Haughty Eyes Of Pride and Arrogance – of Which Was the Main Reason Why, Lucifer Got His Stupid Ass Kicked Out Of Heaven In The First Place. – As  Read On, You'll Find The Scriptures That Tells All of the Biblical Stories To What I Write About. – #2Those Who Are Among The Lying Tongue, – #3Violence of Hands that Shed Innocent Blood, – #4Wicked planning, – #5Feet That Are Swift To Do Evil, – #6False Witness, Prophets, Hypocrites, Liars and Deceivers That Do GODLY Harm To Your Soul and, – #7Sowing Discord Among the Smart, Ignorant, and Dumb – that Ultimately Succumbs To The 5/Five  Fingers Of Evil Controlled By The Devil's Bait of, Money, Power, Greed, Ignorance, and Hate – For a One-way Ticket To Hell's Gate – Where There Can Never Ever Be An Escape. – I Want To Remind  To Keep In Mind That  Are What  Follow.  If  Follow Evil – Then  To Are Evil. – And GOD Doesn't Forgive Evil – and Neither Does This Websites WritingsThere Is No Excuse for Stupid Abuse – In This Regard. – Donald Trump is a Prime Example of Being Guilty of Everyone of the Things that GOD Hates The Most in We, The Human Souls. – That HE Created in HIS OWN Image. – 7+5 = Hell-ves/12 –



In Recognition and Consideration of the 51+% 2016 Election of Donald Trump As The President of These United States of AmericanThere Of TODAY, There Are Less GOOD People Than There Are Of The Bad, And Or Even More Bad People. – Than There Are Of The GOOD, – And Even More Evil People Than There Are Of The Bad – And That's Really Sad, Simply, Because of the Devil's Tools to Attract His FoolsOver And Over To His Control Of Their Dumb DumbStupid Stupid Souls – Here In The United States of America. – NO! It Just Is What It Is – Not What It Was, Because Of What The Devil DoesUnder His ControlOf The Human Soul!



Yes, We All Know that There Are Hordes of  People Out There – That's Been Poisoned by that Fruit  that He's Been Feeding Through His Recipe of Blatant Wicked Deceitful Lies in Disguise of a Phony Chef that TurnsDeaf to Your Ears of the Taste Buds FrOM Wisely Thinking – Into A Dumb Outcome, Simply, Because, Dumb Is What Dumb Does – and that is Why  Need That Wake-Up Call – To be Aware and Feed Yourself – With The Common-Sense of the Truth – The Whole Truth – And Nothing But The Truth – As The Recipe For Your Cure – "So HelpGOD" – Of The Only Food For Thought – That Can't Be Bought, but – Only Sought For A Much Healthier and Tastier Meal Of Change – Where That Apple Won't PoisonBut Can and Will FixColdplay - Fix You (Live In São Paulo) (youtube.com) As Follows,



With All My Might. – I Will Fight – Through These Words – I'll Write

Until My Battle Ends  Only When My LORD, JESUS Wins,

Metallica: Inamorata

(Munich, Germany - May 26, 2024)



Make No Mistake, that I Love Music, Especially From These Exceptionally Talented Guys To Where They Set The Tone – To Where I Can Say, Welcome,  Are About To Enter Into The No Lie ZoneTo Where The Truth Matters Not Shatters. –  Again, to Reiterate, I Don't Claim to be a Professional Writer – Far Be It, but what I do Write –  Can Take To the Bank and Cash It to Buy Yourself Time to Think Wisely and Properly for Yourself – without ANY Negative Influence By GuidingThrough a One-Way Ticket To Hell. – My Website Is To Motivate Integrity Thinking with a Positive Mental Attitude of Thinking that Can Wake  Up. – Before It's Too Late ForTo Escape that Negativity/Captivity of Thinking by GOD'S Arch Enemy, the Devil and His Demons Havoc That's Out To Steal Your Soul Under Their Control. – That said, This Website and or I – Are Entirely, Categorically, Undeniably and Unconditionally Representing My Faith In My LORD, and SAVIOR, “JESUS CHRIST”, and No Other, but “HIS FATHER, GOD” In The Way That I Practice What I Preach – Then Teach What I Practice – Within Things That Are True – From Me To Get Through To  If that's Possible To Do.  I Don't Practice With A Wickedly Prick Of A Political Party, – Nor Do I With the Hypocrisy Of A Religion – Where a Shameful False Prophet – Controls My Decision to Choose My Way of Thinking, Except for My Guardian Angel Under the NAN Upstairs ONLY! – Who's Always Been There – To Defend My Fragile Soul – To Keep Me In Sole Control – From  – That's Out Of Plain Sight!


Pretty Much My Whole Life Since I Was Born Into Crappy Nasty Cruel World of this Life of Mine where I've Had the Bad Experience of Feeling Out of Place, Unwanted and Trusting In Persons Integrity of Being Honest and True To My Face, Let Alone Behind My Back. – I Love Being Around People That I Don't Know, but Every Time That I've Tried Get To Know And Trust In a Person's Integrity. – It Ended Up Turning Out To Be Of A Person's Pseudointellectual Honorless Character That I've Only Found To Be Let Down AGAIN and AGAIN As Another Foolish Disappointment Occurred – Including a Family Tree That Was Never Meant For Me To Be Able To Climb – because Every Time I've Tried – They've Chopped it Down – to the Ground To Where It Couldn't Be Found. – So As The Years Have Gone by – I Resolve to Realize that There is No Such Thing – as Integrity is To the Honesty Within the Hearts and Minds of a Person's True Character to Trust in – Especially with the Absence of a Loving Family – Indeed, We Very Seldom Hear the Word, Integrity Mentioned. Not Even In Ordinary Conversations Anymore – Let Alone Acting Upon It as the Most Important Factor and or Asset To Our Reputable Character. –


Today, In This Screwed Up World Of Irresponsible Human Species Of People. – There Are More Bad People – Than There Are Of The Good, And Even More Evil People – Than There Are Of The Bad Wreaking Havoc On Our Helpless Planet Earth. 


CanImagine What This World Would Be Like "TODAY" – If Only We, The Human Species Could Live Up To and Count On Each Other's Words, To Be Sincere, Honest and True to what GOD Stands For With HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST As as our LORD and SAVIOR! – Just Say GOODBYE to the Devil With His Demons on Eech and Every Single Level of Their Wicked Evil – and Hello to a World At Peace, Harmony and Calm, because They're Gone Gone Gone To Where They Belong In 


It's Actually Ludicrous In The Way That I Feel and Think About My Lack Of Trusting and Respecting in Peoples Integrity and Still Write What I Write On Behalf Of Their Best Interest Of Saving Their Souls From The Devil's Control. – All I Really Know to Be Honest With  – Is That GOD Wants Me To Do It – Or I Wouldn't Waste My Time. – I Am So Angry, Disappointed and Discouraged Over the Lackadaisical Attitude that "We, The Human Species" Are the Only Species Responsible for the Multi-Evil-Happenings That's Going On In Our Troubling World of Society That Can Only Be Described As A Disrespectful, Selfish, Careless, Irresponsible, Thankless Species Of Our Time – that Could Care Less – of What GOD Blessed Us With Under Our Responsibility  to Take Care Of In A Responsible Way, but Let Decay – In A Shameful Stay



Trump is a Demonic Force in American Politics. He Loves Nothing More Than Provoking Conflict, All Around Him



Trump is Satan

Paradise Lost in Washington, DC

Jeffrey R. Wilson

Jeffery R. Wilson Teaches in the Writing Program at Harvard University.





Top 10 Celebrity Trump Haters


Why These Eighteen Former Trump Voters

Are SAYING NO in 2024


What the HELL happened to the GOP?

Ex-Trump voters are speaking out.


Republican Voters Against Trump


10 Ways Trump Mocks Jesus


Donald Trump Accepts Comparison to Jesus?

Why It's Kinda Hard To Blame Him.




 from here on,

If I Could Have a Wish Come True – I Would Wish To Be GOD'S Michael the Archangel As To Be Able To Kick Ass With These – To Say The Least, Wicked, Egotistical, Blatant Power-Hungry-Greedy-Thieves – In Our Troubling World of Today. – Think about it! – Please, Consider the Dilemma of All the Trouble That We Are All In because of the Evil that Money, Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate Has Brought Into All Over This World. – Not only Within Our World Leaders, but Within Each Other's Hypocrisy of Today! – 


All I Can Say Is That It Is Literally Depressing As Hell – To Say The Least, Because That Is Where Most Of Us Will Likely To Be In The End, Because Of Our Unforgiven Sin. –  See, because of Our Selfish Desire – We Tend to Not Give a Shit about the integrity of our priorities that should really matter – Above and Beyond – Our Selfish Desires In Our Lives. 


For Me to Sing That Song – To Where I Could Belong – with People's Hearts and Minds That Were True to the Love  That Was Never Meant To Be  For Me – of A Family Tree – Of My Own  That I Belonged.


Collectively, There Are Hordes of Stupid People Out There That Can't Logically Think For Themselves Like a Mindless Minion Baited Into the Devil's  Dominion. – Oh Well,  And Like Galileo  as Well as an Excuse. – 


Nevertheless, GOD BLESS Those Hearts and Souls – As Bestowed Into  GOD'S Fold.



Together –

If We Join Forces

And  Believe  –  Then  We

Can Achieve Victory Over Our –

Wicked Devious Enemy – In The Battle

Of GOOD Versus Evil – In The War Between –

GOD and HIS Proud . Arch Enemy

The Devil On Every Single

Level Of His Evil



Nothing Personal, But If This Pertains To. – All I’m Trying To Do – Is To – Plant the Fresh Scent of Roses In Your Head – So ThatCan Fumigate All The Foul Air Of Evil That You’ve Been Fed, because Hell Isn't The Place That You'll Want To Go After Are Dead – I'm Just Saying – to KeepFrom Paying that Hell-of-a Price. 



Make Mo Mistake,

That This Battle Is Over GOOD

Versus Evil Over the Human Soul – Wrought

On by the War between GOD and the DevilDonald Trump




Look, It Really Doesn’t Matter WhatMay Be Thinking About Me, Because It’s All About WhatShould Be Thinking AboutWithout Being His Dumb Stupid Fool. – No, I’m Not One, Who Can Predict When The LORD Is Coming, ButCan Bet Your Bottom Dollar That – HE Is Indeed – Coming Real Soon For,


  So  which  side  are  

on ?

Two Times Angel Michael Faces Satan.


keep in mind that His Likewise Stupid fallen Angels better known as His Demons Are of Today Who Are Kissing His  Ring in HEAVEN Are Still Doing So, Today Here On Earth with Their Havoc – only in the Largest Scale that they can Prevail To Get Away With By Way of These Days. – Also, Keep In Mind that Lucifer Won Over a Third of Those Likewise Stupid Fallen Angels Over to His SideAll By Himself In HEAVENby Holding His Campaigns, Rallies and Meetings ETC. Of His Wicked Misleadings Of Promoting Himself As Being the God that they Should Follow as The Demons that He's Got Today. – So What I'm Trying To Say Is ThatHe's Still Exactly the Same Low Class Lying Jack-Ass Guy, but He's Got that Same Third of All those Stupid Fallen AngelsBetter Known As His Demons – By His Side Of Doing His Wicked Dirty Work of Havoc Here On Earth By Robbing Human People Souls Over To His Side To Control – and He's Been Doing One Hell Of a Advantageous Job At It. – You Know, I've Never Ever Witnessed and or Seen So Many Ignorant, Dumb, Idiotic Stupid People in All of My Life Then There Are Of Today that Follow the Bombastic Stupidest Of Them All Of The Likes Of The, Donald  Trump. The Only Thing Different Between When He Was Lucifer in HEAVEN – is that He Got Much Stupider Here On Earth – and to my opinion – it takes a Really Dumb Person to become one of His Enthusiastic Incredibly Stupid Mindless Minions. –


All I Can Say Is That, It's Going To Be Bittersweet When at last Its Michael They'll Meet .


7 Types Of People Who Cannot Be Saved




Metallica - Nothing Else Matters Quebec Magnetic 2009 HD


 Poetically, “Lyrics to Music – Is Music to Lyrics – Sang For the Song – Cried Out – To Where It Belongs” – I Hope thatDon't Mind Me Barrowing Your Powerful Music for The Most Powerful Documented Story of All Times About It's Glory, Metallica. – It was My Qwest – to Find the Very Best For It – and Yours Absolutely Is – that Far Succeeds the Score – That One Cannot Ignore – When Inspired For Thought as Required To Be Taught – Inspirationally But, Seriously, I Really LoveGuys and Your Music! – And I'm Sure That The Subject Matter To This Essay – Matters To The Man Upstairs – To! – likeI'm Inspired to Write Both Day and by Night – when the time is right, because – Composing is Exposing the Inner Thought from the Heart of the Matter – that Matters All Around With the Lyrics to the Sound – Often, Like Music To My Ears – that Fills My Eyes Full of Tears – AndGuys Know What I'm Talking About – Don't? – Again, BecauseWrite whatFeel and Feel whatWrite At the Right Time – Just Like I Do – When It InspiresTo – Through and Through , because, When That Happens. – "NOTHING ELSE MATTERS" – NOTHING!



As of Today, 5/6/24 at 3:51 PM – I received, About 354,000,000 Hits (0.22 seconds) Search Results – yours was 138,000,000 under your name of Metallica, – Led Zeppelin 53,700,000 and Genesis 84,100,000 – of My All-Time 3/Three Greatest Rock Bands – with  Guys As My #-Number One.

Home - MIT - Motivational Integrity Thinking - Acronym Analogy



MIT - Motivational Integrity Thinking - Acronym Analogy...www.mit-aa.net... From me, (Don L. Johnson) to you, you'll find the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...

Indeed, It goes back and forth Day by Day – As a Rule with the Search Results Primarily Between the 300 Million to the 600 Million. – Tomorrow, it could very well be into the 400, 500 or 600 Million? – It's Been Like That For Years.



• These Guys are Nothing but Humble, Decent Guys – Who are Extremely Talented in Their Music, because they Extremely Love It As they Do With The People That They Play For – As You'll be able to Surmise in Howard Stern's Interview with them, 


Metallica on the Howard Stern Show (FULL 2013 INTERVIEW)



Metallica: Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding (Washington, D.C. - March 20, 2024) (youtube.com)

Metallica: Master of Puppets (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - December 14, 2023) (youtube.com)


Metallica - Enter Sandman Live (Stranger in Moscow, Russia 1991)

1.6 Millian In Attendance




James Hetfield’s Views on Religion and Spirituality

• James Hetfield, the lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist of Metallica, has always been vocal about his views on religion and spirituality. In interviews, he has expressed his frustration with organized religion and how it can be manipulative. Hetfield believes in a higher power, but not necessarily in the conventional sense. He sees the universe as a force that guides us, and that we are all interconnected.

•  In an interview with Rolling Stone, Hetfield stated, “I believe in a higher power, but I don’t know what that is. I believe that everything is connected, like the energy of the universe. We might think we’re separate, but we’re all part of one big picture.” – He's In Good Company, because of the 6/Six Geniuses Of The Likes Of,

Believe God Created The Universe ...Nicholas_Copernicus.jpgStephen_Hawking_size_could_predict_that_the_universe_must_have_had_a_beginning.jpg 


• Knowing is Bestowing – Straight To The Point! – Look, Due to the Signs of the Times of Where Everything Rhymes with My Position of Not Trusting and Respecting in the Human Addiction to Religions and Politicians of Attrition Due to Their GOD-less Behavior Led to the SAVIOR over the Sins of the Status Quos of Foolish Souls that Vastly Overflows – to Where the Devil Controls of the Present Day – NO! – I Do Know that This Was a Mouthful of a Long Sentence, but Who Cares If It Can Save Your Vulnerable Soul – from the Devil's Control.


• Before I get started, – I would like to Introduced Myself as a Non-Educated Writer of an Experienced Fighter – Even Though My Writings Are Based on What the Bibles Writings Says and Is All About. – Even So, Not One of it's Writers Went to a Modern Day K-12 School – Let Alone A College or University to Learn about Textbook Writing Skills. – They in Fact Wrote from Their Hearts and Minds of what they Knew To Be True toIn Their Own Way of Their Today Just Like I Do, through Inspirational Thought of Our Time SpentIn Trying To Get Through tothat is Sometimes Hard to Do – WhenDon't Understand – WhatCan't Comprehend of what You've Read from the Message of What We've Written and Said.Please Keep In Mind JESUS CHRIST was Homeschooled – Not Ruled. 


• One of Albert Einstein's Famous Quotes, "An Education Is What Remains After One Has Forgotten Everything That One Has Learned in School" and let me say that – He Was In Fact, a Genius! – 


• I've been Inspired to Write what I Write In My Own Way of Thinking – that Involves an Unusual Way of Expressing Myself. – Through. – Creative Designing, Poetic Rhyming and Punctuation Signing. – I'm Just Saying – to Hopefully Keepfrom Denying – My Writing. 


Know, With All of my Ups and Downs and Go Arounds of Failures of Being Incompatible with People – I Am Not the Kind of Guy Who Follows Anything or Anyone Else’s Dreams or Schemes, but the Integrity of what My Heart Tells Me to Do. – I Believe in GOD, because GOD Believes In Me – Just The Way I Am – In The Way I've Always Been – Even Though – Some Have Told Me No No No, Yet "Nothing Else Matters" As Long As I've got GOD – As The Major Part Of My Heart!


• Looking Back In My Past Life's History of Story – The Only Explanation For My Being Alive and Well as of Today – is that GOD Had To Have Assigned a GUARDIAN ANGEL to Look Out For and Take Care Of Me Personally – to Keep Me Well, and Safe Enough – To Be Able To Enthusiastically Write This Stuff From My Heart Where Nobody Else Can – For The Right People In Need To Read and GOD – Already Knows Who and WhereAre – Near Or Far – And Or Will Be – Within the Heart of Thee.  


• To Elaborate, Even though my Heart is Alone and Empty with My Trust in Peoples Honor and Respect to Their Own Heart of Integrity Thinking. – I Finally Know and Realize Personally – that it Wasn’t Meant for me to Have a Would Be Friend or Family of my Own to Be Close To, because I Am So Different Personality Wise for Anyone Who Can Get To Know And Understand Me Personally – Like GOD Does. – Sometimes Without Thinking – I Say What's On My Mind that Isn't Always Taken So Kind – Leaving Me Left Behind – the Status Quo of Who Will Never Know, Respect and Except Me Personally for the Way that – I Practice What I Preach – Then Teach What I Practice – Within Things That Are True – From Me Tofrom the Integrity of my Heart – that is True True True, – that Made Me Exceptionally Successful In My Past Profession of Sales. – People Liked and Respect to Me, because They Believed In Me. – Acronym P.H.O.N.E., – The Farmer In The Sell, – The Seven Steps towards Achievement, – Media, –Achievement. – These People I Looking Forward and Loved To See Personally – As They Did With Me, because We Needed Each Other In a Trusting Respectful Way that We Would Always Be There For Each other. – So Why Couldn't I Be That Way With Other People Where I've Been Such a Total Failure? It's because, I Haven't Had Any Trusting Reason To Personally


• But to be Honest with, I Don't Belong To Me – I Belonged to GOD – In Whatever I Write, Say Or Do. – So it Really Doesn't Matter – About the Cold Feelings that I Have For People. – It's about the Warm Feelings that GOD Has For– that HE Wants Me To Reach, because I Really Do Love Good People Who Have Good Hearts That Are True. – Unfortunately, I Haven't Found Any for Me Personally and It's Too Late to Teach Old People New Tricks To Believe In – So I'll just have to Take My Licks for kicks, because My Time IS Limited – to be Prohibited – To Do Nothing Else, but To Try To ReachNo Matter Who, Where, and or the WayAre Near Or Far. – GOD Forgives – Even Though – I Haven't Been Able To Myself. – but "Nothing Else Matters" – but to Trust In GOD, because HE sent HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST  to Die and ForgivePersonally For Your Sins, because if HE Can Forgive my Worthless Ass – HE Will Surely Forgiveand AllHave To Do – Is To Ask HIM To – and Again, – "That's All That Should Really Matter To".


 Again, I’ve Always Felt Like an Alien In The Way I Was Hurled Into This World – like a Comet Without Comment – To the Why, Way, How, and Where I Came from the Far Reaches of the Norm-Born Reality of a Misguided Destiny – to Where I Wasn’t Meant to Fit In With People – especially, with a Family or Friend of my Own – Not Even on Loan – For the Love of An Adopted Home, but In Reality, I was Born Into This Unwanted World as a Mistake that Turned Out to be a Disappointed Obligation to Deal with – as an Inconvenienced Liability – that I've Endured – While Growing Up Into and Through my Teens and All the Way Throughout my Adulthood of Feeling Like An Outcast of Unbelonging – Again, without a Loving Family to Naturally Fit in with. – As to Sit Down At a Family Table Having Either Breakfast, Dinner or Supper – that would have been like a Fantasy for me, – a Bedroom of My Own with a Bed In It, instead of Sleeping On a Cold Floor with a Folded Blanket as a Pillow, A Responsible Loving Mother and Father and Possibly a Sister or Brother – To Feel the Closeness of What A Loving Family Was All About – Instead of that Unwanted Feeling of being All Alone As Unwanted Burden of Trying to Fit into the Piety of Society’s Hypocrites that Would Never be for Me. –


 But, there is bound to be – Those of  out there, – Who Can Be Set Free – To Climb My Tree – to where You'll Know that I Have No Reason, but To Be True to– To Where Hypocrisy Doesn’t Fit – Not Even a Little Bit – To What I’ve Written for a Family Tree that Is True to GOD through HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST!


• Again and Again, this Website Doesn't Care About WhoAre Near or Far, – or Where Are From Smart or Dumb, or the Color of your Skin Related to Your Kin, – and or Whether Are Rich Or Poor, because You'll Not Ignore the Truth – In Your LORD of what's Right from Wrong – and GOOD from Bad – and Bad from Evil of His  From This Guy → . But, You'll Never Get It – Unless Admit It – that He Used To Be, Lucifer in HEAVEN – Only He Got Much Stupider – In Doing His Wicked Dirty Work – Here on Earth – that He Began In HEAVEN!

• Look, I may be a Straight to the Point with what may to Appear to be Harsh or Insulting with Some of my Writings, but I Can Assurethat, "Nothing Else Matters", Then These Words that I’ve Written to HelpTo Get the Devil To Lose Control Over Your Soul, – but Sometimes it Takes a Wake-up Call with An Open Mind and the Kind of Sincerity of a Heart that is True to Wisdom – To Get the Job Done – From Whence Being So Naïvely Dumb – from the Ignorance of your Past.


• All I know is that We’re Living in Ominous Times to Where Right Is No Longer Understood of GOOD – And Wrong Understood as Bad – Whereas, Evil Has Become the Dominant Deciding Factor Over Both, because of the Devil's Growth of Control Over the Ignorance of Foolish Souls. – In Other Words, The Reality of My Words To this Song. – Is Where Everything Matters – When the Truth Gathers – Through the Wisdom of Knowledge – that Can't Be Learned in Kindergarten through College.

• Remember, It Takes N'o Less than 50% and Beyond to become the Deciding Factor of Who the Actor is Going To Be and Donald Trump was the most Embarrassing Election that Put Him Into the Most Prestigious Office In the World As An All Time Embarrassment to Our Countries History. – And It was From that Outcome – Of Being So – Dumb-Dumb-Dumb – by the Stupidity and Ignorance of Dummies! –, But Hey, Like I Say, Check it Out In One of His, Donald Trump’s Scriptures in His Brand-New Chosen Ones Autographed  Trumpion Bible's and or with One of His Beleaguered but Enchanted Mindless Minion Subject Matters that's Gathers,  To His Zombie will of Beckoning,


Shame-Shame-Shame – Is The Blame For These Zombie Enemies Of GOD,


Notice: as Ludicrous as it is, The More Evil that He CommitsThe Larger His Crop That He

Gathers In To Submit – To His Will of Wicked Tacticsthat Only the Devil Can Get Away With.

As In His Cream of the Crop that He's Got a Lot of the Following, –

•  The Right WingWith The Wrong Kingof the Republican Party of Congress,

•  The Supreme Court that Aborts Their Integrity

for a Sort of Negativity Towards What's Right From Wrong Judgment,

•  Fox News that's Among the Lying Tongue, and Sowing Discord Among the Smart Ignorant, Dumb

•  And The Evangelical Cult – That Praises the Lord, While Actually Worshiping The, .


With All Things being Carefully Considered, Ain't NOBODY Can Prove To Me That He 

Isn't the Devil – On Every Single Level Of Evil – All I Can Say Is That – Anyone

Who Doesn't Get It – Is Going To Have One Hell-Of-AAwaking

When  They DIE  and     THAT'S    NO    LIE!



Again and Again and Again – LOOK,

I Can't Emphasize this Enough – thatAre What You've Been Proven to Follow

Just as the Words to this Website Has Been Proven to Follows the Words of  GOD!

We're  In a War  Between the Battle of  GOOD  VS  Evil,  and We Have to Know Who

Our Enemy Is – for "Michael the Archangel" to Finished the Job Once and for All of Eternity


Look, I'm Not One To Predict

at  a  Certain  Moment  of  Time  When

The   Lord   Is   Coming,  But   I   Can   Sure   Feel

It to Where Sticks and Stones Can't Break My Bones.



Don   Lee  Johnson


Yvonne by David Wahler (soundcloud.com)




Look, To get to the Heart of the Matter,

My Feelings Tell me that – if One Lets Their Brain

Control Their Heart – then that Heart Will Surely Fall Apart,

Because Their Brain’s Mind – Won't be so Kind – In the Way – that it Try's

To Outwit It – Through Their Ignorance To Get It – Leaving it

In Sole Control Over Their Soul – So the Point

Being – Is that – Canget It – before

 have That – Heart Attack?


• Beautiful Music is the only thing that can Sooth the Heart, Mind, and Soul into a Self-Control of Good Feelings that makeFeel Good and Happy As Opposed to the Bad that makeFeel Sad and with Me, The Sad thing that I know In my Heart is that there are those Who I Know Personally that Could Care Less about me as a Person Who's Earned the Respect to Be Himself as a Happy Person, because I Don't Hide From Who I Am, as a Person of Belief, Conviction and Faith for which I Openly Express, Fight and Stand for Especially with my Faith in GOD'S SON JESUS CHRIST as my Chosen LORD and SAVIOR that Doesn't Exactly Openly and Outwardly Reside to Coincide Compatibly with others. – but there is a Source for Each and Every Course in Each and Everyone of Us that Depends on our Ability or a Recalcitrant Disability To be able to Learn According to the Way We Choose to Be Taught. 

• Nothing Personal, but how many of  Believe in GOD? I Mean Really Believe in HIM Without Question to Express Openly with Your Hearts Feelings of Faith in HIM Above All of Your Captivating Attention of your Day by Day Worldly Ways. – After All Above All, GOD Created it Pure from Fear, but We, the Human Souls Ungratefully Negated It Corrupt with Fear Again through a Captivating Preoccupied Worldly Mind of a Selfish Gain.

• Please keep these Famous Quotes of Elbert Einstein's in Mind Relevant To and Through – While are Reading Over My Stuff – OK?  Thank You, Don

• Elbert Einstein's Famous Quote of “The More I Study Science, – The More I Believe in GOD In Summary, Einstein’s Quote Suggests that His Scientific Inquiries Deepened His Appreciation for the Mysteries of Existence, Leading Him to a Belief in a Higher Power. It Serves as a Reminder that Science and Spirituality Need Not Be Mutually Exclusive, And Both Can Contribute To Our Understanding of the Universe Particularly, In The Divine Way It Was Created. – This Is Also, Isaac Newton View As Well

A Star Danced


• If Want To Live a Happy Life

Then Follow Your Goals and Not In People


         •  Information is Knowledge. The Only Source

of Knowledge is Experience.Finger_pointer.jpgNeed Experienced to Gain Wisdom


•  An Education Is What Remains. – After One Has Forgotten Everything

That One Has Learned In School


•   “Imagination is More Important Than Knowledge, because Knowledge is Limited,

but Imagination Encircles a World


•   There Are Only Two Ways to Live Your Life. One Is As though Nothing Is a

Miracle – Another Is As Though Everything Is a Miracle


Well, Most Certainly, I've Had My Share Of Miracles All Right Way Beyond Explanation Without My Guardian Angel To Be Watching Over Me!

• Look, to me Finding and Fitting Into a Loving, Caring Family of Dependable People – that I Could Naturally Trust and Count on to Be There and Stand Beside Me No-Matter What, – But it Has been like a Polygon of a Large Square of Fitting into a Small Circle of Private People Representing Themselves with Close Family Members and Friends  of Whom I've never been Able to Fit Into ANY Size of a Circle Small or Enlarged Enough to Handle, Understand and Accept me Personally for Who I Am  of Me Being Me Since I was Born Into this Shitty World of Trying to Understand Why People Do what they Do to Our Planet and Against Each other When they've got a Mind to Rationalize with the Harm that they are doing. – To Everything GOOD, DECENT and TRUE to what GOD Created and Stands For. – I Still Don't Get and Understand WHY People Pick the Devil of All Evil to Follow like Zombies of Mindless Minions that They've Become by being so DUMB-DUMB-DUMB! – NO, I JUST DON'T GET IT!

• So in this Present Lifetime of Mine, I will Continue to Ride the Wind To Wherever It Leads Me Instrumentally, because I've Always Had My Guardian Angel that's been Guiding and Protecting Me since I was Born From When or Whatever that be From My Would be Enemy that Would Seriously Harm Me Detrimentally. – Believe Me when I say that If there is Anything More than I Can Believe in. – It just Doesn't Categorically Exist in my Lifetime – I Believe, in My Guardian Angel, more than I Do with the Food On My Table that I Can C with my own Eyes  and Not for an Eye  for an Eye  Where can Lie or Deny that Deal that is So Real. – All I Know is that Can't See the Wind, but can Surly Feel it. – So I'll Continue to "Ride the Wind" – Until the End                                          



Composed & Written by me,

Don Lee. Johnson  

• With me, It's been my Soul Purpose. – From My Heart to Teach My Brainthat Taught My Mind. – the Right Way of Thinking  As Being In Lone Control  Over My Own Decisions to Ultimately Fight  for what is Right Enlight of GOD'S Sight. – And It's Been  My Chosen Way to Forever Stay. – No Longer Slaves (Official Lyric Video) - Jonathan David and Melissa Helser | We Will Not Be Shaken that Way.


• Oh WellCould This Be The Destiny of an Unsung Poetry Coming Out Of Me? – But even So with a Recalcitrant Mind as it Was and Still Is with Mine. – It's No Wonder Why I’ve Been So Confused in my Past of Pursuing this Written Task, but NOW  I Know and Realize in the Way I’ve been Used  to I Write What I Write  of Enough of this Stuff – to Get it Done – While Poetically Having Fun in Doing it, Because Its Been the Right Thing for me to Do for , my Readers.  Yes, I Guess it Has Been Destiny’s Way of Calling for me, Yet No one Knows the Status Quo of Who I Am or where Ive been – and or of the By and By  of the Reasons Why  I Had to Fear – Why I Was Here  as a Victim of a Child Abuse in Needbecause of the Abandonment of Alcoholic Greed, But It’s not for me – To Do or Die, Yet– Its been for me to Wonder Why? – So All I know is that I Am Here – and I Am Who I Am and Not for Who I Should Have Been  of Fitting Into – Society Socially! that is Until Came Along for me to Sing My Unsung Song of, I Wish for You Jesus”  http://www.mit-aa.net/images/music/I-Wish-You-Jesus.Wma”  for  to Sing Along!  


• NOPersonally, for Me Fitting In With People of Society  Has Been Like a Puzzle of a Large Square Fitting Into a Small Circle with Dimensional People to Solve that Polygon of Equation Is If it Doesn't Fit Just Don't Square It, especially if it Doesn't Merit It – Furthermore, I've Never been Able to See or Find that Family Tree that I Could Climb. – Oh Well, I Guess It just Wasnt Meant to Be – As for to Remember me that Way  After All, I Am Now – Close to 80 Years Old. – So, my Time Could Be at any Moment Ready to Fold. –So, Lonely Are the Brave Until I Reach My Lowly Grave – So, Finders Keepers Losers Weepers  but I’ve never been a Keeper So Why Would there Ever be a Weeper  Right? – 


• Again  All I Know is of the Status Quo to Where – I Came  I Saw  and I Went. –So, Could It Be that  are the Only Reason Why I Was Sent As to Alert  to the Things that Are True Of and For the Wisdom of a Positive Outcome as a Reflection Of, From and Into the Following Perfection of GOD'S Connection to me with my GUARDIAN ANGEL As the Key to Guiding Me Through The Integrity of my Missions Destiny Due To and Or For my Readers, So Again, Please Wake Up and Use Your Noses to Smell the Fresh Air of Your In Planted Roses –  While There Are Still Fresh.   


• NO, I will say this, even though I've Sinned and Done Things that I'm Not very Proud of from the Sinful Aftermath of my PastHowever, I Don't Believe that they are of the Seven Things that GOD Hates the most about our Sinningmost of all Fitting into the Category of the Five Fingers of EvilDirectly Controlled by the Devil of which will be Listed and Explained Further on in this Essay. – Yet, Even So, my GUARDIAN ANGEL, Still Stuck By and SAVED My Dumb Ass. Many Many Times Throughout my Lifetime from Harm and Literally From the Peril of Death that can only be Explained Through Miraculous MiraclesParticularly from my Early Childhood Growing up into and through my Teens. – That's Why I Know and Believe In what I'm Writing About and – This is Why I've been so Outwardly Seriously Different than what One Would call a, "Quote  Unquote" "Normal Persons Life of Growing Up Into the Security of a Caring and Loving Family LifeWithout the Abnormal Strife of Insecurity" Who Thoughtlessly to Frivolously Take Life For Granted Like There's No Tomorrow to Worry About the Afterlife Reality of Truthto Where your Soul is Going to GoAfter it Leaves Your Body . – Well, I'm going to give it toStraight from an Old Into a New, but Serious Way of Linking Into Your New Way of Thinkingthat Could very well Literally Save Your Ass Tofrom a Would Be Mistake of a Torture Chamber of Hell – So, WAKE UP and Smell the Roses   Snudity Stuck Up Noses who think that  are beyond the comprehension of what the Bible Attention – About What I'm Writing About. Before that  Gate that Awaits BehindCloses onandBy GOD! I know that Know WhoAre So, From Here On, – there Will Be No Abuses For Your Excuses Not to Take to Heart and "Seriously" get to Know and Understand the Would Be Dilemma of What Your Clothes Mind Can Do For Detrimentally. After All,  It Was GOD who GaveYour Brain to Think WithSo Wisely Use It – "Respectfully, but Not In Cain", – GOD-Dammit! – Simply, Because, HE Does!

• LookAs being a Self-Made Person With or of a PMA "Positive Mental Attitude Towards – Things that I Believe In", But As  can see in Layman's Terms, I’m Not a Professional Writer by Trade, I'm just an Enlighter of Things that are True from Me to (Enlighter: including results for Enlighten definition, give (someoneGreater Knowledge and Understanding about a Subject or Situation, but there are much Harder Things to Read and Understand than Mine, including the Bible, but It Only Is  What Get Out Of It. – and To that Extent, I've Done my Part  to Give Your Start  For a New and Better Way of Thinking and Doing  that JESUS Would Welcome!

• First and Foremost, the Premise of This, My Website – Is and Will Be Built and Based on my Faith in GOD, the FATHER of JESUS CHRIST our LORD and SAVIOR. – It Will be Written NOT to Offend the GOOD in this world, but in the Context of the Continued Ongoing Battle Being Fought on with the Devil – just like Michael the Archangel was in the War being Fought in HEAVEN Against Lucifer, who became the Devil after getting His PROUD STUPID ASS kicked Out of HEAVEN as, Satan along with His Foolish Ghoulish Stupid Fallen Angels – Who He Convinced to Follow Him as Their Lord of Behavior Into His Demons – just like the Stupider of Lucifer In Donald Trump is doing with His Foolish Mindless Minions of Today! – Again will Continue as the Written Battle being Fought To Defeat the Devil, Code-Named Donald Trump. – Make No Mistake that Donald Trump IS the Devil – on Every Single Level of Evil Doing His Havoc. – With all of His Demons of Fallen Angels – Slicking and Stealing Control Over Willing Souls – for the Purpose of Dealing and Wheeling with the Havoc of Evil Practices. – No Sir, GOD WILL NEVER EVER Forgive the Devil and HE Does Not Forgive the Evil that He Exhales for others to Inhale Under His Control Over Their Foolish Souls – in other Words, of what I call – of His Mindless Minions of STUPID SIN-IONS! –


• So, Consider this Website – as the Gen. Paton, McArthur and/or Schwarzkopf of Michael the Archangel – in the Strategic Strategy of the Written War Against GOD"S Adversarial Arch Enemy of the one of the Same Satan, Donald Trump, and or of the Devil In the Battle of GOOD Over Their Evil Practices! –


• In order for to Believe – You'll have to be Educated on, who Lucifer was to GOD in HEAVEN of which will be Enlightened Right Here, – http://eagleeyecommunity.com/why-did-god-create-lucifer/ in Detail.


• Look, I Ain't a Saint with a Halo Hanging over my head – I Sin just like  Do , but I Don't Mean to Do It On Purpose – as to Hurt – Out of Selfish Gain and I'm sure that there of those of  who are of the Blame for the Same Kind of Shame, Because a Sin is a Sin – No Matter How Big or Little – that Needs to be Forgiven – By the Man Upstairs! – However, I Don’t Care Where  Are From – Smart or Dumb – or Who Are – Near or Far, because We All Sin – Under the Color of our Skin! – Again, One of my Sins, is that I Hate and Do Not Forgive Man’s Choice of Doing Evil – From Deep Within His Chosen Soulless Skin. – No! – I Do Not Forgive, but GOD Does – if Truly Repented from Their Heart. – So, What Ever I Write – Here on This, My Website – Will be of the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth – from the Start – of what's Been Written – from within my Heart – So Help Me GOD

• So, From Here On, It’ll Be Up To  to Select from Your Intellect to Decipher and or Dissect of what I’ve Written. – Hopefully, You’ll Give GODS SON, JESUS CHRIST the Right Reason to Forgive  – of which is All that Matters – From All of the Rather’s, – because what it Really All Boils Down to – Is that – It’s Either HEAVEN or Hell – from Where the Devil first Fell – to Ultimately Take Control Over Your Soul – just like He Did With all of those Stupid Foolish Fallen Angels  – that also Fell from HEAVEN with Him, as  Demons Cast Out of HEAVEN as Satan, the Devil – Now Under the Alias of Donald Trump. –

• My Voice Has Been Written for – Not to be Stricken – from Your Choice! – In This Case, The Heated Subject is that, The Wrong Choosing – is for Your Internal Losing – Whereas Your Screaming and  Crying  for the Redeeming of Defying – The Truth – As Been Written and Truly Given ToFinger_pointer.jpgRight Here On This, My Website!


• keep in mind that since Donald Trump was Lucifer. – He got much Stupider, Because He Never Learned the Alphabet of what Each Letter Was Meant To Do from Kindergarten Age – For with Him, Each Letter that He Uses– is Indeed, put together to be Attached to a Word – that is Applied to a Blatant Bald Faced Lie – that Cannot BE Denied – by His Ignorance of Stupidity. – In other Words, He Cannot even put Together a Sentence that Makes Sense Into Everything that He Says – Hence, with the Outcome of being Totally Dumb, into an Idiotic, Stupid Nauseating Nonsense! – Like I said, I Hate and Do Not Forgive a Chosen Evil In People, – especially of HIS MINDLESS, Evangelical  False-Prophet_teachers_exsposed.jpg Minions!

• NO, This Isn't the War between the Democrats and Republicans – Inasmuch as it is of the Battle Between GOOD and Evil Being Fought with the Devil, Donald Trump Who Owns the False Prophets of the Evangelical Cult, Fox News, the Supreme Court – as Being a Party to the Republi-Sins.

Of Which

Brings Me To Say That

Mirror,  Mirror  On  The  Wall

Whose The Evil Traitorous Of Them All?

AGAIN, there are SEVEN Things that GOD Hates the most About Us and that is, #1 – Haughty Eyes of Pride and Arrogance, – #2 – Those Who Are Among the Lying Tongue, – #3 – Violence of Hands that Shed Innocent Blood, – #4 – Wicked Planning, – #5 – Feet That Are Swift To Do Evil, – #6 – False Witness, Prophets, Hypocrites, Liars and Deceivers Out To Do Harm, and – #7 – Sowing Discord Among the Smart IGNORANT and DUMB – Into The Outcome Of The Five Fingers Of Evil – there of, Money, Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate. – The One Way Ticket Into and Through Hell's GateWhere There Can Never Ever Be An Escape – and if that Doesn't Scare the Hell Out of  – Then Nothing Will!

• Indeed, Nothing is Out of Bounds with this Shameless Dirty Rotten Donald Trump, the Devil, because He is the Master of Each and Every One of the Disaster of those 12 Things that GOD Hates the most in Trumpion's Obedient Dirty Rotten Idiotic Mindless Minions of His Havoc of Evil.. – AGAIN Finger_pointer.jpg Are the Palindrome of  What Finger_pointer.jpgFollow and What Follow Finger_pointer.jpgAre of the Equivalents of  Par!

• Along with His Unmistakable Evil Character as it Truly is, Consider this Illogical Conclusion that, How could Donald Trump not be the Devil when He is Able to Illogically Control All of these Willful Souls – to Kiss  His Ring while Defensively Kissing  His Ass at the same Time? – Whilst Ludicrously Knowing How Stupid He Really Is, but it is Both Surprising and Depressing for me to realize how Easy With Very Little Efort it takes for a person to Sell Their Souls Over to the Devil's Control only to Realize that They've Gambled or Unknowingly Bought Their One Way Ticket Through Hell's Gates Where There Can Never Ever be an Escape with Him, to Spend Eternity with Their Loyalty to Donald_Trump__make_hell_great_again.jpg !

• Like I said, that He Does Not Know His ABC'S Well Enough To Speak Intelligently, with that Said, if Finger_pointer.jpg Were to Take Your Time to Open Up Your Mind of Common Sense and Listen to these News Clips that Enacts the Statistical Facts the Way they Truly Are that Indeed, Helps to Explain what I'm Writing about from the Following Common Sense of Thinking that Rational People Could Comprehend – Then Maybe it Can Wake Finger_pointer.jpg Up to Smell the Roses – Before that Gate Closes, 

Lincoln Project HUMILIATES Trump With Four HILARIOUS Ads


          Trump Instantly CUT OFF by CNN Host, CRUSHED            

by BRUTAL Fact-Check


Fed-up MSNBC host TORCHES Trump with must-see



        Michelle Obama Delivers KNOCKOUT BLOW to Trump       

  In MUST-SEE Takedown



• Because they say it PERFECTLY CLEAR that the INTEGRITY for which they stand for – Would Be WISE to LISTEN to. – To me, It is so Nauseating to Listen to His Unintelligent Ranting-ly yakking – Lesser Than the Intellect From a Kindergartners Age of Speaking. – This is a Reason Why I Say that only a Stupid Mindless Minion Would Want to Listen and Worship Him. – Simply put, The Loyalty to Him,  – is the Duplicity to GOD!


• I Guess I Should Start Out With This All Important Question First – and that is, Do Believe in GOD – Come on, I mean, Do Really Believe Within Your Heart in GOD, The FATHER of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR?  because if   Do – You're Not Going to be Embarrassed to Admit and Show It in Your Every Day Life – No Matter What! – in Front of Others, because  should know "Biblically" of Who HE Is and What HE Stands For and All About in the Scheme of Things that HE"S Brought and Brings – from the Past, Present and Future Events to Come – Whereas HIS WillWill Be Won and then Done – From Thy Kinggdom Come, but How Could  Know What  Don't Understand? – and or Understanding What  Don't Know –  of this ALL and MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION IN YOUR LIFE – That Is, Unless  Need Or Want To – In Accord to the Self Allotted Importance – that Matters – to the Prime Time of your Life– Make Haste – Not Waste – to JESUS CHRIST YOUR LORD and  SAVIOR! – Becuase HE'S Been Long Waiting For The "Heart" of  to Make  Knew!!! ↔ Click, (The Life of JESUS | English | Official Full HD Movie) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k0D_qFPb4o – Again, Before That Gate  That Awaits Behind  Closes. – Don't Be As Stupid As His Fallen Angels Were Cast Out Of Heaven Down Here To Earth to Steal Control Over Your Soul! – Satan_boys_is_sweet_to_hear.jpgbut the Most Important One To Fear– Again, GODS Will – Will Be Won and Done – From Thy Kinggdom Come – Over the Evil Gready Money  Changers and the Likes of His Mindless Minions of Evil Sin-ions 



























Lucifer: The Story Behind the Infamous Fallen Angel -

(Demonology Explained) (youtube.com)




Unfit (2020) | Donald Trump Documentary | Full Movie |   

Malcolm Nance George Conway



Look, He’s a Soulless Immoral Horrible Entity of Evil

That Can Only Be Described as the Devil!





If Follow Stupidity, What Does That Make


A Mindless Minion – That's My Opinion,

Simply, Because   Are What






Trump LOSES IT After Being Ridiculed

In GOD Parody Ad





Other than being the Devil Himself,

There   is   No   Other  Rationalization to Explain

Why He is so Cold Blooded In the Transactions of His Actions,

being that He is Heartless, because He is Soulless

Which Makes Him  Clueless to His 

Cruelness, I guess, He

 Just Is –

  What He Is, because He  

Truly  Is,  The


On Every Single 

Level  of





Celtic Woman - O, America! 






Don L. Johnson




• Being, the Devil on every single levelExplains All of His Illogical Nonsensical Past and Present Weird Haughty Blatant Evil History of Behaviorof which is Exactly the Same when He Was Lucifer in Heaven  Only He Got much Stupider Here on Earth as Satan, The Devil or Donald Trump as He Genuinely is. But, Keep in Mind that those Third of All oF the Falling Angels that got Their Asses Kicked Out of  Heaven – with Him as Demonsare Now Doing Their Havoc of Winning Over Human Souls Under His, Donald Trump's ControlAlso, keep in mind that, Lucifer Won Over Those Fallen AngelsAll by Himself when He was in Heaven – Doing His Campaigning, Meetings and Rallies – to Win The Foolish Angels Over To His Sideto Worship Him – just like He is Doing Right Here and Now On Our Planet Earthonly this time He's got the Help of Those Dumb/Stupid/Foolish Demon Followers Doing Their Havoc Here On EarthAgain for Him NowDo the Math to what He must have Won Over to His Side by Now With Our Human Souls Over to His Control – keep in mind that there are a little over 7 Billion of Us Human Souls Occupying our Planet Earth Every Sense our Birth. – Think about it – We Know That They Are Here – Well, At least I Do – Simply Because, The Bible Told Us So. – So the Question Is, Where Are They – and What Makes Sense To Who They Are, Thus Far? – All I Know is that They Are Doing One Hell of a Job at it – While Doing TheirStupid Phony BaloneyNaughty Haughty – Evil Victory Laps Of Hypocritical  Card Sharks ODirty Rotten Sleazy Skunks From an Evil See related image detail. DONALD TRUMP als Kartentrick?! ☆ - YouTube!, – LOOK, IT IS WHAT IT HAS BEEN  – AS TO BE DISGRACEFULLY PROVEN  AS IT TRULY IS   –  BY HIS ENTHUSIASTIC IDIOTIC MINDLESS MINIONS


• Poetically Speaking, as a Former Republican – when there was more Integrity – than what there is of Today's, Insincerity. – So, Indeed of My Need, – I Choose to Think Right From Wrong and Good From Bad – to where Evil Has Been Hadas a Party to the Republican – So As To Be In Control Over My Own Soul – I Delete the Deceit – from the Devil to Defeat. – For the Shame, will be the Blame – of the Republican's Fame – Under the Devil's ControlOver Their Substandard Tawdry Souls – Forever to Whether the Storm – As to Be Their Norm. 


• keep in mind – that Donald Trump's Allies and Friends – are of the Norm of the Storm – of the Autocracy to Democracy – Controlled by Demon-Ocrisy of Hypocrisy – and His Main Goalis a Rob Your SoulUnder His Controlfor His Will To Be DoneWhile Having Funwith the Aftermath ofDestroying Everything In His Path. – Indeed, Say Goodbye to Ukraine – as a Gift to Putin and Taiwan to China and possibly – All of Democracy – All Over the World – To where Democracy Has Failed – Due to the Stupidity – of the Idiot-Ocrosy – of the Sin-ions of Mindless MinionsTo the Devil – On Every Single Levelof His Evil – Right Here in these United States of America's Betrayal – that Entails – the, Decided Factor – of us – as the Actor – of the Fiend of the Scene.


• Make No Mistake, that the Evil of Today’s Battle – is None Other than the War being Fought between GOOD and Evil – by GOD’S Nemesis or Archenemy of Donald Trump, The Devil Himself Relevant to the Chaos and Betrayal to our, United States of America’s Constitutional Government – by the Congress of the Republican Party In Complete Control by the DevilDonald Trump. – Laugh, Cry, Argue and Defy All  Want, but HEAR ME!  Because, This Could Very well Be Your Last Warning Presently, to Stop Your Rejoicing or Mourning to Get It Right – Before Dawn’s Early Light, because We Are in Line – with All of the  because   Again, Whereas Judgment Day – Is On Its Way for the Unbelieving Lying, Cheating and Deceiving to Have to Pay. – All I Can Say is, Hey, Everything “Undeniably” Points To It – More Than Any Other Time that History Can Prove –

The Algorithm

Of the Brain of Thought is that,

Wisdom Thinks – Whereas Ignorance Shrinks

the Brain, So,

Don Johnson

“Education is what Remains. – After One Has Forgotten

Everything that One Has Learned In School”

Elbert Einstein


• Indeed, The Massive Damage to what the Ignorance of Evil Have Done – that is so Severe to our Planet Earth and to Each other Everywhere and Almost Every Place and Way that Matters While We're Still Alive To Survive It. – Our Government and Our Planet could be Imperil on the Brink of becoming a Irreversible – to Our Survival – Where Only GOD CAN Save Us – from Ourselves! – I Can Feel It In My Bones ↔ .


• Look, Like or Dislike in the way I Say and put Things, but I'm Only Trying to Save Your Ass from Following the Deception to where Evil can Control Your Soul By the Likes of the Trash that comes out of Trump's Foul Mouth! – It's Either HEAVEN or HellWhich One Will   – His or GOD'S?


• Look, not even Sticks or Stones Can't Break my Bones – from the Hardened Feelings Within Them – of the soon to be – of Our Lord We’ll See – of HIS Eminent Return – as of Late – to Set Things Straight – from Choosing the Wrong PathInto the Aftermath – fromme Israeli if you do know  stand their  from being too Late for Forgiveness In Front of .


• Biblically, Authoritatively and Literally; the Bible Does Not See or Recognize the Color of a Skin, Flag or Political Party and it Most Certainly Doesn’t Recognize a Religion of False  Prophets either, But, Indeed, it does Recognize and See what is Good, Bad and Evil in ALL People, – But as to be Genuine and True – in All that We Do – Regardless, It’s by the Choices We Make that Ultimately Determines our Fate on Judgment  Day.


• As for me, I Am Neither a Democrat nor of the Chosen Evil of a Republican of which Donald Trump, the Devil – Owns and ControlLock Stock and Barrel – In Fact, Nowadays, I don’t Believe that one can be in Politics at all without the Hypocrisy of Being Among the Lying Tongue – of which is one of the 7/Seven Evil Things that GOD Hates the most in us. – Indeed, Their Tongues get Twisted into Believing in Their own Lies just to keep from Losing the Prestige of their Cushy Jobs at our Expense. – and  can bet Your Bottom Dollar that their Gluttony would Take that too – and Beg for More – like they Constantly Do On my Email Messages – to keep them in Power for even just another Hour. – Look, I can't put it any Clearer or Plainer than to say that the Republican Party has Blatantly become the Axis of Evil – to the people – for the Devil's Triumph, of Donald Trump! 


A Man Without Integrity – Is a Man of Duplicity

– Into a Man of Inequity – To the Shame of –

Selfish Gain – That’s Among – The Lying Tongue

That      Don’t Want to Play Cards With!


• Well, Let's call a a Spade is a Spade – Just as a Jack – is to a Jack-Ass, In Other Words, the Truth Is, that the Republican Party's Soul is in the https://www.foxnews.com/politics/speaker-johnson-talks-2024-trump-mar-a-lago-haley-vows-stay-gop-primary Control – and that's been HisSee related image detail. DONALD TRUMP als Kartentrick?! ☆ - YouTube of the Ultimate Goal – As to Steal Your Soul Tooooooooo! – AMERICA! – WE ARE IN DEEP DEEP TROUBLE, because of the Lack of Integrity of our Republican Party – to Represent Our Country's Best Interest – INSTEAD of the DEVIL'S,  and Finger_pointer.jpg and Your FAMILIES. – 





• Look, put in Disgusting Language, This Really doesn't mean Shit To me, because I'm 79 Years Old, but it sure to Fuck does to your Kids and Grandchildren LiVES  – So for Crying Out Loud, " DON'T BE HIS FUCKING IDIOT "! – Before  Have To Realize His Evil Lies – to Where it's Too Late to Escape – From the Outcome of His Damage Done


• Poetically, I’m not a Mindless Minion in the Sense of Following Card Sharks Like,  – As in The Art of the Deal movie ↔ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10HwMaqXcN8  or Treat of a Rigged  Game of a Controlling  Political Party and or a Foolish Pentecostal Evangelical's Deck  of   → The 17 Most Evil Christians in America, - Click - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7H1uCiruB0  Who Profit by Prophet-ing off the Susceptible, Gullible, Naïve Deceived Intertwined with the Weak of Mind – where they Actually Praise the LORD While Worshiping the Devil  Not Thine Stupidity!, 


The Game Is UpDisillusioned Trump Voters Tell Their

           Stories – (2022) – Full Movie – Documentaryentary



• Deplorably and or Shamefully – for the lack of Biblical knowledge that Explains the Need of what  are about to Read. – First and Foremost,  have to Believe in the BIBLE of what it says about Lucifer's Fall From Grace or Should I Say Disgrace with GOD from HEAVEN – in order to Believe in Me and My Plight of what I Write – Particularly, of Trying to Convey What I Say About – who Donald Trump really is According to what the BIBLE says about Him. – As He was Kicked Out of HEAVEN as Satan – as Both Are One of the Same Devil Today – from once He was Lucifer. – Indeed, He Possesses and Exhibits the Same Behavior – Only He got Much Stupider –  Under His Human Form Of Disgrace. – Indeed, it's the Only Thing that Makes Sense in Trying to Make Sense of a Character such as His, Donald Trump's – Stupid Blatant Behavior – that Exemplifies His Evil Behavior on a Scale that we've never ever seen before – where He Praises the Enemy of Democracythat He mimics of the Autocracy of His Obsessions – such as today's Russian's, Putin, North Korea's, kim Jong Un and or China's, Xi Jinping – to say the least of the Characteristic Displays that He Proudly Exhibits of Hitler and He Doesn't Even Hide It! – How Could Anyone of Common Sense with an Ounce of Intelligence – Following Him? – Therefore They Have to be Stupid People Right? – just like the Fallen Angels Turned Into Demons Were from – HEAVEN with Lucifer turned into Satan – under the Alias of, None Other Than Donald Trump, the Devil. – Come on, with a Little Common Sense – keep this in Mind and  Will Find – that I'm Absolutely Unquestionably Right – with the facts of all that I Write about this Disgusting Subject Matter. – Again, Just  and Smell the Roses – Before That Gate – That Awaits Behind Closes – . – All I Can Say – is to Believe What Want – Nevertheless, JudgmentDay – Is On Its Way. – Watch for Eight Signs in 2024, GOD'S Prophetic Word, The End Times Are Here – ( Last Days, BIBLE Prophecy) – Click,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7ZVZXzQlL4.



• By all means, I am not a Saint. with a Halo Hanging Over my Head – Far Be It. – even though I consider myself to be a GOOD Person, But Still Sin just like We All Do as GOOD People, but out of all of the 12 Sins of things that GOD Hates the most – I'm Not One Of Them – that being, #1Haughty Eyes of Pride and Arrogance, #2Those Who Are Among the Lying Tongue, #3Violence of Hands that Shed Innocent Blood, #4Wicked Planning, #5Feet that Are Swift To Do Evil, #6False Witness, Prophets, Hypocrites, Deceivers and or LiarsOut To Do Harm, #7Sowing Discord Among the Smart, Ignorant and Dumb – Into to the Outcome of the  Five Fingers of Evil – that being, Money, Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate – that Leads to the Fate of a – One Way Ticket To Hell's GateWhere There Can Never Ever Be An Escape – And So, As a Heated Subject Matter GoesAll I Can Say Is ThatIf This Doesn't Scare The Hell Out Of  Then Nothing Will. – So, You'll just Have to Pay Your Bill!  – All   I've   Got  to   Say  Is       ha  ha  Au Revoir – You've Earned Your Way – For Hell To Pay. – Logically Speaking, In the Way that I Think, Act, Trust, Believe, and Imagine It The Way I Write It!


• I'm just a Simple Solitary, Faithful, Loyal CHRISTS-Man that Belongs to GOD'S SONJESUS CHRIST, because my Heart, Mind and Soul Believes in THEM for Many Reasons – Mainly to where HE Saved Me From Becoming My Worst Enemy! –


• Outside of My GUARDIAN ANGEL and GOD'S SONJESUS CHRISTNobody Nor Nothing of Nobody – Controls my Mind of the Way I Think, Act, and or Believe! – Except for My Wife, Judy and or Maybe, Miss Kitty, my Fat Kitty Cat. 


• Look,Gambling Players of Naysayers out there, Like I've Already Written and Said in Some of My Other Essays  that I've Always Been Different in Many Ways From what a Normality is with People's Understanding of me? – Being Myself is Been Like Trying to Fit Into the Reality that Never Was, but to Wakeup from a Scheme of Dream that Turned Rotten into a Nightmare to be Forgotten.


• Currently, Right Now, Donald Trump is Leading the Pack With His Devoted Mindless Minion of 50% and up, Despite of His Immoral Character of Egotistical Blatancy of Bragging Rights of Raping Women and His Ongoing Raping of our Countries Foolish Credulous Citizens – into the Stupidity of Being of His Mindless Minions. – Hey, I’ve Realized That I Can’t and Will Not Argue with Stupid People, especially at the Command of Their Leader, Donald Trump, because that kind of Stupidity has No Control Over Their Anger without Common Sense of Thinking Due to Their Low Class Temper – that Has Lashed Out With Deadly Force – As Been Constantly Proven – Over and Over and Again and Again – through Their Actions – and He, the Instigator – Continually Gets Away With It. –


• Now Who Can Do That – without a Logical Explanation of Being, the Devil Himself. – to where He’s Forever Gotten Away With and Survived on Every Single Level of Evil throughout all of His Years? – Come on, Wake-Up and Smell the Roses. – Before that Gate behind  Closes On Your Ability To Think Straight and Wisely. – So,  thought to Yourself of me being an Unsociable. – Well, Now  Know Where I’ve Foolishly Learnt from being Burnt from People I’ve Known and Trusted So Many Times – to be Honest and True to Themselves – Only To Find to Be Disappointedly – True To Me.


• To Elaborate, with Insight Knowledge of the Reasons and Whys Without a Disguise of Who I Am, Think and Have Been for the Confused and Befuddled without Being Muddled: – Again, Besides and or Additionally of My Personal Experience Through Mistrust In Believing in People from the Outside of the Following, – We, The Human Species are the ONLY Species – that Hurt, Harm, Injure and Maim for Selfish-Gain The Sport, Fun, Ignorance, PowerGreed, and Even for the Love and Vindictive Hate of it – Leaving All of the Other Species at  Irresponsible, Ensensitive Mercy of Our Reckless Behavior


• Indeed, One of the 12/Twelve Things that GOD Hates the most about Us – is that We, the Human Species that HE Created in HIS OWN IMAGE – are the only Species with a Soul that Sows Discord Among Each Other – for the Poker Game of Selfish Gain – that Chooses to Go Against GOD and the 12/Twelve Things that HE Factually Hates Again, the Most about our Choosing the Wrong Side of the GOOD Primarily of the Evil BehaviorUnder the Control of HIS Arch Enemy of Satan, The Devil of All Evil From the Headquarters of Trump-land. – Sure, get Mad and Vindictive All  Want, but Judgment Day Is On Its Way. – Then GOD will have HISSay – on Who’s on the Right or Wrong – on Which Side that  Were on of History – that Will No Longer Be Your Mystery. – It's a Good Thing that GOD Forgives, because I Don't  Including Myself. – Which Explains My Uncomfortable, Unlikable Unsociable Behavior – with People. 


• Again, Poetically Speaking, I Don’t Care About Your Kin of the Color of Your Skin – Or WhoAre – Near or Far – Nor Do I Care About – Where Are From – Smart or Dumb – and Or WhetherAre Rich Or Poor, because I, Don L. Johnson Believe in the Rules of the Road that Drives the Principles of Right Over Wrong Thinking – Into the Right Direction Towards the Good Over the Sins of Bad Behavior – That Can Only be Forgiven by My, LORD JESUS My SAVIOR – Even with my Negative Attitude Towards my Association with People – It’s My Proud and Un-Ashame Personal Game of a Gamble – Worth Playing – To Win Over Those Souls For HIS Saving, because, if my Rather’s could come True, I really would Love to be Around People to Know that Are Sincere, Genuine and True to ME, but Haven’t been Lucky Enough to Win that Game – Called Trust, – So, to this Day – I Don’t Play by the Rules of a Rigged Deck of Cards where the Game is Stacked Against Me! – but I know that  are out there, and I care, – becausecan't Sing a Song like this – unless your Heart is Truly True to your Feelings – I know, because of the Weak Tears – In My Eyes – that Cries – When Singing Along with them – a Problem that I've Always Had when Composing and Singing Beautiful Songs Like This, "Let There Be Peace On Earth" – Well, My Heart Tells Me that These are GOOD People who takes to Heart of the True Meaning of the Lyrics to this Song – With GOD As Our FATHER and or CREATOR – We Are Family – Click, 







• So, Beyond the Sins of Bad – Into Evil Behavior – Not to be Forgiven by JESUS my SAVIOR, – It Profits a Man Nothing to Give His Whole Soul in Exchange for His Short Life-Span of an Entire World ... So, How in the Hell Can One Possibly Consider Doing So In Exchange for Trump's Empty, but Deceitful Evil PromisesHOW? – It’s One Hell-of-a Way of a Gamble – To Play – Specifically When the Deck is Stacked Against– to WhereDon’t Know the Cards Enough of  How or When – to Hold or Fold Them! – SoShouldn’t Play with the Hustler of a Gambler Like, Donald  Trump, the Devil  of the Deck of – All Evil – For if He Wins Your Soul – this, I know thatWill Be Under His Total  Control, because They Simply Didn’t Know How to Play the Cards  That Was Dealt Them – thus Paid the Vital Price – of Being Kicked  Out of Their Los-en Game, because of Their Chosen Shame.



• Sad but True, but Through Personal Experience and Beyond. – I have No Faith in People, because People Can Be Ignorantly Self Centered and Cold Heartedly Cruel to Each Other and Animals that Depend On Us To be able to Survive in a Healthy Way No Matter Where They Stray – By Being Responsible in a Loving Caring Way – Particularly, in the Way and Environment that the CREATORGOD Tended us to do – and To Say The Least – What about our Planet Earth that We've Been Given From It's Birth – that's on Life Support, because of Our Thoughtless Irresponsible Behavior of Recklessness – Primarily Due to the 12 Things that GOD Hates About Us The Most – that has Already Been Descriptively Detailed Above In Sentence 2/Two etc...


• We, the Human Species – are of the Only Species that GOD Naturally Created in HIS OWN IMAGE and in HIS OWN IMAGEHE Created We With a Soul – for the Soul (Sole) Purpose of Being Loyal to HIM – and that is the Difference Between Us and All of the Rest of the Species that GOD Created Here on Our Planet Earth. – That is a Difference Between Darwin's Theory of Evolutions Natural Selection and GOD'S Divine Creation of Our Soul Under the Image of HE and Not a Monkey– The Devil's Main Goal is to Rob Our Soul Under His Control of the Act of HavocChaos of Evil's Domain = Equal to Donald Trump to His Name – as the SameSatan, the Devil – on Every Single Level of Evil!



• Please Keep in Mind that Electorally – Note, It takes 51% of People's Votes in order to Elect Chosen Candidates Into Office – In the Ongoing Battle that's being Fought in this War of GOOD vs. Evil – between GOD and the Devil– So,Are Either On GOD'S Side Or the Devil's – Which Side HaveHave Chosen ?


• Sickening as it is, When I See and Witness So Many Stupid People With Low IQ'S that Blatantly Follow the Evil of Donald Trump Without any thought to a Rational Rhyme or Reason for Committing all of the Havoc of Reason for Treason at His Commandand – On Everything GOODDECENT and TRUE – that GOD Intended Us To Be and To Do. – .


• I Really Wish that I could be GOD'Michael the Arch Angel (the World World War II's Gen. Patton and or MacArthur Here on Earth) That Won the War in Heaven – by Stomping  the Shit Out of the Devil.


• Mathematically, There Are More Evil People than there are of the GOOD, Simply because,  are what  Follow – and Donald Trump, the Devil was Elected Into Office in 2016 by His Dumb-Idiotic-Stupid-Stupid-Mindless-Minions Under the Control of His Evil Dominionbecause He's there Puppeteer Master and King!



• It is so Embarrassing of the Republican Congress’s Detrimental Representation to Our Countries Credibility of Respect. – Indeed, I Really Feel Sorry for the Up and Coming Younger Generation to Have to Endure it with the Lack of Pride, because they’ve become Trump-Ian Dummy-ians of Evil People with Evil Thoughts of Intentions .


• It Is Absolutely Absolute Of The Most Embarrassing Thing That's Ever Happened In The History Of Our Country Of, The United States of America – And what  are about to See and Witness of How Ludicrously Uncharacteristic – To Say The Least. – to Find a Host off of Fox News to Have Enough Guts and Integrity to be Bold Enough to Tell the Truth the way It TRULY Is about how Far Out Stupid Stupid Stupid Their Godless Savior Of, Donald Trump Is – but Hey, Even So, Here It Is,



Fed-up Fox News host TORCHES Trump using HIS OWN WORDS




OK, with this in Mind,Need to be Educated Enough to Know The Truth to Where All of this Started Out With – The Fallen Angels from HEAVEN – (Bible Stories Explained) – The Following Link Will Do That ForClick, – Bing Videos.



• Indeed, from what I've Known, Witnessed and Experienced with a Genuine Sincerity for People to Trust. – In All of my 79 Years of Experience with People that I've known Personally of, People I've Hired To Do Work For Me, Associations, Colleagues, Friend and or Relatives Alike) – I've Learned Not To Trust, but to just Shake Hands and Walk Away to Stay to Myself – Rather then to be Inevitably Letdown Again and Again – with Their Integrity of None!


• Again, there have been Few in my Life that I've been able to Truly Steadfastly Trust to Look Out For My Best Interest – like Sticking By Me When I Needed Them In My Life of knowing that they Truly Cared – And that goes all the way back to my Early Childhood Days of Four or Five Years Old – to Where I was Old Enough to Remember Those Days of Neglect with the Feeling of Being Not Wanted as a Burden of Obligation – Instead of Belonging – that still Haunts my Memory – Right to this Very Day with a Complex that I've Never Gotten Over – To Where  Normal People Couldn't Understand me Differentially, because I am self-Sensitively Different from them in the way that I Think and Act with a Positive Mental Attitude to be the Best from all the Rest of my Colleagues Competitively – Just so that I could Feel Better About Myself by Knowing that I've Earned the Respect – that Normal  People could Readily Detect from My Positive Results – that's Turned People Off from the Acceleration into my Triumphal Celebration of Success, But Hey, It Is What It Is, because I Am Who I Am – with the Will Power To Get It Done – While Having Fun – Naturally!


• Now that  Know a Little of Who and Why I Am Who I Am Involving my Writings that Holds True Through Today. – I will Tell this, that I know that I've had a Guardian Angel Looking After Me All Along Regardless of All of My Ups and Downs Going Around and Around in My Circle of Life – through My Survival of Strife In the Way I've Lived Life. – I know for sure that I was Saved from Early Death, at Least 7/Seven Times in My Younger Years of Teens – Into my Early 20's. – yet, here I am of Writing All of this Stuff for Your a Serious Reading – if that's Possible,  My Own Guardian Angel.



• Again, I'm  thatHad Better Wake Up and Smell the Roses Before that Gate Awaiting BehindCloses, BecauseAre What Follow and Donald Trump Has Gottten to be a Loony Toony Multitudinously Stupider from Whence He was First Lucifer In HEAVEN From Where He First Fell – To Here On Earth – Now On His Way – Headed For Hell – and Those Who Follow – Will Be There As Well. – 

• Obviously, It's of One Hell-of- Place Not To Seefor a Sentiment VacationLet Alone of a Place To Be – For a Permanent Location! – That is, Unless  Are of a kleptomania Burning Desire for Fire


• In any case, I can assurethat there will be a Prioritized Special Accommodation Section in  set Aside for Special Members of the Republican Party, because They Blatantly Stand for Everything that GOD Hates the most In a Decayed Soul Controlled by Lucifer the Devil, Donald Trump.


• YOU SEE, NO ONE, NOBODY or NOTHING, but what JESUS CHRIST Stands for – Is for Everything Good, Decent and True to the Willful Control of Our Soul Over To JESUS CHRIST is the only Source That Can Save It – from the Evil One of the “Devil, Donald Trump” – That Would Sentence it or  to Hell With Him – Again, Like from Heaven – to Earth – He Fell  Along with His Mindless Minions of Foolish Demons As Well  – Just the Way They Would Have It – To Do Their Evil Havoc  Like They've Been Successfully Doing, Especially of Lately.


• So, Don’t be Foolish and Play by His Rules of His Shame Beholden to His Name, because He Will Drool All Over  as His Ultimate Goal – Is to Eat Your Soul – to where You’ll No Longer Have Control  – Like He, Donald Trump Has Done with the NOW Shameless Republican Party of Congress Lock Stock and Barrel that Ties to Their Blatant Lies that I Despise. – There is No Doubt about it – that as they are Indeed the Party of Evil Doers out of the Sewers of the Five Fingers of Evil – which is, Money, Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate – the One Way Ticket to Hell’s Gate – where there can NEVER EVER be an ESCAPE! 


• I Mean, Sincerely, – Praise the LORD – Since the War will be Over without Argument – to Who Won, because GOD’S Will – Will be Done – just like it was with Lucifer in HEAVEN. – So Be It I’d – Love to See It –for I Despise the Smelly Sewers of Evil Doers – Flush Them Down to the Pits of Hell and Say that it's Long Overdue, Good Riddance To Their Existence – AMEN and AMEN!


• Yes, I'm sure that may be saying to yourself that this Guy, Me, is a little Hateful with His Rhetoric of Writings, but like I said, there is an Ongoing Battle – Going on Between GOOD and Evil – In the War Being Fought Between GOD and the Devil and I'm, This Website is On the Side of GOD! – if I could have a Wish Come True – I would want to be GOD'S Archangel of Michael Here on Earth to Battle Evil – just like Gen. Patton and McArthur did in World War II Who Kicked the Shit out of Their Enemies to Win the War – I'm just saying.


Archangel Michael: The Strongest Angel

(Biblical Stories Explained)



• The Seven Evil’s that GOD Hates the most about a Wayward Soul is, #1 Haughty Eyes of Pride and Arroganceof which got Lucifer Cast Out of Heaven, – #2 – Those Who Are Among the Lying Tongue, – #3 – Violence of Hands that Shed Innocent Blood, – #4 – Wicked Planning, – #5 – Feet that are Swift To Do Evil, – #6 – False Witness, Prophets, Hypocrites, Liars and Deceivers Out To Do Harm and – #7 – Sowing Discord Among the Smart, Ignorant and Dumb – which Leads To the Outcome of the Five Fingers of Evil –  Controlled by the DevilUnder the Alias of Donald Trump! –


• Look, some of May not View the Point of what I Write or Say, but Wouldn’tRather Have Me Tellthe Truth – the Whole Truth – and Nothing but the Truth – So Help Me GOD – then Have to Pay – for a One-Way Ticket To Hell? – But I Can Honestly Say that I Do Not Belong to Any One of These 12 Evils that GOD Hates the Most In a Human Soul – that's in the Devils Control.


• Again and Again! Had Better Wake Up and Smell the Roses – Before That Door BehindCloses, – becauseAre WhatFollow – and Donald Trump is the Devil the Source of All Evil – and Headed for Hell  Just as It Will Happen – Just as It Has Been Written. –


• For people who Knew and Know me personally for my Open Mind of Faith in what I Proudly Don’t Hide from what I Believe and Stand for Without Shame and Embarrassment. – I say to“Judge Not, thatMay Be Judged Yourself” So, Don’t be So Proudly Into Yourself As Being Cocky, Arrogant and High and Mighty Behind Your Haughty Breath, because GOD Knows Each and Every Oneby Name with Your Heart and Soul Attached to the Same


• Again, There Will Be No One Else to Blame – For the Shame of Your Ignorance for the Lack of Your Discerning and Learning From Someone Who Was Trying to Save the First-Class of Your Ass – From FryingIn the Skillet of Hell . –


• Indeed, One of Albert Einstein's famous quotes reads that, “An Education is what Remains After One Has Forgotten Everything That One Learned In School Albert” Einstein” and He Was the Man, the Genius – that Everyone with a Reasonable Amount of Intelligence Including a Halfwit Admired and Respected Him for the Results of His Positive Mental Attitude of Thinking – "E = Mc 2 =God = TEX  "Theory of Everything  " – Also Said that, “The More I Study Science, The More I Believe In GOD


• Look, topeople who I know, DoStill Want to Doubt and Look Down on Me – For My Open Belief? – Because GOD Doesn’t and Neither Does HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST and that’s All that Matters to Me. – To Expound and Elaborate, it All Boils Down to that – I Don't Trust, Respect nor Believe in People Whose  "Loyal and Toil in Snake Oil"  and or nor do I with the Dumb Asinine Believer in their "Honor Among ThievesEither, in other words, Their Happy-Go-Lucky (Tax Cut for the Rich  just so that We, the Middle Class Can Subsidize Their Lifestyle of Mansions and Yachts! – This is how Stupid Greedy Rich People Are – that They Can't Buy Their Way Into HEAVEN – when HEAVEN is for ETERNITY! – Kenny Rogers once Said in one of His Movies, the Gambler – that  have to Know When to Hold Them and or When the Fold Them. – So Metaphorically – Don't Play a Game that  Can't Win – Especially When or If  Sin – It just Doesn't Pay – Dividends that Way.


• Hey, Look at Its (Trumps) Sickening Looking Devilish Evil  Face of Victory – JUST LOOK AT IT! – Only the Idiotic Evil Mindless Minion of a Demonic Fool – Would, Could and Does Bow Down  and Kiss His Ass  and Ring  like They’re Doing in these Photos!


Banana Republic-con Party; This is the Act to the Fact that Matches Everything that They've Recently Done with the Integrity of None But the 100% Representation of the Ultimate Enemy  of the Hypocrisy to our Democracy.


• No, Sir, The Republican Party is No Longer the party that I Used to Belong to, During the John McCain and Reagan Days, and or before this Generation Sold Their Souls Over to the Devil'sDonald Trump's Control from the Year of 2016. – – In fact, they are No Longer a part of our Founding Fathers Written Constitution of the United States of America – All the Way from 1776 to 2016. – By Name, They are more like a Third World Country. – As in an Autocratic and or a Banana Republic-can Party . He Stands for Everything that GOD Hates the Most in a Human Soul – to Where He's Got Control!


• Banana Republic is of politically unstable country. – It is not an official term for Government, but rather a Disrespected Satirical and often Condescending Term Among the Defending Wisdom of the Love, Loyal, Faithful, Appreciation and Concern for the Welfare of One's Own Country. – In this case, Mine of the USA United States of America! –  being Attacked by a Traitorous Treacherous Enemy as in  the Photo Above with His Evil Banana Peelings of the Aficionado Banana Republic-Can Party.



Our Founding Fathers


Would Be Going Bananas While Kicking Ass


Right About NOW!



Jon Michael Ogletree

Overture: Let There Be Peace On Earth

(Piano Arrangement)








 I Wish for You Jesus



Essay Design, Composed and Written by Me,



Donald Lee, Johnson